The Sweetest Darkness


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Wait, what was that? She'd heard a laugh?

As she came she thought she'd seen a shadow had flitting inside the stall with her at the far corners of her vision. There was no laugh silly girl, you'd just made yourself cum hard and proper! It was a good release.

As for what you saw... well blame those shitty fluorescent lights in this ladies room. Damn things were always flickering... now pull your things together and wash your hands. Oh and find that shoe!

She washed her hands in the sink, satisfied she'd done a good job of taking care of business. She'd need about another five minutes back at her desk and she'd be done with her numbers. She failed to see a flimsy shadow slip out the open washroom window to her right into the darkness beyond.

Now Karl was out for a night on the town.

The remainder of the evening went very much the same as all the other late nights for Kristie. She arrived home, fed Oreo, pulled a frozen dinner for herself out of the freezer, and plopped herself down in front of the TV. She wanked herself to sleep, got up the next morning at six and repeated the process. The process. The same process again and again until it was strung into five processes, signaling allegedly then end of a work week. It was a bloodless grind - she only wished she'd find a man to grind on her the way this week had. She only wished she could find a cock to suck as hard as the way the "process" had sucked the joy out of her; day after day, week after week, month after joy-sucking month.

But today was a Friday. Friday was different. She told herself it was, anyhow. It was a lie. She'd be here late... but all day she worked pretending the opposite to be true. That Friday would be different, however. She simply didn't know it.

Five o'clock came and with it, she was still scowling at email. She'd opened attachments on something she promised herself could wait until Monday and BOOM, she was working on a project that would keep her busy well past quitting time. She was disappointed in herself but not in the least bit surprised. The only one going out this evening would be her cat Oreo by the looks of things, (and of course he'd prowl the neighborhood until the wee hours while she was asleep after having frigged herself rotten once again with the TV on). The rest of the world would be out enjoying the evening and she'd squander yet another Friday night.

People began to get up, gather their things and start their commute home while she tap- tap - tapped away. Fewer and fewer people lingered. One or two folks in other cubicles finished phone calls and departed. It began to grow long shadows everywhere outside the window as the sun sank lower and lower. Shortly the horizon became crimson as the minutes ticked off and a ticked-off Kristie ignored what time it was as she worked another pointless task.

Darkness outside prevailed now. The lights in the cube farm dimmed momentarily as one of the late-hanging coworkers started to turn out the lights, only to realize Kristie was still present and working hard as ever.

"I'll get the lights Walt," she called out to him, "have a good weekend!"

Walt nodded and shrugged, then headed out into the hall. Now Kristie was alone. She tapped away at her computer and then heard Walt's cheerful voice ring out waaaay off down the hallway,

"Evening Karl!"

"Good evening Walt," Karl replied, "and you be sure to have a good weekend."

"You too!"

Karl was here? How late had Kristie been working? She looked at the clock. 6:15 - damn, she didn't mean to be here still but....

She scooted out into the hall for another one of her "drinking fountain" trips. Unfortunately, upon hitting the dark hall, she caught sight of Karl stepping into his office. Before shutting the door however, he shot a look down the long hall at her. He winked and smiled cordially.

That wink was like a lightning bolt. It traveled through the dimness of the hall straight to her eye, cutting a sharp downward corner and straight-on into her clit. Her nookie nub throbbed, hard. The feeling rebounded straight up, crashing into her brain.

"Hi Kar... " she began to say, (now realizing she was talking to air as she distinctly hear his door close up the hall behind her). She was a failure again.

Sonovabitch! Sonovabitch! Sonovabitch, I missed him!

She didn't do her usual however. There was no trip to the restroom. She wanted to finish her numbers and get this week over with so she could be pathetic on her couch while Oreo went out and had more of a life than she; pissing on the neighbor's deck furniture and screwing every feline in heat in a half-mile radius. She returned to her cube.

She worked the numbers a bit more. The minutes ticked by. Strangely, despite her decision to avoid "me time" in the ladie's room, the need to rub one out persisted. Over the next ten minutes, with each tap of the keyboard she sensed that the effect of that wink of Karl's had simply not washed away.

What the hell. Who is keeping track of me at the moment anyhow? No need to go to the girl's room.

Her thong panties hit the grey carpet of the cube farm. She raised her ass from her chair and pulled her skirt up before plopping herself back down with spread legs for better "access." Her hands went to work.

This was a first for her, masturbating at work area; in the cube farm no less! She was such a bad girl. A very BAD girl!

What would her mother think? If she made enough of a mess... what would the cleaning crew think? She chuckled to herself, ran a tongue across her lips and frigged her pink sex. Besides... she was alone, who was going to find out?

She was wrong again. There was someone else there. A shadow, drifted down out of the circulation vents like so much dust, so much smoke, so much shimmery "gas vapors on a hot day." The collective bits of nothingness moved along the her.

She didn't see the cloud of shadowy nothing rise from the floor. She didn't see it grow and take form. It was now man-sized, man-shaped, and becoming solid.

Flesh, bone, hair, clothes, shoes; they were all there in one complete being now. Karl stood before her. He cleared his throat.


Kristie'd had her eyes shut but now they flew open and to her mortified horror. Karl was standing right there between her and her keyboard! Hell, he was between her widely spread knees, even. He was most definitely "in her space" as they liked to say down in HR. THIS however was the least of her concerns.

Wide-eyed with fright, she'd been caught and she knew it! Her mouth opened in an attempt to shriek ....yet no sound came forth. Her instinct was to bolt to her feet and formulate some absurd explanation as to what she'd been doing in her computer chair, (despite the fact she'd clearly had her fingers up inside her pink gash between spread thighs). Again she tried to speak but no, Karl had made eye contact with her and quickly placed a finger to her lips, silencing her voice as easily as snuffing a candle.

"Calm... calm... calm yourself," he cooed in that voice like soft drizzling honey.

For all her panic and terror just a moment before, Kristie now felt herself strangely tranquil. His word or perhaps the look in his eyes had completely shifted her mood, her emotions. She now felt as if she were lead; unable to move. Delightfully so. She still tried to speak but no... his finger came down again gently to her lips.

"Shusssssh, shush, shush!" he told her, a strange devilishly handsome confidence.

She had not a sound in her throat anywhere to be found it seemed. There were no words necessary anyhow. That finger felt so cool to her lips and the soothing notes in his shushing let her know he'd be more than complicit.

He'd be illicit.

In a flash he was down between her legs with her knees high and the swivel chair tipped back to the very limits of its mechanics. His dexterity surprised her. He was stronger than he looked, (in fact he was "beast strong" for a fellow so lean and slender).

He was deft too. Those fingers of his set to work, stroking her petals with the gentle brush of a butterfly's wing. He knew precisely how much pressure she required without going so much as one hair over it. It was like a warm loving second set of her very own hands; as if he were inside her head reading exactly how she liked her hooded nub to be teased, how she liked her petals traced, the rim of her pink sex-hole stroked. Oooh she felt a happy little shudder - he was just as good as she'd fantasized!

She opened her eyes and saw him looking back at her; that same ever-present confidence working its magic. She began to juice... just a little seep, but juice nonetheless. The finger wiggled its way inside her and hooked back upon itself; finding her gush-button as his other hand did that little soothing strokey strokey thing to her nub.

"You've needed this for some time," he commented in that same honey-drizzle voice. Now she was leaking. That voice and that hooked finger did it. Seeping humidity began to trickle and run.

Karl changed it up. Instead of talking, he put that tongue of his to its best use. Oh and use it he did!

Kristie's eyes went wide as that tongue did that... that THING to her! She'd been eaten before, but this was something altogether different. It defied her understanding of anatomy and geometry; all in an action beyond what she believed the human tongue was capable of inflicting upon a twat.

It was blazing fast; delightfully so. Her mind could barely register the darting flicking pleasure as it worked its way up inside her puss petals, exploring the folds and creases; diddling her clit with wicked little flicks. It was as though a delightfully diligent hummingbird was supping her; one with a tongue that was positively pointy, fleshy and deliciously devilish, (all at the very same time)!

It was absolutely prehensile as well. It suddenly seemed to take upon a life of its own, moving down...down...down to her twat-hole and then up... up... up inside her; only to keep on going! She suddenly found herself bucking and humping against his face as that tongue now seemed transformed, serpent like now and wriggling up inside her... so wonderfully.

She'd been holding her legs up for him, hands beneath her thighs. It was totally unnecessary as he was well in control of her pretty legs which were going nowhere at the moment. Overcome, she dropped her hands to his head and ran fingers through that black hair, pulling him by the back of his skull and humping his face selfishly - she so needed this! It was then that tongue did one more .... thing.

It curled back against itself and hooked like a pose-able finger; smack bang on that juice button up inside that twat of hers. He was giving her g-spot a good old fashioned finger fuck... and with his tongue no less! With one free hand he now brought the pad of his thumb to her clit... and stroked. The effect took faster than even he expected.

She sucked in her breath and it all came up within her. Her lip quivered and frantically she thrashed hips. Her eyes slammed shut as she shook her head from the extreme sensation shuddering through her...ripping through her... gnawing through her... WAIT GNAWING? Was he biting her? OH HELL WHO CARED IT FELT SO GADDAM GOOD!

"HAAANNNHHHHHHH" she bawled out through her nose and a second later she filled his mouth with splashings; her orgasm echoing throughout the cube farm!

He raised his head from her thighs and smiled as she opened her eyes dreamily, returning the grin. She'd splashed like a broken pipe and now felt deliciously calmas the drops trickled down his chin, her thighs, and from the chair. She shook and wriggled happily, finally finding the strength to speak.

"Woo-hoo!" she exclaimed quite impressed with what had just transpired, "never came that hard... ever!"

"More chances for that tonight," he said coming to his feet and offering his hand, "at a place across town I know of,"

"But I have work to finish," she said, looking back to her computer screen.

"Seriously?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at the work she didn't need to be doing, "I mean, its Friday and this work has Monday at nine, written all over it,"

"But you can't just leave either," she protested with a pretty head still swimming in post-orgasmic fog, "you have to..."

"To work?" he grinned, with that voice trickling honey again; all soothes and dreaminess, "its Friday, its my night off,"

True enough, she'd never seen him come in on Friday nights. Even a night owl like Karl needed time off. So what was he doing here anyho...?

"I had to come in and get something from the building?" he said as if reading her thoughts.

"What was that?" she asked as she bent down to retrieve her thong panty, searching for it unsuccessfully.

"YOU," he shot back smugly, holding her panty up triumphantly in his other hand before flicking it into her open purse on her desk. How'd he been so fast snatching those up from the floor?

"Oh and don't put those back on," he continued, "you won't be needing anything of the sort where we're going."

"You came here for" she blushed and looked away shyly.

"Of course," he admitted, "I was intrigued and turned on considerably... what from all your nasty delicious self-abuse all these late evenings in the lavatory after I'd come up the hall to work. I had to... make my move."

He knew about THAT? How in the hell...? She was mortified, and speechless, and... turned on.

"Oh please," he snapped softly, "the fact that I know is of no importance. The fact that it drew me to you tonight, now that's something significant,"

He offered his hand again. He was so very VERY charming ...and had done simply devilish things to her down between those legs of hers. He cocked one eyebrow wryly.

"Shall we?"

She took his hand with a barely perceptible nod and with her free hand logged off her computer before snatching up her purse. The two left the room. Karl hit the lights, bathing the cube farm in darkness broken only by the fire exit's light. They moved as an illicit pair down the hall, into the darkness beyond.

Illicit? She may have felt that way... leaving her work half completed. It was a good girl's guilt. She needn't have felt that way, it was Friday evening, and this was ...a date.

They exited ground-floor lobby. Karl and she both gave the security guards a curt nod. One of the guards behind the desk watching television news mentioned something about them having a good weekend, but to no avail; the glass door already closing behind their backs as they moved swiftly, anxious to start this thing Karl had in mind. They stepped out into the night moving along the streets of the city heading further downtown.

It began to rain. First one or two drops here and there; coming out of the grey black swirling vastness of the night sky. Then a bit more; pitty pats here and there.

"Maybe another night?" she asked.

"Come on," he said with that assuring wry smile, "you aren't going to let a few drops stop you?"

She snuggled in close, letting the odd drops strike now and again as they step, step, stepped along. She didn't mind the drops. She was with him. He'd already make her absolutely soaking that night; what was a few dribbles more anyhow?

They made their way downtown. The partiers were not quite out in force yet; most probably still finishing off dinner before stepping out, (or having a drink at the cheaper bars offering drinks at discount prices). Dinner sounded good, to both of them.

In the restaurant they sat in a high booth in a corner. It was marvelously dark in the place with an ever-present red lighting system keeping the place illuminated yet cozily dim. The high backs and closed sides of the booths did the rest. Privacy was assured when the waitress was away.

As they ate they enjoyed in charming conversation, with her happily laughing over her meal. He ordered plenty of red wine for her and eventually told the waitress to just leave the bottle. He didn't have any. Didn't touch his water either; just tucked into his steak, (so rare it looked like a car crash with no seatbelts in use). In between bites, he was charming and eloquent, always hitting her with that honey-drip of a voice, a voice she wanted to simply curl up in a ball with and snuggle inside.

Of course, there was "other snuggling inside" going on during the whole meal -that being his hand. He may have been the perfect gentleman above the table but down below it was a different story altogether. That hand of his was down inside her legs beneath her skirt; taking full advantage of her thong being out of the way, stuffed inside her purse, oh and what a busy hand it was!

She absolutely juicing from it; downright squishy even. His fingers were blasting in and out of her puss flower, diddling her to a frenzy and it was all she could do to not gasp out in the restaurant. She feared having everyone craning necks to see what was the trouble.

Her clit took the abuse too; took it like a trooper and on several occasions she just gave in and humped his hand like the wanton little slutty hoe-bag she'd always wished to be. There in the dimness on at least three occasions she climaxed; orgasming good and solid too, (with the clatter of dishes plus the voices of the waitresses and diners covering their mischief. On each ocassion she stopped speaking and merely gripped her hands upon the edge of the table; letting him do it - as he reveled in getting her off.

The seat beneath her ass was a was a veritable swampy mess. It was a very good thing indeed he'd seen fit to have her pull her skirt high above her hips so as not to soil things. She was exposed; nude from the waist down and to her amazement she felt both thrilled and completely at ease, as he blocked the view of anyone approaching their table with his own imposing form.

The vinyl seat and the carpet below took the brunt of the drips and dribbles, (plus three of the napkins snatched from atop the table). Oh he was behaving like an absolute fiend, whilst she herself was the worst of absolute whores. She totally loved it; every stroke, every caress, ever squishy dribble - all while up above the table the meal and the polite conversation went on!

Dinner and coffee finished, he took care of the bill. They left the establishment, heading back out into the streets; step, step, stepping along through the raindrops on their way to... something. He was being coy about it. He wouldn't say what or where it was, just that it was special. It was ok, she liked surprises.

They turned down a narrow street. The shops to either side were boarded up. They then passed a dingy pawn shop and a florist shop that had closed for the night, then a series of rundown working class dive bars, then a parking garage. This was special?

The way ahead became narrower and darker. Thankfully the rain had let up but it was replaced by a darkness shadowy pavement and dumpsters whose roof was a swirling black stew of cloudy skies, illuminated from below by other parts of the city. The street smelled of rain and uncollected trash. A figure stepped out of a side street.

"Can you spare some change, Sir? Ma'am?" the man said.

Karl made eye contact with him and handed him some coins from his pocket.

"You need to get off the streets," he said to the bum, "its dangerous out here."

He looked at the fellow with a strange stare that made the panhandler's face suddenly lose all emotion as his eyes glazed over. It was like the shabby looking derelict had suddenly been struck by a dart coated with some exotic drug, placing him in a strange altered trance. The pause was long, and uncomfortable for Kristy. She moved closer to Karl. Then the man spoke in a dreamlike state,