The Sxnce Experience


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The visual began to refer to the girl by Jan's own name. Jan easily associated herself as the object of foreplay in the visual. The sex senses aroused Jan's passion very slowly. Jan's body craved a speeding up of the arousal. A slight vibration struck her clitoris. Jan pressed down to capture more of the effect. She could feel her orgasm approach. Cruelly enough the "Anticipation" program was shutdown as Jan was left wanting a release.

Jan rested for a few minutes and the program restarted. The program repeated itself. Jan regained her arousal even quicker. Jan observed a visual that had been programmed to create the same sensations being felt by her body. The feeling was incredibly realistic. She reached for the bars overhead and arched her pelvic region into the special seat holding her captive.

Her orgasm was almost upon her but was stopped as the system shutdown again. A loud class=Section2> disruptive sound erupted from the sound system that halted Jan's orgasm quest. Jan's body began to ache. This exercise had become mild torture. Jan had to endure 30 minutes of this exercise. She looked at the clock and noticed that only one half of the time had elapsed.

The routine started again. The same sensations were administered to Jan's senses. Her body responded even quicker as she now began to feel an invasion of her vagina. The damn thing then stopped its invasion. Her hands held tightly to the bars overhead as she used them for leverage. She opened her body for more penetration. She was so close, yet, she was denied again. Jan yelled, "No, No, don't stop, please get me off." Jan became very agitated and frustrated. Her hands gripped tightly, her eyes widened, and perspiration dampened her body.

The action restarted. All of the sensations were repeated. By now, Jan had no use for the early foreplay. Her body needed to be assaulted very aggressively. She involuntarily fought to achieve that impending orgasm. Finally she was receiving clitoral vibration; her vaginal opening had begun to be penetrated and finally her anal opening felt a new intrusion. The action was stronger yet again no completion was realized. An alarm sounded as time ran out.

Jan struggled to free herself from the "Anticipation" equipment. She found herself nervous, agitated and frustrated. Her body was wound tight. If a woman was capable of rape, Jan felt that she was close to that point. She hoped and prayed that the next session would grant her some release.

She could hardly wait. She knew the next session wasn't called the "Big O" session for nothing.


Chapter 5: The "Big O" Room

When Juli came in she found Jan's demeanor much as expected. Jan's conversation was very snappy, very irritable. Juli asked, "How do you feel?"

Jan replied very curtly, "I need a fucking ... I'm ready to explode. Every hair on my body is ready to flash some kind of electric charge."

Juli reassured her that her physical state was very normal at this stage of the exercise. Juli further stated that she would need all of this pent up energy for the next session.

Jan wanted to reflect on her experience to this point. Her body refused to allow such reflection. The animal caged within her was searching for a release. There was no coy inhibition, no demure innocence.

As Jan entered the "Big O" room, she paused briefly to examine the equipment arrangement. She could only marvel at the wonders of new technology. At that moment Jan's interest was not in the nature of the equipment, she just wanted to get strapped in and get on with the orgasm ride.

She easily recognized her mount. Juli motioned her to a padded table much like those seen in a doctors examining room. It was different, in that one end of the table rose above the headrest. Obviously the lady's genital area would rest in a position facing the ceiling. Her legs would be drawn up against her chest. The resting area was contoured to fit the shape of a female. A belt was strategically located to secure a person around the mid section. Juli pointed out that the belt was merely a safety precaution too keep her from bouncing off the table.

Jan lie down on the table and let Juli strap her in place. Juli then showed Jan the quilted makeshift post pivoted at the top of the raised hip rest. Juli installed the clitoral exciter, the vaginal insert and the anal probe, and lowered them within the saddle. Jan spread her labia as the saddle area of the post was the pulled tightly into her crotch.

Jan found herself resting on the form fitted table with her hips raised above her body. She didn't care...there was no shame...she was full of carnal lust craving a release. Then the lights dimmed. Jan tightly held onto the padded mannequin which placed intense pressure on her pussy. The room turned into a virtual studio. Jan noticed three video screens appear on the ceiling with images of a handsome male embracing her image.

Jan began to move against the saddle lodged between her legs. She felt a faint vibration. She noticed the mirror images of her lust appear on the screen along with similar sensual images emanating from the male image. The visuals and sounds coming from the male image sent Jan to new heights.

All of a sudden a probe pressed against her asshole. There was no withdrawal this time. Jan accepted the lubricated anal plug without hesitation. The sensation was new, so taboo. Again, she exhibited no shame only a drive for the first of many orgasms.

Then there was a mild electric shock administered to her clit. The response was automatic. Her first orgasm struck. She felt the internal muscles of her vagina spasm involuntarily. The mild shock continued to spray against her clitoris. She wrapped her arms and legs around the center post as the spasms racked her entire being. She held on and rode those wonderful waves of pleasure. The images on the screen showed the male figure embracing Jan in his arms and clutching her to his chest as she bucked and spasmed into a quiet peaceful afterglow. It was ecstasy. The orgasm subsided, yet she hungered for more.

The exercise was pre-programmed. Jan did not know what to expect next. All of her previous orgasms seem a blur. A hunger burned in her lower stomach. Her vagina needed penetration. Her wish arrived. Her vulva was pouring the fluids of passion. Pre-lubrication of the invading dildo would not be necessary. Her riding towel had become soaked. She began to feel pressure from the insertion tool as it emerged from the riding saddle. Her mind concentrated on the carnal pleasure being administered. She easily recognized a very thick instrument making entry. She braced herself for the welcome intrusion. A vibration began that caused the muscles around her opening to stretch, to clutch and draw it in further. Jan's second arousal was in progress. The bulbous end of the insert began to expand and pulsate. This was a new sensation. As the expansion filled the space inside her vagina, the feelings produced were extremely erotic. Jan's breathing became heavier. The internal pulsating pressure heightened the feeling produced in her anal area. Her g-spot was getting a direct pounding. Jan sensed no escape. The swollen phallus literally had her trapped.

Suddenly an orgasm struck again. Shock waves ripped through her body from her sexual center to the ends of her feet and hands. Muscles twitched and her body flailed about the sex saddle.

The spastic waves seemed endless. Jan sensed being impaled onto this sexual thrill ride with little or no control. Her body lay helplessly invaded and subjected to the most intense pleasure one could imagine.

After the last orgasm subsided, a brief respite was allowed. Jan noticed a set of padded cups embracing her breast. The sensual fabric was very soft and relaxing. Then she noted a pulsating vacuum cover against her nipples. Jan's breasts were very sensitive. They had always enjoyed a firm massage. There seemed to be a direct sensual link between her breasts and the lubrication taking place in her vagina.

As Jan enjoyed the milking action of the breast cups the virtual image on the screen showed the male figure suckling her breast. The visual imagery further enhanced her third arousal.

Jan felt some reciprocation from the anal plug. The self-lubricated anal plug made the in and out action quite stimulating. The plug would completely remove itself and gently re-enter. She pressed into this action very aggressively. She braced herself for another orgasmic explosion. She could tell this was going to be her most intense. Her body raced. Some fear tugged at her as she knew she was traveling into an area of lust she had never experienced. She was right there on the edge.

Then it happened. Simultaneously an electric shock wave was a applied to her clitoris, a similar charge was applied by the anal plug and a series of spurting jets of fluid blasted the internals of her vagina. The effect was overwhelming. Her body disconnected from her mind and went into a perpetual state of volcanic-like eruption. Her pussy began to squirt and discharge the induced fluids. Her body continued a steady state of spasm. Jan began to faint as the artificial stimuli continued the onslaught.

This is a time the personal assistant has to monitor very closely to make sure the equipment shuts down when the exercise subject reaches the unconscious orgasmic state. Juli had been trained in the revival of clients after they pass out from the multiple orgasms.

Juli began removing the tools of pleasure from Jan's body after wiping her forehead and chest with cool wet towels. As Jan emerged from her orgasmic fainting spell, Juli asked, "Are you sore?"

"I'm not sure right now. I know that my sex drive is completely exhausted," said Jan.

Juli smiled and said, "Save your strength you have some sexual dessert coming."

"Oh no, I almost forgot...I'm not sure I have anything left...I may not be good for him," said Jan.

Juli reassured, "Don't worry you will do fine. Bob will see to that, but first we've got to freshen you up a bit with a quick shower. "


Chapter 6: Jan's Reward

After the relaxing shower Jan pulled over her body a sheer diaphanous pink negligee that tied around her panties were necessary. Jan and Juli reviewed the male subject's file selected for her first reward.

Bob Klein had been enrolled in the advance program at the Sxnce Club for over two years and had developed quite a reputation for penile pleasure. One of the objectives of the training at Sxnce was to develop this capability in men.

Bob had been chosen after The Club had recommended three initial subjects. Jan made the final choice after reviewing their biographies, viewing their photographs and reading first-time comments from other female members. Bob was a well known successful businessman in the local community.

Bob was not overly handsome, although his body was very trim...not too muscular. Bob had a quite demeanor and made his partners feel very much at ease according to many of the comments written by others. Many keywords jumped out at Jan that impressed her with Bob. Words like confident, considerate, empathetic, passionate, comfortable, popular, skilled, etc. Almost all commented on Bob's masterful penis control.

Jan could only wonder as his nude picture indicated that Bob's penis was very normal in appearance. Jan was impressed by this fact, because she did not want the first sexual encounter with another person to be about penis size. She wanted a very special, memorable conclusion to her first sexual exercise experience.

Juli led Jan into the "Reward Room". In the center of the room was a very comfortable, narrow bed. The bed was quite different in its height. Juli explained that Bob would be standing in the performance of his sexual activity and the height of the bed was set to accommodate this activity. In addition, the lower half of the bed was split and could be slid apart allowing a male to walk up to her pussy and have her pleasure served.

Juli left Jan in a semi-reclining position with her back resting against the headboard. Her heartbeat quickened in anticipation as Bob entered the room. She was surprised and impressed with the loincloth Bob was wearing. It was obvious that the loincloth barely concealed his cock. He wore nothing else. The visual effect was tantalizing and erotic. Bob walked over next to the bed and offered his hand in greeting, and with an unassuming smile introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Bob Klein and I thank you for selecting me as your first mating partner. Your smile is truly warm and radiates true beauty."

Jan was reassured that she had picked an excellent pleasure mate. Smiling Jan responded," You come highly recommended. I'm sure the pleasure will be all mine."

Confidently, Bob strode to the side of the bed, and untied the sash holding her negligee, thus baring her breast and mid-section. Bob reached for the faint flower scented lotion and began to massage Jan's neck and shoulders. He asked, "Are you sore anywhere?"

Jan smiled and said, "Not yet. I'm sure I will be tomorrow. There is a lot of fatigue down there. And it doesn't look like we have finished yet." She began to stare at his loincloth in hopes of a glimpse of his cock

Bob moved his face close to Jan's lips and said, "We can stop now if you like."

With that inviting tease, Jan reached behind Bob's head and pulled him to her lips. Their tongues met and her much anticipated arousal began to build. She couldn't help herself...her hand reached under the loincloth and cupped his balls. She sensed a tightening in his sack. As their lips broke, her fingers encircled a growing erection. She was amazed at the thickness his cock reached. She sensed that her pussy had begun to lubricate and he was nowhere close to touching that area in their foreplay.

Bob asked permission to continue his massage on her breasts. Jan's only reply was, "Please hurry." The warm oil and strong hands on her breast heightened the pleasure further. Jan's hand had started stroking Bob's strong cock behind the loincloth. It hardened even more.

With a firm grip on Bob's cock and slight tug, Jan pulled him closer. With her other hand she reached over and untied the string of his loincloth and let it fall to the floor. She wanted to give as much as she was receiving. In a natural instinctive gesture, Jan placed her lips around Bob's cock. It was her first indication of what was to come next. Bob's cock began to pulse and pound in her mouth to the rhythm of his heartbeat. The feeling was incredible. She had never felt so much strength and energy in a cock.

Bob's hands had now traveled to her labia. Jan shifted slightly and spread her legs wide, giving him easy access to her wanting pussy. The application of lotion and gentle massage felt so wonderful. She was sure that her vulva had opened and exposed her clitoris to his arousing touch. She tried to orally consume all of Bob's cock as he advanced her passion.

Bob pulled free from Jan's lips and walked around to the end of the bed. The two halves of the lower section of the bed opened and Bob walked up to Jan's pussy. Bob asked, "Are you ready?"

Jan could only nod her head affirmatively and beg with pleading eyes.

Bob gently laid his cock between the swollen lips of Jan's pussy. As Bob continued his gentle massage, he instructed Jan to lie very still and concentrate on everything going on in her vagina.

Defying Bob's instruction Jan shifted and arched her pussy upward so that she could feel the full length of his cock between her engorged pussy lips. Again Bob chastised Jan and reminded her that a continuing part of the exercise program was to fully train their sexual muscles to their greatest potential, that is, without effort from any other parts of their body.

Jan lay back and waited for Bob's next move. She observed Bob stroking his cock and angling it in the direction of her opening. The bulbous glans slid between the lower ends of her labia and began to stretch her opening. Her lubrication was a plenty as her pussy opened like a blooming flower. As he began his entry Bob instructed Jan to close her opening and try to prevent his penetration.

Jan asked, "How can I do that when I'm so wet."

"Mind over matter," said Bob, as he felt Jan's attempted resistance. He continue to lean into her opening. Jan tried hard to hold him out, but the pleasure was too much to maintain her resistance. Her vagina relaxed under Bob's assault, opened up and allowed his invasion. "Wait, wait," Bob chanted, "Let's hold it there for the moment and concentrate on the squeeze...oh yes that's great."

As Jan lay still for a moment she began to realized what the other girls had enjoyed with Bob. It seemed that Bob's cock began to take on a life of its own. The pulsing now seemed to beat even stronger. She nestled her vagina completely around Bob's pulsating cock. Bob continued to remind Jan to remain motionless and savor every moment of pleasure they were giving each other at the core of their joined sex center. Jan began to concentrate and participate equally in the in the firestorm of sexual pleasure generated deep within their loins. On the outside they remained motionless and tried to advance their pleasure without any emotion showing on their faces.

Bob stood between Jan's thighs with his rod firmly planted in her vagina and instructed her to close her eyes and be perfectly still. His cock surged more. He was able to generate an in and out motion without any external movement. Jan tried to grasp and clutch his cock as waves of muscle contractions were felt. The effect of this action was so erotic. She wanted him to hold her and caress her. His cock continued the raging assault inside.

Jan inhaled suddenly as Bob's cock suddenly reared upward and pressed into her g-spot. His hands began to caress her inner thighs so smoothly. He tenderly touched the outer area of her labia. Bob, no doubt, was a master at delivering female pleasure.

Jan wanted her clitoris touched. It seemed as though Bob was playing a very teasing, waiting game. They stared in each others eyes searching for any visible sign of sensual pleasure. Jan noticed a slight increase in Bob's breathing, a red flush appeared on his chest and small beads of sweat appeared on his upper lip. Jan's pussy was now in tune with the motion of Bob's cock. She had discovered that she could impart a milking action of her own. She began to create internal vaginal waves that pulled Bob's cock further into her depths.

Bob whispered, "Girl, you are real good for the first time. You are going to be dangerous when you get the hang of this."

Jan smiled as she acknowledged Bob's compliment. Her passion had now become carnal lust. Even though she was close to her orgasm, she was doing everything she could to prolong the pleasure. This was an awesome experience.

Bob continued the storm raging in Jan's vagina.

Jan was now presented with a swelling of Bob's cock. The sensations were new. Bob's cock hardened even more. She began to feel a pounding at the entrance of her uterus. The speed of the pulsations had increased immensely. Jan held on as tight as she could with her internal muscles and in doing so found out that the pressure increased further against her g-spot. His cock flailed unmercifully. Then ever so slightly Bob's flicked his thumb across her clit. It was like triggering a display of fireworks. The sensation produced an uncontrolled wailing. Her body could not maintain its stillness. Her orgasm fired simultaneously with Bob's. Strong jolts of ejaculate jettisoned against her uterus.

Riding Bob's cock, Jan rose into his arms. Her vagina and lower body continued in the throes of orgasmic spasm. The strength of Bob's erection supported Jan's weight and continued firing. Each of their bodies trembled in unison as they fell back on the bed.