The Tangled Web Ch. 06


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Eventually she fell still and silent, watching the man in front of her and Mike's body, still but apparently breathing, on the floor close by.

The biker in front of her slowly removed his helmet. To Lynn's horror, Stuart stood before her, an angry, vicious sneer on his face. Held firmly by his enormous fiend, she felt very afraid.

"Hello Babe!" he said in a cold, hard voice. "I think we've got a bit of unfinished business."

Lynn began to struggle in fear once again, but was held firmly by the huge man behind her. Adjusting his grip on her arms, he held her tightly, her hands twisted behind her back. Every twist of her body was agony to her arms. She stopped struggling again and stared Stuart in the eyes.

"Let me go, you bastard! Let me go!" she shouted, then wailed as her arms were twisted cruelly again. Stuart put a finger on her lips, and leaned over until his face was inches from hers.

"It's best to be quiet, Lynn baby." His breath was full of beer and cigarettes. Lynn tried to turn her face away, and then recoiled in shock as he slapped her once more.

"Shhh. You need some better manners, babe. It's not nice to refuse a friend like you did."

With that, Stuart gripped her cheeks in his right hand and forced her lips into a pucker. He placed his mouth on hers and kissed her forcefully, his tongue diving into her mouth but finding her teeth tightly closed. Without taking his mouth from hers, he punched her lightly in the stomach. Her jaws immediately opened involuntarily and he forced his tongue into her mouth, rubbing his lips over hers in a grotesque parody of a long slow kiss. Lynn's stomach churned with fear and disgust. Finally his mouth released hers and he stepped back.

"You see babe, if I want to do something, I'm going to do it. You'd just better get used to the idea." He went on. "See! If I wanted to do this..." He grasped her left breast in his right hand and squeezed it hard. Lynn flinched. This hurt. Lynn's breasts at eighteen were large, full and firm. They were also very sensitive. Tears formed in her eyes.

"Then I will do it..." Stuart put both hands on her breasts and kneaded them. "Like it?" He demanded. "Your nipples are getting hard, just like the little slut they say you are." He released her breasts and for a second, Lynn thought her torment was ending. She was wrong.

"Let's see how you like this, then.. " He said and to her astonishment, he dropped his hand between her thighs, lifting her skirt and sliding his middle finger over her vulva. Only her panties prevented his finger invading her body. She bucked forwards and jammed her knees tightly together in a vain attempt to stop him. He tapped her cheek firmly, momentarily distracting her, and then rammed his hand down the inside of her panties, this time succeeding in forcing his finger between her outer labia. Lynn cried out in fear and shame, but her captor twisted her arms backwards hard and her voice was cut off short.

It hurt. Her vagina was bone dry through fear, but Stuart still forced his finger upwards into it.

"Like this, slut?" He pushed his finger further into her vagina and twisted his hand. "From what I hear, I'm about the only one in school who's not been here." He twisted his hand again, catching her pubic hair between his knuckles and pulling it. Lynn cried out in pain.

"We'll have to put that right." Stuart pulled his finger out of Lynn roughly. He stood back and addressed the big biker holding her so securely. "Put her down, Gus."

Lynn's arms were suddenly and violently twisted upwards until her knees bent and she fell forwards onto the hard concrete floor. The two bikers then pulled her body backwards until she lay spread-eagled; her arms open wide, pinioned by the big man's knees. Her legs were pointed towards Stuart and she clenched her knees together again firmly. She had no doubt what Stuart's intentions were.

Standing above her, he kicked her ankles with his motorcycle-booted foot until he had forced her legs apart. Stuart stood above the terrified Lynn, the sneer, now almost triumphant, still on his face. Slowly and threateningly, he threw off his leather jacket and began to unfasten the waist of his trousers. He lowered them to his ankles and pulled his boxer shorts down to meet them.

Lynn's eyes were fixed in terror on the erection that sprang from his huge bush of pubic hair. It was not long, but very thick and, she saw in horror, twisted like a loosely wound corkscrew. Stuart stroked it lovingly. He knelt between her ankles and, placing a hand on each of her knees, he jerked her legs wide apart. Lynn tried to resist, but the big man now kneeling on and crushing her arms twisted them until she cried out in pain and stopped fighting. Her legs were forced wide open and Stuart maneuvered himself above her.

Lynn knew with certainty that she was going to be raped and could do nothing about it. She felt as cold as the hard, unforgiving ground beneath her.

Stuart leaned over her, filling her face with his foul breath. He was, she could tell, very drunk. She silently prayed that he would finish quickly and not hurt her or Mike, who was still unconscious but breathing, any more.

"You're gonna get well fucked tonight you little slut. Why should I be the only one to miss out?" He breathed in her face. The other man laughed out loud.

Stuart knelt between her open thighs holding his erection in his dirty right hand. He leered at Lynn's terrified face as he leaned over her, supporting his weight unsteadily on his left arm. He kissed her lips hard, their teeth cracking together as Lynn held her mouth tightly shut. Stuart laughed.

"You can't close your snatch like that though, can you?"

And with that, he drove his knees into Lynn's thighs, driving her legs wide open and jabbed the end of his cock forcefully into her pubic mound. Drunk as he was, Stuart found his target first time. But Lynn was dry and his penetration hurt them both. Stuart's face, merely inches from Lynn's, was twisted into a grotesque mask of anger and lust as he stabbed hard between her legs with his cock trying to drive himself further in. His shaft tore at her pubic hair, pulling it painfully and bruising her vulva. As the pain increased, he grew more angry and violent.

"No! Stu. Please! Don't" Lynn begged, But this seemed merely to inflame him further. He began to swear under his breath and to jab harder and more wildly with his cock; hurting her more and more until with a shout of "Cunt...Cunt" he finally found forced himself fully inside her.

Lynn gasped in wide eyed terror at the sharp burning pain as Stuart forced the sore head of his cock into her tight, dry vagina, tearing away a handful of pubic hairs as it entered. Her breath caught in her throat, choking off her cries of protest. He was inside her! Huge and horrible! Her eyes, wide as saucers, fixed on his face; her whole body stiff, tense, pinioned by the weight of the huge leather-clad biker on her arms. She was helpless. Above her, Stuart finally realized he had entered her vagina and a sneer spread across his face.

"Stuck up bitch." He breathed in her face. "See if you're still so stuck up after a good fucking..."

And with that he began to thrust himself in and out of the helpless Lynn. His fat, twisted erection stretched her tightly as it was clumsily forced into her resisting opening. Dry with fear and hatred, Lynn's vagina grabbed at his shaft, the painful friction burning them both as he thrust himself forwards and drew back. Lynn tried to scream but a strong hand covered her mouth firmly, almost choking her. She struggled and kicked and tried bravely to bite the hand across her face, only to be rewarded with a hard slap on the cheek.

The sting of the blow seemed to stun her and she felt her ability to resist leave her body.

Oblivious to the dryness and pain, Stuart drove himself hard and deep into Lynn's vagina. Almost a virgin before that night, Lynn had never felt so violated, so abused, so disgusted before. The pain was terrible, both physical and mental as Stuart thrust five, six times into her, tearing away at her insides.

A strange feeling of detachment began to spread over Lynn as, mercifully, her abused body came to her rescue. Now lying motionless beneath Stuart, her head turned away, her eyes closed, Lynn's vagina began, unwillingly, to lubricate around the invading cock, which in turn started to slide into her battered and bruised vagina less painfully.

Feeling this new moistness, Stuart cried out in triumph

"She wants it! I can feel it! The little slut wants to be fucked!"

With that, he lost the last remnants of control and began to slam himself into her violently. Tears began to roll from Lynn's closed eyes and down her cheeks and her head span. Unable to look Stuart in the face any more, she turned her head away to see Mike, still apparently unconscious, lying by the verge, motionless but breathing erratically.

A strange detached feeling flowed over her and her body went limp, her world hazy as if in a dream. As her mind wandered away from the torment inflicted on her body, her eye was caught by a bright blue, empty crisp packet in the hedgerow. Automatically, she fixed her gaze firmly upon it as her body was cruelly violated.

After only a dozen strokes, Stuart began to cum. He grunted like an animal as his cock swelled inside her and his face once again screwed up in anger and lust. He drove himself hard into her torn and burning vagina, a look of shock and elation spreading across his face as with a final vicious jab into Lynn's insides, his semen spilled into her. He grunted and moaned and ground his wiry pubic hair hard into to her mound as his thrusts slowed before eventually stopping.

Stuart breathed heavily on Lynn's face, a look of triumph mixed with fear on his face. Suddenly his expression turned to disgust. He pulled himself away quickly and stood up, unable to bring himself to look down on her motionless body. He pulled up his leather trousers and zipped them.

Lynn didn't move. She lay on the hard earth, her legs splayed open, her skirt raised in a crumpled ring around her stomach, her vulva brazenly displayed in a grotesque manner. Her gaze remained fixed on the bright crisp packet as Stuart backed away. The big man released her arms and stood up above her head, but Lynn did not move. The two men stood looking contemptuously down on her.

Stuart eventually broke the silence. He turned to his accomplice.

"You want some of this pussy, Gus? Sloppy seconds?"

"Nah! This was personal between you and her." He turned and walked away from Lynn's motionless shape.

Lynn's eyes were still wide open, staring, still fixed on the shiny blue crisp paper, but Stuart's words did somehow register through the haze.

"One word to anyone, bitch, and we'll be back for more. Understand?" He kicked her leg contemptuously. "Understand, bitch?"

Lynn slowly turned her head towards him, but could not look him in the face.

"Let's get out of here." Called the big biker, pulling on his helmet. Suddenly he grabbed Stuarts' arm.

"What if she goes to the police?"

"With her reputation? Who's going to believe her? I'm just another notch on the bedpost, that's all!"

"What about lover boy?" He asked, nodding towards Mike who was trying unsteadily to sit up.

"He didn't see anything, did he? And little Lynn isn't going to tell him, is she?"

The two men pulled on their helmets and turned. After a few seconds, the roar of motorbike engines broke the silence of the night as they sped away.

Lynn had lain on the hard ground for a long time, listening to the increasingly loud sounds of Mike regaining consciousness. The night air was no longer romantic; it had grown teeth and was biting at the cold, wet patch between her thighs. She began to shiver, tears rolling down her cheek, then slowly sat up and pushed herself to her feet.

Her knees began to buckle beneath her, but Lynn steadied herself and forced herself upright. Her head was spinning and she felt sick. Her lower back was bruised and, oh god, she was so sore between her legs. She smoothed her short rumpled skirt down over her buttocks to hide her pubic hair, and took a small step towards Mike's groaning body. A small stream of semen ran down her thighs and she retched in disgust. She bent to pick up what was left of her knickers and, finding them too badly torn to wear, used them to wipe her thighs and vulva clean.

Lynn had helped Mike first to sit up and then gradually to his feet. She did not - could not - tell him what had happened. Mike had been too embarrassed to go for help or treatment, and together they walked slowly back to Lynn's house where she slipped inside and upstairs without rousing her sleeping parents. Mike had kissed her on the cheek, his nose bloody and sore, and had walked on home on his own.

Upstairs, Lynn had run a bath and lay back in the hot water letting it soak away the dirt and shame, knowing as she did it that it also washed away all evidence that could have convicted Stuart of her rape. She collapsed exhausted on her bed and fell into a troubled, broken sleep.

Late in the night she had woken in a cold sweat, her vulva screaming soreness. This was no dream! She had really been raped, and was not on the pill! And what about VD? Aids?

'Oh God! Please don't let me be pregnant! Please not HIV!' She begged and ran back to the bathroom. Lynn had frantically scrubbed at her sore vulva, first with her hand, and then with a flannel, trying to rid her body of the invading sperm. Her soreness was multiplied by the sharp scraping of her fingernails and the rubbing of the coarse cloth until at last, exhausted, she had lost control of her senses and collapsed sobbing on the bathroom floor.

After a full half hour of uncontrolled but largely silent crying, there were not more tears left in her to fall. Slowly, she pulled herself up to sit on the toilet seat then, leaning heavily on the sink, she washed her face in cold water. The coolness revived her and, turning off the light, she walked unsteadily to her bedroom and flopped down on the covers.

Lying back on her pillow in the darkness, Lynn knew that, for shame, she could never, ever, ever tell anyone about this.

Mike, too ashamed of being beaten, did not tell either. They saw each other several times more, but the magic between them was gone.

After a month they did not see each other again, each too embarrassed to meet the other's gaze.


Back on her bed, the pregnant Lynn remembered the relief she had felt a few weeks later when her period had started, showing her she was not pregnant, and the even greater relief three months after that when the STD clinic had given her the 'all clear'.

She remembered the strange detached feeling that had come over her when she read that Stuart had been killed in a motorcycle accident only a few weeks later. The older biker was never seen again.

Lynn had not let a man touch her for a very long time afterwards. In fact when at last she had welcomed Sam's body into her own, it had been only after many months of slow, patient, sensitive courting by Sam who was now the only man she could ever contemplate making love with.

Bringing herself back to the present, Lynn pondered the fact that that Sam's sexual demands on her were definitely reducing. At first she had not noticed, then had been rather relieved - pleased even - at the lack of pressure on her. With less pressure on her to 'perform' frequently, she had been able to relax more and in fact had come to enjoy their less frequent lovemaking much more than before.

Since her pregnancy, however, she had not let Sam make love to her for over a month and it was beginning to show in his demeanor. He understood that she was unwell - the physical evidence of her sickness was undeniable - but even the most patient lover must by now be feeling frustration. Lynn knew of several so called 'friends' at the sports club who would be only too happy to provide Sam with this element of his life, should he desire them to, and Lynn's insecurity had now led her to worry that Sam had perhaps found another outlet for his passion.

She had no evidence to support this concern, but could not force herself to dismiss it entirely, despite her certain knowledge that women in her condition often had these feelings and that Sam really loved her.

They would make love that night, she promised herself, after Sam had come home from playing tennis with Sara. He didn't usually want to make love after tennis - too tired, he always said - but tonight Lynn would show him all was still all right.

Lynn closed her eyes once again and slept fitfully, the weight of her physical burden pressing on her stomach, the weight of her mental burden pressing on her mind.

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