The Teacher's Mistake


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As Chris's words began to filter in her mind, Jocelyn looked down as his fingers worked quickly to undo the top button on her blouse.

"A little BJ is only fair Jocelyn." Chris's voice teased as his fingers settled on the second button. "I mean, it's nothing when you think about wanting to keep your job and making sure that no one knows you hit students, right?"

Jocelyn's better judgment begged her to slap Chris's hand away and leave the classroom, but her mind was clouded and couldn't help thinking about losing her job for assaulting a student. She could see the disappointment in her family and friends faces as she sat facing a judge for her crime.

"Well Miss Red...." Chris quickly turned as he heard the door began to open.

As the door was pushed open Chris quickly moved away from his clearly distraught teacher, cursing the fact they were being interrupted, Chris worried that this may all back fire on him.

Watching the janitor's cart being pushed into the room gave Jocelyn a heartbeat to wipe her eyes and turning her back to the doorway Jocelyn quickly did up the top two buttons on her blouse.

"Oh I'm sorry Miss Redding, I didn't realize anyone was here." Bill looked surprised to see both Jocelyn and a student.

"It's ok Bill, we were just leaving." Jocelyn turned to look at Bill, hoping she didn't look as bad as she felt.

"is everything ok Miss Redding?" As bill looked closely he could see that Jocelyn had clearly been crying recently and the student seemed to be agitated.

"What? Uhm yes..." Jocelyn quickly tried to cover for her appearance and clearing her throat pointed at the filing cabinet. "I had my grade book on top and somehow it got knocked behind the cabinet, Chris was nice enough to help my get it, but when we put it back I got my fingers caught in one of the drawers."

Surprised that Jocelyn was lying to cover up for what was going on, Chris quickly added a few points to try and make it sound believable.

"Ouch" Bill still thought something seemed funny. "Sure your fingers are ok?"

"Yeah they sting a little but I'm ok." Jocelyn flashed her best smile. "Be out of your way in just a second."

As quickly as she could without raising any more suspicion, Jocelyn thanked Chris and let him know he could leave. Packing up her things Jocelyn made a speedy exit, very thankful for the interruption that allowed her to escape the situation with Chris.

Walking through the hallways Jocelyn's mind was a whirlwind as she tried to make her way towards her car and analyze what had just happened. She couldn't believe that she had lost her temper that badly and had struck Chris. But what was really bothering her by the time she made the safety of her car, was how easily Chris had taken control away from her.

The fear of the slap being known seemed to pale in her jumbled and emotional thoughts, compared to the fear that she had been very close to the real possibility of getting on her knees for her student. Telling her-self over and over again, that it wouldn't have gone that far, Jocelyn couldn't get the nagging feeling out of the pit of her stomach that she had only been moments away from succumbing.

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rmac1rmac1over 1 year ago

Liked the story, but too many typos. Really need to get an editor. Looking forward to reading the next chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good story but kinda funny how Scott went from Fiance to boyfriend in just a few paragraphs.

socalgyrl08socalgyrl08almost 2 years ago

So possible, so hot, so perfect so far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You must continue this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Jekyll1439Jekyll1439almost 2 years agoAuthor

@unclebully I have thought of longer story's and have several in the works, the problem is I end up getting distracted by another story!

SarahwithloveSarahwithlovealmost 2 years ago

MMM, I love teachers submitting to their studly students. I am surprised more teachers don't try it. Yummy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This story is great. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 Stars. Nice story, good build up for her submitting to him later.

UncleBullyUncleBullyalmost 2 years ago

Great writing, you ever thought about doing a longer version, novel? character development and all that? will be looking forward to your future works.

delicatebudsdelicatebudsalmost 2 years ago

Interesting story so far - look forward to the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great start. Can’t wait to see unfold as Chris defiles her.

Master_DoctorMaster_Doctoralmost 2 years ago

good start. looking forward to the next chapter

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