The Third Brother - Wet August


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She flashed her beautiful eyes from beneath her ruffled hair. "Why I need their names?"

With that she threw a leg over me and picked my cock up straight. She sighed in relief as she pushed down on its full length.

"Ah, that's better," she smiled, humping on top of me. I tried not to participate. If I just lay there and let Mei get off, it wasn't really cheating, right? I didn't ask for it, seek it out, nor enjoy it. But no doubt Mei was a more skillful fuck than August, and she knew how to use her cunt to milk the sperm from a cock. As hard as I fought it, I finally blew my load in her cunt again, it was so much better than having to pull out of August to cum. I held her ass and spat sperm into the deepest part of her vagina.

"Ah, you are impossible to resist," I complained.

"She's not as good?" Mei asked in a superior manner.

"Not allowed to cum in her cunt," I said flatly. How could I tell Mei I'd cancelled her flights already, and had promised myself I'd not sleep with her again?

"Trouble?" Mei sensed.

"Trouble," I confirmed.

"Do tell," she demanded, rolling her tits across my chest and biting on my neck. My cock wasn't getting soft and she squelched herself on it as I told the story. I spilled the whole thing, including the bit about the parents, the pool, the neighbor maybe seeing, and finally dumping Mei for the trip.

"Brett, you are an asshole," she said, more violently than I expected when I was done.

"I know, I'm sorry. You must hate me," I said.

"Me? I'm not talking about me! I'm talking about her. Are you fucking stupid?" she screamed. My cock went soft and dropped out of Mei's pussy but she didn't miss a beat. She stayed on top of me, pointing her finger in front of those gorgeous little tits. "That fucking girl has gotten in all sorts of trouble because of you. You ruin her family trust, you parade her in front of a lecherous neighbor, and when she says she is going to take a trip with you, you come back here and sleep with me first chance you get? You don't deserve her!"

"Hey! I didn't do this! I woke up and you're sucking my cock! I didn't ask you to do that!"

"You still fucked me," Mei scowled. "You could have said no!"

"Mei, are you seriously telling me that you are resistible? Guys can say no to you? You seriously think it's possible that you grab a guy's cock and push your cunt down onto it and that guy has any power to say 'no, get off me'?"

"Of course not!" Mei agreed.

"Exactly! Duhhh... not my fault!" I defended myself.

"Okay. Excuse accepted. But that's it. No more. You and I cannot have sex again. It would not be fair to that poor girl. She loves you."

"And I love her,"

Mei grunted. "If you do, you better find a better way of showing it."

"Not my fault," I said again.

Mei came and lay next to me, gurgling sperm and pussy juice down onto my sheets. I ran my hands over her body, trying to sear the look and feel of it into my memory.

"I'm lucky to have had as much of you as I have," I sighed.

"Come on. Let's clean up. Gordon said your mom will be home at one. I'll get out before then. We better get the smell of sex off you," she said, lifting us up and into the shower. Rubbing each other got us hard and wet, and as she turned around and offered herself, Mei said, "Last one for a long time, ok? So, make me feel it, yeah?"

"Thank you," I said, but bravely added, "But no."

Mei nodded her understanding. We cleaned ourselves and got out of the shower. Gordon was away in his room, so Mei dressed and quietly went home without so much as a kiss goodbye. I found her panties in my room afterward. She must have taken them off before waking me with a blow-job. I put them in the bottom of the kitchen rubbish bag. Mei's underwear made me think of something, though. I ran up to the room above the garage and looked in the bin. Shit. It was empty.

I called August to let her know I had to wait a bit before mom came home, but as soon as I'd explained it all I would let her know and she could call her parents. I had to laugh when mom finally came home, her hair-do was a complete blue rinse. I thought only people in comedy skits had hair like that.

"Don't you dare laugh," she said, in no mood to be teased. "I have to go back in tomorrow to get it fixed. Where's your brother, I've got lunch."

I went to the hall and yelled out. Gordon yelled back, "Has she gone yet?"

"Has who gone?" Mom asked.

"What do you mean gone? She's only just got back!" I tried to cover what he said. Gordon twigged and came out apologizing, said he was watching something on TV, not concentrating.

"So where have you been, Brett? You didn't come home last night?" Mom asked straight.

There was no avoiding the truth. I told her I met a girl, a religious girl but her parents had caught us fooling around (I didn't say to what extent), and that the girl and I, her name is August, were going on a trip together but her parents weren't happy so they wanted to speak with her first to find out what type of people we are.

"Oh God," said mom, screwing up her face.

"Exactly the point," said Gordon cheekily.

"And I take it you've... had relations with this girl?" Mom asked. I grinned and went bright red, making it unnecessary to answer. "Hmmm, that would explain the dirty panties in the bin upstairs of the garage now wouldn't it? Little tiny ones. She's not pregnant, is she?"

"No," I said quickly. Shit, it was stupid to have forgotten to clean away August's t-back in the bin.

"Not yet," Gordon chipped in, but we ignored him.

"And you're going away where? When?" she continued.

"Day after tomorrow. South. Islands." I stammered.

"How far south, which islands?" she asked, squinting.

"St. Maartens," I had to say.

"Ooh," she whistled. "Nice. Where are you getting the money?"

"She paid for hers, I paid for mine," I said truthfully.

"So, this isn't going to cost me anything?"

"Not a cent," I said, grinning.

"Good," Mom said firmly. "Now, who's this girl and where is she, hidden in your room I take it?"

"No, no," I laughed. "She's at her house. You want me to call her over, you want to meet her?"

"Well yes, I better, especially if I'm going to get an inquisition from her parents."

I rang August and asked her over. It took her an age to work out what to wear, how to look, to think of what to say. By the time she arrived at the front door she was a bundle of nerves.

"Don't worry," I said. "Just don't stare at her hair, it's gone blue. She looks like she's about to perform in a pantomime, and she's not very happy about it," I said, letting her in.


"Forget it, come on." I led her to the kitchen where Gordon and Mom were both sitting.

"Hello again," grinned Gordon.

"Mom, this is August, August, my mother," I said, myself nervous now.

"Hi," August said in the sweetest way possible.

"My God, look at you darling," Mom said, standing up and coming over to her. She held out both hands and August nervously reached out and took them. "Well. No wonder my son is suddenly so smitten. You are positively beautiful, young lady."

August went completely red and looked down. "Thank you, ma'am," she said meekly.

"And she says 'ma'am'. I'll be. Beautiful and polite," she said, then came in close to say more quietly, "And sexy, I hear."

Mom was positively beaming. August was stunned, she didn't know how to respond.

"I'm sorry ma'am... I didn't mean, I don't mean to...," August fumbled out.

"August darling, you don't have to worry about us. I like you already," she smiled and I thought for a moment August was going to cry. "Now, I hear your parents aren't so happy with him?"

August giggled. "Yes, you're right ma'am. He isn't actually meant to come to the house anymore."

"That bad, huh? Why not?" my mother asked.

"Umm... well... they, we kinda got caught," August admitted, trying not to be embarrassed.

"Caught? Caught what?" Mom pushed. She was just having fun now.

"Ummm...," August had no idea how to put it.

"Having sex?" Mom asked flat out.

"Yes ma'am," August responded, face burning.

"Hmmm. I see. Caught maybe doing it, or..."

"Not just maybe, ma'am," August explained timidly.

"They saw it happening," I explained.

"Oh, I see. That can be a bit of a shock for a parent. Can't it, Gordon?" she asked without looking at him. Gordon was completely taken off-guard, spitting out his drink. Huh? What was this I didn't know about? "Never to mind, these things happen. So, you two are going to be flitting down to the Caribbean I hear?"

"Yes, ma'am, if it's okay with you," she said.

"Yes, of course it's alright. If you're using your own money you can do what you like. I'd prefer you didn't get pregnant though, that could be a bit messy to deal with," she said as easily as asking her to avoid the tap water.

"Mom! Come on, don't talk about that!" I interjected. "You're hounding her!"

"Well, that's fine, but just as long as you heed my words you two. Now, what exactly am I meant to be doing with your parents dear, giving this boy a good reference or something?" she continued.

"Ah, I guess so, I don't really know exactly what they want...," she replied.

"Ok, come on then, call away, let's have it done with," she said.

August stepped over to the wall phone. She called what I suppose was her dad's mobile. After explaining where she was and setting it up, she surprisingly handed the phone to me. Shit.

"Ah, hello, Sir?" I said rigidly. Gordon sniggered in the background. We didn't use sir or ma'am in our family.

"Young man I'm only going to say this once, so I expect you will listen."

"Yes, sir," I said sheepishly.

"I don't like you. I don't like your morals. Our daughter is a wonderful outstanding young woman in the community; at least she was until she met you. You have shamed her, her family, her community and yourself by your actions. She has gone from a disciplined respectful woman to a wild thing, out of control. Now... out of respect for her age and her need to choose the right path, I'm forced to allow this madness. But I want you to know I will work tirelessly for the return of my daughter to the life that is best for her and that life does not include you. Let me speak with your father," he said gruffly, and that was it.

"It's for you," I said, handing it to mom, stunned.

"Yes?" my mother said in her most formal tone. If she thought this was going to be a joke, she was about to have a rude shock. "Oh, I am sorry, he's not here at the moment, you see he works for a living."

Wow, she was really laying it on. We could hear a long speech at the other end of the phone, perhaps not dissimilar to the one I had? At the end of it, mom paused before talking.

"Oh, now, perhaps we should go back and start again, shall we? My name is Marjorie Wilkins, delighted to make your acquaintance. And you are...?" she asked, genuinely politely. She wasn't being smug at all; she was simply showing August's dad how rude he had been.

"Excellent," she said. "There, that's better. Now, I've met your wonderful August here and I'd like to say right from the outset that she is the most charming and polite and pretty young girl. You should be very proud of her."

Holy shit, you could hear the silence on the other end of the phone.

"I can see why you care so much for her welfare," mom continued, in almost British accent. "She is a treasure. Now I also hear your meeting with my son was not quite as impressive, is that right?"

Now we could hear noise from the other end, and plenty of it.

"Yes, yes, yes, August told me all about it, very embarrassing to be caught by your parents being intimate," mom said into the phone.

This time we could all hear as clear as day what was said the other end, "She told you?!"

"Oh, yes, she's a wonderful and honest young lady. You are right to care for her as you do... hmmm, what's that? Me? Oh, I think it's a wonderful location, perfect for two young lovebirds their age."

The noise started up the other end.

"Oh, come now, Martin, we all know better than to tell our children the course of love. If you want your children to hate you, just try telling them how they should act when they are in love."

It would have been perfect if she'd ended the sentence with 'daaarling'.

"Oh, Martin, you are passionate about your beliefs," she said in the most disarming way. "Well, you should all come over for lunch one Saturday, we've a beautiful garden over here... Oh really? Well, let's see if you don't change your mind one day. I'll pass your regards to my husband... Yes Martin, you too. Bye now."

She paused for a moment, then took a deep breath.

"He doesn't like you very much," she said to me, smiling. "But you're good to go. Don't say your mother doesn't do anything for you."

I nodded. "Thanks."

"I'm sorry ma'am," August said, embarrassed.

"Oh, August, don't be like that. Your parents love you, they're just a bit rigid, they'll warm up. It's a bit hard to get over a start like that. Perhaps it's better if you two try and keep your pants on until you're absolutely certain of their location relative to yours, yes?" she laughed.

August was thoroughly charmed, as was I. Mom could be good, no doubt. She made August a late lunch and we talked about her family and school and the trip and stuff like that?

"What's that?" Mom said, "You're staying at night at home by yourself? Don't be silly, come and stay here."

"Mom and dad call a lot," she explained. "I can't really not be there."

"Well, sounds like when you're on holiday you better not give them your hotel number. Give them this number instead, dear, we'll call on if there are any genuine disasters you need to know about. And Brett, you go stay with her tonight. We're not going to have her stay at home alone, that's no good for a young woman," she insisted.

So, I packed for staying at August's and then going away. "You won't see me for a while," I said nervously.

"We'll survive, dear. Now you two, listen. No babies, not yet okay? August, do you hear me?"

August smiled, "I hear you ma'am."

"Dear, please don't think I'm being too tough. I'm not saying don't do it, you're young and on holiday, the last thing you'll be doing is keeping your legs closed, but don't let him get you pregnant."

"Mom!" I yelled. That was way over the boundary.

"Don't worry ma'am, I'll be sure he's out of me before he...," she said, not able to finish.

"Gee, you two, can we not have this conversation?" I groaned. Yuck! My mother and my girlfriend talking about where my cum goes.

I dragged all my stuff to August's car and we made our way back to her house.

"Your mom told me to have sex with you," she said, smiling.

"I know, I think she likes you," I shrugged. "You wanna swim when we get back?"

She shook her head. "Can we wait until we get to the beach? I still don't feel comfortable being undressed when I know he will be looking. I haven't completely broken all my habits. Hey, one thing I want you to show me - the hotel that we're going to stay, I haven't even seen it. Is it online?"

Gee, how was I supposed to answer that? The hotel we had was literally on the nude beach. The beach was officially clothing-optional, so it wasn't as if August had to be nude. I guessed I better explain, though.

When we got back, we took our pants off, leaving our shirts. August sat on my lap on the chair in front of the computer; my cock deep up her cunt. Her hips were so small and her ass so lithe, it was incredible to feel her sliding up and down my erection. I longed to fill her with semen. Instead, I pulled up the hotel details, outlining in full regale the nakedness of the resort.

"Brett, you're kidding me!"

"No. It's a naked place."

"We'll be naked? Outside?"

"Not everywhere. Just on the beach, I think."

"Only on the beach?"

"I think so," I said, flicking though all the information and galleries I could find. "No one seems to be naked at any of the restaurants."

"That bar, they are," August pointed.

"It's on the beach," I shrugged.

"Gee. Wow," August sucked in a deep breath. "This will be an experience."

"You're not going to mind if people see you undressed?"

"It won't just be me, right? Everyone is the same, right?"



I lifted August off my cock, spun her to face me and brought her back down to fuck again. Her cunt had stretched quickly, I sunk easily to her depths.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked. August didn't reply, she just kissed my lips. I gripped her ass as she pulled herself up and down my cock. "Are you going to be okay, showing all this to strangers?"

"I don't know," she said quietly. "I've never even thought of doing that. Better not let my parents know which resort we are staying. Won't you be jealous? Won't you be upset with me, showing my body to other men? I'm yours, right?"

"I don't mind," I shrugged. "It's kinda interesting that guys see your cunt."

"Oh really?" August smiled. "You want to show me off, huh? 'Look at the young teen pussy I've got that you don't, huh'?"

"Sure!" I agreed.

"They'll want to fuck me," August warned.

"They can look. Dream about it. But not touch."

"This is going to be a very strange trip," August grinned, shaking her head. "Unbelievable."

"You'll love it," I assured her. "I promise!"


Usually at this stage I give the date of the next instalment. But -- do you want it? The reason I ask is so far, August and Brett were brought together by a whirlwind of partner-swapping, boundary-crossing and recklessness.

Now those two are together and smitten with each other. They go away and they have a wonderful time -- but nothing particularly unusual happens. Admittedly, it went a little awry at the start but after a few days they settle into a faithful, two-people love-and-sex relationship for two weeks on a beach holiday and then in the years beyond.

It's a lovely and loving time for them -- but do you want to read about it? I worry it's a bit sleepy after everything that happened leading up to Brett and August going away.

Alternatively, we could skip forward three years when everything went crazy again...

So, it's up to you. If you're feeling romantic and want to read about the loving glow of a wonderful and mostly uncontroversial couple's holiday and life together, then let me know. If you'd rather skip forward to when life went idiotic again, then let me know. I welcome comments or messages.



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Pickles7287Pickles728717 days ago

3 year continuation please. love it

Spaceghost33Spaceghost33about 1 year ago

I am also in favor of skipping ahead and with more wild times. I would love for them to stick together but get back to living a little more on the edge.

Your stories are top notch from start to finish. Thanks!

EdandMarieEdandMarieover 1 year ago
More Please

Just finished and truly enjoyed both the story and the quality of your writing. I’d like you to continue without the 3yr gap. Instead of all romance, like to see more Frankie episodes where her true weaknesses are exposed. I’m sure you can find opportunities for Frankie and others to experience August’s emerging talents. Maybe even Gordon getting a hallway fuck or suck, as he did with Mei.

Regardless, I hope you keep going with this story. I’m going to read more of your work for now. Thank you!

JayDee_DunnJayDee_Dunnover 1 year ago

Skip forward, keep this going. Bloody brilliant so far! 5⭐️ all the way!

Pilgrim3Pilgrim3over 2 years ago

Thank you. Most entertaining.

I’d say leave it there.

Let them live long and happily, reconcile with her parents and have children

They need only each other for all time.

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