The Third Room

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Waiting to be cuckolded.
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I live in dread of the day when my wife leads me to the other room, the one we don't use; the third room. But of course the prospect also excites me. It excites me more than anything and I constantly imagine how it will be; sometimes just little scenes and sometimes a full start-to-finish scenario. It hangs unspoken over our love-making. Maybe it will never be used, but its mere existence gives a sharpness, an edge, a poignancy to every intimacy, to each caress. Even an ordinary meal must seem so full of exotic flavour to the condemned man when he knows that it might be the last he will eat.

And I am a condemned man. I know that I am guilty as charged and that my sentence is just. Only I am perhaps like one of those hapless prisoners, left to linger on death row, never sure when he will be executed, allowed even to hope that some appeal will succeed. And then one day they come, unexpected, to lead him to that room with the special chair, and he realises that all hope was an illusion; just another layer of punishment.

The waiting. Maybe she has never intended to go through with it; the threat there to keep me 'on the straight and narrow'. Or is it that she is undecided and that she will respond to my actions but perhaps not in a way that can be predicted? Or as I sometimes believe maybe she is just waiting for a preordained trigger point - once I am completely in love with her, infatuated beyond anything I might have envisioned, only then will it be time for the brief walk to the third room.

I should introduce you to the other two rooms, or more precisely bedrooms, in our apartment. There is what I think of as 'my' room, although in another sense it is our room as it is where we spend most of our nights, and not a few afternoons. It is a summer room, facing south onto the park, full of a light that suggests the Mediterranean though that is far from here, the subtle blues of the room and its furnishings combining to evoke all things bright, calm and serene. The balcony with its bamboo furniture, the profusion of plants and the birds and butterflies they attract. Spare in its furnishing, the main item is a generous king-sized bed.

Sometimes while we lay on the bed I think I can hear and even smell the sea, though we are in a city miles from the coast. Always there is the play of the light, the afternoon sunlight on our naked bodies and it seems there are far more nights of bright moonlight than should really occur in a normal month.

Our love-making in this room is also summer-light and sunlit, what someone once called 'ice cream sex'; desultory fucking, unhurried, loving and casual - two healthy animals doing what comes naturally.

But sex only has a present tense, the memory of it a pale echo and the anticipation of it so often a longing never to be fulfilled. With any beautiful and sensual woman, no matter how fully she surrenders to you, however complete your conquest and sexual domination of her, it only exists in the now, free of any past or future. Tomorrow it will never have happened and you will need to master her again, anew.

Then there is the winter room: that of my beloved. It is on the north side with a window into the canyon of a service street, apparently only inhabited by rats and further darkened by the windowless mass of the old warehouse opposite that stretches far higher than our second floor flat.

It is a room of dark reds, rugs and a replica of a medieval suit of armour that for some reason wears a fur coat. There are paradoxically lush colour photographs of tropical jungles on the walls, which should appear incongruous but aren't. Maybe the mind takes them as windows into another world.

And there are the mirrors, many of them antique, not always true, so that when the room is lit by candles, as it always is when I am there, even a couple of candles become a multitude, and more than once I have tried to blow out a reflection.

I never know when we will be spending the night in this room – maybe there are clues but I have yet to work out what they are. All I know is that certain look on her face, a combination of sensual cruelty and amusement, and the black choker she wears around her throat with a dark red jewel hanging from it when she summons me.

Games of dominance, at first even with ties and her wearing a black lace rimmed carnival mask, her always on top – but now the props are gone, and they were never needed to assert her control. Her skin itself seems darker in this room, and her small breasts more pointed. I always enter the room naked. I never sleep there – always expelled having been used and sent to sleep the remainder of the night in my room while the beast, sated, sleeps off its meal.

The sex is different. She never wants me to tongue her pussy in the summer room, while in the winter room it is part of the ritual to sit over my head and demand the pleasure she takes, with a triumphant purring growling orgasm, as her due. Then once done she eases herself down on my cock and almost roughly forces an orgasm from me. Always I try to resist inside, trying not to let it be taken from me without my consent, and always it is futile, as she merely fixes me with her dark glittering eyes, a cruel smirk on her face, steadily accelerating her movements until I come with a despairing groan. And then I am dismissed.

And yet always in the morning I wake to find her next to me, sleeping serenely, bearing no signs of the previous night. It never happened – or at least the unwritten rules do not allow me to refer to it.

And so to that third room. I have seen it only once so far, and it was as specified in the 'contract'. It stays locked but the door is a palpable presence even when I cannot see it. Given its purpose maybe you would expect it to be black decorated, even more darkly, cruelly sensual than the winter room, but in fact it is almost clinically white, with a simple polished wooden floor, no windows and no pictures.

There are just two items of furniture in the third room; a plain low bed, with a white sheet on it but no covers; and a simple but solid high-backed wooden chair with armrests, bolted firmly to the floor, and with belts to hold someone there.

No, not someone. The belts are to hold me there; arms, legs and neck fixed so that I am made to face the bed.

Only she has the key to the third room. It is always with her on her key ring. A perfectly normal key except that I know what it is and so when I catch a glimpse of it there is always that tightening in my belly, and at the same time a flow of blood below.

Sometimes I imagine it as a kind of sacrament. The man 'officiating' like a priest: one who marries so many couples in a year that it becomes routine. Another marriage tomorrow; not even remembering the names a week from now. But he performs his duties with a practised ease, all the easier because this is not his beloved, his sweetheart, but mine. Unlike the groom, fumbling with the ring, unsure where to stand. He has done this many times, knows his role and can be counted on to nonchalantly ruin my life. The very casual brutality of the act makes it all the easier for him.

One very fully imagined scene, part waking dream, part fantasy, departs from the idea of the three stages of drowning, from how the third time of sinking is the last, just like the third room. The first time he positions her, my beloved, my sweetheart, with her hands on the ends of the arm rests, just out of reach of my belt-fixed arms, leaning forward over me, naked of course, not near enough to kiss but she looks as though she might wish to. At least at first.

She makes full eye contact with me, trying to send silent messages of love and reassurance, and she is always so present in her gaze. And then, after a tense waiting pause, which he can afford because he knows how this story ends, he eases himself into her.

Her gaze somehow recedes while her face remains only a few inches from mine, her focus now on that fullness, and she begins to realise that her belief that this would be a performance that she would only take part in, acted out for my 'benefit', is absurd. Suddenly weak, her arms and legs are needed to support her, leaving him free to place one hand on that furred triangle and then to slip below it and find with practised ease the exact place to touch, in as yet what is only a promise of future ecstasy.

The first sounds from her mouth are involuntary; not some theatrical groan of lust but little more than a sigh, a voiced exhalation. Now she is all at once reluctant to look into my eyes, but he makes her; not roughly but firmly grasping a handful of her hair to pull her up to face me again at the very moment he begins to move slowly into her and then out again, both too slow and too fast.

A look perhaps of apology and then she is somewhere else. Too late engaged in some futile internal resistance, believing that forgoing ecstasy will take the sting from it, and of course he senses it and uses it to build the tension higher, mercilessly using fingers to keep her just beyond any chance of holding back but cruelly denying her the small grace of a quick defeat. I get to study in detail that exquisite ugliness of a beautiful woman as she loses all sense of self and has an orgasm forced on her.

The second time she sinks she is already further away, beyond hope of touch, as he is on the bed's edge and she is seated on him, facing me, impaled, slowly sinking down his length, too weak to do otherwise. As though seen through water, but while she is going down a second time it is I who am beginning to drown. This time her cries come with less resistance, her arms behind her to support herself while his hands take ownership so visibly of her body, as though fine-tuning her response, evoking exactly the orgasm that he seeks as a connoisseur.

And the third and final submergence, as she lies on her back on the bed, no longer aware of my existence, perhaps not even of her own, arms and legs clasped around him, looking up into his eyes as he breaks all of the unwritten rules and makes love to her. This is my last dimming sight as any air that I might breathe has gone from the room.

Now, after yesterday, the figure in my visions of the third room is no longer some anonymous 'he'. He has a name and a face. It is part of the deal, 'the arrangement' that while I am never allowed to bring up the third room and its purpose, she has the freedom to do so if she chooses. Yesterday, some three months after we returned from our honeymoon, she did so for the first time.

We went to visit a couple she knows; she met Colette while they were in Paris together, which should have warned me, and Colette's partner is Joe, an actor and stuntman. We had a pleasant evening but at the same time I occasionally had an odd sense of dissonance between the light conversation and the way I caught Colette and Joe looking at me, almost as if appraising me – the sort of look a doctor might give you, or a psychiatrist, or even an artist commissioned to paint your portrait.

As we walked home the few blocks to our flat, arm in arm, in a night that was still warm from the heat of the day, she told me.

"You know Joe used to have a really interesting second job."

"Oh, what was that – a hit-man?" I was slightly merry from the wine we had drunk and physically he looked up to that sort of thing.

"Well, I suppose in a way not too different". I was intrigued and she continued.

"He used to be paid to cuckold men – you know when both the husband and wife were into the idea".

And now I was sober and the evening felt chilly to me. Unsure if I was even allowed to comment but unable to help myself I ventured,

"But how did Colette feel about that?"

"She told me that she rather enjoyed it. She used to be involved. Her job was to 'look after' the husbands, which actually meant teasing them and making sure that they felt the full 'enormity' of what it meant to be a cuckold. And she offered that they would come out of retirement to do 'one last job' for us. So sweet of them don't you think?"

So that is what those looks meant. The look of the executioner measuring me up to decide the length of the rope and the drop. Now I know his name, Joe, and his face. But it is somehow more Colette that I think of, in that odd moment when she showed my beloved a pair of black velvet opera gloves, as they whispered in the corner as women do, and then they both turned and looked at me for a moment, with that smile women have over shared secrets.

And now my unwanted fantasy features Colette, her breathy, girlish whispery voice, and her gloved hand which is the only part of her I can see, stripping me of even the slightest remainder of privacy while I watch that clichéd scene, and she drips poison into my ear, revelling in my anguish.

"By the way darling, I've invited Joe and Colette round tomorrow evening. You don't mind do you? It should be fun."

And she smiles so sweetly as she pulls the lever and I feel the trapdoor fall away beneath me.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

There is no joy in watching the severely ill suffer, and no justification for mere voyeurs to their pain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow. Well-written. Almost scary, or as cyferx said, gothic. This story demonstrates that the cuckolding lifestyle is about the relationship between the couple, and the extra-martial sex is only one aspect of it. Whether they are in a formal D/s relationship or not, this wife is in charge, and she enjoys toying with his mind. He is obviously submissive and can only wait and wonder what she has in store for him. I am excited for him. We are not there yet, but we are getting there. We are a FemDom couple. When I came home from work today, I received my maintenance spanking with a wooden paddle (Ow! 😢) But this is what we both want and need. Tonight is a sex night, which means I will receive her strapon. Every few weeks, the dildo get bigger, and I shudder to think what she has in store for me. 😳

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Even after five years still boring. Less wine more vinegar.

Two idiots waiting for another two idiots to make their life more idiotic.

Who the fock caress?

Good writer? Well, I think Shakespeare could also have writer a great drama about a turd, but it still have been a … turd.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

My wife found this and shared it with me, we both enjoyed it tremendously. It had a certain ‘film noir’ ambiance that was highly erotic and tantalizing - there was something always just out of reach of the reader.

My wife’s first time with another man was similar to Colette’s and it was earth shatteringly powerful for both of us. In the course of a few short hours, he completely reconfigured the sexual dynamic of our marriage. And now, 15 years later, our marriage still carries that imprint, which was burned into our souls that first night.

My wife is a petite, Latina who weighs in at only 95 lbs. and stands 4’ 11” tall. Despite her diminutive size, she has nice curves in all the right places. Also, she is extremely outgoing and, when she flashes her Colgate smile at men, they feel it. She discovered her considerable power, over boys, when she was a ‘budding’ young woman at the age of twelve and by age 13 she had a nice b-cup rack. She is now beyond ‘flirting’ and her effect could be thought of as ‘bewitching” a man.

We began dating when we were twenty and we soon talked about the possibility of marriage. We were compatible on many things. And we discovered that we both shared the same sexual fantasy. I wanted a wife who slept around, and she wanted to continue “dating” after marriage. However, I would need to be faithful to her.

A week after our honeymoon, she took her first extramarital lover. He was 10 years older than us. Just like in your story, he insisted that that my wife gaze into my eyes as he “took her marital fidelity”. Little did we know how powerful that ‘eye contact’ would be for a young couple like us.

I sat up in bed with my back against the headboard. Then, he positioned her doggy-style, so her face was right in front of mine. On the wall behind the headboard was a mirror which, enabled him to closely watch her eyes and her facial expressions.

As he positioned himself to take her, she made full eye contact with me and like your story, “…trying to send silent messages of love and reassurance…” Next, as he slowly worked his huge cock into her tight little pussy, my wife’s eyes popped wide open like saucers. With her face only inches from mine, she sighed and smiled mischievously from ear to ear.

Without even thinking, she spontaneously exclaimed, “OMG, he must be five times thicker and longer than you!” My 3-inch, pencil-thin dick stiffened with that thought. I saw her lover smile wryly as he overheard her comment.

Soon she was in a trance-like, rolling orgasm with her glazed over eyes staring right into mine. She was shamelessly drooling and it dripped down on my chest. He sped up, leaned over her, and suggestively whispered, “Why don’t you give us a running narrative of what you’re feeling - while I ‘do you; with my thick, long cock?” She smiled and agreed.

Soon, without him even helping her find the right words, she was babbling out her felt truths. They were the truths from her pussy, and her hot, 21-year-old body taking her first big cock. She practically screamed, telling him:

“You’re so big! You’re so thick! You’re so long!”

“I’ve never had one like this before. You’re stretching me like my husband never has.”

“Etc, etc.”, she was downright lewd.

Our sexual relationship was changed beyond recognition that first night. As she took pleasure from his huge man-meat, the smile on my wife’s face changed to bliss. As he pumped her full of his potent baby batter, she smirked with sexualized contempt at me and said, “Oh, baby; he really nailed me good. The way every woman should be nailed!”. My face burned bright red in humiliation; however, my penis shot off. My cum splattered worthlessly up against her tummy which, hovered above me. I didn’t even have to jack off!

I watched her cum the rest of the night in various positions on his huge cock. As the light of the morning dawn streamed into our marital bedroom, she gently told me, “Honey, he owns this pussy. It is now faithful only to him!” With a mixture of sadness and happiness I nodded. (Every time she takes a new lover, we repeat this routine, and it smooths out the emotional rough edges concerning ownership of her cunt and possible jealousy.)

After about three-months of steadily fucking he told her, “Well you know this has to end sooner or later. If you would like it to be later, you can do me a favor.” So, she agreed to do him the ‘favor’ if he would keep fucking her for another three months.

That ‘favor’ was to help him seduce her best friend, another young newlywed on our street. Soon, she was bragging about him to her girlfriend and sharing all the juicy details. Of course, the girlfriend wanted to meet him, and my wife essentially handed him off to her. However, after he had been ‘doing’ the girlfriend for about three months, he asked the same ‘favor’ of her. And she agreed!

Within a few years, my wife and her girlfriend had corrupted eight other young, recently married, wives in our subdivision. It was almost like an Avon or Tupperware pyramid sales scheme. As he finishes with one woman, he hands her off to one of his friends, or he helps her to start ‘dating’ other men.

In our cul-de-sac the wives don’t even care if the neighbors see them being picked up ‘on date night’ by their boyfriends or coming home in the wee hours of the morning.

In summary, staring your wife straight in the eyes, while she is taken by a superior male, completely re-wires both of your brains! A wife’s primitive sex instinct will thereafter cause her to prefer large-cocked males.

Great story: we hope to see additional chapters soon. Thanks!

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 3 years ago

Drop the evil wife and go find a better woman.

Rw43Rw43about 5 years ago
What I dislike about the story is what makes it so effective

You wove together so many elements, many of which had to be sequenced just right in order to avoid confusion. Masterfully done.

The cuckold theme is also tricky, and you've still left us wondering how he feels about it. Very effective.

But there is one specific element that makes this story pulse. It cloys and clings to you, even when you want to get away. It's like going to the beach but neglecting to remove the voluminous over shirt before it gets soaked, so you end up fighting to get it off until you realize you need it after all. What is it? the present tense. I hate it, but it forces me to see what the author sees, think what he thinks, feel what he f---wait, how does he feel? How do I feel? That's a question we want to avoid.

Well done

ReadyOneReadyOneabout 5 years ago
A little more sweating...

"I've invited Joe and Colette round tomorrow evening" is when he learns the date has been set. And he has _only a day_ before it will happen.

Why not say "round next weekend" or "round Saturday next"?

He gets off so easy with only a day to face his fear. He could have been agonizing for a week (plus or minus) counting down the hours to his cuckolding.

Just a nit, but one I could have exploited.

katibkatibover 5 years ago
Oh My!

Hate the theme but like the execution (writing).

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
When Joe and Collete got there?

They discovered her alone. Seems Hubby had enough, packed his things, cleaned out the bank accounts and left. With no forwarding address. Stupid story.

MSKeslerMSKeslerover 7 years ago

I love your writing captures the emotional and psychological pain of the cuckolded husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Words paint a thousand pictures and this was a masterpiece. ...Yeah, ok, there were a few typo's, but so what. It definitely sent a chill up my spine and given me plenty to think about long after I've finished reading the story. 10 out of 10 for imagination and we definitely need more stores like this. Thank you.

cyferxcyferxover 7 years ago
well written but overwrought

It is almost gothic in its implications and extremely well written for a one page story, but it is so overwrought and ambiguous as to be almost completely non-erotic, although it is probably how Poe would write a cuckold story as a bit of gothic horror. It was ruined, however, by too many details about the cuckolding couple (a stunt man?) which made it too concrete, even mundane. Should have left it as an atmospheric piece of existential marital dread. But well written enough all the same. 3*

NSCarterNSCarterover 7 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the positive comments

Thanks to everyone who commented positively or constructively. Much appreciated.

For those who felt there were gaps, it was intentional (which does not mean that it worked necessarily!) with the idea of leaving the reader wondering at the backstory. And I am afraid it is intended as a stand alone so no sequels. But I have written and posted something else that will be continued.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmover 7 years ago
If I were the husband

I would just run and keep running away as fast as I can. Don't look back, forget love, forget everything else. Run run run away as fast as you can. Don't let them do it to you.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 7 years ago

Many scream about there being nothing different in these stories--well this one is about as different as you'll find and still have a cuckold story. Oh yeah--I forgot, they don't like cuckold stories but love to read LW, which is defined by creators as extra-marital fun. I gave you a four since its your first story and you really thought out of the box here.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 7 years ago

Not a big fan of the theme but the writing is so good it overcomes my reluctance. Please let him merely watch and suffer. When the cuckold participates it becomes ludicrous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This is a pretty credible piece of fiction and different from most of the other cuckoldry stories here. Literate, almost, except it starts in the middle and never explains who the character are and why they are behaving as they do. From an amateur writer, it's pretty good. At the very least we will get a look inside the mind of a cuckold as the event happens.

It's so amusing to read all the outraged (!!!) comments from male readers who want to argue with the author's characters. Happens every cuckold story, too, like clockwork. No, fellas, this will be a story about a man who shares his wife. You won't talk him out of it. The plot is out of your control and all you can do is read it. And, of course, leave helpful comments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very nice.

Something different for a change.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

These kind of stories give IMPO and his like something to do every day.Just B.T. B stories are to boring so we need more cuck stories to entertain the haters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
If that was me

By the time they got to our house the next night. I would be gone for good and the bank accounts would be empty, the house would be hers and my name would be changed. hope the 3 of them make a fine family.

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