The Third Time's the Charm


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"Dale do you still have feelings for Brenda?" asked Andy.

"I guess so," I said. "I'm not in love with her anymore, but we were together for a long time."

"Yeah well that new wife you got is kind of hot," he said. "So I wouldn't be opposed to an exchange of favors if ya know what I mean."

"I wouldn't be opposed to knocking your head off," I said.

"What if I threw in Shelly there?" asked Andy. "When I saw the three of ya dancin' the first thought going through my mind was that you all would make a hell of a threesome."

"Are you sick?" I asked. "She's my daughter!"

"Dale, she really isn't. She may look like you, act like you, and talk like you, but she doesn't have a drop of your DNA. She's over twenty-one and the two of you clearly have some sort of feelings for each other. There is nothing legally or morally wrong with..." he began.

"Just shut up Andy," I said. I don't know if I did it as a reaction to what Andy had suggested or not, but I called Maggie. By that time, we'd been gone for about two hours between going to the apartment, the restaurant and the time spent driving around looking for Brenda. Maggie suggested that we just go back to the apartment building and wait for her to pull up.

That was what we did. "Hey, Dad, do you have your phone?" asked Shannon.

"I ain't got no cell phone," snapped Andy.

"I was talking to my Dad," hissed Shannon. "Dad, do you want to play Scrabble while we wait?"

"There's the minivan," said Andy. "She's home. I'm gonna tear her a new asshole for leaving me there."

"And I'm gonna have words with her for turning my sister's wedding reception into a toilet," said Shannon. I looked at her curiously. Knowing my daughter the way I did, I knew there was a punch line.

She smiled at me when she saw my look. "She left a giant turd there and didn't bother to flush," she said pointing at Andy.

I tried not to laugh and Shannon just cracked up. "Alright Miss Comedian, help me get him and his chair out of the truck," I said.

A few moments later I was pushing Andy's wheelchair into the elevator for the trip up to the third floor. One of their neighbors had opened the security door as soon as he recognized Andy.

When we got to the apartment, we turned the doorknob. We never expected it to be open, but it was. Shannon pushed Andy into the apartment and stopped suddenly.

Andy started sputtering, and his eyes got huge. I let go of the wheelchair and dove to cover Shannon's eyes, forgetting that she was a grown woman.

There on the sofa, a greasy looking guy was fucking the shit out of Brenda while another naked guy waited his turn. Her arms and legs flopped like a rag doll. She was glassy-eyed and kept moaning.

"Oh Dale, keep doing it to me, baby. That's it, Dale, don't stop," she moaned. Shannon broke the spell by bursting out in hysterical laughter.

When they heard Shannon's laughter, the three naked people turned and saw us. The guy who was waiting his turn dove for his clothes. "I didn't do anything yet," he said.

"Dale!" screamed a clearly drunken Brenda. The two men looked scared then.

"Look, Buddy, I don't want any trouble," mumbled the man who had just pulled his wilting dick from Brenda's body. "She wanted this."

"She's clearly drunk out of her mind," I said. "You took advantage of a..." Before I could say anything both men bolted for the door leaving their clothes behind.

The shock of what had happened had returned some sanity to Brenda. "Dale ... I..." Was all she got to say before Shannon started laughing again. Next to Shannon, Andy was so angry he couldn't find words.

"You ... you ... Whore!" he spat. He tried to wheel his chair over to her, with murder in mind. His arm went back and Brenda cowered away from him, but before I could move to intercede, Andy clutched his chest. His angered screams had abruptly stopped, and he just let out a soft, "ooh."

Andy was out. I leaped across the room and got him out of the chair and onto the floor. I started doing chest compressions the way I learned in a CPR class.

"Shannon, call 911," I yelled. For what seemed like forever, I pressed on his chest. I was told that it was only six minutes, but it felt like hours. When the paramedics took over, I was spent. As they got him into the ambulance, they looked at us. "Who's going to the hospital with him?"

"I'll stay with the whore," said Shannon. "Dad, you get really stupid around her."

I got into the ambulance. On the way to the hospital, I called Maggie. I was exhausted as I filled her in on the details.

* * * * * *


My head was pounding. I think it was more the alcohol left in my system than the rapid sobriety that caused it. "Shannon, Honey, can you make me some coffee?" I asked.

"I'm not your maid," she snapped. "You're not handicapped. Make it yourself."

I staggered over to the kitchen and plugged in my ancient coffee maker. "Shannon, I know that you and I weren't as close as Lauren, and I were," I began. "But that was never because I preferred her. Lauren just seemed to need me more. Lauren just always seemed to be around me. You never needed me the same way. But I loved you equally and in..."

Shannon burst out laughing again. "Mother, just shut up," she laughed.

"Shannon, what is it that you have against me?" I cried. "I'm your mother. You were made from a part of me. I brought you into this world from my own body, Shannon..."

"And you've been hanging your hat on that ever since," she hissed. Her anger was coming to the surface. "How many men have there been, Mother?" Her eyes blazed with rage and some sort of hurt.

"How many times did you cheat on him? Do you even have any idea? Guess what, Mother, I do. I've seen your little act up close. Too God damned close, Mother. When I was little, Andy was in and out of our lives. You two would meet up. And he would stay with us for a while. And then the two of you would start to argue. Then you'd fight, and you'd lose and get beat up and Andy would leave. And you'd bring another man home.

Then it got funny because sometimes when Andy was still there you'd bring other men home. Usually Jeff would take care of Lauren and me even though he was barely bigger than we were. I remember days when all we ate was cereal because that was all Jeff knew how to make. Or sometimes we'd have chips and soda, if one of your men wanted to get rid of us.

Jeff always told us things would be better when Daddy came home. But they never were. Andy didn't even know our names. I actually hated it when he was with us because he treated you the worst. Maybe with the other men, when things started to go bad, they had no reason to stay, so they just hauled ass. But when Andy was there you, two fought like cats and dogs. And despite what Jeff wanted to think, it was still no better. It was worse.

Then Jeff started school. And a year later Lauren did too. So I was all alone to watch. You had a steady stream of men. Sometimes I tried to memorize their names or their faces. However, so many of them only came once or twice. Andy would be gone for long periods of time, but when he came back it was always the worst because I knew what would happen. Do you know what it's like to watch someone beat the shit out of your mother? Probably not. Do you know what it's like to watch her beg that same man to stay with her, because her self-esteem is so low? Again, probably not. Do you have any idea what it's like to have your mother push you out of the way or send you to your room, so she can spend time with some jerk she just met?"

I had no idea that she'd remembered all of that. I had no idea what to say to her.

"And then you met Dale, Mother," she said. "From the very first day, I knew that he was different. When he walked into the house, we were renting and saw the three of us. He didn't frown or decide to wait outside. He asked us our names and spoke to us. And he didn't just do what some of the others did, Mother. He didn't take you somewhere and leave us there. He changed your plans and took us all out with you. I remember it well even today, Mother. We went to Chuck E. Cheese, and we had pizza and played games. Lauren and Jeff knew all about video games from their friends, but it was my first time. He stayed with me and showed me how to play the games. And he did the dumbest thing, Mother. He encouraged me. He told me that I could be good at anything I set my mind to. He told me I was the smartest little girl he had ever met, and he meant it."

"But I told you..." I began.

"Yes Mother," she hissed. "You told me I was smart too. You started when I got to high school and started getting those academic awards and decided to go to college. I was almost an adult then. Dale told me that the first day that he met me and every God damned day since. Even now that I'm a grown woman with an engineering degree, Daddy tells me I'm brilliant when I solve a problem on the job.

From the first day that the two of you guys were together; I wanted him in our lives. Jeff and Lauren didn't notice the difference, but I did. He was there more and more, and I loved it. I loved him. But Jeff was always talking about how much better and nicer Andy was.

When you guys got married, it was the happiest day of my life. I wanted to take him to school and show everyone there my new Daddy. And life changed for us, Mother. Instead of living in that crappy house on the east side, we moved into our nice house in the burbs. We had new clothes and rooms of our own, just like all the kids at school. I felt like a princess and Daddy treated me like one.

We were all happy except Jeff. No matter what Dad did it wasn't enough. Sometimes Jeff was just stupid. When Dad bought him a bike, he spent a lot of money and time picking it out. All of Jeff's friends were jealous of him. Even so, Jeff said that if Andy was home, he'd have bought him two bikes. I remember how angry he was when I asked him how he could ride both of them at the same time.

Our lives were just better, whether Jeff knew it or not. We took vacations and did so many wonderful things. The years just flew by until I hit my twenties.

And then I noticed it, Mother. I had seen it enough times to know what you were doing. And I was terrified. I was also confused. You had a perfect life. Why would you fuck it up? I just didn't understand. But as usual, my curiosity got the better of me, so I started to watch you. I skipped class a couple of times and watched you. When I saw who you were cheating on him with, I began to hate you, Mother.

From the time that Dale had come into our lives, you hadn't done shit. Dale made enough money that you didn't have to work. You sat on your ass all day long, perhaps that's why you did it. Maybe you were bored. I mean, how much Jerry Springer can you watch, huh?

I was so afraid. That was why I never told Dad. I was afraid of losing him. I didn't want him to be just another man who walked out on you, unless he was going to take me with him. From the time we met, Dale would leave work to come and see me in a school play or see me play softball or run track. Mother you didn't work, but you rarely ever found the time to go. Parent-teacher conferences ... again always Daddy, never you.

I was going crazy. I hated you so badly and there was no one I could tell. If I told Daddy, I knew I'd lose him. I couldn't even confide in Jeff and Lauren. Jeff would have been glad that Andy was back. Remember how stupid he acted until he found out what an asshole Andy is? And Lauren took your side no matter what. I had your fucking secret locked in my head until he caught you himself.

And then I thought things would be better. I knew it would take me a while to help him get over you, and it did. You were such a fool, Mother. The only man in your entire life who treated you well, and you cheated on him. The single man who genuinely loved you, and you brought other men into his house. He didn't care that you aren't the most attractive woman around. I never did find out what he saw in you, but he just loved you, Mother.

If you only knew how many nights he cried himself to sleep over you ... and you weren't worth it. You were never worth one of his tears. Then, slowly he started to come out of it. It took a whole six months, but I convinced him that losing you was like losing bad breath, or like losing herpes.

Things were going great and then he ran into you again. I kept telling him that giving you another chance was stupid. Even so, he always does stupid things over you. I'm sure you saw me smile at you when he caught you the second time. I remember; we were in that courtroom, and you had refused to press charges against that giant lump of shit, Andy. That's how you lost your daughter, Mother."

"Shannon, from what you've been telling me, I lost you when you were nine and Dale married me," I said.

"That's true," she smirked. "I was talking about Lauren."

"So this new woman in your Dad's life is what you all wanted huh?" I asked.

"Maggie?" she asked. "Mom, Maggie is what Dad would be like if he was a woman. She cares about everyone and really enjoys making sure that everyone has a good time. She cares about people, and it shows. People are drawn to her. And she loves Daddy like there's no tomorrow. If she was just pretty, I'd never have let her into his life. She and I had a talk, very early in their relationship."

"And she's okay with you hanging around your dad like a puppy?" I asked. "No woman wants her husband's grown children around all the time."

"Mom, while you guys were apart; I tried to hook Daddy up several times. He refused to even date anyone who minded me being in his life. He and Maggie had a talk too. She's fine with the fact that I may never leave them. She and I somehow became best friends. It makes sense in a way. We both love the same person. We both want him to be happy. And we both make him happy."

She was smiling as she said it. I realized then that I had truly lost my daughter. There was no need for me to try to make things up with her. She would never trust me again. She was far more prepared to see a total stranger with her Dad, than give me another chance with him. Talking to Shannon was pointless. She wasn't even vaguely interested in hearing my part of the story. I needed to get to Dale himself.

* * * * * *


The paramedics seemed to think that I was a hero. They told the doctors and the nurses at the hospital that it had been my quick actions that had saved Andy's life. They kept repeating the story for everyone who came in. I wonder if they would have changed their view of my heroism to stupidity if they knew that the man I saved had fucked my wife twice.

An hour after I got there, Maggie arrived. She descended like an angel on the hospital waiting room. Within a short time, there were nurses and nurse's aides catering to her every mood. Four doctors came over to give her reports on Andy.

A half-hour later, Shannon, and Brenda got there. Shannon immediately came over and sat down on the opposite side of me from the one Maggie sat on.

"Uhm, how's he doing?" asked Brenda, nervously. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her skin was blotchy. Her balance was also suspect.

Before anyone could answer her, Jeff arrived. "Mindy is staying with the kids. She's closing the hall down too. Lauren and Greg, had already left for their plane before we found out," he said. "So what happened to him?"

"Heart attack," said Shannon.

"Shit. After everything that old bastard's been through and all the stuff that happened to him in prison, I thought he'd last forever," said Jeff. "What could have caused him to have a heart attack? Was it complications from the injury that put him in the chair?"

"Nope," said Shannon. "It was complications from walking in on your mother, while she was screwing two scumbags." Jeff just shook his head, and walked over and sat down next to Maggie. He didn't even look at Brenda.

"Dad, this probably isn't the time," began Jeff. "But I need to talk to you guys."

"We aren't going anywhere for a while," I said. "Let's hear it or is this something we need to talk about alone?"

"I guess Shannon and Maggie can help too," said Jeff. "I've been thinking lately, that with Lauren in college to become a pharmacy tech, I'm going to be the only one in the family who didn't go to college. I mean Maggie has a degree in history and a career in the museum world. You two are engineers. I have trouble getting over the fact that my baby sister works designing and manufacturing cars." Even as he said it, Shannon squeezed my hand.

"I want a career too," he said. "I think I know what I want to do, but I might need a bit of help getting there."

"Whatever you need; you can have," I said.

"Do you want to tell us what you're going into?" asked Maggie. "We're all proud of you no matter what you want to do though and..."

"Do any of you realize that I'm here?" screamed Brenda.

"Yes, Mother, we're all aware that you're here. And that once again we've all gathered to clean up one of your messes on a day that was supposed to be special for Lauren," spat Shannon.

"Lauren got married," screamed Brenda. "What about me? What did I get? What do I have? Why do I always have to be the one to suffer? Why can't I win just one God damned time?"

She got up and ran out of the room then. Maggie turned to me. "Dale, Honey, you have to go and talk to her."

I sighed and rose to my feet. Shannon was right beside me. "Shan, Sweetheart, you and I are going to stay here and talk about Jeff's new career, okay?"

I left the room and went after Brenda. It took me about ten minutes to find her. She had left the hospital and was walking through the parking lot. I took her hand, and we sat down on a bench near the bus stop in front of the hospital.

She hugged me, and I let her.

"Dale, I've messed up everything, " she said. "I don't want Andy to die, but he deserves what he got. I'm tired of being his bank and his support system and his whore and his punching bag. I want a good life, Dale. And I want you back."

I just looked at her. "I know you're angry at me for what you saw tonight, Dale. But I was so pissed over being excluded from the wedding that I just went out and got drunk. What you saw was the liquor, not me, Honey. I swear to you that it will never happen again."

She looked at me, and her eyes pleaded with me to believe her. It was pitiful.

"I know that you can't just snap your fingers and get over what you saw. I know it hurt you badly, but we can..." she said.

"Brenda, it didn't hurt me at all," I said. "I'm fine."

She looked at me strangely. "I guess it's like they say. The third time's the charm. The first time I caught you, I wanted to die. It hurt me so bad that if it weren't for Shannon, I doubt that I'd have lived. I probably would have drunk myself to death. It took me months to get over it. And as soon as I did, there you were again," I told her.

"Of course I was there," she said. "I love you. Where else would I be?"

"The second time wasn't nearly as bad," I said. "I still loved you, and I really wanted things to work because of that. But, I wasn't at the point where I completely trusted you. And I had Shannon warning me against you all the time. So I wasn't really surprised when it happened. I missed the sex. God knows you're great in bed. Even so, I knew then that things just weren't in the cards for us. So I moved on and found someone else."

"But she's wrong for you," she said. "You just like her because she's pretty, and she has big tits. Men always want pretty women with big tits."

"Brenda, I loved you," I told her. "You were pretty enough for me. I never cheated on you. And your tits were fine for me. If you'd loved me enough to stay faithful to me, we'd still be together."