The Three Day Pass Ch. 46


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"No, once again, I forbid it! If there is anything I need in a wife – I will teach it to her. As to going to other sources – once we are man and wife – there will be no other sources. I intend to make sure of that."

"My, but what would Allie have to say about that."

"You let me worry about Allie. I will not have anyone dictate to me about my wife or our life together."

"Yussef, my son, you are beginning to act as the Emir already," he laughed. "O.K. I will just send her to an English language school so she can improve her language skills."

"Thank you, Jamaal. I'm glad you understand. I would love to chat with you some more. However, since I have an early appointment with the President tomorrow, I will need my sleep, so I will have to say goodbye now."

After Joseph hung up, he rubbed his chin and found that he needed a shave. He went into their shared bathroom and took a quick touchup shave. As he was patting on the aftershave lotion, his eye noticed a small bottle of prescription tablets with Rich's name on it in the medicine cabinet. Puzzled, he picked it up and went into the hot tub room where Rich had started the hot tub and asked about it.

Richard looked at the bottle, blushed and then said, "They are sleeping pills. The first few days you were away I was perplexed and had nightmares about what could happen to all of you. They became so bad that I was awake all night and could not get any sleep. By morning, I was a complete wreck, so I went to the doctor and he gave me this proscription to take. I took them once and, man oh man, did they work! They not only knocked me out but also gave me erotic dreams."

"Well, now that I'm home, you won't be needing them anymore. I intend to fulfill those dreams. So we can get rid of them now." Joseph said and put them in the liquor cabinet, intending to flush them down the toilet later.

He looked around the room and noted the changes Richard had made. During construction Richard had the workers install a portable bar, which was hidden behind medium size palm trees and small houseplants placed tastefully around the area to give the area a tropical look. Joseph enthusiastically approved of the change, as it was a constant reminder of that hotel where they went on their second date.

As the water bubbled and soothed their bodies they rested their bodies and closed their eyes. "Ahhhhhh this is the life. I'm glad I told them I'm not coming in for tonight's performance." Rich said kind of apprehensively. "It's great just to be able to relax like this."

Joseph, catching the anxiety in his voice looked over at him and asked, "Is there something wrong? I can feel it in your voice. There has been this invisible wall or curtain that is hanging between us."

"Oh no there's nothing's wrong. It's just that I have something to tell you and I don't know how to say it."

"Out with it! That's the only way. Has there been something that you thought I've done. Or is it something you've done? You know that I love you and I wouldn't want to hurt you."

"No," laughed Richard, "It is not anything you've done, at least not that I know of.... However, it seems that my agent may have lined me up a motion picture contract in Hollywood. And after all the problems of moving in here – I may have to go out there for a while."


"Within the next week I will have to go for a screen test. I really don't want to go. Not with you coming home and ..."

"So, what's the problem? It's not going to be forever - or is it?"

"No, I hope not. But we are just getting settled here and...."

"Nonsense! We both know that you will have to try this sooner or later and if this is so, let it be now. It's better that you take this opportunity now rather than later. I would hate to think that it was me that held you back. If you make it out there and you have to stay there – we will just have to move there."

"You would drop everything and move for me?"

"No! No! No baby, not for you – how many times do I have to say this? Not for you, but for us." Joseph said, pulling Richard close to himself and kissing his lips. "That is if you still want me around after you meet all those hot Hollywood leading men. Just remember that if I move out there I just might look around myself...."

Richard grabbed his head and pushed it under the water and held it there for a few seconds and then pulled it out of the water. "You do that and I'll kill you."

They kissed again and then Joseph got out of the tub and threw a towel around his shoulders and offered his hand to Richard and helped him out of the tub. They dried each other off and went into the bedroom and got onto the bed. Joseph, after placing the condom on his penis lifted Richard's legs and rubbed his penis head around Richard's outer ring. Then increasing the pressure slightly he moved past the ring and advanced slowly in further. Their lips met and both the kiss and their playing around became more and more passionate. As he sank deeper he could feel his dick head hit and rub over Richard's love spot. He moved his hips in until he bottomed out and slowly withdrew his cock until the head was the only thing left in, and then he pushed back in. As he moved in and out he began to slowly build up speed. Again and again he kissed Richard – first his lips then his nose, his eyes, his cheeks, his neck and then his ears. Joseph loved Rich's ears and he nibbled on them. Richard had a weird smile on his face and Joseph asked what was so funny. Rich told him that he was in another world and that he never wanted to come back to earth.

"Don't ever leave me love, I need you here in this world with me."

Over and over they continued to make love, harder and faster, in and out, kissing and moaning and at times screaming, biting and scratching each other. Something wonderful was building in each of their bodies and minds. The triggers were cocked, the furnaces were fueled and over heating, the cannons were loaded. Now, yes now they both screamed in unison as first Richard felt the heat starting from the base of his balls – pushing and prodding thru his cock and exploding like an oil well into the air, in several shots it came overflowing, hot, thick and lava like, up his penis and out into the warm, moist space between their bodies. Richard screamed and moaned as his love hole involuntarily squeezed in around Joseph's dick with each eruption. His ass was on fire and he continued pushing and pulling on Joseph's love tool. Joseph could not hold back any longer and screaming he too came and came. Exhausted they collapsed in each other's arms. Joseph thought, my God, it's so good to be home.


"From what I hear from some of our C.I.A. people in the mid-east, it looks like you were the number one topic of the news these past two weeks. I hope you have some good news to tell me," the President said. "I need some good news for a change. I spoke with the Worthingtons yesterday and they did not brighten my day any."

"Well, Sir, since you have spoken to them already, you know about the utter futility of helping these people. I'm sorry to have to say this and to have to say it in this way – but - it would be like trying to put out a five-alarm fire by piss....." Then realizing to whom he was talking, he continued in a more moderate tone, "If you get what I mean, Sir."

"I can't allow myself to believe that. There must be something we can do. Some way of reaching these people," the man said, his shoulders drooping. "Everyone says the same as you are saying. Even Sarah, who I know to be a compassionate person, said that the situation is unbelievable. She has even lost faith in the Red Cross, her life long love and the charity that she has worked for all her adult life. Even they cannot and will not help!"

"One must realize that while the Red Crescent Is not the International Red Cross, it is a part of that organization and lots of Arab money will be cut off if the International protested too much." Joseph said. "Don't blame them too much, even our government, the United States, is just as much to blame, if not more so. For years we have not raised our voice in protest and we have continued to support the international while it refused to recognize or allow the 'Red Star of David' (Israel's humanitarian medical association) in as a member, simply because they are Jewish and choose a Jewish star as their emblem. Our hands are just as dirty, if not more so."

Annoyed, the President said with a look of disgust, "And what other bad news do you have to tell me?"

"Sir, I can only tell you what I see and how I feel," Joseph said, equaling the President's reaction. "If you want me to sugar coat things, you picked the wrong man for this job. There were things that I saw on Arab Television this past week that would turn you stomach. Things that you would not believe. And these things came from the mouths of Clerics. When I asked the Emir about it, he said that he had authorized the cleric to say what he said."

"What did he say?"

"Well, for one thing, he said you were a traitor to Islam and deserved to be killed and that any religion other than Islam is false and it's practitioners should be killed in the name and for the glory of Allah. This was not broadcast on Iranian TV or Afghani TV – but by an Egyptian Cleric on Egyptian TV in a country that we give over 3 billion dollars a year in aid to, and one that you yourself have praised in speeches."

"I know, but what can I do. I can't withhold the money. How would it look if I asked them to censor their T.V.?"

"You can bet your backside that if and when an American Cleric came up with such dribble, they would be all over you." Joseph said

"You're right, but as you keep reminding me, we do live in a democracy. You must remind me from time to time of that fact. In this office, a person has too many 'Yes men' and most of them are looking out for themselves and to cover their backsides. I want you to talk straight with me. I came up from the streets and, at times, I tend to want to forget it. I'm glad to see that you have the guts to 'hit me in the head' and bring me back down to earth. I'm sorry, as I said it's been a bad week."

"That's alright, Sir. I myself am just a hick from farm country upstate New York. I, too, need a kick in the backside now and then to remind me of that fact."

"Well then, if you'll forgive me, I'll forgive you," the President said smiling. "Now what else do you have to report?"

"Well, Sir, on my last day there, the Emir gave two parties for me and introduced me to both the upper crust of Muslim society and to the lower crust. At the first party were the Kings, Princes and government leaders in the Muslim world. I don't think anyone was left out. In a separate meeting afterward I was introduced to just about every known terrorist wanted by every civilized government in the world, as well as a few that were not known as of yet." Joseph told him some of the names and the President almost fell out of his chair. "The Emir wanted them to meet and get to know me. He flat out told them that I was to be the future Emir, and, as such, I would be their leader as well. Before you ask, I have talked with the F.B.I. and updated them on the new names."

"How did these cut throats take the fact of your becoming Emir?"

"A little too calmly for my taste. At first, they were almost ready to cut my throat and roast me for dinner. The Emir has for the time being, made them at least appear to accept me. It is amazing the hold that man has on them. Make no mistake about it. The Emir is the boss! As he says, they are his shock troops. They will do anything he tells them to do. However, once the Emir passes away, watch out! I think they will kill Allie first, and then try to kill me, my wife and any children I may have fathered with the granddaughter."

"Perhaps it is time for you to pull out then," he said, "I don't want your head on my conscience."

"I wish I could sir – but – something wants me to keep going. I have begun to understand these people and their history and believe that, perhaps in another life, I might, have been one of them. You know, the 'there by the grace of God thing'. They deserve more than they are getting. As long as I can see a chance to better their lives, I feel I must try to do so. I also feel that something is about to happen and that I may have been placed in this unique position to prevent it."

"Joseph," said the President, getting rather personal, "that is the same reason that I chose to run for this office. There are times that I wish to run and hide, but there is no place to go. This is our world and we have to live with it. Welcome to the fools club."

"Mr. President, there may come a time soon that I may have to call and ask you to place your complete trust in me. I would never ask if I thought it was unnecessary or frivolous." Joseph said.

"Agent Benson, I think I know you well enough to know that I can trust your judgment. The former President, whom I still confer with and both his and my own F.B.I. directors have told me over and over that of all the men they had working for them, you were the only agent that they trusted. They trusted your judgment so much they even let you have direct access to the President and he in turn respected you enough to give you his special telephone number. It is the one piece of his advise that I do not regret having taken and that number as well as my office is still open to you 24/7..."

To be continued...

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