The Three Traditions of Pink


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The blonde never intended to leave those magnificent C cup breasts. The shower cabin in any case was too tight to allow for her to sit down and have Emma ram her pussy up her mouth. She'd suckle, kiss, bite and lick those breasts, she'd toy with the redhead's clit until she came trembling onto her hand.

Abigail didn't have to wait long for her plan to bear fruits. The redhead was so turned on and so wired to cum that, about two minutes later she came hard shuddering like a train.

"And that's one - love and counting..." the blonde playfully added.

"Fuck that was intense! I so needed that!! I can still feel everything down there pulsing...aaaaanddd...when we get out of here, I'll make sure to wipe that smirk off your face. Let's see if you'll be that cerebral to keep score then!"

Abigail stuck out her tongue. "For the time being baby-girl the score is one up for me...water's beginning to cool...shall we do each other? Our hair I mean..."

In the next couple of minutes the blonde received a fantastic scalp massage and a thorough, intimate soaping of her body with the red-head making particularly sure that certain places were squeaky clean. To the blonde's mock serious look she replied sheepishly: "What Abi-babe? It's all in the interest of your personal hygiene! Yeah...I'm just checking to make sure that everything is spot clean!"

"And your findings?"

Emma took a comical serious tone. "There appears to be some residual condensation coating the subject's vaginal lips." Making a show of licking her fingers clean she continued: "our preliminary analysis suggests a female in an advanced state of arousal. We shall continue our investigations on the field and will keep you posted on any further results."

"Will she be alright?"

"Wh...what?" the redhead burst out laughing.

"Will the patient be alright doctor?"

"Oh...yes...yes ma'am...we're planning upon conducting a thorough investigation. On my medical word of honor, I vow that we shall leave no hole...errr...stone unturned until we get to her bottom...I mean to the bottom of this."

Both girls were in stiches of laughter. Abigail looked into the redhead's eyes and smiled. "When I look into those green eyes of yours I'm the happiest person in the world. I love you so much baby-girl!"

"I love you too Abi-babe!"

The two girls exited the shower and went to the sitting room. By now it was dark outside. The sole light in the room was produced from the flames as they happily lapped away at the wood. Abigail and Emma made love to each that night. Unhurried, wholehearted, passionate love. And as the flames died down, they went to the bedroom and slept together as one, long elaborate limbs intertwined together, bodies spooning into each other. Their future, they thought, was set, their love for each other solid.

And here, my dear reader, my story ends. It's time to give these two some privacy don't you think?

Post Script

I would like to thank you, the reader, for coming this far. I hope you have enjoyed your journey as much as I did while spinning this tale. Feedback and comments are always welcome and much appreciated.

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okami1061okami1061about 2 years ago

That was a 10. But I could only give you a 5. Sorry.

I don't (and won't) comment on typos (spelling or grammar). This is not a typo-free kind of publication environment. If you want professionally edited works, go to Amazon—and pay for them. Here I'm looking exclusively for character and story development. Those are what make a 5, not perfect editing.

The modern world of crap spelling checkers and clueless grammar checkers precludes that sort of product without extreme costs ($ or effort), which honestly does not benefit stories here. I'll choose ten good stories with typos over the one error-free story that the same effort would produce.


Be very careful about what you're asking your writers for here. Perfect craft means fewer stories—and no stories at all from many writers.

Which do you really want to choose?

NoLongerAnonNoLongerAnonover 2 years ago

A good story of lust and love but I didn't enjoy this as much as Love Me, Please. There were some very good scenes with the two central characters, but the whole revenge/extortion plot was muddled. How did Alexa get involved with the other two, and if her aim was extortion why did she try to kill or injure Abigail? Also their problems with the university authorities went away far too easily.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

If you're going to write a story about academia, you really need to avoid making mistakes your characters would never make. Not knowing the difference between peek and peak, pal and pall, and up to five ellipses in just one sentence is not tolerable in their world. Try Grammarly, if you don't want to find an editor. There's a free version.

Fixing the errors would be well worthwhile, because this is a very good story!

Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

Really great story! I agree there are quite a few typos (or use of the wrong word? Discreet/discrete, peek/peak etc.) but the dialogue is lively and natural (apart from a few too many "baby girl"s towards the end!) the plot is good and the sex superbly detailed and sensitive. A cool 5*

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