The Touch Ch. 24


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"Nah, she's on day off, gone to see her mother .... Be back tomorrow."

"I'm here though." The voice was right behind me and made me jump.

"Bloody hell, Philippa, you scared me half to death," I laughed.

"Are you here for business or pleasure?"

"Strictly pleasure, I was just going to see if Jan wanted to go out for a drink. But as she is not here...."

"As she is not here you can come up to the house and have a drink with me instead," she chuckled and took my arm firmly and started to lead me towards the big house. "You lads finish off then lock up and bugger off home," she called over her shoulder.

I glanced back and the guys were grinning; one gave me the stiff arm gesture and silently mouthed "Go on son, get in there!" I wasn't particularly amused and from what I remembered of Philippa's temper thought they were running a life threatening risk if she saw them.

We entered the big old Victorian house by the same rear kitchen door that Janice had used when she gave me a hand-job in the shower a few weeks previous, and Philippa led me down the same corridor which led to the robing room and shower.

"You can wait for me whilst I shower and change," she said. "The changing room is down here." I thought it probably unwise to mention that I had been there before.

The robing room had not changed since my last visit. She went straight to the ancient hoop backed chair, sat down and put her leg out. "You can make yourself useful by pulling these off," she said. Her manner put me in mind of the way that she was with her students, brisk and authoritive.

When I had pulled both boots she pointed to a space in the row of riding boots along one wall and as I turned back I saw that she had already stripped off her polo top and was standing in her breeches and a plain white cotton sports bra watching me. "If you think you are going to watch me undress, you are bloody mistaken," she laughed. "You can sit on that chair with your back to me until I've showered and dressed."

I did as she said although I chanced a quick peek over my shoulder when I heard her pull the shower curtain around the ancient swan neck shower stall. She was behind the curtain but I could see the pink bulge that her buttocks made against the curtain as she bent to wash her legs.

The shower stopped and I heard the soft noises of her using a towel. "Do you want a hand drying your back?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Don't be so bloody cheeky. You'll get your hands on my body when I say so and not before .... If at all." It was said humorously, but I wondered if there was a promise hidden in there somewhere. "OK, you can turn round now."

She had redressed in a tight mustard yellow polo neck sweater and a pair of dark grey leggings and very obviously nothing else. Her modest breasts seemed very pointed as they strained against the tightness of her top unrestrained by a bra and I could just make out the shadow of the cleft of her pussy through the jersey fabric of her leggings. She pushed her feet into a pair of soft moccasins and started towards the door.

"Come on, let's go and get that drink, now." She led me out and across the big old fashioned disused kitchen and along another corridor which led to the other side of the house. "Now that I am living here on my own I only keep a couple of the rooms open," she explained, "I had a new modern kitchen put in, and moved my sitting room and study upstairs."

I followed her up a flight of stairs and into a large comfortable looking sitting room on the first floor which was decorated in an ultra modern minimalist style with plain white emulsioned walls and modern teak and leather furniture. The only concession to family history was a number of Georgian prints of hunting scenes in modern frames and one very large painting of a horse which I guessed was probably a George Stubbs, closer examination proved me correct.

She held up a crystal decanter, "There's whisky, or whisky .... Or if you prefer you can have whisky?" She laughed. Without waiting for me to say yes or no she poured two generous tumblers of the amber liquid and brought one over to me, indicating that we should sit side by side on the large leather couch. She flopped down beside me and put her feet up on the solid looking teak coffee table. I noticed that there were faint score marks on the edge of the wood where she had obviously sat in the past wearing her boots.

We chatted for maybe and hour about common interests, horses, riding, her job, my job, people that we knew and things remembered from my days at the stables. She told me she had been married once some years ago but was long divorced and was not interested in relationships or long term commitments. Sitting in her own room Philippa was a lot more relaxed and her attitude softer, maybe it was also the whisky, which was a very good single malt, and had been refilled a couple of times, or just that we were getting to know each other a bit better.

She leaned back with a deep sigh and closed her eyes and it gave me a chance to study her close up. She was maybe 37 or 38 and very attractive with a delicate face, almost elfin, with hazel eyes and blonde streaked light brown bobbed hair. Her mouth was generous with quite thin heart shaped lips painted with a pale pink lipstick, obviously waterproof, which was her only make-up and which exposed her perfect teeth when she smiled. Her face had that slightly tanned appearance that was an all year around complexion for those of us who work outdoors and there was an almost invisible scattering of tiny freckles across her nose.

She had an athletic figure with really firm pointy breasts, a narrow waist and the generous hips and buttocks of the professional horse rider leading to very long firm legs, the rider's muscular calfs emphasised by the tight leggings. It fascinated me that her neat body was only a single thickness of fabric away from my vision.

I suddenly realised that she had opened one eye and was watching me watching her. "Do you see anything that you like?" she asked, her face breaking into a wide grin.

"Everything, it's all just perfect." Talking about sex with Gill all afternoon and then thinking about it ever since, plus a few large whiskies, had made me seriously randy and it looked as though Philippa was putting it out for me. I took a gamble that I was reading the signs right and slid a hand behind her neck, tilting her face towards me and leaned forward to touch my lips to hers.

She didn't respond immediately and I had a gut wrenching moment of fear that she was suddenly going to burst out laughing and tell me she was just teasing me and to piss off. Then her lips moved slowly against mine and we began to tentatively explore each others mouths, tongues just lightly brushing across teeth and then probing and flicking at each other, the whisky seemed to make our mouths more sensitive rather than numb as you would expect. I turned her a bit more towards me and without realising what I was doing started to gently massage the nape of her neck with the tips of my finger, up into the hairline, at the same time pulling her mouth harder against mine.

Suddenly her breathing became faster, she was making tiny shallow gasps into my mouth and I felt her back arch as she looped her arms around my neck and thrust her fingers up into my hair. I slowly ran my hand up the front of her sweater until I was covering one firm pointed breast and could feel the heat of the engorged nipple pressing against my palm. Her hand found mine and guided it down and beneath the hem of her top. Her naked body was silky smooth as I pushed my hand upwards over her ribs to find and caress her breast, a perfect cone of firm flesh, the aureola hot and swollen and almost one with the nipple which was just a hard peak at the top of that soft mountain.

She broke the kiss. "Oh fuck! You've got me so horny .... How did you do that .... I never get this way this quickly." She panted against my ear. I started to move my hand from her breast. "Don't stop! I didn't tell you to stop." I moved my hand back onto her tit and gently rolled and squeezed the nipple between my fingers.

"Aaaah!" She let out a loud gasp and twisted around, pushing me back onto the couch until she was laying atop of me full length her hand grasping me at the back of my neck and pushed her lips back hard against mine, crushing them against my teeth with her urgent surge of lust. I grabbed both her buttocks firmly and pulled her groin hard against the erection which was trying to burst out of my jeans. She rolled her hips to massage her pussy against my concealed hardness.

The suddenly she reached back, crossed her arms and dragged off her sweater to reveal her hard pointed tits, immediately grasping my t-shirt and tugging it upwards and over my head so that our bodies were naked together and I could feel the hot points of her nipples against my chest. Somehow we struggled out of what remained of our clothes, whilst still continuing to kiss hard and lustfully, and by some miracle of athletic prowess managed not to fall off of the couch as we thrashed our way out of our jeans and leggings and finally lay naked with Philippa beneath me and my rigid prick pressed hard between us.

"God, Philippa, you are so....."

"Oh shit Jamie, just shut up and fuck me!" she pushed her face up to mine our lips crushing against each other, tongue thrashing and entwining as we sucked and probed at each others mouths frantically.

I eased myself to one side so that I could slip my hand between us my fingers seeking and finding her pussy. Philippa did not shave her pussy and my fingers roamed through her short clipped thatch of silky fur until they found her soft lipped slit, already hot and moist and parted the lips to gently caress the exposed labia and upwards to her clitoris. It felt large and hard like a red hot pea floating in a sea of honey and she bucked and screamed out as I rolled it with the tip of my finger.

"Aaaah! Oh my God ...... fuck me! I WANT TO BE FUCKED!"

Her fingers met mine between our bodies and together we guided my quivering prick to the opening of her love tunnel. Her legs locked around mine and her hands grasped my buttocks, the nails digging into my flesh, and with a frantic jerk of her hips she forced me into her until the tip of my prick hit bottom.

"Aaaah! Oh yes! Oh yes! That is soooooo good!" I thought that if the guys in the stable yard were still working they must be able to hear her and remembered their leering earlier.

Having sex with Philippa was far from soft and gentle, she fucked like she rode horses, hard and fast. Years of riding every day, show jumping and eventing had given her the strength of an athlete and her legs were powerful and muscular. We smashed against each other her strapping thighs locked around mine in a vice like grip powering me ever harder into her as I thrust at her with all the strength that I could muster, both of us bucking and pounding at each other, gasping and grunting with the sheer force and energy of our shagging.

My prick felt rock hard and was almost numb with the sheer violence of our fucking and I was beginning to believe that we would both collapse from exhaustion before one of us climaxed when I felt that familiar tingling around the balls that heralded imminent ejaculation.

"Aaaah, I'm cumming!" I grunted. It was hardly a warning as nothing on earth was going to stop us now.

"Wait!" she hissed and then started to plunge against me even harder.

I clenched my buttocks in an effort to delay but it wasn't going to happen and then just as I felt myself starting to release....

"NOW!" she screamed, "Do it now!"

Her whole body bucked and spasmed as she made it to her own orgasm and I erupted inside her, the force of our fucking tearing what felt like stream after stream of my juices from my quivering, almost insensate prick deep inside her.

We collapsed and lay locked together unmoving and unspeaking for at least fifteen or twenty minutes, then spontaneously both started to laugh with the joy of totally exhaustive sex. We untangled ourselves carefully and with some grunting and moaning; we both had aching legs and backs and my lips felt pulverised.

"Christ Jamie, I'm getting too old to have lovers your age," she chuckled against my ear as we lay side by side, still naked our faces only millimetres apart so that I only had to incline my head slightly to kiss her lightly on the lips or cheek. "Fucking with you was fantastic but now I feel totally knackered."

"I could sleep for a week myself," I laughed.

"Oh no you won't my lad!" she said sternly and gave me a fun shove which had me flailing to stay on the couch. "I think you had better get dressed right now .... I'm not having you in my bed tonight... I have a full day of riding classes tomorrow and can't afford to be exhausted from shagging with you all night. There's nothing worse than a teacher who keeps falling off her horse in front of the pupils."

I got dressed whilst she went to the bathroom and came back wearing a almost floor length green satin dressing gown and we went down to her kitchen and sat over mugs of tea and instant coffee just talking about nothing in particular. Eventually I got up to leave and she led me to the front door which was nearer to the car park.

She leaned against me, put her arms around my neck and kissed me firmly on the lips but pulled back as I started to respond. "Whoa there Dobbin, no more tonight," she smiled. "Tonight was really good, Jamie ..... Will you come back again?"

"Yeah, it was better than good, Philippa, it was fantastic. Yes, I'll come back, but you know that already don't you?"

"I guess I do," She gave me another quick kiss, "Just not too frequently eh, I need to be able to sit a horse and I won't be able to if you are fucking me until my pussy is numb every night. Oh, and I think we had better keep our little games a secret from Janice, don't you?"

I nodded in agreement and made my way down to the car park. The stable yard was only lit by the security lights and there seemed to be nobody about but the gate had an inside latch and I was able to drive out and then push it close from outside.

By the time I got home it was after midnight, Emma was already in bed, I listened at her door and could hear the sound of her steady breathing as she slept. I didn't want to wake her up and so I skipped the shower and just had a flannel wash then got myself a cold Fanta from the 'fridge and went up to my room. I changed into my sleeping shorts and t-shirt then sat in my old leather club chair with the bottle of fizz and smoked a couple of cigarettes and thought about the day. About Gill and our almost unbelievable commitment to try and make a baby and about the awesome evening fucking with Philippa. It was strange; I genuinely missed Gwen not being at home but I didn't feel guilty about having sex with Philippa, I would never tell her of course and I knew that she would never ask if I had seen anybody whilst she was away.



To the reader

A sincere thank you to all the readers who continue to post comments and send e-mails your encouragement is greatly appreciated. I am sorry if new chapters are taking a little more time to appear; I shall try to continue posting them every few days. Some of the earlier chapters are being revised as orphan paragraphs and missed amendments are coming to light as I sort through the masses of random jottings that make up this story. At this time I have just posted the updated version of CHAPTER 1 : JAMIE'S STORY and several other parts have had minor corrections of typos and punctuation errors.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
nicnakpaddywacknicnakpaddywackabout 12 years ago
Every young man's wet dream

This has got to be every young mans dream, it certainly was mine at Jamie's age, surrounded by a bevvy of mature chicks, that is so cool.

You must be about the same age as me as I remember everything you are describing the places and particularly the social attitudes.

Big bonus, your story has no mobile phones or ipods.

Nic the Paddy Drum Wacker.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Well I can vouch for the authenticity of the Norfolk parts, I lived in various parts of Norfolk from '92 to '98 and '99 to '06 and I know Norwich like the back of my hand. Very very good chapters! One of the best stories i've ever read on here.

wolfie1960wolfie1960about 12 years ago
Give it time

I agree it is fiction, I think! This author has such a gift with making his people and places authentic for the era he is writing about that it is not a surprise if readers get involved. Take it from one who really knows from experience, 20 year old men, often do not get to grips with the concept of children in the way that women do, but sometimes it catches up with them later in life. I guess if this is a long story Jamie may feel differently in a year or two. I hope the author will not give out a spoiler either way.Really nice story, I was living in Hampshire during the 1980 s and cannot find a flaw in the authenticity, next time I go home to England I will make a point of lokking up some of the landmark places.

Sorry, hope I haven't started a debate.

WOLFIE Ex pat Brit from Portsmouth.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
OK, so I know that other readers will tell me to get a life, but...

... even though this is just a "story" and some of the concepts for what is taking place (including the theme of "the touch") are a somewhat "out there", you always seem to do a great job of making it sound so "natural" that the whole story could actually be reality...until!

The line of Gill asking Jamie to father her child is not a difficult concept to grasp. But, for Jamie to not have any concern that she wants total isolation between him and the child after it is born? Here is this intelligent young chap who is sensitive and caring and not a single thought about having no parental responsibilities? I am not suggesting that he decline her proposition, but Jamie not having the thought of not being involved in "his"child's life does not fit in with his character.


hodunkhodunkabout 12 years ago
Another Fantastic Chapter!

I really liked chapter 24 and am now waiting for 25. I have a need to read so keep'em comin.

GreenFingersGreenFingersabout 12 years ago
The Touch Chapter One - Jamie's Story

Sorry readers,

I thought that the updated version of Part 1 would get posted before or at the same time as this chapter but it seems to have got stuck in approval.


wendywillwendywillabout 12 years ago
great chapter

another good chapter I really like gill and philippa both different but both great characters

the new version of chapter 1 is not there yet


MariaSh10105MariaSh10105about 12 years ago
Unexpected, Yes!

Absolutely great. Just when the reader thinks that they have the next progression of the story sussed there is a new and exciting twist.

I love the story that this chapter is introducing, I was there in the 1990s and this would have really been an option for women in that decade.

Great! Fabulous! Just keep writing

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