The Trail West Ch. 05


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Josh laughed and responded, "Okay Danni, you've got a deal. Shake on it." They laughed and shook hands but held on for a little longer than normal. Then they returned to the ranch house.

In the middle of September, after the harvest school started; Sarah and Danielle moved to Fountain. Sarah began teaching and Danielle started her job with the freight company. Somehow the ranch seemed colder and smaller to both Josh and Red. They looked forward to the weekends when the girls returned to the ranch. It was obvious to Maggie Maguire that the young Texan and her daughter were smitten with each other. She wondered how long it would be before their flirtation turned into something more serious.

October rolled around and the weather started to get colder although there hadn't been any snow or ice as of yet. Sarah and Danni were still able to come home on Friday afternoons and leave early Monday morning. When winter set in with the bitter cold, snow, and ice they would have to stay in Fountain. Every time they rode home, Danni was thankful that she had Sunny to ride. The big horse would get her home no matter what and she felt safe and secure on his back.

One Friday evening late in October, Daniel watched as Red and Sarah stood talking down by the corral after supper. It was beginning to get colder and he could see their breath as they talked. He turned to Maggie and asked, "Have you noticed that Red and Sarah have been spending a lot of time together, Maggie?"

"I'll swear Dan, sometimes you don't see things until they hit you like an ax handle upside your head," she replied laughing. "Those two have been mooning over one another since you first brought those boys home with you. Expect to hear they want to get married soon."

"What? Get married? Why Sarah's still a baby; she's too young to get married," Daniel responded.

"She's 22 and four years older than I was when we got married. By the time I was her age I'd given you both of our girls."

Daniel had to smile. "Maybe I am a little dense sometimes."

"The other thing you don't see is Danielle and Josh are getting close too." Maggie had to smile at the look on his face. "We might just have a double wedding coming soon." She had to laugh out loud at Daniel's look.

Daniel watched Maggie laugh at him for a few seconds and then smiled himself. "You know, our girls could do a lot worse than those two." It was high praise coming from a father.

All of a sudden Sarah came hurrying back to the ranch house as Red stood out in the yard with his hand on his gun belt. Jerry scurried to the bunk house, returned with two Henry rifles, and tossed one to Red. He moved behind some hay bales beside the corral while Red continued to stand in the open.

Sarah got to the porch and said, "Red said there's someone coming, riding hard."

Daniel shooed both women into the house and returned with his own rifle to stand on the porch. If the incoming rider brought trouble he was going to get a rude surprise. That young man down there can be as dangerous as a mad bull and a quick as a rattlesnake if he's pushed, Daniel thought.

He heard Red yell into the night, "You'd better slow to a walk Mister and come in with your hands empty."

"If I meant to shoot you I'd sit out here and pick you off with my own Henry," the response came from the dark.

"You couldn't hit the side of a barn from ten feet," Red yelled back and started laughing. Jerry stepped from behind the hay bales laughing too.

Daniel didn't understand what they were laughing about until Josh rode into the yard out of the darkness. He had a big grin on his face and was chuckling.

Josh dismounted when he got to where Red was standing; Jerry came to join his two older friends. Swinging down from his horse he playfully swatted at Red with his hat and reached over and patted Jerry on the shoulder. Daniel looked at the three as if seeing them for the first time. He hadn't seen them together before without others around. He compared them as they stood together talking and laughing.

Jerry was big for his age at 5' 8 or so. He had big hands and feet which promised he would be a lot bigger when he got his full growth; it was hard to remember that he's only 15. Red was like the sunshine, bright and full of life. He was stocky, solid, and strong like a bear. And like a bear he could be dangerous and unpredictable if you provoked him.

Josh was tall, slender, and moved with a cat like grace. He reminded Daniel of a mountain lion he had seen once, moving over the ground hardly seeming to touch down. Josh was quiet but when he talked he usually said something worth listening too. Daniel wasn't sure if Josh or Red would be more dangerous when prodded.

Although Red was the oldest there was no doubt that Josh led the group. He was only 3 or 4 years older than Jerry but he was a man grown where Jerry was still growing into manhood. A strange mixture, but a strong one Daniel thought. I'm glad they're our friends.

Jerry took Josh's horse Diablo to the barn and took care of him. Josh and Red walked to the porch to join Daniel. "Well looks like you got another hand sir. I've finished at Sander's until the spring so I'll be staying here with y'all if that's okay," Josh said.

"Welcome home son. We're glad to have you."

Maggie and Sarah came out onto the porch and Josh took off his hat and with a smile said hello. But his attention quickly turned back to the door when Danielle came out to join everyone.

"Dang Josh, you've got a smile as big as Texas on your face. I know you're glad to see me but this is embarrassing," Red teased his friend. Everyone there knew who and what caused Josh's smile.

Turning back to Daniel Josh said, "I reckon I could've waited until morning to come back. But I thought I could stay at Sander's with a bunch of strangers or come back here to be with friends. So here I am."

Maggie asked Josh if he'd had supper and pushed him into the house when he said no. Everyone sat around the table as Josh ate and talked. They had seen him the week before but were happy to have Josh back "home"

"I guess Jacob's in bed already," Josh said. When Daniel nodded Josh said, "I've got a present for him, it'll be here tomorrow morning." There was a chorus of questions but Josh told everyone he wanted it to be a surprise.

"I wanted to travel fast tonight and couldn't bring it with me. Mr. Sanders and his cook are making a supply run to Fountain tomorrow and he said he would drop it off on his way by," Josh told them.

Sanders was mounted on one of the horses that Josh had trained and his cook drove the wagon up to the front of the house early the next morning. Everyone came out to greet the men with Josh in the lead. Sanders motioned to the barn and Josh nodded.

"Jacob I need some help with something, could you give me a hand?" Josh asked. The boy nodded and followed Josh as he walked toward the barn. "Wait right here, I'll get it, and you can help me," Josh ordered.

He went to the back side of the barn and returned leading a big buckskin colt about a year and a half old. Josh walked to Jacob and handed him the lead. "He needs a good home and a good owner. Think you can do that Jacob?"

The boy was stunned and didn't know what to say so he just nodded.

"You're a big help to your family and showed a lot of sand trying to help your sisters when those cowboys scared them. I think you should have your own horse to raise and train. That okay with you?"

Again the boy nodded still not able to speak. "You'll have to take care of him and teach him how to be a good horse. It'll be about a year before you can ride him heavy but by that time he'll be your partner."

Jacob found his voice and leading the colt toward his parents said excitedly, "Ma, Pa, look what Josh gave me." Then he stopped, "Thank you Josh. I'll take good care of him, I promise."

Maggie and the two girls had tears in their eyes at how happy Jacob was. Growing up on a ranch didn't give a young boy much time for anything but work and it was good to see Jacob so excited. Daniel stepped down from the porch and looked over the young horse.

His voice had an uncommon gruffness to it when he said, "It's a fine looking animal Jacob. Gonna be a big horse when he gets his full grown, 16 hands or so. Looks strong too. Better go find a stall for him and feed and water him good."

Jacob led his horse toward the barn. Daniel turned toward Josh, "I'll pay you for whatever the colt cost Josh."

"No sir, that's a gift to Jacob from Red, Jerry, and I. We admire the way the boy stood up to Rafe and besides Jacob don't have no kids his own age for friends so this pony can be his friend."

"We appreciate it Josh, but Jacob can ride one of my horses when need be. You didn't have to spend you wages on the colt."

"A man should have his own horse and Jacob's not far from being a man. Besides all the animal cost was a little of my time."

"'s that?" Daniel asked.

"The colt's mama was killed by a mountain lion about six months ago. Mr. Sanders didn't want the colt to be out on the range during this winter and was finally was able to catch him last week." Josh turned toward Sanders and smiled. "But then he didn't know what to do with the animal. The colt is too young to ride yet so he'd be like a pet for a year or so."

"I already got a couple of dogs. Don't need no more pets," Sanders interrupted. He tried and failed to sound put out and gruff.

Josh continued, "I remarked that the colt reminded me of my Sunny and Mr. Sanders told me I could have him. Said I'd be doing him a favor if I took the animal off his hands."

"I also said you'd have to work with him on your own time, didn't I?"

"Oh Mr. Sanders quit play actin at being mean; you're a good man with a kind heart. You're the one that gave me the saddle and tack for Jacob. Anyway I looked over the colt and thought he'd make a fine mount for Jacob. I worked with the horse after supper every night; he's comin along pretty good."

Daniel stepped over to Sanders and shook his hand saying thank you. Maggie asked, "When do you figure to come back this way?"

"We'll buy and load supplies tonight and start back to the ranch at first light tomorrow morning. Probably pass by here around 8 or so. Y'all need me to pick something up for you?"

"No sir, but ifin y'all stop by in the morning, I'll feed you the best breakfast in these parts," Maggie said. Sanders nodded and he and his cook left for town.

"Let's get some work done, we're burning daylight," Daniel said.

After working most of the morning around the house place, Daniel, Red, and Jerry went into the hill country to cut more firewood for the winter. Never can have too much firewood, Daniel thought. Josh and the two girls picked the last of the apples from the five or six trees growing down by the spring. Maggie would make a couple of apple pies and she would can or dry the rest for use during the winter.

Sarah watched Josh and Danielle flirt back and forth and smiled. Maybe her little sister had found a beau too. After they brought the apples up to the house, Josh walked down by the corral. Jacob was sitting on the top rail just watching his horse.

"Might as well be working him instead of just lookin at him," Josh said to the boy.

"I'd like to but I'm not sure what I should be doing. Besides, he's a little skittish; after I took the lead off he sorta danced away from me. He keeps moving away whenever I try to get close to him," Jacob replied.

"He's not used to you yet, you're something new." Josh handed Jacob a few pieces of apple, "Go to the middle of the corral and eat a piece of apple. Don't look at him, don't pay any attention to him; he'll come over to see what you're eating. He knows about apples, that's what I used working with him."

Jacob did as Josh said and the young horse did come to Jacob expressing an interest in the apple. "Give him a piece of apple, rub his neck, and talk to him. Now walk away and come back toward me."

The colt followed Jacob all the way to the corral fence. "Now he's your friend, you can start to train him," Josh said. "Every time you work with him or curry and comb him, or feed him you need to talk to him. It doesn't matter what you say, he needs to get to know your voice."

Saturday morning Sanders rode back into the yard on his way back to his ranch. The cook had decided to continue on instead of stopping. Maggie welcomed Sanders and put on a huge breakfast of ham, flapjacks, and eggs.

Sitting on the porch, stuffed after the great meal, Sanders asked Jacob if he'd named his new horse yet.

"Yes sir. Since his mama was killed by a mountain lion and he's the same tawny color as one, I'm gonna call him Puma," Jacob answered.

"Good name son," Sanders said. Josh and Red smiled and nodded approval at Jacob.

"You had any problems with rustlers Mr. Sanders?" Daniel asked.

"Please call me Bill. No I haven't had any trouble. I've lost a few cattle to wolves and mountain lions but not many. Have you?"

"I've had over 100 head stolen in the last year; ten head just two days ago," Daniel admitted. "I find it strange that you haven't had any trouble. I mean you have a lot more cattle than we do."

"Tom Larson's ranch is just north of yours and he hasn't had any trouble either," Sanders said.

"It's almost like the rustlers are targeting my place," Daniel responded.

They talked until about 10 and Sanders decided he needed to get back to the S Bar S. The men stood and started to go work on the different chores necessary to keep a ranch running. Josh asked Daniel to stay behind for a minute.

"Between all of us we've got your place in pretty good shape for the winter. I'd like to take Red and do some scouting. Maybe we can find out something about these rustlers; where they went and what trails they took. If we can find their trail we might be able to find where they took the cattle and who they are."

"Okay, but be careful Josh. Rustlers are usually hard cases so don't get too close," Daniel warned.

"We'll be real careful but those men haven't run into anyone as hard as Red. He's fit to be tied that someone is hurting his friends. Red's a good man at your back but a damn bad one to have against you," Josh responded.

Red mounted on Jasper and Josh on Diablo rode out that morning. Sarah and Danielle watched them go with a bit of worry showing. The two rode to the top of a rise, waved one more time, and rode on.

They were looking for a trail and weren't sure where it would take them; but they were on their way.

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loving the story but let’s not forget that the Maguires and others settled on land violently stolen from Mexico and the Indians. So thanks hey are basically thieves in themselves.

Wildwood55Wildwood55almost 2 years ago

Got a funny feeling about a connection between the ass hat brother-in-law, Larsen, and the cattle rustlin'.

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 3 years ago

Larson is stealing the cattle.

Terrific story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Highly enjoyable!

Nice work. TY

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Geeeezus! This is good stuff!

I'm enjoying the hell outta this story,

Thank you.

rightbankrightbankalmost 8 years ago
good yarn

but the rustling, even happening while Red is there working, without response is out of character. It makes Daniel appear pretty darn weak as a rancher. No mention of brands?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good Story

Good Story,but short on facts 640 acres is nothing with 7 ponds and creeks there would be only about 10 acres for grazing. Read a little L' Amour to get the feel for facts!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Outstanding story.

I do enjoy the people , places and times you write about. Good detail and a view into life of hard times as well as people living out a life full of adventure. Please write more.

kennyboy25kennyboy25about 11 years ago

You have a gift. I grew up reading Zane grey and Louis l'amour. This series is a very enjoyable read. Thank you.

DeckviewDeckviewalmost 14 years ago
Good pleasant read..

Enjoyed the pace of this chapter!

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