The Trap

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There's a trap but who is the victim?
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I think we were a fairly average suburban couple, with good careers and a lovely family; we were in our mid-thirties and had been happily married for 15 years with two young children Callum and Jessie.

"We" being Paul and Susan, I was a shade off 6ft, my previous athletic body had filled out a touch but I retained a broad chest and thought I carried the weight quite well, at least I hoped that was true. Susan was a trim red head, 5ft 5inches unless she put her heels on, with a healthy looking 34c, 28, 36 figure that I still thought was a marvel.

I had the same friends since school, we still met up weekends but scaled back our activities since all getting married. We enjoyed sports but changed to socialising as couples having regular nights out together. Susan spent a lot of time with her best friend Claire as well as her mum Anna. Claire had been her bridesmaid and was favoured 'aunt' to our kids despite not actually being related. If anything we had become closer since her divorce from the prick that cheated on her. She was lovely and a fun person and didn't deserve that. When they went out it often left me looking after the kids which I enjoyed. I got away with being the daft parent making sure the kids had fun whilst Susan was the stricter one, but we worked it out between us well.

Susan had seemed off for some time, I tried gently asking questions but couldn't pinpoint anything. She occasionally got stressed by money or lack of it, wanting to move into a bigger house and booking plush holidays. I was more focused on the kids and social activities but picked up lots of overtime to cover the holidays.

Susan stopped socialising with our friends as much, in favour of seeing her mum; she finally admitted being worried about her. Her step dad died 18 months earlier, leaving her mum a widow, despite our best efforts to support her; she couldn't seem to move on with her life. Susan was focused on her mum, often inviting her over to share meals and bottles of wine. Anna seemed to enjoy herself with us but resisted all other social activity.

Over time, I wondered if Susan was trying to manufacture times were I would spend time with her mum. I didn't mind, we got on incredibly well and I loved her company, she was 53 years old but looked a lot younger and was often mistaken for Susan's sister. I told her repeatedly that there would be a long line of men just desperate to take her out, which at least seemed to cheer her up a little. Our times together seemed to be happening more often, maybe it was attempt by Susan to get Anna used to chatting to a guy again and a prelude to more socialising. It was with this in mind that I experienced one of the more bizarre conversation of my life whilst sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Paul, I am really worried about mum she is really struggling since George died. She's lost the love of her life and just doesn't know how to move on."

"We're trying to help her; you're being really supportive, I'm not sure what else we can do."

"You have been great with her, did I tell you that she said you reminded her of George when he was younger. After my useless dad ran off with his girlfriend, it took ages for George to convince mum to give him a chance; he was so patient and understanding."

"She just needs time to find someone else like George then."

Susan was quiet for what seemed like an age, I wondered if she had started dozing off to sleep... "I think you should take her out!"

Shocked at the sudden comment I started laughing, getting the joke... but then Susan didn't laugh: "You're not serious... are you?"

"Yes I am, look I know this sounds strange but she needs to get over that hurdle and we are the only people in a position to help her; more specifically you as you're male."

"Thanks for noticing, but I am also her son in law it's hardly appropriate; why not try a bit of matchmaking with someone her own age."

"She has point blankly refused to even talk to another man; you're the only one she trusts."

"Ok so like a friends date then, just to get her used to going out again. I could do that I guess."

"Yeah a date... mainly, but if it goes a bit further than that, I'd be ok with that."

"What do you mean?"

"She needs to feel desirable, convince her that she is still attractive to men."

"I can do a bit flirting, surely she know lots of men find her attractive."

"Honestly I think she has no clue, her confidence is shot and she's forgotten what it feels like, she thinks all guys are trying to take advantage, she needs to realised she can be with another man!"

"Bloody Hell, it sounds like you are you asking me to sleep with her!"

Susan shrugged her shoulders.

"You can't be serious; she's your mum!"

"Don't tell me you aren't attracted to her, I have seen you looking and you get on so well. All I am saying is I'll be ok with whatever happens."

"And I suppose you don't mind me cheating on you?"

"It's not cheating if I've suggested it and know about it. I see it more as an act of love; it's safe as well because I know you both love me and you will come back to me."

"And does your mum know about your wonder plan, she'll go ballistic when you tell her."

"We've already talked about it, a lot actually. I think she is coming around to the idea."

"This is just crazy Susan!"

"I know it sounds weird but just think about it ok, don't dismiss the idea."

Before I had the chance to think too much, Susan was almost attacking me, rolling on top and kissing me urgently as she hurried to get me both hard and inside her.


We talked about it endlessly, Susan was consistent in her assertion that she was good with what ever happened; my initial rejection of the idea gradually began to erode. I had to admit the truth of being attracted to Anna to myself, she was still gorgeous. She had long auburn hair and deep brown eyes and a voluptuous figure, and she was a lovely woman with a great personality. I'd really like to help her out and it wouldn't be a hardship, far from it. I was married but my wife was the one suggesting it. So potentially sex and with a hot woman and for a good cause and with permission, it was almost too good to be true.

I finally agreed to meet Anna for a drink on neutral ground and without Susan hovering to discuss it. We exchanged pleasantries and got our drinks before I built up the courage to mention the elephant in the room.

"Anna, Susan mentioned she was fine if we wanted to do more of this, going out together... how do you feel about it?"

"Well it does feel strange, but we've always gotten on really well, so it could work. I'll be honest Paul, something does need to change, I am really lonely, but I struggle to trust any man, my first husband treated me... very poorly."

She looked to be about to cry. So I moved around to her seat and gave her a hug; her perfume and feel of her body surprised me, it was absolutely heavenly.

I didn't want to pry further, so tried lightening the mood, "Well I am more than happy to spend time with you, and I guess we could claim to be on a first date now... it's not so bad is it?"

Anna's frown turned to a beautiful smile, "Thank you Paul, it's not too bad at all, I feel better already."

We enjoyed a meal and easy conversation relaxing enough so I could ask a few more questions, I asked a lot about her life and relationship with George, Anna was as open and engaging as ever.

"If we keep doing this, is there anything you'd specifically want out of it.Anna?"

"It's been so long, I haven't dated anyone new for nearly 30 years, I am not even sure I can."

"Trust me you can, you are great company, you just have to be yourself. You are very attractive and need to start living again, not just existing. Anyway you seem to be managing just fine tonight."

"That's so kind of you to say, and I am managing fine because I am with you, we're friends and you're easy to talk to."

"Ok, we can go out again if you would like that and see if it helps build your confidence back up. That should be easy enough, you are a beautiful woman Anna, you will be batting off would be suitors in no time at all.

We enjoyed a few meals together, each of them were relaxed and great fun. I drove Anna back home and turned the car engine off. Before I had the chance to say goodnight Anna leaned over and kissed me quickly on the lips. I was stunned, as much as it was awkward, the feeling I received was like a bolt of lightning.

"I am sorry Paul, I had been thinking about doing that for a while... I couldn't resist any longer."

"Don't be sorry", I leaned back in and kissed her properly, it was a long and passionate kiss."

We finally broke apart, "Wow than was some kiss, are you sure about us continuing Anna?"

She nodded, "Yes it feels right... good somehow."

"And you want it to develop further?"

"Are you asking about sex Paul?"

I gulped, trying to maintain eye contact, "I guess I am."

"I would like us to be intimate, I have discussed it with Susan and she is very supportive, it was actually her idea."

My cock twitched involuntarily, it was partly because she was attractive but it was her direct and matter of fact statements that got me worked up. Clearly between the three of us, I was the one playing catch up.

"Would you like that Paul, would you like to bed me?"

"I can't deny that Anna, but I am not sure it's right."

"Well it feels right to me. I might not trust many men Paul, but I am a sexual being and I am very attracted to you, I am sure we'd have a great time."

My cock was now fully hard, and my eyes glanced down to her chest, I could see the top of her breasts heaving as she breathed heavily and nervously.

Anna smiled, "Look all you like Paul, everything I have is yours if you want it."

I was lost for words, so turned on and struggling to resist temptation. My focus was broken as Anna took my hand in hers. "What about you Paul, as I see it this is a one off, so what would you want out of this, is there anything I can offer, a fantasy Susan hasn't fulfilled perhaps?"

The image came into my mind before I could stop it, and I started spluttering, "No, No there's nothing."

Anna smiled... it was very disarming, "Now I know you are fibbing, I promise I won't say a word, please share you fantasy with me."

"I can't tell you, there is a one thing, but it's really awkward to mention, you might see it as disrespectful to George."

"It isn't the merry widow in black is it?"

My eyes widened in horror.

"Oh my God it is... tell me more."

"Ok Ok, I'll admit that has crossed my mind, have you seen Monica Belluci in the James Bond film Spectre; I think you look a bit like her. I'm sorry it's a just a daft fantasy."

"I wish I did look like her but thank you for that comparison, so you are into the whole black basque seamed stockings and heels thing?"

"Sorry it was a stupid thing to mention."

"No need to be sorry, I'll let you into a secret, George liked to buy me lingerie and I liked dressing up for him, I have lots of it as well as various uniforms, I would love to fulfil you fantasy."

"My mind was racing now, "Wow really, that would... well wow!"

Well if we are doing this, we should do it properly, I already have everything I need and you would be taking care of a widow's needs after all. If I'm wearing that I want you in a smart suit and a meal at a fancy restaurant, shall we say Friday?"

I was still in a daze as we parted with another lingering kiss.

I sat in the car trying to comprehend our conversation, mainly reminding myself that Anna was more than keen to have sex and then trying to anticipate Susan's reaction. Arriving home, I expected Susan to be angry as I summarised our conversation, although I did miss out the whole fantasy widow aspect. She was remarkably calm, that was partly explained by the fact Anna had already called and spoken to her and she knew we had the date arranged.

Susan was absolutely fine with it, I lost count of the number of times I offered to cancel everything, but she was adamant I could not do that; this was exactly what her mum needed. She helped get my suite ready and ironed a dress shirt for me, it was all quite surreal, she kissed me when I was leaving and shocked me when saying she'd see me tomorrow... not just a date then but overnight, shit!


I waited in an upmarket restaurant feeling conspicuous in my suit and with my stomach turning over in knots, I'd be lucky to keep the expensive food down at this rate; then I saw her and was stunned, she spoke to the Maître D who looked very enamoured with her. I saw her in profile noting all the curves and catching a glimpse of a peachy looking bum and the seam in her black nylons before she headed towards me.

She was the absolute epitome of my sexual fantasy. A fitted black cotton jacket covered a white satin blouse that was clearly struggling to cope, the material stretching across her breasts and the buttons straining to hold out. A tight pencil skirt stretched over her thighs as her stiletto heels clicked cross the marble floor.

As she got closer I noticed she had more makeup on than usual including full red lipstick and red varnished nails. She wore her hair pinned up, accentuating her height and elegance."

I tried to close my mouth in case I started drooling.

She smiled at me, "I take it this meets with your approval Paul or is it James, James Bond?"

"Let's stick with Paul, I don't want any villains interrupting us and yes it certainly does meet my approval, you are absolutely stunning! I hope you feel comfortable enough in it."

"Well not comfortable exactly, but I do feel good in it, it feels erotic dressing for your deepest desire. I left the fascinator and net face veil in the car; it seemed a bit much for the restaurant."

"I am honoured."

We had another great night, eating, drinking and dancing before returning to her home. She put the fascinator and veil on as she got out of the car. She was now the archetypal widow and my dream come true. I was dumbstruck as she led me directly straight up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Are you sure you want to..."

"What... fuck? Yes that is exactly what I want to do Paul, I intend making your fantasy come true, culminating in having a lovely ride on your cock."

I had never heard Anna swear before; the coarse language from her was a major turn on. She pushed me back to sit on the bed and slowly began undressing. The jacket was removed before she slowly unbuttoned her blouse revealing a basque which pushed up her glorious tits. She slowly tugged her skirt down to reveal stockings, suspenders and French knickers.

"Leave the rest on including the veil and the heels."

"Of course lover, anything you like."

Anna nimbly dropped between my legs,

It was the hottest thing I had ever experienced, the eye contact and red lips under the veil looked awesome and she knew how to suck a cock. Anna came up for air every now and again, then went back down on me with her cheeks hollowing as she sucked on me hard.

It wasn't long before she had me close. After a few more minutes frantic sucking I pulled out, Anna looked up at me and the first load exploded across her face and onto the net veil.

The second hit her nose and eye, she opened her mouth and the third shot straight into it, as did the forth, she squeezed her tits together and I finished unloading into her cleavage.

Anna let it dribble from the corner of her mouth onto her breasts, she looked amazingly erotic and wanton, then she sucked my cock clean, the sensations on my sensitive member were stupendous.

"Well you are full of surprises, that was the best blow job ever; are you sure your daughter isn't going to cut my balls off."

Anna laughed loudly, "If she does she will have me to answer to. Anyway it was mostly her idea. I would never have dared suggesting it and she wanted this to happen. I think she sees it as a way of saving me, and to be honest she might have a point, I can't seem to get myself out of this rut."

"Right, well I guess we had better make the most of the chance. "

"Really you can go again already?"

"Absolutely you've had me as hard as a rock since you walked into the restaurant."

"Well I'm game if you are, we can go at this all night and I really love your cock. I'm all yours, any way you want me."

Anna stood up and turned away, she dropped the French knickers before bending over the bed and spreading her legs. My mouth dropped open at the same time my cock jumped back to attention.

"Why don't you fill my pussy with that lovely cock of yours then?"

"Oh don't worry, I'm going to give you exactly what you deserve!"

I placed my raging cock at her entrance, gradually applying pressure; pushing into heaven. Anna was moaning, it felt so tight, I allowed her to get used to it before slowly moving back and forward. I settled into a slow rhythm, reaching around for a handful of tit before finding Ann's clit with my other hand, she jumped at the initial touch and then relaxed.

She began moaning with the multiple points of stimulation, I released her clit and focused on fucking her, building up speed and slapping loudly against her bum cheeks.

"Oooo, that's it... drill me... fuck me harder".

She was so tight and wet, I began to plough Anna's exquisite pussy giving her arse several firm spanks as I continued to fuck her and enjoyed holding onto the suspender belt, lifting her off her feet with each thrust

"That's it, fill up my quim, give it the proper fucking it deserves."

I could sense Anna building up to a major orgasm, riving and squirming as she screamed to a climax. It was more than I could handle as I exploded into her. Anna's knees buckled as my cock finally plopped out of her and I watched my cum continue to dribble down my mother in laws inner thigh. We collapsed in a heap afterwards, gasping and panting, with me lying on her back.

"Christ I didn't realise how much a needed that, I am going to drain you dry tonight."

We went at it again later and again the next morning; she was a sexual dynamo. I'd never experience a woman who was so vocal, both demanding and encouraging, it felt like I was completely under her spell.


I went home in trepidation, not sure what reaction to expect almost tiptoeing back into our home.

Susan was in the kitchen, "Mum phoned to say you were on your way back."

"Oh, did she say anything else?"

"Just that you were perfect in every way... are you hungry, would you like some breakfast."

"Ermm sure that would be great, so we are ok then?"

Susan was amazingly calm and matter of fact about it all, "We're fine, it wasn't cheating, we still love each other and mum already sounds like she is in a better place."

Our lives just seemed to carry on as normal; we talked about my time with Anna like it was a trip to the shops. Susan was delighted in the upturn in her mother's mood, saying she seemed to be alive again. Thankfully she never asked me for any of the details.

Susan was back to her old self, I didn't want to dig into why too much, I was just happy things felt better. Sadly it didn't last though, over time Susan reverted to being quiet and distracted. I wondered if she was regretting letting me spend time with her mum. I tried apologising and saying there wouldn't be a repeat but she insisted that she had no regrets.

I phoned Anna, but she couldn't offer any explanation for Susan's behaviour either but insisted it was nothing to do with what we had done. Susan had asked her mum about our night together and was delighted at how everything had worked out.

The feeling of distance continued, dragging into weeks, as I tried everything I could think of to get back into Susan's good books.



How did this all come about, it was a question that kept running through my mind.