The True Master Ch. 12


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"I removed the external Interface. The rest of the chip is still in their though I can interface via NFC with it. Obviously the thing needs some adjustment though you were supposed to be happier by this point," mumbled the Master.

"No!" my eyes snapped open and I looked up at him.

The Master paused for a moment, "What?"

"Don't! Don't change me again. I can't go back to being who I was before all of this, and I don't want too! You might have suppressed my memories of being yours but my body, my subconscious remembers it. I dream of you every night Master, I want you to take me back!"

The Master slowly lowered his head, "It seems I didn't deactivate the chip after all."

Ignoring the headache I stormed to my feet, and doing something I would never have been able to do with the chip active I knocked the Master back into my couch, tearing the tablet computer from his hands as I did so.

The Master let out a surprised yelp as he collapsed.

"It's not the chip you idiot! I'm in love with you! You had complete control over me, and instead of ordering me to serve your every desire all you did was fulfill my own! You felt guilty ordering me to do anything, but I enjoyed it! You seem to be under the impression that I hated your having control, I didn't!"

Yelling now I continued, "You were my Master! I fell in love with you! You can't just erase those memories and expect me to be happy about it. I know you want to do the right thing, but I don't even know what that would be at this point! I can tell you what I want though, I want you to turn the chip back on and let me come back to you."

Slowly I knelt down on the floor in front of him, tears threatening to fall from my eyes "Please!"

The Master groaned.


"You feel the same way about me, I know you do," I said interrupting him.

The Master looked at me for a moment, "I do."

"Then stop thinking about it. I don't want to go back to what my life was, filing paperwork day after day, feeling alone. I always figured I would at some point just settle with a guy, I don't want to do that. I know who I am supposed to be with, and only he seems to be taking issue with it."

The Master closed his eyes, and took in a breath.

"Kate I promised to free you."

"I know that. But you want to know something funny? I've never felt more free than I did under your control. When you had control all I had to worry about was what you said, and I liked it. So be a Master, take what you want. Take me back!"

The Master opened his eyes.

"You know if I do this I'm not going to be able to let you go again. I have self-control but I'm not going to be able to stand this a second time."

I nodded, "I know that. I don't want you to let me go."

"I don't want to either."

The Master stood and leaning forward took me into his arms crushing me to him.

"I won't be able to let you go."

"Good," I whispered back.

Slowly the Master let go of me, and stepped back slightly.

"We don't have to turn the chip back on, we can be together without it."

I shook my head, "We could, but it wouldn't be the same. I don't want to follow your orders because we both like it, I don't want any option but to follow your orders. Understand?"

"I think so."

"I need to do something first," I said.

"Anything, what do you need?"

I smiled, "I need to make sure my subconscious will stop torturing me."



*The True Master*

Kate led me back to the bedroom of her small house and pushed me down into a chair that she had in the corner of the room.

She looked nervous, more so than I had ever seen her. It was understandable, the chip wasn't in her head guiding or encouraging her. This was purely Kate as she had been before this had all started. The concept of her being some blushing shy woman was a cute one.

"Can you close your eyes for a minute?" she asked.


I closed my eyes and I heard Kate moving around the room, first the blinds over the window and then the sound of clothes rustling. I was tempted to peek and see what she was doing but I remained still my eye closed.

"You can open them now."

Slowly adjusting my eyes to the room I looked over at Kate. She was standing directly in front of me clad only in her underwear.

"I don't have any lingerie here," said Kate trailing off.

I shook my head, "You're beautiful Kate."

A deep blush went across her face and she nodded. Slowly Kate began to move, there was no music in the background but still she moved to some unheard beat.

There was a nervousness and certain amount of trepidation to her movements without the chip eliminating her fear or embarrassment she was doing this all on her own, she wanted to prove to herself and to me that she could do it on her own.

I swallowed, I had to prove I could do it without the Interface as well. What if I really was a horrible lover, and the only reason she fawned over me was because of it?

Such complicated thoughts were quickly eliminated however as Kate reached up and unfastened her bra. For a moment she held the cloth to her skin, either intentionally teasing me or working up the courage herself I wasn't sure but the effect was the same, my eyes immediately locked onto her chest.

Kate dropped her hand and the cloth fell away, exposing her hard nipples to the cold air of the room. She remained still for only a moment, before once again dancing to the unheard and sensuous beat.

She moved and danced, accentuating and emphasizing every curve of her body.

Slowly she advanced towards me, still moving as languidly as possible. She was teasing me, inviting me to take her. The amount of effort she was putting into it though was having almost an opposite effect. I was stunned into inaction unable to tear my eyes from her as she continued to move.

The dance continued for several minutes, and she only continued to draw me in, she would take a step towards me and then a step back, towards me and then away again. She was teasing, but ultimately getting ever closer.

Unbidden I raised my hands as she approached, and fingertips touching her waist she shuddered. Keeping my touch on her she slowly slid down to her knees in front of me and my hands trailed up her body, settling on her face.

"You don't even have the Interface turned on, what's with this?" I asked as she continued to shiver.

Kate smiled slightly, "I got used to feeling like this around you, and I've been dreaming of doing this since I woke up."

"What happens next in those dreams you've been having?"

"Nothing, I wait for you to move to take me and use me. You never did though."

I waited a moment, and then leaning down grabbed Kate by her shoulders and lifted her to her feet.

"You've convinced me. Although I want you to do something now,"


"Beg me to let you go."

Kate looked shocked for a moment, "Why?"

"So I don't."

Kate met my eyes for a moment, and inside her I saw what I had always wanted, what I had thought maybe I didn't deserve. That wasn't the point now though, I was going to take what I wanted.

"Let me go Master."

I tightened my grip on her shoulders.


She didn't struggle from my grip nor did she help me as I pushed her towards the bed behind her.

"Master please, let me go," she said even as a wide smile crept across her face and the back of her legs hit the bed.


I pushed her back onto the bed, she collapsed and I was on top of her.

"You're mine, and I'm not letting you go again. Understand?"

She nodded.

"Good," I put my hands on her breasts and teased at the nipples, which already hard in the cool air tightened even more.

Kate gasped and pressed herself up against my hands moaning as she did so.

I stared at her, unable to believe that she was really giving herself to me like this. The Interface was off, and she had her old life back, yet she was giving up her freedom to be my slave again.

Leaning down put my lips to her throat, and bit at her skin reveling in the feeling of having her so close to me again.

Kate moaned and her hands flew to my shirt working to remove it. Buttons flew in every direction in her haste and within moments I was naked. Kate's eyes widened and a mischievous grin spread across her features.

"You seem excited Master," she said almost purring with satisfaction.

I rolled my eyes, "A particular slave has decided to push me to my limits, what do you think should happen?"

"She should be punished Master."

"I think so too," I moved hand down to Kate's panties, and pushing them aside I quickly began to tease her.

Kate gasped and threw her arms up around my neck trying to pull me closer to her.

For a minute I played with her, she went from wet to drenched. Her body quivered and shook as I slowly teased her, and like some magnificent instrument she moaned with every stroke of my fingers.

"Master!" Kate gasped.


"I need you!"

I paused and she moaned, "Oh? You don't get to choice when I take you."

"Please Master!" begged Kate.

"If you are so eager,"

I rolled over so that I was on my back with her on top of me.

Kate disoriented for a moment quickly realized what I meant, and peeling her panties off she pressed herself to me. She rubbed her wet pussy over my erection teasing me for a moment as I had teased her.

I grunted and putting my hands on her hips guided her down.

Kate sat up so that she had more control, and lifting herself up onto her knees she slowly slid down onto me going as slowly as possibly pushing both of us to our limit.

Both of us gasped as she sank down completely on top of me.

I was never going to let her go, she was mine.

With a grunt I put my hands on her hips and held her in place reveling in the warm feeling engulfing me. This was more than love, I owned her, yet in her own way she held just as much dominion over me. It was a carnal ownership, love was only a small part of the relationship between the two of us.

Kate worked herself up and then down, moving slowly at first the both of us getting used to one another again. Soon though she was unable to control herself and began to thrust herself on me more quickly, I had to admit I was at my limit as well.

I grabbed her and held her still, moaning as I came.

Kate groaned as well and for several seconds the two of us remained still reveling. Leaning forward Kate slowly collapsed onto my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Master," she moaned.

"Yes Kate?"

"Can you turn the chip back on now?"

"Right now?"

She nodded, "It feels like something is missing,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Master."

Leaning over the bed I retrieved my phone.

"This is going to take a minute considering we removed your external interface."

I held the phone up to Kate's neck and watched the progress bas slowly creep across the screen. When it reached 100% Kate shuddered and fell back onto the bed.

"You alright?"

Slowly Kate opened her eyes, "Yes Master, everything is perfect."

I wrapped my arms around her and crushed her to my chest. She was mine, and everything was right in the world.



March 28, 2016

*The True Master*

Kate looked around the loft and at the city below.

"A different kind of view compared to the cabin."

"Yes, well I'm running a different kind of game now."

Kate nodded and glanced over at Adams. The former director was robotically preparing our dinner, "Do we really need her here?"

"The old phrase keep your enemies close applies I think. Besides as far as the rest of the Company is concerned she's still the one in control so we need to keep up appearances, besides even amongst my slaves there should be a hierarchy."

Kate frowned.

"You don't think what I'm doing to her is wrong?" I asked.

Kate shook her head, "No, but if you ever get your hands on Belial."

She trailed off and I nodded, "He's got more blame than anyone else. He's knows exactly how I think though, if he wants to hide I will never be able to find him."

"You don't think he will interfere?"

I sighed, "I have some of his memories, but they're probably edited. I doubt it though. As much evil as he's done Belial understood he wasn't the one to control this technology. So he's at least pragmatic rather than megalomaniac."

"That's supposed to be reassuring?"

"No, realistic."

I turned away from the window and sat on the couch, I beckoned Kate over and she nestled in next to me.

"Jeremy and Helen are off in California, Dr. Song is playing mad scientist, Beth's in command of your military guys and Tracy is learning to take over Adams' job. You don't have anything for me to do?"

I smiled, "You're doing it."

I pulled her closer to me and Kate let out a small giggle.

"We're a pair, all you need to do is keep me grounded,"

Kate leaned up against my shoulder and smiled.

"I think I can do that Master."

"Good, because we have a lot of work to do."

I pulled out my phone and showed it to Kate, she looked at the text on the display for a moment, "What's this?" she asked.

"Ambrosia, it's something the Company has been working on for nearly two decades. Immortality."

Kate's eyes widened.

"As in live forever?"

"So long as nothing kills you. Yes."

Kate considered that for a moment, "So you mean I would get to spend more time with you?"

I nodded, "Yes, but my big fear is that the Company figures it out before me and they sell it off to the highest bidders. The rich get to live forever and the poor get to die. It's just another thing I'm going to have to deal with."

"I'm sure you'll figure something out Master."

"I hope so."

"I know you will, after all you're my Master. You can do anything."

I chuckled and pulled her closer to me, "And I think someone's a little eager."

Kate blushed, "I didn't have you for a whole month Master, can you blame me?"

I pulled Kate up onto my lap and planted a kiss on her lips. She melted against me and I reveled in her warmth as well as the mere fact that I had her in my life.

I don't know if I'm real or If I'm just some hack's means to world domination, I don't know if I'm a program or a person. I don't know if I'll be able to take down the rest of the Company, or stop the technologies they've abused. I don't know if I can save the world from the corrupt and the deceitful, from the ones who have taken and never given back.

I do know that with the Kate in my arms and by my side I'm willing to try.


End the True Master Arc


The story will continue, with The True Slave. Where we see how the True Master begins his takeover of the rest of the Company and Adams slow transformation continues.


You know, I'd like to think I've improved quite a bit since I started this story which I admit was something I did only because I was annoyed at how the majority of tales that toe anywhere close to Mind control hardly delve into it in any amount of depth besides just having sex. I hadn't though this through completely when I started, which might be fairly obvious in some parts.

I would like to go back and fix this up, clean up and condense the story at some point. Most of all though I want to say thank you to you the readers for your comments and encouragement.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Just wanted to say that your story was genuinely good. Your writing is solid, grammar notwithstanding, the story was engaging, and your characters were enjoyable. Whether smut or not, I hope you keep writing and get better!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Damn such an lousy writer

Tigr2Tigr2about 2 years ago

I hope you return and tell us the True Slave story. I started reading this several years ago and just came back an finished. Great imagination and writing. I hope, if you have moved on, that your talent has brought you success as a writer. Thank you for sharing this part of you.

nyteramblernyteramblerabout 2 years ago

Really enjoyed the story and liked the premise.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent piece of writing. I've thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this truly engaging tale. I for one hope to read more of your work. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great story! I was concerned when I got to the end of chapter 10 and you said it was the half way point, since there were only 2 chapters left. But you wrapped things up well. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, writing, characters... everything!

I'll agree that your editors need to step up their game, but nothing truly pulled me out of the story.

Keep up the good work! I look forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wow.. it was quite a roller coaster ride. Really well written and was always left with the feeling.. what next? Don’t stop writing. This story was much more than an erotica.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
as close to perfect as can be

I read this some time ago. A few years. Never really had forgotten it. Re-found it and re-read it. I'll not pick on some minor errors I picked up on (mainly IT issues); rather, just recommend it to anyone who seeks both the control aspects and the romantic. Good work. Very good work.

drrrtydaddydrrrtydaddyover 4 years ago
I read the whole thing almost straight through

I would have to say I enjoyed it: the romance and the descriptions of the girls (in a few places) really got to me. I will say your editors need to step up their game, it seems like you are using a voice to text situation and your editors are trying to crank one off while pretending to edit. At times it really took me out as I wasn't even sure what the sentence was supposed to say. Also your confusion of things like the difference between latter and later, of and off.... That being said I am going to read some more of your stuff and hope that some of these dolls (and what-have-you) start getting fucked in the ass and do some more body fluid tasting- i mean they are slaves that care for each other yet cater to the whims of a master that can only restrain himself for so long and only upto some point.... But maybe I'm just some perverted deviant....

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Note to wierdo

I enjoyed your story. It had a different twist than others that I've read. Keep doing what you do. Thanks

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