The Twelve Vitali Ch. 26


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"I have a feeling Logan and Kalum are going to be pretty busy this week, so why don't we do a breakfast meeting Wednesday morning, that gives me one more day to recover from the wedding," she said.

"Sounds good, we still have a few of the impossible ones to pick up when we have some free time," Logan nodded.

"You may as well text me the list, seeing as I am the only one not so busy this week," Tate said without any rancour. "The least I can do is keep the team points following in."

"Maybe you and I can get together later: I doubt this will go much longer tonight. Most people are still recovering from that wedding and the after party," Logan chuckled.

"Sounds like a plan," Kalum said with a chuckle. "Cat, there's a visitor here to see you."

"Me?" she frowned as she looked at him. Marina was escorted out onto the deck and escorted to where Roberto stood with Theresa and Stefano, still looking as if he was keeping a handle on his temper.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, but the ladies who assisted Catriona yesterday found this as they packed up, and apparently it is quite a valuable prize for some reason," She lifted the garter in her hand. "I'll just return this to its rightful owner and say hello to Sonya. I do not want to intrude on your celebrations," Marina said sweetly.

"Not at all, Marina, I am sure Catriona will be grateful for the return of that item," Roberto said magnanimously. Cat frowned as she walked toward Marina. That wasn't her garter, she had her garter at home, and she wondered what was going on, but she said nothing. She went over to thank Marina for coming, but was cut off by Logan, who reached out for the garter.

"I can take that for her, she adores me, you know," he chuckled and gave Matteo a sideways glance.

"I'm sure Cat adores everyone in your family," Marina smiled, "So it's probably best I return it to its rightful owner," Marina smiled and turned to Matteo. "Congratulations again," she leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry to intrude on your big day. May I borrow your wife for a few minutes?"

"My wife," Matteo grinned, liking the way the words felt on his lips. "Doesn't need my permission to talk to her friends," he smiled widely.

"You can use my sitting room if you like," Theresa offered.

"I'll show her the way," Sonya offered, stepping forward, confident in the fact that she had a good relationship with Marina. "How is my brother?" she asked Marina as they walked toward the house.

"Feeling attacked on all sides at the moment. Bruno is a very unhappy man tonight, I'm afraid," Marina said honestly, making Cat gasp.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I hope it had nothing to do with the incident I was involved in," she whispered as they walked through the living room to the private sitting room of Theresa.

"Not at all, he has nothing but the highest praise for you and your new husband," Marina smiled and fixed Sonya with a glare as they entered the sitting room. "Both Marcus and his father were distressed to find out that your trial with the Battaglia was referenced with innuendo by Sonya earlier today, and I have come to apologise sincerely and reassure you that the only person with details of your time with us is Matteo. Roberto knows of the incident only, and the glowing praise of your tutors, no details at all."

"Thank you," Cat said sincerely. It was one of the burning questions she had filed away in her mind to ask Matteo when they returned home.

"Bruno is being attacked?" Sonya asked.

"Bruno is preparing to retire, the embarrassment caused by our own people with both the mother of the Donati and Vitali is too hard for him to live with, I'm afraid. I would hate to think how he would react to this latest breach of protocol that you perpetrated, Sonya. Luckily it is women's business, and the men will rarely get involved in that," She informed Sonya in a tone that told her she knew exactly what had happened.

"I didn't breach any protocols today!" Sonya argued.

"Cat, you have friends in your circle who only wish to help and support you, which is how I know of the awful breach of protocol earlier today and do not want you to think any worse of us than you already do," Marina said softly, taking Cat's hand as they sat. "Both you and Matteo have been very generous in your dealings with the breaches of protocol that occurred at the facility, as well as today, and I have come to assure you no such incidents will occur again." Marina turned to look at Sonya, who had dropped her air of arrogance and was looking as if she might be ill.

"Believe me when I say this, Sonya," Marina said in a hard voice, despite the woman's obvious seniority over her. "If I hear that you are anything but this girl's greatest supporter and friend, I will demand justice on her behalf, because she would never demand it for herself!"

"There was no need for you to come here to save me," Cat said abruptly, hating that she sounded ungrateful, but needing Sonya to know she could and would fight her own battles. "Sonya and I understand each other perfectly, and we have dealt with that little issue already."

"I am not here to save you," Marina laughed. "You are a strong and formidable woman when you set your mind to a task. I am here to beg forgiveness once again. It is time for a change in our family. I am here merely as an ambassador to explain our position about information regarding trials. Marcus and his brothers will ensure the return of our good name," she smiled.

"There is nothing to be forgiven for. It was nothing more than a testing of boundaries, and I have had all of my limits tested recently, this was only a moment, nothing more. I know, with certainty, that the men I love will support my decisions, even if all of the women do not yet. That, in itself, gives me confidence where I may not have had it before," Cat said, trying to come off as flippant, but her unemotional demeanour made her seem wooden and rehearsed.

"You don't have to keep that hard shell up around me, Cat. I know you. The sweet and enthusiastic you, who can tackle anything head on," Marina said, looking at her seriously.

"It's been a tough couple of days with people coming back from the dead, the wedding, and then all of the pressure of today. I need the shell more than I would like to admit right now. Everything will be fine again tomorrow. It has just been a very long day, and it's best that I keep my emotions under control right now," she reassured her friend, admitting that she was feeling a little fragile.

"I apologise," Sonya finally broke her silence. "I had no idea what you had been dealing with when I asked if you enjoyed your time with the Battaglia." She stopped short of admitting she had tried to intimidate Cat.

"As I said, I am sure we understand each other now. Thank you for coming, Marina, but it wasn't necessary. I think of you and Marcus as good friends, nothing will change that," she said softly. "I should go back. I am hoping to go home after this dinner, and I have a feeling they may be waiting for me to return," she smiled, not ready to fully accept a half-hearted apology from Sonya. Actions spoke louder than words, after all. "I will call you tomorrow once I have had time to really think about everything that has happened over the last few days, weeks, and months!"

"It's a lot to take on when you haven't been born to it, but you are doing an amazing job," Marina smiled and embraced her. "Go and tell your husband to take you home," she smiled.

"Thank you for coming and being my friend," Cat whispered and returned the embrace, feeling like she had to move before the walls she had built around her heart and emotions crumbled completely.

Sonya watched and could see Cat almost relax momentarily before the hard shell closed around her and her face become emotionless again. She knew she would need to make amends properly, but she had no idea what Cat was dealing with, and she vowed to find out, particularly about the people who had come back from the dead. The problem was that Cat, and possibly some of the other women, perceived her as a threat now. She needed to know who had called Marina to tell her what had been said. She'd been betrayed, and that hit her harder than the rebuke by Marina. She had ruled their circle, treating Theresa like an employee rather than a sister, and no one had ever rebuked her before.

Trust was difficult to garner, and she knew from experience that it was almost impossible to repair, she wondered if she could ever expect to be forgiven. Any other woman would have been cowed and docile by Sonya's demeanour, but Cat had stood up to her and shown some backbone of her own. Sonya could respect that, and had this been any other woman that would have been the end of the issue. This wasn't any other woman of the tables, however, and the fact that Marina glared at her now told her just how much she had underestimated Cat and her value, not only to her family, but others as well.


"I was promised a nap today, which never eventuated, and now I can barely keep my eyes open," Cat said softly near to Roberto's ear. "Would you mind terribly if I got one of your sons to take me home early?" she asked.

"Take them both, I could use an early night myself after the wedding," he chuckled.

"In that case, I will, and I won't even feel bad about it," she giggled in response. "Thank you, Papa, for everything you said today."

"I meant every word," he smiled and embraced her, kissing her cheek. "You make my sons very happy, and not just the obvious ones. It is good to see. I owe you a great deal for bringing Matteo back to us."

"He was never truly gone. He loves this family above all else in his life," Cat said sincerely.

"I would have argued that before yesterday, but now you are family too," he grinned, seeming fully relaxed after his dark mood earlier. He was as mercurial as her husband, and she had to smile at the similarities between father and sons. "Matteo," he called, "Take your wife home before she falls asleep on her feet. I'm sure neither of you got much sleep last night." Roberto chuckled.

"That would be my absolute pleasure," Matteo grinned at his father, walking closer to where he stood with Cat.

"And take Ricco with you, that boy hasn't slept in days. Mia and Kalum will check on Vanessa tonight," he said, nodding at Kalum.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Matteo said, eager to get Cat home and find out what the hell happened while he was stuck in the library all day. They rapidly farewelled their family and left, with Knox behind the wheel for the short journey home to their penthouse. Cat felt sandwiched between the two men and was grateful the trip home was only short. She desperately needed some space and time to think about everything that had happened to her.

"Are you going to tell us what happened?" Matteo said as they walked into the penthouse.

"What I am going to do is get myself some cool water, some Panadol, and go and sit out on the deck in the fresh air, by myself," she breathed deeply. "I know you are both worried about me, but, please, just give me ten to twenty minutes to be alone to think and breathe. Please?" she added when it looked like they were going to protest. "I haven't even been to the bathroom on my own in the last seventy-two hours, you have to let me have some space, just for a few minutes. I love you both, nothing will ever change that, you don't have to look so worried."

"You have a headache?" Ricco asked.

"It's not bad, just lack of sleep and too much information downloaded. I feel like a computer stuck on that spinning circle thingy," Cat tried to make light of the fact she'd been struggling with a headache most of the afternoon. Turning, Cat walked toward the kitchen and found Lisa waiting for her with a jug of cold water and a glass. "You always seem to be able to read my mind," she smiled at the woman who was rapidly becoming the person she most relied on to help her navigate her life.

"Would you like anything to eat, Mrs. Vitali?" Lisa asked.

"No thank you, Lisa, but if you could bring me some Panadol and one of those small throws we use out on the deck, I would appreciate it," Cat said. She turned to look at the men she loved, then smiled softly before walking out to the deck and sitting in a cosy chair.

Cat leaned her head back and looked up at the sky and finally let the tears that had been building all day fall. The tension of the day flowed out of her as she wept softly. She wasn't sad, she wasn't even mad, she was just uncertain that she could be all that she needed to be for this family. Lisa's presence startled her, and she jumped guiltily.

"My apologies, Mrs. Vitali. Is there anything else I can get you?" Lisa asked, her concern evident on her face. She deposited a small cup with the Panadol tablets, a box of tissues and a fresh glass of water on the small end table beside Cat.

"Take no notice of me, Lisa," Cat gave a half smile. "I'm just overtired and a little overwhelmed with everything. Do you think we could have a late breakfast together in my studio tomorrow? I plan to sleep for as long as I can in the morning."

"If you wish, Mrs. Vitali," Lisa nodded and left her alone. Cat looked through the large glass windows and sliding doors that made the wall of the house bordering the outdoor deck. She could see Mateo and Ricco sitting on a sofa and talking quietly, and nearby two of the personal security detail. This was her life now, and she had known going in that it wasn't going to be easy, but today had been a shock. She had been deliberately kept in the dark about the power of her position within the family and within the circle of women who would gather around her as part of the family. Would she have chosen differently if she knew? she wondered.

The thought rolled around in her mind. It certainly would have influenced her decision. Would she have walked away from Matteo and Ricco? She'd certainly walked away from Ricco once before because she didn't like the type of hidden relationship she was being pushed into. She may have walked away from Matteo if she had known what would happen today. It was a lot of responsibility and pressure to be the perfect wife, mother, friend, sister, leader... the synonyms kept building in her mind. She would never be perfect. Who was? Could Maryanne have been perfect with her Donati pedigree, as Salvatore had said during the discussion in the Athenaeum? Could she have been a more valuable member of the Mothers Circle? Would Cat ever be good enough in the eyes of those who doubted her abilities?

The truth was she didn't even know if she believed that she was good enough. She had been warning Matteo from the beginning that she wasn't. That people would find out about her past and judge him because of her. She worried that she had made a mistake in marrying him. Not because she didn't love him, but because of the type of woman he needed, which was clearly not her after today's events. Had she really threatened the formidable Sonya with forced retirement? If nothing else she needed to confess that to Matteo and Ricco, because she had no doubt there would be fallout from her rashness.

She had also broken protocol and included all of the younger women in her circle. Even if they left for other tables, there was no reason she couldn't take advantage of their skills and talents while they remained part of this family. All of the cousins had been in the Athenaeum with Matteo, and what harm was there in having more people around her to get to know and find out who she could trust?

Of all of the young women, Aria had surprised Cat the most with her reaction to the announcement. She had looked like she was going to cry when she embraced Cat and thanked her sincerely. The usually arrogant and reserved Aria had become animated and grateful and had stayed by Cat's side throughout the rest of the afternoon. Cat smiled through her tears thinking about that. The crying had been cathartic and had lessened the tension headache significantly as she waited for the tablets to take the rest of the headache away. She sniffled and dabbed at her face with the tissues, trying to minimise the damage before she faced the two men who kept glancing at her through the windows as if to reassure themselves she hadn't disappeared.

As if reading her mind again, Lisa appeared with a cool, damp face cloth and a small mirror, she stood casually as she might any other time, but Cat realised the woman had blocked Matteo and Ricco's view of her while she cleaned her face. The woman really was a marvel, and Cat knew she would take full advantage of her talents and skills now that she was Mrs. Vitali.

"Thank you, Lisa. You can let them off the hook and tell them they can come out here now," Cat gave a small laugh.

"As always, it will be my pleasure, Mrs. Vitali," Lisa gave a rare grin and hurried back inside. Cat watched as Lisa approached the men and saw them immediately come to their feet and move towards the deck and her. Seeing her in her cosy chair for one, they each sat facing her and looked at her expectantly.

"You could have warned me!" she said, gazing at them both, realising that she sounded accusing.

"We didn't know until we got in there, then I was told to get you, and I assumed Theresa had filled you in!" Ricco said defensively.

"She did, in a way, but... How could you not know the role your mother had in this family?" Cat shook her head.

"You know the saying 'behind every great man is a great woman'. As far as we knew she was always behind Papa one hundred percent, but always one step behind. Papa was always the face of the power in our family," Matteo said thoughtfully. "It's always been done this way to protect the mothers, and, in a way, us. If anything happened to you my world would fall apart, and that includes the table and family," he said, moving forward in his chair and reaching out to hold her hand. "You are my world. I existed before you, but I didn't truly live."

"Hold that thought," Cat said anxiously. "I broke a lot of protocols today. The worse of which was threatening your Aunt Sonya with early retirement from family duties," she blurted as if ripping a band-aid off an open wound.

"You did what?" Ricco gasped, as Matteo burst out laughing so hard it took him long minutes to get control again. "I knew you were brave, but that borders on foolhardy!"

"That would explain why Papa looked like thunder when we came out onto the deck," Matteo said, his voice strained from holding back his laughter. "I know that wasn't your garter. Care to tell me why Marina set up such a ruse?"

"I'm assuming one of your Aunts took exception to what Sonya said and how I reacted and made the call. She said it was women's business, and the men shouldn't get involved, but she apologised once again and told us that Bruno was in the process of retiring now," Cat explained.

"What did Sonya say that was so bad that Marina interrupted a family gathering like that?" Ricco frowned.

"It's been dealt with, and you can't get involved and charge in there to save me like she did. How will I ever have credibility if everyone else fights my battles?" she asked, feeling weary again and the edge of her headache return. "Can we just leave it as women's business, please?"

"I'd like to know what she said in case Salvatore tries to talk to me about it. I won't interfere with your women's circle, you have my word," Matteo said.

"Mine too," Ricco agreed. "We love you and want to know everything that happened today, not to interfere, but to know what you're dealing with and maybe help with some suggestions about the Aunts and their personalities."

"It wasn't a single thing, it was more..." Cat considered the whole situation again and started from the beginning. "When I was with Theresa, before you came and got me, she told me a lot of things about the power of the mother and how she wished she could help me more, but, as a second wife, her journey was different from that of the other mothers. I got the impression that some, not all of your Aunts, were respectful and helpful, and she put up with it because she needed their goodwill in the beginning, and then it was too late to change the way things were," She paused and looked at the two men.