The Ultimate Nerd


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Something was wrong. Tori had settled back into watching the movie, but something began a gentle pulling in her mind; there was just something about that exact string of words - 'Become The Ultimate Nerd.'

The words seem to repeat, plaguing her psyche, willing her to find pleasure in becoming the Ultimate Nerd herself, and the Ultimate Nerd was on the television screen wearing a gold bikini - a Sex Slave.

Tori's heart began to race as her consciousness fought back. She shook her head lightly, 'I am not a Sex Slave.'

In her subconscious, the words kept echoing a truth, 'Become the Ultimate Nerd.'

Simultaneously, her consciousness disapproved of the thought, 'I am not a Sex Slave.'

Tori always thought of herself as a strong capable woman, and as she has experimented with new joys in her life, that hadn't changed. But this new thought, this new persistence was warring with who she was instead of molding the thoughts around who she already was like when she had the notion to watch movies or play games. This time, she felt she was on a cliff, on the precipice of her life being obliterated and morphed into what her subconscious was willing her to become, 'The Ultimate Nerd' - a Sex Slave. Is that what she wanted?

"I have to go to the bathroom," Tori jumped from the couch and ran upstairs, taking two steps at a time, bolting into the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

Tori stared into the mirror, the internal struggle causing sweat to trickle down her forehead. She gripped the countertop, fiercely, her breath ragged, "Calm down Tori... Just breathe."

'Become The Ultimate Nerd.'

"What's wrong with me?" Tori shook with her internal fury. "I'm not a Sex Slave... I'm Tori Masterson. I'm popular, I'm in the best sorority, I have a hunk of a boyfriend..." her eyes drifted to her outfit - a black Star Wars t shirt with Obi-Wan Kenobi on it. "What the hell am I wearing?" She picked at the fabric in disgust.

Tori's subconscious roared at the insult, 'Become the Ultimate Nerd.'

A weeks worth of negative memories flooded her recollection - her friends backstabbing, Lane's cheating, getting kicked out of the sorority - the pain forcing her to the ground, her hands clutching the sides of her head.

As the tension relieved, a new collection of memories poured in, each with their own small wave of pleasure - playing Dungeons and Dragons, playing Magic the Gathering, studying, her tender boyfriend, Graham - the last image causing an influx of pleasure. He was her linchpin.

'Become the Ultimate Nerd.'

"But I'm Tori Masterson," Tori said to no one as she stood on shaky legs. "Not a Sex..." she couldn't finish the rebuttal.

A final memory persisted, encouraging her to follow her new path; Sadie, her best friend and wise counselor - her Yoda - spoke that Tori needed to grovel to a guy for once... but not just any guy, but one who sees her more than her bust size. Those words had a new life, a new purpose, a new meaning.

"Aren't I Tori Masterson?" Tori was becoming unsure as her mind replayed its underlying tone.

'Become the Ultimate Nerd.'

Tori's eyes caught herself in the mirror, no longer hating her clothes. Yes, her old self wouldn't have been caught dead in something so uncouth... but now it wasn't bothering her. She has definitely changed, certain she was no longer who she was, the arousal in her body skyrocketing with her growing acceptance.

"If not Tori Masterson, then who am I?" A tear trickled down her cheek.

"Are you all right, My Alderaan Princess?" Graham's caring words were followed with a light rapping on the bathroom door.

Tori blinked, her eyes focusing deep into her own through the mirror, "That's right, I'm not Tori Masterson anymore..." Those words calmed Tori, her truth now guiding her being, "I'm an Alderaan Princess and an Alderaan Princess is a..." her knees buckled, her eyes scrunched, and she moaned as she came in ecstasy as her body dictated her new veracity.

"Tori?" Graham turned the knob, cracking the door ever so lightly. "Is everything..."

Tori opened the door fully to reveal Graham, full of troubled anxiety. She smiled sweetly as his eyes never wavered from hers, "That name sounded weird coming from My Scruffy Nerf Herder."

Graham took a relieved breath, "I was worried something was wrong. You've been up here for nearly forty minutes... My Alderaan Princess."

Yes, that sounded much better to Tori. "I'm fine now... more than fine, actually. I feel wonderful." She felt years of weight had been lifted off her shoulders. 'For the first time in my life, my life has purpose, meaning. I truly know who I am; what I am.' She embraced Graham, "Sorry I made you worry. But since I'm up here, I'm going to change real quick. I'll be down in a couple minutes, okay?"

"I'm just happy you're all right. I thought I may have to go to the pharmacy to pick up girl products for you or something."

"Aw," Tori fawned. "No one has ever volunteered to do that before. But I'm fine, really, though."

Graham leaned in, giving a tender kiss to Tori's lips, "I'll see you downstairs."


Tori tore through her clothes, looking for the perfect ensemble, which she already knew she didn't have, but she might be able to come close.


Graham waited patiently, the television screen long turned to its screensaver. He glanced to his phone, checked his email, and generally did meandering meaningless activities until he heard the footsteps coming down the stairs. He looked up as Tori's visage appeared and his mouth dropped, his eyes mimicking saucers.

Tori stood on the bottom step in her gold micro bikini, the one she only used when going to the tanning salon as it was far too risqué in public - the strings were barely the size of fishing line and the two gold triangles didn't even cover her areolas. She tucked two pairs of red leggings, upside down, into her bottoms, one in front, the other over her rear as they were closest thing she could find to equate loincloths. Her choker was unfortunately black, but the leash was worse as she simply tied a pair of black nylon stockings to it. Regardless, the affect on Graham was exactly as she hoped. She smiled a sultry smirk, "I take it you approve?"

All Graham could do was slightly nod as he wiped the drool from his chin.

Graham's approval meant everything to Tori. Before her transformation to becoming The Ultimate Nerd, she felt pride at his reactions; now, it was as if her very life was in his hands. She needed that support to breathe. She was his.

Tori kneeled to the floor and crawled to Graham. She nudged his legs open, his mind far too deep into a daze to allow for simple movement, as she sat on her haunches. Her hands slithered north, starting at his feet before reaching his thighs, and once there, they rubbed back and forth in a semi random way with every motion requiring a brushing on his encased erection.

Tori stared into Graham's eyes with a mischievous smile. She unbuttoned his pants before pulling them, along with his boxers, down to his ankles, his manhood springing forth high and mighty in the air.

Tori gave a sharp intake of air at the sight before remembering her makeshift leash. "I almost forgot;" she giggled softly, "this is for you to control, Master," she finished by stuffing the nylon into his palm.

Graham sat in amazement as he felt the power Tori gave him in his hand. Would he ever use it? Doubtful as he was far too inexperienced for that, but he also didn't need to, either. Just gripping the fabric made him feel he had the control desired. Besides, this was the love of his life acting out his young hormonal fantasy and he didn't want to scare her off doing something stupid. No, he was along for the ride, certain he would not be disappointed.

Tori licked her lips as she lowered her mouth. At impact, her body reacted, and to The Ultimate Nerd - a Sex Slave - it felt like home. With each bob of Tori's head, Graham twitched and moaned, and with each of his reactions, her own arousal spiked to unprecedented levels. It was a never ending cycle of pleasure; the more she gave the more she received.

When Tori licked, she shivered. When she sucked, she squirmed. Her pussy began clutching with need at the air, her canal leaking desperately, her liquid lust flowing down her legs like the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, each unrelenting and undaunting in their wake.

Tori paused, taking a deep breath as an erotic truth enraptured her being. A string of drool still connected from her lips to his manhood, proof she didn't want to stop, but she also wanted - needed - her Master to know all she was, her whole body, was at his disposal. Quickly she untucked her grand orbs from their small patches of fabric prison and dove forward, engulfing his monument- her shrine - in all their glory.

Graham took a breath at the pause, disappointed. He was on the verge of exploding. His eyes were cinched shut with his body tense and aching for release. He momentarily relaxed, his eyes peering open just as Tori swarmed his iron pillar with her engorged breasts, "Oh Dear God."

Tori had a mini orgasm at Graham's declaration. A maniacal induced rage of pleasure began fueling her to unseen heights, pushing her deeper into depravity. "I've never done this for a guy before, Master." She squeezed her tits even tighter against the hard invader between them, her back sliding fervently up and down, ensuring maximum pleasure for him and her. "Too self-conscious."

Graham wanted to say something, anything, to warrant a reassurance to his girlfriend, but his eloquent speech was reduced to muttering as his hips involuntarily began thrusting into the soft mounds.

Tori was on the precipice of heaven, but knew she could not get there alone. She redoubled her efforts, her pace a blur as she stroked Graham's shaft with speed and precision.

Graham came. He howled in delight as at last his euphoria induced release ruptured from his loins, each spurt relinquishing his tension in a haze of joy. He gasped deeply for air as his sexual fog evaporated into one unadulterated word, "Wow."

As soon as Tori felt the first blast of honey, she came... hard. Each splatter burned of ecstasy, no matter where it coated - a line on her face from glasses to chin, a heavy dollop in her hair, a splash on her neck but mostly the sheer sheen that iced her luscious mammaries. It quickly became her cocaine, an addiction she knew she'd crave forever. She keeled over onto the carpet, wailing with sweet delight as the most powerful orgasm of her life raptured through her soul. Her body convulsed and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she squirted a never ending stream of truth for it was Graham's markings that cemented her finality of becoming The Ultimate Nerd.

Graham became alarmed at Tori's visage. 'Is she having a seizure?' He rushed to the floor in a panic, "My Alderaan Princess, are you all right?" He grabbed her hand as the exertions finished taking their toll, leaving his girlfriend labored in exhaustion.

Tori's eyes fluttered open, a smile ripping across her face. She pulled Graham down by the neck, bringing his lips to hers. The kiss was a soft and tender open mouthed gratification. Their tongues brushed succinctly in a non-rushed way, saying an intimate thank you for the elation each had given each other. It was the purest form of love either had experienced.

Tori's eyes sparkled as she stared into the abyss of Graham's window to the soul. All she was existed because of him. She was his. "I love you... Master."

Graham slid in between Tori's legs as her message was perfectly clear with what she called him - she wasn't done... and neither was he. His eyes focused on hers as he slid her bikini bottoms and makeshift loincloth to the left and then sidled forward, his erection easily slicing into her well lubricated channel.

"Oh, Master," Tori breathed. "Claim me."

Graham pierced forward. After the past few days, it became easier; not necessarily the initiation of sex, but definitely the participation. He rocked forward, his midsection colliding with his girlfriend's with a familiar graze.

Tori was in absolute heaven. Her body was Graham's to do with as he pleased. She pushed back, encouraging his pace, earning her arousal with the well timed flexing of her internal muscles, grabbing at the pleasure she was receiving.

Graham's pace quickened, each piston being driven harder and deeper into Tori's quim. With each hastened thrust, his lust grew, still sensitive over what had just occurred.

Tori could not remember being filled so fully. Each insertion felt like a jackhammer, rocking her world into oblivion with a million little orgasms. Her mouth turned into a permanent 'O' shape, her voice a steady stream of a moan, while her tone was a blissful mess of exertion.

Graham slammed forward into Tori's sheath one last time, his voice becoming a high pitched flurry of satisfaction. His body released a torrent of his essence directly into her womb, each injection dancing and mingling with his lover's euphoria.

Tori felt the added warmth, the proof her Master properly used his Slave, and it sent her skyrocketing over the top. Her womanhood clutched, permanently holding his everything inside her, begging for all he had. Her neck craned as her pleasure induced shriek reverberated off the walls, echoing throughout the small townhouse. But all was overshadowed by the enormity of her orgasm. It rippled from her being, wracking her body in overwhelming ecstasy, her pussy exploding in carnal delight as she squirted again, the pleasure magnified into an epic climax.


"Master," Tori mumbled.

Graham whispered lovingly as he held Tori tight, "Good morning, My Alderaan Princess."

"Morning?" Tori's eyes lazily sputtered open to see the sunlight creeping through the bedroom window. She was safely in the arms of Graham as they were snuggled in bed. She sat up, confused... and absolutely radiant with a look of 'I just had the best sex of my life' afterglow.

"What happened, Master?"

"Well," Graham lightly petted Tori's hair, "you passed out... and you looked so peaceful that I cleaned you up and brought you to bed."

"Oh," Tori relaxed into Graham. "Sorry you had to do that, Master."

"I'm not. Last night was amazing." Graham then chuckled, "Why are you still calling me Master? Wasn't that like... a role playing thing for last night as you were trying to emulate Slave Girl Leia?"

Tori nibbled on her lower lip, "I need to tell you something."

"And what's that?"

"Last night wasn't an act."

Graham's fingers paused in their stroking of Tori's hair, "Huh?"

Tori rolled over, most of her body now nestled atop Graham's, her eyes finding his. "Last night, the whole Sex Slave thing, that's really me. I want... no," she shook her head before slowly nodding, "I need to be your Sex Slave, Master."

Graham saw through her eyes the truth in those words, though he was unsure what that really meant. He thought for a long minute, his face expressionless.

Tori began nibbling her lip, a sense of nervousness echoing from her throat, "Please say something."

"I'm not quite sure what to say?" Graham shrugged his shoulders. "I'm completely new to this relationship stuff, so I would ask what that means. Are we breaking up and becoming, what's the term," he snapped his fingers twice as he momentarily thought, "Just friends with benefits?" It was his turn to pray for what he hoped wasn't true.

"If..." Tori's voice quivered, "If that's what you want, Master."

Graham shook his head, "No, I definitely don't want that."

The tension seemed to release from each, both now understanding this wasn't going to be a break up.

Tori took a relieved breath before offering a smile, instantly offering clarification as to not lose Graham. "Let me put this in better terms; you have no idea how accurate you calling me your Alderaan Princess was. Princess Leia is a strong capable woman, but she was also a Slave - and judging on her appearance, a Sex Slave at that. That is who I am. Outside of our home, I will still be that strong, capable woman who will kick your butt in Magic, help your butt in Dungeons and Dragons, and continue to go to school to become a lawyer." She then purred softly, "But when we're home, and even sometimes when not, my goal is to become every one of your sexual desires and earn your release, Master. Your satisfaction is my everything... so much so that what I wore last night is what I'm going to wear all the time. As soon as we arrive home, that's the outfit I'm going to wear."

Graham's midsection lurched at the idea. "So nothing really changes with us? We're still boyfriend and girlfriend but with more sex?"

"Yes, but my being your Sex Slave is deeper than that." Tori giggled before her voice became a life pact, "I will entice and ensure you are taken care of as often as needed, daily. You are my number one priority, always... And If you break up with me, you'd still be able to call me at three in the morning or during my class and say "come give me a blowjob" and I'd run to you and do it. If you broke up with me and demanded I be a sex toy for you and your new girlfriend, I would do it, happily, and then afterward I would go back to my lonely existence waiting for your next call. There will never be another man in my life. I am YOUR Sex Slave, forever, Master."

Graham took a moment to ponder what was said. "I think I understand. What you are saying is that you have come to have a deep attachment to me and wish to express it sexually." He then chuckled, "Well, I'm certain I can handle that... And if you really want, we can buy the Princess Leia bikini outfit for you"

"They make those?" Tori passionately embraced Graham, "Thank you, Master."

"Uh, just one last thing," Graham's arms wrapped snuggly around Tori. "Using your analogy regarding Princess Leia, she killed her Master and ended up having a child with Han Solo, so... can you go back to calling me Scruffy Nerf Herder? I loved that pet name ever since you had said it."

Tori franticly sat up, her eyes wide with excitement, "Princess Leia and Han have a child? Oh my God!"

"Oops," Graham cringed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to spoil that."

Tori leaned down and caressed Graham's lips with hers, "You know, if they have a child in the movies, should I get my birth control implant removed?"

Graham gave a nervous chuckle, "I think we should wait until we've graduated first."

"Of course," Tori grinned. "My Scruffy Nerf Herder."

Graham shook his head, "I love you, My Alderaan Princess."

"Love you more." Tori grinned, "We are so having a Star Wars marathon today." She then leaned in for another kiss, this time slithering her hand between their bodies and taking hold of Graham's growing erection, "After I take care of my Slave duties, of course."

Graham gave a sharp inhalation of air at Tori's ministrations, unable to object even if he had wanted. Instead, he relaxed into the mattress and let Tori work her magic knowing life will be forever perfect. The love of his life absolutely loves him, and he has a six digit per year job working with his friends upon graduation. His reality is all he ever dreamed for himself and he would not change it for the world. He couldn't wait to live out his future with Tori, his future wife.


Tori snuggled into Graham before moving his hand to her breast. She knew he would still allow her to watch the movie despite the temptation. He was amazing like that. The knowledge she was never going to be a piece of meat to him filled her heart with love for the man... What was unexpected was the tender kiss to the top of her head. She felt safe and nurtured at the display, his affection proving one last time that he was worthy of her, forever.

Tori smiled knowing her life finally had direction and meaning and knew that as long as Graham was by her side, there was no obstacle that could derail their future together. She will be a lawyer by day and Graham's Sex Slave by evening. It was the perfect life for The Ultimate Nerd.
