The Unfortunate Samaritans Ch. 01

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Husband and wife samaritans are rewarded badly.
4.8k words
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Sally and Bob Stevenson were finally on the road. For a while, it had been questionable whether they would be able to get out of the city and begin their 3-day mini vacation. They had dropped their five year old son and three year old daughter off with Sally's parents uneventfully. In fact, they were both pleasantly surprised that the kids had skipped happily into the house and they were able to get away without so much as a whimper. Then, their luck turned. First, after driving about two miles from dropping the kids, Bob felt something funny in the car's steering and pulled over to find they had a flat. What started as an annoyance turned into a hassle when they found that the spare was also flat.

Two hours later, with both tires repaired, they were on the highway out of the city trying to make up time when Bob looked up to see flashing lights in the mirror. Bob was able to keep his frustration in check knowing he was at fault and they were once again underway ten minutes later. As they picked up speed, Sally looked at the ticket and learned that it was likely to cost them $135 dollars.

"What a start!" Sally exclaimed laughing loudly hoping to return the festive mood.

"No kidding, I think the kids must have put the whammy on us." Bob said laughing as well knowing that it was important not to dwell on the annoying start.

It had been a long time since Sally and Bob had some time for themselves. They had been very close when dating and first married. In addition to being in love they were also each other's best friend. However, with jobs and kids a separation had begun to develop that bothered both of them. Fortunately, they were good communicators and the issue got put on the table. This weekend was to be the start of renewing their together time.

Sally and Bob had met right out of college through mutual friends as both were starting their careers. Both of them had planned not to get serious with anyone for several years but it was like something went off in their brains when they met. Soon, despite their resistance they were spending all their time together and it was only fourteen months after they first met when Sally found herself walking down the aisle.

Kids were not supposed to happen for a while either but somehow Sally got pregnant with Drew. After that they decided they may as well go on with completing the family and Lisa soon followed.

One thing that Sally wouldn't give up was her career as financial advisor. She liked the fast pace environment and the interaction of world events on her daily decisions. Sally found that she could do more than hold her own in the male business world and whoa be to the man that confused her beauty with her intellect. It was a mistake men often made. Thinking she lacked brains because of her attractive appearance. Sally was 5'8" tall and slender with C-cup breasts and jet black hair. She made sure she worked out at least three times a week and her body showed no signs of having children except for a faint roundness in her tummy. She also had good fashion sense and knew how to stretch a budget with clothes that were both stylish and sophisticated. When she walked down the hall in one of her signature black skirts with a white blouse and pearls all eyes were on her. New acquaintances often told her that she looked like a black haired version of Anne Hathaway.

Bob had stayed in shape as well and had fought off the belly bulge that many of his friends were getting. The one thing that he couldn't control was his hairline and its slow disappearance drove him crazy although Sally always told him it made him look intellectual.

Between Sally's job and Bob's as mid-level sales executive that were earning an income that allowed them to own a nice house and not have to pinch pennies. All in all it was a nice, comfortable life but one where some passion was needed and they were going to address that issue this weekend.

They were on their way to a city about a three hours drive away. It was just at that distance limit of whether it made more sense to fly or drive and they had elected to drive to be more mobile and flexible. An hour into the drive it got dark and thirty minutes after that a light rain began to fall. The couple were chatting and joking and Sally was sipping some Chardonnay while they listened to old CDs from their music collection.

Now, away from any city, the traffic had become light which enabled Bob and Sally to relax. As they rounded a long bend the car lights picked up a vehicle halfway on the grass. Bob automatically slowed as they approached and as they passed they could see two men and what appeared to be a woman holding a baby standing in the rain next to what they could now see was an old pickup.

"We should stop." Sally suggested looking back over her shoulder.

"Are you sure? We're already pretty late." Bob asked but had already begun slowing knowing from experience how Sally felt about those in need.

"Yes, did you see that poor woman holding the baby?" Sally continued.

"Yeah, well I guess we could use the karma." Bob said causing them both to laugh.

Bob brought the car to a stop then carefully backed down the shoulder until he was a car length in front of the pickup.

"Stay here. Let me check it out." Bob said to Sally as he opened the door.

Bob and Sally were still in their office clothes having not stopped to change. He held his hand over his eyes to shield the rain and walked behind the car and to the side of the pickup where the people were huddled. As he got closer he could see that the group looked poor and ill kept. One man was tall and thin and had long stringy hair that looked greasy even in the rain. He had not shaved in several days and was dressed only in jeans and a t-shirt which seemed inappropriate in the cool autumn weather. The second man was of medium height and build and in stark contrast to his friend he sported a shaved head. He was also in jeans but also had on a dark nylon windbreaker. They both looked to be in their mid to late thirties. The woman was younger, blonde and thin and had on a flimsy knee length cotton dress over that a blue jean jacket. Her hair was plastered down the side of her face and her eye shadow was running from the rain. What had appeared in the car as a child turned out to be a small bag that the woman held closely to her chest.

"What's the problem? I mean what can I do to help?" Bob asked to the group.

"It just up and quit." The tall man answered in a country accent.

"Do you want me to call you a tow truck?" Bob replied surmising that these people couldn't afford a cell phone.

"Nah, I think it's done and gone. Can you give us a lift up to the next town?" The tall man replied as the other two remained silent.

"Well I guess so." Bob answered not relishing the thought of this dirty wet group in their car but knowing he was committed. "Come on let's get out of this rain." He offered turning towards the car.

Bob never saw the swing the shorter man made with the crescent wrench that hit the base of his skull. He fell to the ground unconscious as the tall man moved quickly towards the car. Yanking the door open he surprised Sally grabbing her by the hair and pulling her onto the wet grass.

"Billy, load that asshole in the front here. Donna, you drive." He yelled at the other two.

Billy drug Bob to the car and forced him into the passenger side as the tall man watched over Sally. When Donna was in the driver's seat, he pulled Sally up by the hair and forced her into the back seat between him and Billy.

"Donna, goddamn it drive bitch. But go slow we don't want to get stopped." He demanded.

Donna pulled onto the highway and slowly picked up speed leaving the old pickup behind. The whole incident had taken less than two minutes to unfold and not a single car had passed.

Sally was shaking uncontrollably from fear and the cold of her now wet clothes.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She asked with a shaky, scared voice.

"Shut up bitch. You keep your fucking mouth shut for now." The tall man demanded. "What did you do to my husband?" Sally said ignoring his command which resulted in a hard slap across her face.

"I told you to shut the fuck up. He ain't dead yet I reckon." He answered.

Sally, recovering from the blow, looked up to see Billy staring down at the opening in her blouse with hungry eyes. His look frightened her more and she sensed this ordeal was far from over.

Twenty minutes later, Donna exited the highway and took a smaller secondary road to the south and then thirty minutes after that she turned the car onto a dirt road. The entire ride had been made in silence except for comments the tall man had made to Donna about her driving. They drove another ten minutes down the dirt road before finally stopping before a rusty gate being held up by one hinge. Billy got out and opened the gate letting the car in then closing it getting back inside. The drove about a half a mile on a rough track, frequently dragging bottom, before finally pulling up in front of an old trailer house.

"Get out." The tall man commanded Sally.

Instead of leading her to the trailer as she expected, the tall man pushed Sally ahead of him and around the trailer to a metal barn like structure that was set about 100 feet behind. On one end was an open space used to fix equipment but most of the barn was closed in. The man pushed Sally into a small room with no windows then closed and bolted the door behind him as he left.

As Sally's eyes adjusted to the dark she could barely make out that she was in a small room and there was no apparent way out. She found a light switch and turning it on she could see that the room had a bunk bed and another small bed and one folding chair. The beds were unmade and the linens were filthy. In the corner of the room was a toilet and sink open to view. Sally stood in her heels struggling to hold in her emotions as she tried to think. She wondered if Bob was still alive and who these people were and what they wanted.

The tall man went to the trailer and yelled for Billy to help him with Bob. They pulled him from the car, still unconscious, and dragged his limp body into the barn to the room where they had put Sally. Dumping him they turned and left without speaking as Sally rushed to her husband.

The two me walked slowly back to the trailer.

"Shit Darryl, what a fucked up night." Billy finally spoke.

"Yeah but we got the goddamn money at least." Darryl replied.

"I can't believe those fucking Guzman brothers tried to rip us off." Billy said before asking. "How many deals we done with them?"

"Well this isn't a friendly business." Darryl offered.

"Now we got the damn pickup out on the highway. Police are going to wonder about it." Billy thought out loud.

"It's just a broke down vehicle. Nothing more." Darryl replied.

"Maybe, maybe. But now we got these two. It's not good." Billy suggested.

"Yeah, we got them for now. For now anyway." Darryl replied lighting a cigarette.

"That woman is a damn hot piece of pussy I think." Billy said suddenly lowering his voice.

"She sure looks like it." Darryl replied looking off into the distance.

They stood in silence until Darryl had finished his cigarette before they spoke.

"You better go take care of Donna. We got to start a new batch here before morning." Darryl said.

"Yeah, she's all jumpy from these two being here." Billy answered.

The rain had stopped and the moon and stars had come out creating a glistening effect on the trees and grass from the wetness.

Darryl remained outside and lit another cigarette. He was disappointed that they had to take these two to get their car but there was really no other way. Every minute they were out there with the $35,000 in cash was an invitation to be caught and thrown into jail by the police. Darryl had been in twice and knew he couldn't take a third time. But he knew he had created a new problem. What to do with his captives. Darryl hadn't ever had to murder anyone before but knew if it was that or prison it would be an easy decision.

After finishing the smoke, Darryl went into the trailer to watch some TV. They had a satellite set-up that worked about half the time and he was hoping he would be lucky tonight. As soon as he opened the door he heard the sounds of Donna and Billy go at it in the bedroom. Great, just great, he thought to himself as he grabbed a beer. To make matters worse, the TV wasn't working so he had no distraction to the squeaking bed and moans of the Donna and Billy.

"Fuck this. Might as well work" Darryl said softly to himself then got up and headed outside.

Sally had managed with great effort to wrestle Bob's limp body into the bottom bunk. She had checked his pulse and breathing and knew he was still alive but had no idea as to the extent of his injury. She tore a piece of fabric from the dirty blanket and soaked it with water and placed it on Bob's forehead. Out of ideas as to what else to do, she sat in the chair next to the bed and held his hand in hers.

Darryl went into a part of the barn that was set up like a small lab. The crystal meth business they had going, selling to the dealers in the city, had gone on without incidence until tonight. The confrontation with their dealer contact had been tense, very tense. The dealers had decided they were going to cut the price they would pay and for a few moments Darryl had expected it to end badly but in the end they had stood their ground and got the money. Darryl knew that they would have to find a new customer after tonight.

Before starting the work, Darryl decided to smoke a little and pulled his pipe out. He lit some and sucked the drug deep into his lungs feeling the euphoria flow through him. He knew it was stupid for a guy in the business to be a user and he fought it better than most but no one can truly put it down once they started. Hell Donna was so into it now that she didn't even resemble the cute girl she was only six months ago when Billy had found her.

Meth had a strange effect on Darryl's cock. Sometimes, he couldn't get hard no matter how hard he tried and other times he would get so damn hard it hurt. It wasn't long before he knew it was going to be a hard dick night. He spent a few minutes trying to set up for a new batch but his mind drifted to the sounds of Billy and Donna fucking and the hot woman that was in the room only a few steps from him. Darryl's mind started thinking about her long legs wrapped around his waist and her full lips pressing against his.

He got up and walked towards the door, towards her room, telling himself it was just to have a look and to see if she was as hot as he remembered. It took less than 10 seconds to get there.

Darryl opened the door and as soon as Sally saw his eyes she knew what he had come for.

"Please don't do this." She said almost immediately.

He stood there in the doorway quietly looking at her. From her feet, still in heels, up her shapely legs to her knee length skirt and then her long sleeve blouse with her breasts filling out the fabric. He stared at her breasts for a long time then continued up her elegant neck to her beautiful lips. Darryl turned and for a moment Sally hoped that he was leaving but instead he simply closed the door.

In the dull light from the underpowered bulb, Darryl slowly undressed. First, he took off his boots and dirty socks followed by his jeans and grimy boxer shorts revealing his heavy uncircumcised cock fully hard from the drug. Finally he pulled off his t-shirt revealing his hairless chest and his ugly prison tattoos.

He stood before Sally naked as she quietly wept. To her he looked like a monster with his long greasy hair, marked up body and obscene cock. For some reason, Sally's mind flashed back to her all her experiences. The first boyfriend that she allowed to go all the way and the awkward start that had never really gotten better, then the drunken one night stand with the fraternity stud that she always regretted and finally with Bob who was always gentle and caring and made her feel special. Now there was an animal in front of her and she had no choice. She was going to be raped in front of her comatose husband.

"Take your clothes off." It was a softly spoken command but a command nonetheless.

"Not here. I can't do it here in front of my husband." She replied grasping for anything that would delay the inevitable.

"Take your clothes off." He repeated in a flat voice.

Sally's hands went to the buttons of her blouse then fell to her side the grasped at the waist of her skirt before she stopped and spoke again.

"Please, I won't fight you but not here. Please." She pleaded tears beginning roll from her eyes.

"Take your clothes off first." He replied to her offering a small sliver of compromise.

Sally looked at him again unable not to see his cock full and heavy dripping juice from the bulbous head not out of its skin. It looked like an angry reptilian beast ready to poison its prey.

Sally's hands went to her blouse and slowly undid the buttons allowing the front to open and expose her lacy bra. She tugged it from the waist of the skirt then undid the cuffs before folding it and dropping it on the bed. Next she sat down and took off her heels and placed them under the bed. Standing again, she undid the clasp on her skirt, and then unzipped it allowing it to fall to her feet. She picked it up and neatly folded it placing it on top of her blouse.

Sally now stood before Darryl in only her matching white bra and thong, her pearl necklace and earrings. A drop of precum was now dripping from the end of his cock and stretched itself slowly towards the floor. With a nod, he commanded her to finish.

Sally reached back and undid the clasp of her bra and caught it in her hands as it dropped off her full breasts. She placed it on the bed then pushed the thong over her hips and down her legs exposing her cleanly shaved pussy to Darryl. It had been acquiescence to Bob's kinky side and now she felt ashamed another man had discovered it.

Darryl heart was beating deeply in his chest as this woman turned him on more than he had been in a very long time. He took the three steps slowly to her and grasped her by her arms.

"Please, please, not here." Sally whimpered as she looked straight into his chest.

Darryl paused for a moment then took her by the arm and said "Come with me."

Billy was in his underwear and Donna was in a t-shirt when the naked couple opened the trailer door.

"Goddamn Darryl." Was all Billy could say when he saw them.

"Please help me!" Sally tried to plead.

"Oh, I think you are going to get helped." Billy laughed.

"Darryl, she's not ready for that big thing." Donna offered as Darryl directed Sally into a bedroom.

Darryl kicked the door back but the lock was broken so it wouldn't clasp. He backed Sally up until she was forced to sit on the twin sized bed.

"Now we're here and not out there so I don't want no fighting." Darryl demanded. "Get up there and spread your legs."

Sally knew she was at the end of the line but her mind kept trying to think of some way out. Even so, she slowly inched back on the bed until her head was near the wall. Darryl grasped her feet and spread her legs and pushed them back fully exposing her pussy. With one hand he held her right leg and with his right hand he rubbed his precum over his cock then spit in his hand and bent forward to rub the mixture into Sally slit.

"If you don't fight I'll go slow. If you fight me I'll hurt you." He explained then placed her legs around his waist and moved towards her on his knees.

When she felt his heavy cock resting on her slit, Sally knew there was no way out. She closed her eyes tightly and whimpered to herself trying to detach herself from the ordeal. Darryl began rolling her nipples between his fingers as he sawed his cock along her slit trying to work in his spit and get her juices flowing.