The Vassal Academy Ch. 05


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Ann Clark groaned. Parking around here was a nightmare. She didn't have a parking pass to that fancy garage. She decided to bluff her way through. She pulled up to the gate and the attendant looked doubtfully at her car. Ann held up her badge. "Police business, put it somewhere safe."

The guy glanced at her badge and then shrugged. "Ok lady. Whatever." He pulled her car around the corner after giving her a paper slip as a receipt. She headed out after Devon and was determined to follow him. He was up to something.

She saw him around the next corner, going into some night club. She approached the door. The doorman looked her over and frowned at her faded denims and oversized shirt which hid her off duty pistol. She could see he was going to balk at letting her in.

"Sorry, dress code sweetheart." The oversized steroidisaurus said.

Flashing her badge again she said. "Police business."

"Really? I don't remember calling a cop. I'll see if the manager did."

"I'm looking for someone, they're supposed to be inside."

The man frowned and said. "May I see your badge again officer?"

She held it up to his nearly seven foot height. He took a second to look at it. "Deputy Sheriff Clark, Connecticut? Where is your New York City escort?"

Damn him, he knew the system. She was technically supposed to have a New York City officer present. They even had an office called the interdepartmental co-operation division. It was anything but co-operative with other departments. "It's low priority, not worth a tactical team."

The man frowned and shrugged. "Twenty five cover charge, two drink minimum."

Ann narrowed her eyes at him and then handed over the cash. She promised herself if he ever so much as spit on the sidewalk in her county she'd bust his ass for sure.

Ann entered the club and moved around looking for Devon and the big blond guy. She didn't see them after her first sweep and made a second. They came in here. She was sure of that. She then noticed the velvet rope of the VIP and groaned. He was in the back with the big rollers. She couldn't bluff her way past that doorman. He wasn't as big, but would be twice as intelligent as the one at the door who saw through her. Damn it all to hell.

She sipped her club soda and tried to be low key, which was tough given the costumes some of these people were wearing. It was outrageous the way the women dressed in here. Sluts and gold diggers, all of them. Fucking whores.

Devon saw Andre looking at the big window and raised an eyebrow. "Devon, there is actually a person at the bar sipping a drink wearing jeans in this club."

Devon turned his head and saw the girl, and actually laughed. "That isn't a person, that's Deputy Clark from earlier today."

Andre shook his head. "Not real good at blending in is she?"

"This is her personal crusade now. She'll try and bluff her way back here next." Devon said. "Probably threaten the doorman with obstruction charges if he doesn't let her back here."

Andre smiled. "I'd be happy to chat with her if you like."

Devon smiled. "No she saw you with me. She's not that gullible." Then he considered. "There are private rooms. I wonder if one is available. It should be on a Wednesday night." Devon signaled for a waiter and asked, then accepted room number three, right off the main room. Devon then wrote a short message and gave it to the Waiter with instructions pointing out the right person.

Devon rose and took his drink to the private room with Andre. He waited and watched. The private room had a window with the mirror on the outside, and the darker interior allowed the occupant to look over the club to see if they wished to allow some of the little people to join them. Devon watched as the waiter approached Ann and handed her the card.

Ann closed her eyes in real humiliation and pain. She had been spotted, and worse, she was identified and he was asking her to join him in the fucking VIP like a little groupie. She looked at the windows, the wrong one of course, and glared hatred at him. Devon looked to his right and then realized she was staring where she assumed he would be, the center of the mirrors. He laughed at her silly notions.

Ann walked to the rope and the doorman didn't even hesitate, he just moved it aside for her. She stormed in and looked around. Andre approached her and pointed her to the Private room and asked her to join them.

She stormed in like a hurricane. She saw Devon sitting with his back to a wall, the room was large enough for a half dozen or so judging by the chairs, and said. "Hello Deputy Clark, out clubbing tonight?"

Damn him, he was so fucking smug. "Yes as a matter of fact, I was."

"Not really your type of club I'd assume. I see you more as a cocktails and finger food type than a bondage girl." Devon said. "Please have a seat. If you wished to join us, it would have saved gas to ride with us. We won't be out too late."

Ann sat and said. "I'm telling you now, I'm on to you. I'm going to get the evidence, and I'm going to bust your ass buddy."

Devon raised an eyebrow. "Did I speed on the way here? Forget to signal a lane change?"

"You know what I mean."

Devon laughed and said. "Deputy Clark, please relax. Everything I do is absolutely legal. Everything. I know you ran me through your computer. Not even a speeding ticket was there?"

"No, but that just means you haven't been caught." Ann said her fury bubbling to the surface.

"Please, relax Deputy. I mean you no harm, and I mean no one any harm. I'm as docile as a kitten."

"I got bit once by a kitten, hurt like hell."

Andre laughed and set his drink down. "I'm sorry I missed the scene this morning. It must have been great fun."

"It was. Deputy Clark kept telling me I was awful, and the Sheriff kept hoping she'd be quiet." Devon said. "She brow beat our girls trying to get them to admit to our keeping them against their wills. Apparently she was hoping for a false imprisonment charge."

"You've brainwashed them. Or you're taking advantage of their mental condition." Ann said through slitted eyes.

Devon said. "When can I expect you in uniform to observe the academy's activity Deputy?"

Ann hated him more at that moment than any before. "The Sheriff was scared off by your lawyers, but I'm not."

"My lawyers are a bit overprotective." Devon said.

"So call them off, and let me come in there." Ann said.

"I've already offered. The Sheriff has refused." Devon said.

"He's afraid that after you spend a few day waltzing me around, that your Lawyers will decide that any further attention is harassment." Ann answered.

"They just might." Devon allowed. "Tell you what, let's make this a little easier on you. Does the Sheriff allow you to do whatever you please on your days off? You get them don't you?"

"Yes, I get days off."

"I don't. I work every day. We train every day." Devon said sadly. "Perhaps I need a union?"

"I'd think they'd get in the way of your bashing women."

"Perhaps you're right. Deputy, You don't think I'm really going to commit a crime in your jurisdiction?"

"Yes. I know you are."

"Then come out and see for yourself." Devon said again.

"I can't the Sheriff and the County Attorney are both against the idea." Ann said.

"Your days off. As a guest, unofficially. You can keep your gun of course. Wouldn't want you defenseless against naked women and passive men." Devon said and sipped his drink. "I'll even give you a whip to keep us all in line."

Ann stood up and stormed out of the room. She left the club and had to pay fifteen dollars to get her car back, the attendant swearing that it was the official police business rate. She drove home angry and humiliated. She just knew Devon was laughing at her.

He wasn't. He was chatting with people in the club. Searching for a trainer, and another slave. A team would be acceptable, but no luck tonight. He decided to search another club tomorrow. Rebecca would have to see to the Academy while he sought their new staff members. He really needed to find at least one bi sexual male slave. A natural dominant, or a switch to act as trainer would be gravy.

The doorman chatted with a cop on the local beat who got called when there was a problem. "Yeah, it's quiet tonight. Just that cop from Connecticut waving her shield to get in."


"Yeah, Some deputy sheriff from Connecticut named Clark I think." The guy said and then gave the county and described the event.

The officer who had a sense of humor, and was once pulled over driving through Connecticut and had been asked if the police in New York were the same as real cops by a state trooper with a sense of humor decided to call that one in. He jotted the information on the right form, and set it in his folder to be turned in at the end of his watch.

There was a chance, a slim chance, that the little blond was impersonating a cop, but you couldn't go wrong doing what the book told you to.

The form ended up on his Sergeants desk, who frowned at it and checked his list of currently cooperating interdepartmental investigations, nothing from that county in Connecticut. He passed the form to the watch lieutenant, and went home after his shift.

The form bounced it's way through the monstrous administrative machine that was the police department, and finally ended up on the desk of a Sergeant at the office of interdepartmental co-operation. He in turn decided to ask this Sheriff's department what they were investigating in the fair city of New York. A ten-minute phone call later and all hell had broken loose for Ann.

She was in records doing some research on the corporation that owned that building. They were overseas, and used the same lawyers who Devon had called. Convenient. Her cell phone rang and she answered without thinking and was told to get up to the Sheriff's office on the double.

She hustled, wondering if there was a shooting or something that the Sheriff was off to. She found the Watch Commander, a Captain Goodman and one of the investigators from Internal Affairs. She walked in the office with a feeling of dread spreading through her stomach. "Yes Sheriff?"

"Deputy Clark, were you in New York City last night, attempting to gain access to a Club de Sade via your police credentials?" Sheriff Mitchell asked in an official voice.

Ann looked down, that bastard had called his lawyers. "Sheriff I can explain."

"I'm going to take that as a yes." The Sheriff said. "To bring you up to speed, since you've not seen fit to do that for me, the New York Police Department called here, asking about our investigating in their jurisdiction. When it was bumped up to me, I informed them we had no investigation ongoing in New York." Mitchell said. "When they told me Deputy Carter, they were concerned we had someone impersonating a police officer. I informed them that we had a Deputy Carter, and she was impersonating a person with a brain if she had been in New York waving her shield around. They told me where, and I about blew a blood vessel Ann." Sheriff Mitchell's volume had been increasing steadily through the statement, ending just below a shout.

He hadn't gone to the lawyers, the doorman had told the cops in New York. "Sheriff, I drove by out there, and Devon was driving in the other direction. I followed him on a hunch." Ann began.

"Ann, you haven't been on the force long enough to have hunches." Sheriff Mitchell said slowly and in a dangerous voice.

"Sheriff, I followed him and wasn't dressed for the club, it cost me twenty five bucks to get in, and the badge waved the dress code." Ann said. "That's all." She knew the parking attendant hadn't seen her badge well enough to get any information.

The Sheriff said. "So you followed the guy I told you to leave alone. Bordering on harassment, and hid out in the corner of the club hoping to see what?"

"Actually, he saw me, and invited me into the VIP section sir, a private room." Ann said sheepishly.

The internal affairs investigator sat down and shook his head. He was trying not to smile. While this wasn't a really serious problem, it was potentially embarrassing for the Sheriff's Department. The Watch commander rubbed his face with a hand as if trying to get rid of a headache. Sheriff Mitchell blinked at her and said. "Ann, you didn't go did you?"

"Yes, I was hoping he'd slip up, admit something we could use."

The Watch Commander sighed. "I'm glad he didn't. If he had, you couldn't use it. You were outside of your jurisdiction Officer."

"Sheriff, he invited me to come out there and see his operation." Ann pleaded. "I know he's dirty, I know he is."

The Sheriff shook his head. Turning to the Watch Commander he asked. "Is New York going to make an issue of this?"

"No Sheriff, I don't think so. They're getting a laugh out of one of our rookies getting into a bondage club, but that's going to pass in a day or so."

Turning to Internal Affairs he asked. "Anything but colossal bad judgment in waving her shield?"

"Infraction of departmental policy, ignoring your instructions, otherwise, I don't see a big case here."

The Sheriff thanked them and asked to be alone with the Deputy for a moment. When they'd left and closed the door the Sheriff asked her to sit. "Ann, tell me why I shouldn't pursue those charges, against you, not this Devon whatever his last name is."

"Uncle Jack, you know he's dirty."

"No, I know he's a pervert. He has a right to be that. I know he's a very careful pervert, his law firm proves that." The Sheriff said. "What crime is he committing Deputy?"

"Sheriff, the corporation that owns that house is an off shore one, they're represented by the same law firm that called us about Devon in New York."

"So what? Of course the Corporate Attorney's called to protect the corporate house of bondage delights. Who cares? Is that a crime to have access to lawyers now? Have you read the Constitution lately?" Sheriff Mitchell asked in exasperation.

"Sheriff, it's a corporation in the Caymans, which means it's probably a front for the Mob or something." Ann said.

"Or a branch of the Kennedy's in Boston. Ann, there are millions of off shore accounts set up to protect money and investors. That's why they do it. Merely working for or owning one isn't a crime. Is he smuggling drugs? No, he's way too smart for that. Is he laundering money? I will bet you a months salary that his books are more accurate than your check book." Sheriff Mitchell said. "He's a guy who has all his permits, and all his certificates in order. This morning, the County Medical Records guy got a request to test a Paramedic for licensing and certification; just like this Devon said was in progress. The request was perfect according to county."

"He's beating those women." Ann said outraged.

"They want to be beaten." Sheriff Mitchell said. "I'm giving you a direct order now. Drop this now. If he's doing something, it's going to pop up on radar eventually, and we'll catch him, or the Feds will. In the mean time you're running off the reservation has jeopardized any investigation we may have had a chance of doing. Ann, you have to be a pro here."

"Does that mean my personal time too? He invited me out there on my personal time, to learn and understand the BDSM lifestyle." Ann said angrily. "Would I be jeopardizing an investigation to visit a friend?"

Sheriff Mitchell looked at her and shook his head. "Ann, you're transferred to jail duty effective immediately. You are to report there at zero eight hundred tomorrow morning."

"Sheriff, that's bullshit and you know it." Ann said.

"I know you're too personally involved in this. I know you're not acting professionally, and I know you're running around trying to get yourself in trouble. You've succeeded. You're transferred to the Jail. If I hear you're even driving by that exit on the interstate, you had better be on your way somewhere important. Is that clear Deputy Clark?"

"Yes Sheriff, that's clear. It's clear you intend to allow a criminal bastard like that operate in the county." Ann said outraged and unable to control her tongue. "Did he donate to your campaign fund?"

Sheriff Mitchell sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Go on Ann. You'll get your schedule tomorrow."

Ann stormed out of the office, her thoughts dark and angry. She went home to her apartment and stomped around for a while and then sat and fumed. Damn that fucking Devon. Damn the Sheriff and the coward Attorney. They could get this guy if only someone had some balls.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I think Deputy Clark is going to find herself at the Academy and loving it.

It would be even more epic if she did it in her own time behind the Sheriff’s back

SylithSylithalmost 8 years ago
Does Deputy Clark shop at chain clothing stores?

Made me smile, while the farm and true slavery (which is non consensual by definition) are horrible, there are more slaves being hurt by cheap labor factories then the volunteers or rich folks paying for training at the Academy.

Clark should look up info on issues like the fire that killed so many in the Bangladesh factory manufacturing for Target and GAP. Boycotting those and raising awareness would be time better spent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Character names?

While I so far love the storyline, your characters names seem to change... Rebecca becomes Roberta for a minute and Clark becomes carter... Unless Roberta and carter are two separate characters?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I wish you'd find this whole series a good editor, though-- it's one I'd love to reread, but it needs a bit of editing before I could.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

You know someone's a pro when they can arouse you with one moment, make you burst out laughing the next, then turn it around and have you almost crying in compassion.

Brilliant work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I really enjoy the series =) As a simple bit of editing, could you include a break of some sort between character transitions?

ann_8280ann_8280about 16 years ago
once again....

Im in love!!!! I love the way every story glides in with the next. try not to give two much time in between storys i get so excited for the next one i just cant wait for it.

I love the deputy ann sense thats my name hehehhe keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

I love how you are showing all aspects of the BDSM and not focusing on just the sexual parts of it as many here do I enjoy reading your material very much and hope that there is not a long pause between your next chapter


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