The Warmest Winter, Day 12

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Part 12 of the 16 part series

Updated 09/30/2022
Created 04/12/2013
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Thanks to everyone for their feedback on the previous chapters, with a special thank-you to my real-life editor. Remaining errors, if any, are mine. Reading the chapters of this story in order is highly recommended. All geek culture references are properties of their original copyright holders.


Veronica came downstairs for the day, and started looking around.

"What is it?" asked Jenny, who was once again in a pink fuzzy slipper mood.

"Just looking for Mike."

"He's not down yet."

"You sure? Have you checked under the dining room table?"

Cassie and Jenny chuckled.

"He doesn't handle adversity all that well on his own, does he?" Veronica asked, pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"I wouldn't say that," said Cassie, "I'd say it all came as a tremendous shock to him, which anyone would need time to recover from. All things considered, I'd say he's bouncing back very well." What she didn't add was that he felt good enough to have wild animal sex with her while Jenny secretly watched.

"Besides," said Jenny, "He's not on his own. He's got us."

"Who's got who?" said Mike, coming down the stairs.

"You've got us," Jenny repeated. "Good morning."

"Thanks, and good morning. What's on the menu, Cassie?"

Cassie did her best not to blush as she refrained from saying the answer that presented itself.

"Pancakes, and scrambled eggs with cheddar."

"Yum," said Mike, "So, given the carefree conversation, I take it none of you have seen the weather?"


Veronica gave Mike a suspicious look. "Oh, no, don't tell me..."

"I'm afraid so. More snow is coming down."

Veronica exploded. "Oh, son of a motherless penny goat wearing a tutu in a barn door albatross with a penguin on astick!"

Mike doubled over, laughing. When he could catch his breath again, he asked, "What was that?"

"Vee tends to get spontaneously creative when she wants to swear too badly," explained Jenny. "How much snow did they forecast, exactly?"

"A couple of inches, tops. Nothing to fret about."

"And you let me worry? You areevil," groused Veronica.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, it's enough that I'll have to go up and clear off the roof again. After lunch."

"Need any help?" offered Cassie. Jenny, Veronica, and Mike all turned to look at her. The last time she went to help Mike they had ended up getting one another off orally. Cassie had since confessed as much to the others, and Mike knew it. Seeing their gazes, Cassie realized they had all made that connection.

"No, I mean to actually help. I didn't, I mean, I wanted to-" This time she actually did blush.

Mike smiled. "That's okay. It'll be nice to be alone with my thoughts for a short time. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, it's been a while since we've had regular exercise. Physical activity, tons, but some routine would go a long way right now. I'd like to, seeing as I didn't yesterday, so I'll count my time on the roof."

"How much work do you have?" Jenny asked.

"Same. Four hours. But I may put in a bit more, get a bit ahead, that way if and when I can do something about the house, I have the time."


After breakfast, Mike went to his office to work, but left the door ajar, signaling that he could be bothered. Cassie started on some preparations for future meals. After a few minutes of sitting quietly, finishing the last of the coffee, Jenny got up and went to Mike's office.

Taking one last second to compose her thoughts, she knocked lightly on the door.

"Come on in," said Mike, "I'm still just getting my stuff out."

Jenny went in and sat down in the chair across the desk from Mike's.

"Hey, whydoyou have a second chair in here?"

"On occasion, a very affluent and very impatient client has requested my services expedited, to the point of coming here in person to discuss the matter. I'd share more, but I have agreed with these clients to never reveal how vulnerable their positions were. Frankly, they tend to be powerful people who have gotten stuck, and I helped them. Now, I know what you're thinking, and no, none of them can help with the house. Firstly, none of them are local. Secondly, it would be unethical to ask. Thirdly, even if it were not a breach of ethics, it would make me one step closer to being like the Harringtons. No, thank you."

"So whatisyour plan?"

"Don't have one yet," Mike shrugged, pulling out yet another volume, a textbook on medieval German architecture. "I've been letting it go, until there's something I can do."

"Mike," said Jenny. "Don't take this the wrong way, but... wherever you got that thought from, give it back and ask for a refund."

"Interesting. Don't take this the wrong way, but... why?"

"You're a Rain Dancer."

"I don't understand the reference."

"Oh. Well, some native tribes actually did have a Rain Dance. And according to some stories I've heard, there's a reason the dance always worked. It was because they didn't stop dancing until it rained."

"And you see that quality in me?"

"Well, yes. Like your consulting work. You seek just that little bit of insight more than other consultants, and what makes you so good at what you do is that you don't stop looking until you find it."

"So, with the house..."

"No one knows the situation better than you. You know the laws that got changed, the local politics, the Harringtons, everything. All of the information you need is there. You just need to comb through it until... until it rains."

Mike sat back in his office chair, and thought.

"If I had a client in exactly my situation, what would I do?" Mike murmured.

"I think," Jenny said, getting up, "That... is the right question. Program terminated." She left the office. A few seconds later, she heard Mike say:

"TheI, Robotmovie? Really?"


An hour later, Mike's phone rang.

"Rick, what's up?"

"I'm fine. How are you?" Rick said with dry sarcasm.

"Sorry. Busy day. Besides, I know how you are when you're on a job."

"Yeah, okay. Anyway, thought I'd give you an update. The interns have put together the documents, and I have put together the defense. I also found out that you're not the only one bringing a lawyer."

"You're kidding."

"No. The good news is, I know the guy. Well, by reputation anyway. I interned with a rival firm back in Brooklyn. He's a bastard. Some of us just act like it, this guy doesn't need to. Carlos Santiago. Started out great, defending poorer districts from abuse by The Man. But he crossed the ethical line a few too many times and now he can't see it anymore. Not his professional ethics, nothing we could use against him, just his personal ethics."


"Funny thing is, his brother's a hell of a nice guy. Go figure."

"So how does this affect the case?"

"Overall, not much. But it does mean we will have to double-check everything, and even then stay on our toes."

"Sounds like I should be doing more on my end."

Rick was silent for a second, a new occurrence. "What, you haven't been? That isn't like you. Are the girls too much of a distraction? 'Cause I can find a hotel for them."

"That won't be-"

"I'm not just saying this as your lawyer, Mike. I'm your friend, too. If you want to keep the house, keep your head cool.Bothof them. Or at least cool enough to focus when you need to."

"Okay, okay. Sheesh, you sound like my Dad."

"Wise man."

"More a wise ass, but thank you anyway. In fact, one of the girls, as you call them, told me something similar earlier."

"So do it already. Okay, I'm hanging up now. You, get to work." The line went dead.

After a few minutes to collect his thoughts, Mike put away his research. That job wasn't really urgent anyway. He could get it done in a few hours, and it wasn't due for weeks. So, he bent down, then grunted as he lifted the dust-covered filebox onto his desk. The thud rattled his pens, and some dust motes took the opportunity to skydive, but Mike opened it up, and began to scour all of his files from the original house agreements.


The smell of food woke up Mike's stomach, and he wandered out for lunch.

"Grilled cheese and tomato soup," Cassie informed him over her shoulder. Mike went over to the sink to wash his hands, having gotten ink, dust, and assorted particulates all over them researching.

"Oh, by the way, Stan called," Mike said. That got the ladies' attention. "He said he sold your old car, and the check for your payment is waiting back in town to be picked up."

"Sweet! Did he say how much?" Jenny asked.

"Nope, but that's between him and you anyway," Mike shrugged.

"Man, that kind of took him forever, though, didn't it?" wondered Veronica as Cassie plated up the cheesy gooeyness.

"As long as it got done, that's my opinion," said Jenny.

"I don't know," Veronica shrugged, "I guess maybe he shouldn't agree to the job without knowing how long it will take."

"Oh, like you can predict your life?"

"Well, no..."

"So have some sympathy for the guy. We don't know what took so long. Maybe it was even more important than the car."


"Look, it's done. Can we move on now?"

"All right..."

Mike smiled to himself.For some people, sometimes, it's just never enough. Oh, well. We all have our foibles.


The four housemates ended up all going to their rooms after lunch. Mike was preparing to clear the roof again, while Jenny and Veronica got ready for their workouts. The girls decided that, since they couldn't remember the old schedule, they would just start a new one. Cassie drew the short straw, and would exercise the next day. She was just getting settled into a good book when she heard a tapping on her door.


"It's Jenny. Wanna keep me company?" she heard through the door.

"Sure! Why not?"

Once they got down to the basement, Cassie took up station on the sofa, as she had when Jenny and Veronica duked it out playing Ping-Pong the week before.

"So what'd you want to talk about?" Cassie asked casually.

"How'd you know?"

"How long have we known each other?"

"Right. Stupid question. Sorry." Jenny's words came out in stops and short breaths, as she was stretching.

"Well? How about it?"

Jenny looked up, and then gave her the same explanation that she had gotten from Mike, and had talked over with Veronica before, about how appreciating another woman's touch does not necessarily make a woman a lesbian.

"And you really believe all that?" Cassie asked.

"Well, it makes sense for me. I'm just putting it out there to consider."

Cassie sat thoughtfully for a while as Jenny hopped onto the stationary bike. She missed her twelve-speed back home. It made her look forward to Denver, though – her research had revealed that it was great for cyclists.

"I don't know..." said Cassie. "I mean, you've known me since the dawn of time. What do you think?"

Jenny paused to compose her response. "I think you enjoy Mike and a fake dildo way more than you enjoyed Mike and two real women."

"There's that," Cassie laughed, "Andyou,missy, are a peeping Tammy."

"It's not what I went in there for, I swear."

"Sure. I believe you."

Jenny put her face into her arms across the control panel of the bike. "God, I am so embarrassed."

"Don't be. I thought it was hot."

"Well, you don't count. You have the libido of a teenage boy. Looking at linoleum would make you want to have sex."

"Nice try. I knowBuffy the Vampire Slayerwhen I hear it."

"One of these days you'll miss a reference."

"Step into my lair, said thedrethto thechorkant."


Mike stepped out onto the balcony and breathed deeply. Slowly, due to the temperature, but deeply. The new snowfall was blending in with the drifts from the blizzard, and the wind was just a steady breeze. He would miss the view if he had to leave, that much was certain.

His mind took the scenic route down memory lane as he prepped to take care of the roof. He remembered the day he had the idea for the harness setup. In his excitement, Mike had run up and down the stairs, from the balcony of the third floor bedroom to the workshop in the basement where he had his drafting supplies, and back again, at least twelve times. Each new configuration he planned required new measurements, new calculations, new sketches. And each inspired yet another modification or improvement, until finally, it was as perfect as it was ever going to get.

It had been fun, Mike realized, the challenge of it all, of getting all of the details right for this house. He fought every step of the way to get it just the way he wanted it.

So why wasn't he fighting harder to keep it? Why wasn't the search fun anymore?

Now up on the roof, Mike brushed off the solar panels somewhat absentmindedly. He still minded his work, otherwise he'd likely join the snow on the side of the house. It probably wouldn't hurt much, given how deep the snowdrifts were, but getting back out would have been beyond a royal pain. Best to just pay attention.

Nevertheless, his mind kept wandering. The solar panels only needed clearing because of the house's high energy requirements. Those in turn were due to its size, which came from the idea of a family living there, or even just vacationing.

Mike had no family to live there with him. His parents had a comfortable single-floor in Nebraska, and living with the parents was out of the question. The world for the most part had no idea of his skills or successes. Most of what Mike did, he did for others, and they reaped all of the rewards that mattered. All Mike got was an outrageously large paycheck, but though the numbers went up, the money seemed smaller these days. It wasn't important anymore.

Now Mike faced the prospect of losing his only real personal accomplishment, the house he had poured so much of himself into. But was that even him anymore? Was it worth the headache? Should he just let it go? He couldn't. It was his tether. That's why he kept coming back, Mike realized. If he didn't have the house, all he had left was his work, and his friends. This was not to discount his friends, but even utter douchebags have those; it didn't count as an accomplishment.

Working his way to the back of the house, nearly done with the roof, Mike came upon the antennas. This part took some time, as he had carefully avoided them during the blizzard. One wrong move and the really would have been completely cut off. Now, however, he could use his gloved hands to clear them. Television satellite first, that was the largest. Internet and telephone second. Then the security feed antenna. He had forgotten about that one.

Mike kept an eye on the house, even from Denver. He really didn't want anything to happen to it. He had a few discreet security cameras throughout the house, at the most likely access points for break-ins: in the basement, viewing all windows and the door in from the workroom; on the first floor, looking out to the access road; and on the back of the house, looking out towards the forest.

From Denver, he'd periodically look in on the house. Mike snorted as he thought of Linus van Pelt and his blanket. Maybe he should let go of the house. But not to the Harringtons. Not like this. On the other hand, they seemed to be one step ahead of him. It may get even worse.

Back inside, Mike stripped off his layers of outdoor clothing, then sat on the edge of his bed to think for a while.


Jenny got up from the exercise mat, having finished her cool-down.

"Shower time?" Cassie asked.

"Yup." Jenny grabbed her towel, but her grip slipped and something Cassie recognized fell out.

"Hey! My vibrator!"

"Right!" said Jenny, "I meant to give that back to you. Obviously, I cleaned it."

"You mean you were going to give it back once you used it again in the shower and cleaned it off again," Cassie said with a smirk, picking up the toy and inspecting it for carpet fuzz.

"I confess nothing. But ooh, is that thingnice. And it's so quiet!"

"I know, right?"

"Anyway, I stink. Gotta shower."

"Don't have too much fun," Cassie called.

"Can't anymore," Jenny said through the door. A few minutes later, Cassie heard the water running and Jenny getting in.

It was averygood vibrator. Cassie had broken five others before finding this one online. All this talk of sex got her a little worked up. And now that she was alone with her thoughts, Cassie began to consider what she did want the most, out of her sex life, and even her life as a whole. But mainly her sex life.

What was it about sexual recklessness (as she considered it to be) that attracted her so much? Was it the overstimulation? As a matter of fact, no, she realized. If anything, it distracted as much as helped.

So what had made her the hottest? Thinking back, Cassie remembered sixty-nining Mike on their second day at the house. Her favorite part had been when Mike woke up, and without saying a word, dove into eating her pussy. She hadn't had a choice but to take it, not that she minded. And again when they had sex for the first time, she only got really hot when Mike took the initiative.

The surrender, that was it. Cassie realized that she liked to give herself over during sex. Up until now it been to sex itself, but maybe she just wanted to give herself up to a lover, let them be in control.

She also realized that the vibrator was also deep in her folds, on maximum, and that she was slowly working it in and out with one hand. She had lifted up her skirt and pushed her thong aside without any thought.

Exploring this new idea, Cassie closed her eyes and pictured... no, not Mike, she needed to see if it could turn her on without him... Cassie pictured one of the guys from her teenage fantasies, no name but a hell of a body. She softly bit her lip as the images came faster.

In her mind's eye, her hands were tied to the headboard. She wore a blindfold. Her lover had stripped her naked, and was now enjoying his prize. She could feel his hands all over her, touching, exploring, yet she knew nothing of him. When he leaned in close, Cassie could feel that he was naked, his hard member pressing into her the inside of her thigh. She groaned.

"You like this, do you?" she heard his voice rumble.

He moved his lips down, slowly down to her breasts, licking them, kissing them, pulling gently on the nipples.

"Please..." Cassie whispered.

"Maybe..." said her unseen lover, "Maybe not." This got another groan. It was torture, but she wanted so much more of it.

Cassie gasped as his lips kissed her between her legs. Before long, she was gasping continually as his tongue worked its magic on her. She tried to wrap her legs around him, as she had with lovers before, only to have him roughly pin her legs to the bed, and redouble his efforts. She bucked so wildly the cry caught in her throat.

Yes.This is what she wanted. She wantedthis... sobadly.

"Fuck me," Cassie said. It was whispered, a plea, a whimper.

"What was that?" Her lover said, obviously having heard it.

"Fuck me," Cassie begged, with more urgency.

"Ask me nicely," the man commanded.

"Please..." Cassie was nearly crying. "Will you please fuck me? I'll be as nice as you want."

"What if I want a naughty girl?"

"I'll be whatever you want. Please... just fuck me. Use me. Please."

"Mmmm..." That was all the mystery man said. Before Cassie knew it, she had been turned over. Her hand restraints were loose enough that it didn't hurt, but she could move them even less now. Cassie could only ache for longing while she felt her lover put her how he wanted her. He wanted her doggystyle, that much she could tell.

But then he teased her even more. He held his cock in one hand, and slid the tip only partway into her folds. Then, with deliberate slowness, he stroked her pussy up and down with his cock. Cassie shuddered and nearly drew blood biting her lip, until he finally started to push into her.