The Wedding


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"You still don't quite understand do you, my innocent virgin slut?" said Rose.

Laughing she raised her hips and plunged herself onto his penis, stroking her clitoris and pumping her hips. Max felt his hard shaft enter her wet wonderfulness and it was more than he could bear. Losing control, his back arched and he could feel his penis erupt inside his Mistress's vagina. Feeling him ejaculate, Rose climaxed again and both cried out in mutual pleasure.

"Yes! Yes!" gasped Rose.

While Max moaned ,"Oh god! It feels so good! Oh god!"

When they were finished, Rose fell onto her back, next to Max on the bed. "You did well slut," she said. But there is one last lesson you need to learn tonight."

Max lay panting on the bed next to her, his head still spinning from the intense pleasure. So this was what Miranda had been hinting at all along. He had never experienced such pleasure or even dreamed it was possible. His sister had been right. It was wonderful. He was also pleased to hear that his Mistress was happy with him; that he had been able to please her as Miranda had told him he must.

Not wanting to ruin anything he replied, "Yes Mistress, how can I please you?"

"Get the strap-on and give it to me."

Max got up off the bed and retrieved the strap-on from the floor where Rose tossed it earlier. Handing it to her he said, "Here it is Mistress." Rose fastened the phallus on again and said, "Get back in bed. Lay on your side facing away from me."

Max rushed to comply with his Mistress's orders, eager that she remain pleased with him. Positioning herself on her side behind him, Rose took the dildo and entered his ass again and began thrusting. The strap-on was designed so that her thrusting motions stimulated her clitoris brining her pleasure and soon Rose was starting to close in on another orgasm.

Reaching around Max, she grabbed his penis and could feel that it had stiffened again. As she continued thrusting she stroked Max's organ and said, "Does that feel good slut?"

"Yes Mistress," moaned Max, "it feels so good!"

"Yes, I bet it does" she commented slyly. "You like to be touched like this, don't you, whore?"

"Yes," whispered Max embarrassed by her comments.

"And I am sure you want to cum again, too?" she asked.

"Oh yes," moaned Max beginning to feel waves of pleasure in his penis.

"Well we don't always get what we want," replied his Mistress sternly. "You must learn that your Mistress's pleasure always comes first. That you must subordinate your desires, needs, and wants to my whims and pleasure. I am in control always and I decide whether or not you get to cum as it suits me."

"Yes Mistress," replied Max slightly confused.

Rose continued thrusting as she spoke, her orgasm starting to build. She continued, still stroking his penis, "You are never to touch yourself without my express permission, even when using the toilet. And of course you may not cum until I have given you permission, no mater how you feel. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress," answered Max, becoming intensely excited by both his Mistress's words and physical administrations.

"Good," said Rose continuing her thrusting into Max's ass and the stroking of his penis. "Now if you want to cum, beg for it slut."

Max was really excited by this time and he knew that his Mistress's attentions to his ass and especially his penis would soon bring him to climax. He also knew that if he did not obtain her permission before then, he would be in trouble, big trouble.

"Please Mistress, please let me cum again, please!" he begged.

Rose loved to hear him beg for it excited her so. As he continued his pleading she intensified her thrusting into his ass and soon she climaxed, the orgasm sweeping though her body. "Oh yes! God! Yes!" she cried out as the pleasure racked her body.

Max was also close to climax himself and he was buoyed by his Mistress's orgasm. "Please Mistress, let me cum! Did I please you Mistress? Please! I need to cum so bad, please!"

Rose could feel his organ swelling in her hand and she knew he was close to coming. He would lose control if she continued, but she now wanted him to fully understand her power and control. Without warning she suddenly stopped her masturbation of him and withdrew the dildo from his ass.

Turning onto her back she began to un-strap the dildo and said, "No'.

Max could not believe his ears. His penis was throbbing and he could feel pre-cum dripping from the tip. "Mistress, please! Please!" he pleaded.

"No," repeated Rose tossing the strap-on on the floor again. "I'm tired now and I want to sleep."

This was too much for Max and he began to cry, tears welling up in this eyes. "Mistress did I displease you?"

"No, quite to the contrary, you pleased me very, very much."

"But why then?"asked Max sobbing.

"I told you. I am tired now and I wish to sleep. Remember I told you that you need to learn this lesson. I am in control. My wants and needs come first and I am satisfied for now; it does not suit me to let you cum now. You will have to wait till it pleases me. But don't worry my pet, our honeymoon starts tomorrow and I am sure you will get to cum again soon."

Max was crestfallen at his Mistress's words and he threw himself on the bed and sobbed into his pillow, wetting it with his tears. Rose turned and taking his head in her hands she pushed his face into her soft full breasts, stroking is hair and taking her final pleasure of the evening, as his warm tears washed against her soft skin.

"Hush, hush, my pet," she soothed. "We shall see what tomorrow brings."

With that, she stoked him, until he cried himself to sleep on her breasts. Rose was well pleased. Max was utterly delightful! She would never be able to thank Miranda enough. Her baby brother was going to bring her much pleasure in the days and years to come. Just before she drifted into a relaxed sleep she reached down and was pleased to find that Max's penis was still stiff. Yes, she thought just before losing consciousness with a smile on her face, tomorrow their honeymoon would begin and Max still has so much to learn!

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Tootight1Tootight1over 1 year ago

I liked the story because it was a little different from the run of the mill stuff. Is it me, or was Max a bit slow witted? I can understand a lot of the set up here, and the reasoning for it, but doesn't seem to fit what happened. Great story and looking forward to more from the author.

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 4 years ago
The Three.

Miranda rightly so helped Rose to torture and humiliate her brother Max by putting him in that ball and string device so he was in constant pain,and getting him to drink lots of water to stimulate his torture even more,and Miranda got great pleasure doing this because she was sick of raising Max all these years,so she gladly helped Rose get Max so Miranda could have her life back,which I think she deserves and not have to take care of Max the rest of her life.

Now Rose honestly was the absolute perfect person to be with Max because with Miranda who conditioned Max for Rose was able to get Max to submit to Rose so she could enslave and train Max to be the perfect servant,both punishing and rewarding him when she pleased.But not that Rose is downright cruel by denying Max a chance to cum,she did it to get Max to give in to her completely,after that Rose could reward him again and let him cum so to appreciate it more.

It may seem this is a cruel and heartless story but I see nothing but dominance and submission,so thats alright in my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ignore the other Comments

Hot fetish story, though maybe checking over for things like "organism" would have helped. Someone doesn't share your fetish they shouldn't waste their time and yours on a comment

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ha he ha

What the fuck is an organism? Did you mean orgasm?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Here's an idea.

Max simply got tired of being abused and tortured and simply stood up and beat the crap out of the women. Why would he take the abuse for even a second? The firs time Miranda gets out of hand he planted his fist in her face. End of story. The problem with this drivel is that you assume he won't fight back. That violence isn't an option on his part. Why not? She wants him to sleep on her breasts? Why wouldn't he just take a big bite out of her breast, forcing her to call 911. When the ambulance and the police arrive, guess who's going to jail? End of wedding. She'll spend quite awhile in jail. Stupid story with no thought given to consequences.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
How many pieces?

Did Max cut her up into? And how long did he keep her alive? What? You thought there wouldn't be consequences for her actions? That conclusion is almost as bad as the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
No wonder that there are no comments

It was so bad it isn't worth commenting on.

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