The Wedding


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"You can help yourself to stay soft by drinking lots of water," replied Miranda, handing Max a large glass.

Max took the glass and eagerly drank it seeking relief. Because he was standing still, the stimulation to his penis subsided and he felt himself go soft, relieved that Mirada knew what to do to help him. Before he could move again, Miranda handed Max a pair of while satin women's panties and said, "OK, put these on now."

The panties were very frilly with lots of lace. They were also g-string panties. Rose had wanted to make sure 'nothing came loose.'

With the panties on, Miranda proceeded to place a white padded bra on her brother. Max had never worn a bra, but he obviously knew what it was for, seeing his sister in her underwear numerous times around the house. "Does Rose want me to wear a bra too?" asked Max.

"Yes," replied Miranda tersely.

She then handed Max a pair of while panty hose and instructed him to put them on. Max had not worn panty hose either and it took him several minutes of struggling to pull them on. When he had them on, Miranda placed a white garter trimmed in pink lace around his left thigh. With the undergarments in place, Miranda asked Max to lift his arms over his head. Taking the satin bridal gown (pure white, of course) she placed it over his head, bringing it down around his body. After Max put his arms through the sleeves, Miranda fastened the dress in the back.

Tem minutes, Miranda noted looking at the clock: almost there. All that remained were the satin slippers and the veil, and of course a little lipstick.

"Hold still," commanded Miranda as she applied the lip rouge, "or it will smear."

Grabbing the veil, she placed in on the bride's head, covering head and face. Slipping his feet into the slippers, Max felt Miranda guide him to the full length mirror. Sanding in front of the mirror brother and sister looked at the bride. Miranda was impressed, Max looked great, even better than she could have imagined. Max seemed impressed too.

He looked at his sister and asked, "Do I look ok? Will Rose be happy?"

"Yes" replied his sister, "Rose will be very happy. You are a beautiful bride." With that she turned and hugged her bother, suddenly realizing that tonight she would be alone; her brother would belong to another woman and would live with her. "Come," she said glancing at the clock, "its time."

The Wedding was in the garden at Rose's place. In fact, the bedroom and bathroom where Miranda had dressed Max was Rose's guestroom. As Max moved toward the door he stopped feeling his member start to stiffen under the combined stimulation of the ball and soft silky pad. With both the panties and pantyhose applying additional pressure, the pad snugly pressed his stiffening penis uncomfortably against his tummy. Max's excitement over his impending marriage was interrupted by the simultaneous and conflicting sensations of both pleasure and pain in his panties.

Like most virgin brides, Max was both excited and apprehensive about his wedding day and what would follow. He was deeply in love with Rose and so wanted to make her happy and to please her. Yet he was worried. He knew from his conversions with his sister that something unusual would be demanded of him by Rose that evening. He was not sure what was expected of him, and this made him anxious. He knew that whatever would happen was very important to Rose and that if he failed to make her happy he would be in trouble. The problem was he had no idea of what exactly was expected of him (even though in the back of his mind he felt that he should know).

Max had tried to ask Miranda for more details, but his natural reticence made such a conversion awkward. Worse, Miranda had not been her usual intuitively helpful self. She always answered his awkward attempts for more information with either generalities or a 'don't worry, you will find out soon enough'. All this went through Max's mind again, but in the end he simply said, "I think I need another glass of water." "Sure honey," said his sister handing him another large glass.

After finishing the water, the siblings walked out onto the patio which was adjacent to the garden. A small crowd of about ten women, all close friends of Miranda and Rose, awaited them. As soon as Max walked onto the patio, everyone looked toward him and Miranda, and a hush fell over the small crowd.

Miranda heard one woman say, "He's lovely. Rose finally is getting what she has wanted for so long. I am so happy for her."

Rose stood under a small arched lattice of white wood covered with white flowers. She was dressed in a black tuxedo and Miranda noticed a good size bulge in the crotch of her pants. Max was in for a 'good time' tonight she noted to herself. The justice of the peace was also a woman and she stood next to Rose along with another friend of Rose's, the best 'man'. The justice of the peace nodded, and on cue, two of the guests started playing the music that would accompany the bride to the Altar. Miranda, of course would give the bride away, and the pair started slowly toward the Altar.

Max was exited, but as he walked toward the Altar, his concentration was broken by the ball in his ass and the gentle stroking of his penis by the soft bulky pad. Worse yet, his bladder was beginning to feel full, further adding to his discomfort. It seemed to take forever to reach the Altar and Max was painfully erect by that time.

"I should have drank more water," he thought, knowing he was going to be very uncomfortable during the ceremony. The panties and panty hose pushed his penis securely and painfully against his lower tummy and Max had to concentrate not to stumble.

Despite his problems, brother and sister reached the Altar without incident and Max breathed a sigh of relief. The ceremony went without a hitch and before Max realized it, Rose was lifting his veil and kissing him. As she pressed her luscious body against his, Max gushed with emotion and his penis went rock hard. His only consolation was his desire to please his new husband, and Max fought to ignore his discomfort.

However, he was to get no relief. As soon as the justice of the peace made the announcement that they were now man and wife, Rose took him by the arm and led him down the isle toward the patio where the reception was to be held. As the guests cheered and threw rice at the newly wedded couple, Max's penis was again assaulted by the stimulation of the silky pad. Relief came when they finally stopped to stand and greet the guests. At least Max could stand still for awhile.

When they were done, and Max could catch Miranda he whispered, "Please I think I need more water . . . and I need to pee."

Miranda smiled and said, "Sure honey, here," handing him yet another large glass of water.

But before Max could move away and toward a bathroom, Rose grabbed him and said, "We need to serve our guests."

Max whispered, "I need to use the bathroom. Please give me a minute."

Rose smiled, knowing exactly what was happening, but said, "That will have to wait, our guests are waiting."

With that she escorted her bride to the table. Sitting at the table was agony. The hard ball pressed uncomfortably against Max's ass and no matter how he moved, he could not get comfortable. Worse, his full bladder forced him to squeeze his legs and ass, further increasing his discomfort.

The reception seemed to go on forever. One event after another: garter toss, flower toss, cake cutting, and dancing. Miranda followed her sister-in-law's wishes and kept plying Max with water whenever she could or he complained. Of course, there was always an excuse why he could not use the bathroom. Finally about midnight the last guest left and Miranda kissed her bother good bye.

With tears in her eyes she reminded him, "Remember I love you, but Rose loves you in a very special way. You need to please her now. Your time has come." With that she patted his cheek lightly and left, leaving the happy couple alone at last.

Seeing his opportunity, Max headed toward the bathroom, barely able to walk, his bladder and on verge of exploding. Rose grabbed his arm and kissing him longingly on the mouth said, "Not that way silly, this way," as she motioned him toward the bedroom.

Max blushed, but said, "Please I need to use the bathroom desperately."

Rose smiled, but pulled him toward the bedroom saying, "It is the privilege of the groom to undress his bride."

Max was too weak to resist Rose's tug; it was all he could do to maintain control over his bladder. Once they were in the bedroom, Rose removed Max's veil and pressed her body against his, kissing him sensuously on the mouth and feeling his body with her hands. Max kissed Rose longingly and melted at her touch. God, he loved her! How he longed to be close to her and please her. Rose ran her hands down his back and to his ass, which she stroked though the gown. Max's penis was instantly hard and throbbed painfully as it was pressed by the oppressive pad. And his bursting bladder made matters all the worse.

When they parted, Rose said, "You are beautiful! But God, I am so thirsty after all that talking and my mouth is dry."

Walking to the dresser, Rose reached for the same pitcher of water Max had used that morning when dressing. Taking a glass, she slowly and noisily poured herself a glass of water. The sound of the water pouring into the glass was too much for Max. Suddenly and without warning, Max felt his penis go limp and losing control he started to urinate uncontrollably. Mortified he gasped and the warm wetness spread over his tummy and into his panties and dress. The pad absorbed most of the pee, but a large yellow stain appeared on the front of Max's dress.

Rose was delighted, but she suppressed her pleasure. Max stood dumfounded not knowing what to say or do. He had wet himself on his wedding night in front of his husband. Seeing his anxiety, Rose said, "Don't worry about it, young brides often wet themselves. I know you are anxious about tonight. All innocent brides are. But you will soon see that I have total control over you and I can bring you great pleasure as well as pain."

"This is a lesson I wanted you to learn from day one of our marriage. I control every aspect of your life from this point forward. I am your Mistress and you will always address me as such. You must do whatever I ask, without question or hesitation. If you fail to obey, you will be punished. If you please me, I will give you pleasure as it suits me. Now remove that wet dress. You are to keep it as a reminder of my authority and power."

"Yes," said Max.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, Mistress," Max responded.

"That's better, now get that dress off."

Max blushed, sensing the mysterious moment to please Rose had come. Embarrassed he proceeded to remove the gown slowly. When Max had removed the dress Rose said, "Now undress me."

With hands shaking Max moved to his Mistress and began slowly taking her clothes off. When he pulled her pants down, he was startled to find Rose was not wearing any underwear and that a large strap-on was fastened over her pussy. Of course, Miranda had never allowed Max to see her naked and for that matter, any women naked. He had not even seen pictures of naked women. Max had not really known what to expect, but for sure the large artificial penis was beyond anything that would have occurred to him.

"Now the shirt," said Rose.

The shirt was the only thing that stood between Rose and her being completely naked (the strap- on withstanding, of course). As Max unbuttoned the shirt he was again surprised to find that Rose was not wearing a bra and even more surprised when he saw her double-D breasts. Max, of course, knew from just looking that women's chests were different than his own, but Miranda had small breasts and Max had assumed a girl's chest was not all that different than his own. Looking at Rose, his eye's widened and he stood starting.

"They are beautiful," Rose remarked with justifiable pride. "You are very lucky since it usually will give me pleasure to let you touch and suckle them as well as be touched by them." Rose pulled the shirt off and stood naked before her bride, the strap-on sticking out in front of her.

Max eyed his Mistress and could not help becoming painfully erect in his wet panties. Rose was beautiful. She was voluptuous with large breasts, a round sensuous belly, sexy legs and a beautiful large ass. Reaching out she stroked Max's wet panties, indirectly caressing his stiff penis.

"My, my, what's going on here! Take those stockings and panties off so I can see," commanded his beautiful Mistress.

Max hesitated, blushing a deep red. It was now becoming clear. Whatever he needed to do to please Rose clearly involved being naked. This both excited and embarrassed Max who had not ever been naked in front of a woman before (except his sister, but that didn't count).

Hands shaking Max proceeded to comply with his Mistress's orders. Pulling his wet panties and pantyhose down, he blushed as his erection literally popped the pad off, exposing him to the full scrutiny of his Mistress's critical eyes. Although Rose was not displeased by what she saw, she wanted to impress upon Max the inferiority of his position.

Glancing at his erect member she remarked sarcastically, "My, my, aren't we excited. What a slut you are too. You're also a little small but it will do."

Max's blush deepened at her remarks, but it make him strangely even more excited and his penis began to throb. "Remove the ball and string also, slut. It's in my way."

Max was not sure exactly why the apparatus of his torment was 'in the way,' but he was glad to rid himself of the ball, and pushed the whole thing down like a pair of panties and stepped out of it. For the first time since that morning he felt free and unencumbered. However the jelly in his ass remained and when he moved he felt loose and this made him feel sluty. Of course this further increased his excitement.

Sitting down on a chair, Rose grabbed and pulled her now naked slave by the wrist, sending him off balance into her lap, face down with his ass in the air. "In accordance with tradition I am going to give you a bare handed spanking as a prelude to you losing your virginity and innocence. Let it be a reminder that you should always remain innocent for your Mistress's pleasure and use."

With that Rose began to spank his ass, slowly turning it a bright pink. Much to her surprise she could feel his erection against her outer thigh. Although Max cried out during the spanking, he was clearly aroused by it as evidenced by his un-slacking excitement. Rose's hands were delightfully chubby and perfect for spanking. Their solid heft quickly left Max's ass a bright warm pink.

When she was satisfied, Rose said, "Now get up and get on your hands and knees in the center of the bed, with your ass in the air. I am going to take you up the ass."

Max gushed with excitement at his Mistress's statement. God! To be taken up the ass by a woman. This was the ultimate humiliation for any man, and the thought of it drove Max wild with excitement. Knees shaking he went to the bed and getting on it, assumed the position his Mistress had instructed, his ass quivering in anticipation of what was to come. But Rose was not quite ready. Getting on the bed and kneeling behind him, she gently rubbed his pink ass and cooed, "I can see you are a total slut. I knew it when I first laid eyes on you. I want you to beg for it."

This was over the top for Max. He was not only going to be used in the most humiliating way by his Mistress, but he must increase his embarrassment and shame by begging to be used in this most shameful of ways. Max's head throbbed as well as his penis. His excitement had grown to fever pitch.

He moaned, "Oh yes! Mistress, please take me up the ass. Use me. I am your woman. I am frantic for you to take me up the ass. Please take me now. I beg you to use me. Use me, humiliate me, shame me! I need you inside me, so bad. Please!"

Rose smiled and cooed, "You ARE a slut!"

Taking the dildo in her hand she teased Max by rubbing the tip in the crack of his well lubricated ass. Knowing he was a virgin, she wanted not only to tease him but make sure the dildo was well lubricated for his tight virgin hole.

Max moaned at the touch of the dildo in his crack and his begging intensified, "Oh please Mistress! Please! I need you! Take me please!"

"My you are such a slut! Begging to be taken up your male cunt like a whore. And so wanton and shameless about it too!"

Positioning the dildo over his anus, Rose pushed her hips forward in one strong smooth motion and entered his ass. Max gasped in surprise at the sensation of his ass suddenly being filled. However, it only increased his excitement, if that was possible. Rose started thrusting and Max found himself moving his hips in sync to more deeply take his Mistress's thrusts. The room was soon filled with the moans and cries of pleasure from the newlyweds.

Max was not the only one excited. Rose was intensely turned on by her innocent virgin slave. Her pussy was wet and creamy and she would feel her juices flowing onto the strap-on. Max was absolutely incredible! She had never been so turned on in her life. Here she was in complete control with her slave begging her to use him. It did not take long before Rose cried out as she climaxed with an intense orgasm. Max was startled by her cry, at first thinking something was wrong. But he quickly realized from the shuddering of his Mistress's body that it was not pain but pleasure that had prompted her outburst.

Max himself was starting to feel intense waves of pleasure sweep though his ass and into his rock hard penis. His organ was throbbing with pleasure and though he did not quite know why or what was happening to him, Max sensed a rising pleasure in his stiff organ that was quickly reaching an intensity that could not be sustained.

"Mistress," he cried out, " my penis . . . it's . . . oh god . . . it feels so good . . . please!"

Sensing what was happening, Rose knew she would need to act fast, before her salve lost control. After all, Max was a virgin and she knew from Miranda that since he was not allowed to masturbate, he had no idea that an organism was imminent. Pulling out of Max's ass, she unfastened the strap-on and threw it on the floor. Grabbing Max by the shoulder, she rolled him over on his back and straddled him from above.

Looking down the length of his body, Max for the first time in his life saw a woman's pussy. If Rose had not reached back and squeezed his balls he would have probably spontaneously ejaculated. With her other hand, Rose ran her fingers through her pubic hair, stroking her pussy and exposing it to Max's full view. "Look at it well my slut," she said. "This is what the superior sex looks like sissy boy. It is your job to keep it well satisfied." With that, Rose positioned her creamy pussy over Max's mouth and said, "Kiss it. Worship the center of your universe slut. Lick me and satisfy me, now!"

Max's head began to spin and despite his aching balls his penis began to throb again. The smell of his Mistress' pussy was heady and Max kissed her hairy lips and clitoris tenderly. Then, as if he were kissing her mouth, Max thrust his tongue between her wonderful lips and into his Mistress's vagina.

Rose moaned with pleasure and cried, "Oh yes! That's it slut, deeper! Pleasure your Mistress with your tongue." It did not take long before Rose had climaxed again crying out, "Oh yes! Yes! God, Yes!"

Rose's cries of pleasure and her total femaleness coving his face, once again brought Max's excitement to fever pitch. His penis swelled, throbbing with excitement and his hips gyrated wildly reaching into the air above him for something, anything, the slightest bit of physical stimulation, but to no avail. Rose feeling his movements knew he was again close to an uncontrollable release. Not wanting to lose her final pleasure, she moved herself down his body, brushing over his penis so that she now straddled his legs. Reaching forward she took his throbbing penis in her hands and squeezed it. Max moaned in pleasure and cried out, "Mistress . . . please . . . my penis . . . I . . . "