The Week of Four Loves Ch. 01

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Rural woman in Miami gets an unforgettable shock.
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It was just another party. Granted, it was high class, but a party is a party. Here, there men of untrue intentions and women of untrue ages, having empty conversations and partaking in mating dances, neither of which held my attention. So, like any secretly pouting party girl, I took to the outside balcony. It was isolated, and the breeze was nice, despite my flimsy dress. I felt as chilled as the cosmopolitan I was gently nursing. I bristled, taking a sip and looking along the coast.

"Great," I thought. "Another spring break wasted. 'South Beach is what's happening', they said. I don't even know why I-" The sliding glass door creaked, and I winced, as the unpleasant sounds of soulless dance music spilled out. The door shut, and I sighed, thinking it was some useless male, with his plumage spread, seeing me bent over the rail and thinking with the wrong head. "Unless you're a lady, I'm not interested." Maybe my barking showed my alcohol level, as I inspected my drink carefully. A light chuckle floated through the air, and I looked back. "Well! Maybe this was a good idea." It was a lady, alright, and it was quite a lady. Her skin was as brown as the deepest chocolate, to my visible Irish heritage, with a bright smile that proved infectious. She wore the simplest black dress, and a contrasting white coat that hung open. There was something about her eyes, too...

"I apologize. I'm...vexed."

"Vexed, huh? The weird names some people's parents come up with."

I laughed.

"You haven't heard anything yet!"

"Yeah? Let me hear your name."

I was sure to take a drink, first.

"Aoife. It's Gaelic, before you say anything."

But she didn't. She did, however, move closer, her high heels clacking on the sturdy stone floor. I tried not to look at her directly, but she had must have been a perfume, but it smelled great, although I couldn't put my finger on it, as hard as I tried. It was vaguely captivating though, but I tried not to make too much of it.

"You look tired, Aoife."


"Yeah. But I can't tell if it's from the flight or the scene."

"Huh. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you'd know I'm from out of town."

"You're here alone?"

I looked over my shoulder as my "friend" got familiar with tonight's host.

"I might as well be. But what's it to you? You're just a stranger."

"My name is Elaine, and I'm not like anything else you'll meet in Florida."

"Well, we'll see about that."

And I left anyways. I draped my coat over my shoulders, and as Elaine politely opened the door for me, slamming it behind me, as we made our way down the stairs, away from the cacophony of party noises. We were actually fairly quiet, until we reached the car. It wasn't the car I expected at all; a vintage Chevy Blazer, which had been remade from the ground up, it looked. It looked like what it must've looked like when these things were brand new. As I looked up to query her about the vehicle, she smiled with a strange kind of pride.

"This was my father's car. He taught me every important lesson from the seat you're about to sit down in."

I weighed the connotations of this statement, looking over the upholstered leather with quiet observation. The light switched on and off, and I was again looking at Elaine. Captivating Elaine, with her mid-length, meticulously straightened hair. It was black as night, like a raven, and like the crow I'd be eating if I kept staring. I opened the door with my wry fingers, treating the handle delicately, as Elaine fiddled with the keys. After taking my seat, and closing the door, I leaned against it, looking at Elaine, who was leaned against hers. We were mirror images, almost. My pale skin with wild ginger hair compared to hers, in my white, fancy, useless dress, black coats loosely fitting.

"So can you say I'll learn something tonight?"

The car started, roaring to life and growling low as it idled.

"At a certain point, that will be entirely out of my hands."


The beach house this woman called home was the most unusual place I've about ever been to. It was empty, for starters. And as opposed to what some designer with a complex would call modern, it was inviting. The yard lacked a clear concrete path to the door, but rather worn dirt that was surprisingly sturdy. I followed by Elaine's example, watching her every moved. I thought back to what we said in the car...

"...woman with a philosophy major to make money without making romance books."

"Capable, as well. What do you do?

"I accrue influence."


"I'm a lobbyist. I'm actually the head of my grandfather's firm."

"And what do you lobby for?"

"Sexual education."

I laughed. Of course, I laughed! This woman, who had shown herself to be impressively modern and not at all sexually minded, even as she discussed the pleasure a good car brings her, to be the head of a large lobbying office for sexual education! However, when I turned to my true hostess of the evening, she did not seem so amused."

"What's on your mind?"

"It seems...very unlike you."

This time, it was her turn to laugh.

"Alright, then. You doubt me? Ask me anything about my profession."

"How would you give a child a sexual education?"

She smirked at my not so subtle question, but it was the answer I wasn't ready for. As it went on and on, I understood more and more, and I understood this woman's devotion. She discussed her ideas of enlightenment, and every single flaw with the current process of education. Listening to her talk about the talk she would give her own child, or to another child, was fascinating like I had no idea it could be. Call it a Freudian Slip, or the Id breaking past the Super Ego, or inebriation, but whatever the cause, the barrier fell, and this crass jailbird sung.

"And how would you give a grown woman who was visiting you from out of town a sexual education?"

The car stopped a little suddenly at the light, and she looked over at me. In a low tone, I got my answer.

"I would show her love, not sex." The hand on the gearshift slid off, lightly touching my knee, stroking in small circles. "I would open her eyes, and watch her mind and her heart open, as I demonstrated everything I know. I would read from 'The Four Loves' by C.S. Lewis. Do you know what the four loves are?" It took a moment to register I was being asked question. "No," I gasped softly. My breathing sped up a little bit, and she must have heard this. She started driving slow, turning the ethereal music down low, as her words hit me like a tide.

"The first love is storge. Fondness through familiarity. More commonly known as affection." I let out an 'ahh', as if I grasped what it was she was telling me. "He called it the most natural love, and it is. It's emotive like nothing else can be. One touch can be more telling than even the most articulately written letter, but it's so often overlooked. It's assumed that it's natural, but it's never truly valued. Not like it should be."

"Then, there is philia. Friendship. The least natural of all loves, but only because it's not biologically necessary. It is, however, treasurable in its own right, because it is that loving bond that can free a partnership from their self consciousness. It's free from jealousy. It's only really valued, though, by someone who is truly lonely. I'm sure you've understood at one point or another."

I cleared my throat, taking all of this in. Her words were profound, and I had not even begun to think about these small things with any kind of depth. I too took affection for granted, and I too knew how important friendship was. With this in mind, I continued to listen.

"Eros. The feeling of being in love. Indifferent in it's nature, but it shows the strongest appreciation of that beloved, no matter who it might be. Different from sexuality, though, because it is the emotional desire, not physical. However, it should not be glorified, because to those that devote it, the fall from this love shall be most painful."

This, in particular, struck a chord. I had left my boyfriend of two years not more than a month prior, and was beginning to get over him. This was solely behind my revulsion at men, and as she told me about it, it hurt me to realize how daft he was to not see this kind of love. But at the same time, how daft was it of me to not show him that same love, if it was at one point possible.

"Agape is last. Charity. It's what the Christians call "Love Thy Neighbor, and it is the greatest value to all. It's being able to love all that exists, no matter how hard. You see that person's glory no matter what that person has done, and you see value in all beings."

Silence. Long, tense, silence. My mind was racing, as I thought about what I knew about love, and how much sense all of this made. But, being a daft smart ass, I decided to break the silence with a nitpicking. "Love is nice and all, but what about sex?"

She smiled at me, warmly. "If you... my apologies, if she was willing, I would guide her into my life, into my love, and she would learn of sex from our love together."

My heart pounded in my chest, and I was staring at her. I had never looked at a woman in the way I was looking at Elaine. I hadn't looked at anyone like I was her! Every thing about her was lovely. Her face, her figure, her smell, her aura... I could not contain myself.

"...I want you to guide me."

"And I will, Aoife. Because I love you."

My heart continued pounding, as we pulled up to the house.

The house was large as she could afford, and this was very large indeed. A two story home with a nice garage. On the first floor, there were windows with thick blinds, and on the top floor...well, it didn't look like there were any until I noticed; they were done as one way mirrors, where the landscape around was reflected softly. What was more impressive than the size of the house, and the craftsmanship of everything built, was the fact that it was a beach property, and built far enough from the water that erosion wouldn't be a problem until two owners from now.

I stepped out of the car, so Elaine could pull the monster into her garage, and dusted myself off softly. Elaine didn't exactly live a life of poverty, but her luxury was carefully managed. It was cultured, not boisterous, and exact in its expression of who Elaine appeared to be, or at least who she wanted to show me.

"It's much more comfortable inside, You know." I stood up straight, looking over to Elaine who had emerged from the now closing garage. I nodded quickly, and watched her approach, the light behind her outlining her glorious figure. I was more than eager to see where this evening was going, and if it'd mean her stripped of that dress. The same thought made me insecure, however, after observing her almost sculpted form. Contrarily, I was not the skinny girl every one thinks a girl should be. I enjoyed life, and food is a part of life, but it wasn't out of control. I had been ridiculed for my large posterior, however, and it made me self conscious. Which is, of course, why my dress fit loosely.

Our contrary lives continued, though. Elaine is carved from stone. She is self formed, fit in ways most people can only imagine being. Her body is made for the kind of love she talks about, and she is speechless in The distance closes, and with the lightest kiss, I am infected by her love. "Aoife....Aoife...what does that mean?" I move to kiss again, but miss, as she has backed up. We meet eye to eye, smiling similarly. "It's the name of a Gaelic Warrior Princess...I used to know the story better, I'm sorry." She took my hand after that, and we slowly walked to the front door. The first steps on this long walk we we're going to go on.

And then she opened the door.

The outside of the house was vaguely cultured. The inside, though, was a tremendous, glorious collection of culture. It was a veritable celebration of the human experience, wall to wall. There were paintings and sculptures, and glorious architecture. The door softly closed behind me as I looked around, shedding my coat slowly. "Wow..." I could tell she was proud from the way she took my coat; she grasped it firmly, and lifted it with mild vigor, hanging it carefully. "I love the arts. Do you see those scrapbooks over there?" I did indeed, but dared not move, just taking everything in. The scrapbook was impressively thick. "Every production I've ever been to is in there. Come here..."

I looked to Elaine, preening softly. Honestly, I was impressed, but this was only the front room. The first taste. She had flipped the lights on in another room, and revealed the main course, to complete the analogy. The rest of the first floor was one gigantic room. Several couches, a surround sound system, and shelves. Gigantic shelves that defied logic. Books, vinyl records, films...and not minor things, either. Classic books, amazing films, and...well, I couldn't speak to the albums, since the vinyl cases were so thin that you had to get real close to inspect them, but I did see "Pet Sounds" sticking out, and that's certainly not a bad place to start. The modern music collection must've been on the computer in the corner, hooked up to a flatscreen TV. She walked over to it as I perused her collections.



"You've got some amazing stuff."

"Yeah." She looked proud when I looked at her. "You want something to drink?"

"No, I've had enough for tonight."

I went over to her couch, and took a seat. Elaine was at her computer, clicking away. Soon, music began to play. It was soothing in its own right, like a form of jazz and techno combined. It was...nice. Of course, as she walked her way around the couch and sat beside me, it wasn't nearly as nice as she was. She sat close, her body warm, and breath heated on my neck. "Are you comfortable?" I reached for her legs, smiling. "More than." As my hand ran up her thigh, I felt something that was decidedly not feminine.

"I was hoping we could do this part with more subtlety."

"Is that..."



"Listen...I know it's weird..."

"I love you, Elaine."

There was a pause, and my choice of defusing words was perfect. Not to mention true. But her embrace, I wasn't ready for. The clutching of her arms was tight, warm, like an angel's wings clutching me tightly. Her kiss was everything I was told a kiss was going to be when I was considered a little princess. It felt like my whole life had been building up to this one moment, and here it was. This was love. I was barely thinking about what was in my hand, but I was thinking entirely about who it was attached to.

We had the same thoughts, as we unzipped each others dresses, fighting to get them off without leaving the embrace and eventually succeeding. Every bit of contact our skin made was electric, and my hand was now stroking along the strong length hanging from her legs. She broke the embrace and the kiss, licking at my neck as her hand massaged my teat. I let out a low moan as the hand rubbed with perfect skill. "This first time with...a woman..." Elaine looked up at me, and grinned. "Then you have nothing to worry about..."

She readjusted, kissing all over my neck and face, as her hands stroked my breasts. She was amazing at it! This obviously wasn't her first time with a woman, and she knew just what to do to me to drive me up the wall. My chest felt like it was asleep, tingling powerfully with just these tender touches. She slid a hand around, and undid my bra, as I arched into her hand. She slid it down my back, causing me to shudder, then watched her pull away, grabbing both sides of the clamp. "Put your hands up." I did. She lifted it off, barely, then pulled it back on, using the sides of the clamp to rub the silk back and forth, driving me crazy with cloth friction. My nipples got hard as diamonds, I broke out in a sweat, and I was moaning openly.

She removed the bra as I panted, smiling at me as she removed her own bra. I leaned forwards, hypnotized, and softly wrapped my lips around the black nipple. "Ahh..." Her little sigh was soft and lovely, and got lovelier as I began to suckle so lightly, stroking her sides. I lifted off, and looked her over. She was gorgeous beyond gorgeous, a perfect body in dark chocolate coloring. Her panties were custom made, an extravagant silk that had a sleeve for her shaft and full balls. I kept calling her 'her', so I slid a hand down to check, and drug my finger over a set of lips. I smiled at her as she cooed.

"They both work..."

I began to sink, kissing wordlessly down her body. Each kiss made her take a breath, a hand in my hair. I moved to her belly, and began to tongue the bellybutton, causing her to laugh softly. I looked up at her "Aoife...warrior princess..." I chuckled, listening to her shaky naming. "I have my own names, Aofie...the Healing Thought...the Scent of Snow...Helen of Florida..." We both laughed at that, and I took a moment to admire her belly, as this wonderful word slipped from her lips.

"Amante del amor verdadero ..." I looked up at her, sitting back on my knees, listening to those words flow evenly from her mouth. I attempted to parrot the noises, but the meaning was lost. "You like it, Aoife? It means mistress... mistress of true love." I smiled. "That is the name that everyone agrees on..." I paused. "So do I."

My hands hooked into her panties, and she moved with my guiding pull, removing the silk. The way it stuck to both her pussy and her cock caused her to moan loudly at me. As I removed it, I took the time to observe just what it was between her legs. The word that came to mind was huge. It was eight inches, and as I wrapped my hand around it, I felt how thick it really was. I started to pull on it, listening to her sigh gently and watching her hips twitch. It was time to find out how she tasted. I leaned in, and got my verdict with a lick.

She tasted too good.

She had buckled, seating herself with her back to the couch as her lovely moans filled the air. My mouth and tongue assaulted the swollen black flesh, fingers spreading the saliva I had spilled copiously onto it. Her sweat tasted good, her precum tasted good, and her body tasted good. I decided that it was time to taste pussy for my first time, and I bent down further.

Her hands reached down, grasping her tool and lifting it so nicely for me. Her lips were dark, but between them was a pink sweetspot. I spread those lips, looking inside and listening to her coo, then released them and leaned in, lapping softly at the lips. My nose bumped against her balls, softly, and I had to inhale somehow. The smell was musky, but sweet as well. It must've been a shower wash or something, but she smelled great. I lifted back up, and wrapped my lips around her swollen head, suckling as best as I could as I moved a finger down, and started to slide it in.

I watched her body squirm before me, her hands braced behind her. She was naked as could be, chest pressed out into the open air. I watched her legs slowly open, approving of the rocking digit, and letting it get in deeper. I lifted off to suckle at the root of her cock, curling my finger to drive her further to the edge, pulling her towards me. I looked up at her, and pulled the finger out, pressing it to the puckered backdoor of hers once it was in reach. Her cooing moan was all I needed to hear as I slid the finger inside, and began to suck again. My timing was well placed, as her precum drooled out of her head, and I swirled my tongue around the engorged brown helmet, listening to her cry in pleasure. Her arms gave way, and she was laying on the bed before me, unable to stop her hips from thrusting into my mouth. I accomidated, letting her ride out her little wave of pleasure, her minigasm, before lifting off.

She whined so cutely when I stopped and stood up, smiling when I helped her up, and brightly as I lain upon the couch upon my face and knees, my bare ass thrust into the air. She smiled brightly, and almost immediately leaned down behind me, pulling my panties up, and then down. She kissed all over my seat, which tingled eagerly for the contact it was getting. But the contact that came was completely unexpected; her long tongue had found my backdoor, and was lapping softly at it.