The Wilderness


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Guilty at our selfish exclusion of Davey, I looked over to where he sat leaning against a box, staring at us in the lamplight. Despite my clear awareness that things had escalated to a new level of explicit sexuality, I was nonetheless stunned to see Davey openly stroking himself. Yes, all night I had noticed both guys furtively adjusting themselves when they thought I wasn't looking. But now, he sat legs spread as his hand methodically caressing the full length of his now fully erect penis, its bulbous head glistened with the arousal he'd spread all over it. Below, large weighty testicles bounced with each upward tug.

Noticing me, Davey hesitantly asked, "Do you mind?", pausing his masturbation.

Probably waiting a heartbeat too long, I replied with a calm "No. Not at all."

As he resumed his self-pleasuring with relief, I was overwhelmed by my own lust and longing. With only a moment's hesitation, I adopted this same permission myself, now abandoning any shame in my curiosity of these men, or hesitation in pursuing my own pleasure.

No longer embarrassed by my blatant sexual arousal, I reached for my aching nipples and began lightly caressing them while squeezing my thighs together, all the while ogling the movements of Davey's hand. Quickly needing to increase my stimulation I began to tug, pinch, and roll my nipples, closing my eyes as I got lost in the pleasant sensation.

Increasingly driven to surrender more of myself, I timidly spread my legs, consciously aware of the significance of this act to my female being. Nothing held greater significance to a woman than "opening herself" to another. Euphoric in my freedom, I felt the cool wet stickiness as my bare pussy lips separated, revealing my most private place without hesitation or regret.

Opening my eyes again, Davey was looking at me with burning lust as the tempo of his stroking had increased to a long steady pace, I assumed to sustain his elevated state of enjoyment without going over the edge.

Startled momentary, I felt Bo's hand on my upper leg, unhurriedly caressing from my knee to the top of my thigh. Quickly looking over to him, my expression and smile made clear that I welcomed his touch, despite my initial surprise. As he continued each lazy circuit, each time stopping just short of my aching womanhood, I stared at him with clear desperation in my eyes.

Increasingly impatient, I wanted to make my consent abundantly clear. Reaching my hand down into my genitals, I began to run my fingers over my smoothly shaven sex, relishing each fold, layer, and private cranny. Intense heat radiating from me and amazed at the copious fluid leaking from my swollen labia, I drew my middle finger up and down deep into my slit. Alternating between brief strumming of my engorged clitoris, to gently probing the entrance of my vaginal canal, I could hear myself whimper with craving.

Finally taking the hint, I felt Bo's fingers join mine in their quest to drive me out of my mind. Smiling up at him in delirious relief, my fingers reached in to spread my swollen lips wide for him, urging him to touch the epicenter of my vagina, closing my eyes in intense concentration at all my detonating erogenous zones.

Hearing a loud cry, I was suddenly brought back out of my trance, looking over to see Davey's frantic breathing and stroking approaching a climactic crescendo. His face and neck almost purple, his hand pumping at a furious speed, his other hand now squeezing his balls, he let out a deafening moan as long, pulsing ropes of semen shot from him, arching in the air a couple feet before landing haphazardly around us. Mesmerized by this biological miracle reserved to men, I watched each rhythmic ejaculation, as my thirst for my own orgasm became unquenchable.

Looking at Bo, I reached down, encouraging him not to hesitate. Pressing on his hand, I exhaled a paralytic groan as his two fingers entered me. My hands now clenching the blankets at my sides, my legs tensed in rigor as I stared at the ceiling, my mouth wide open in a soundless cry.

My passion about to boil over, I fixated on the erotic wet sucking sounds of his fingers rhythmically pumping in and out of me. At any other time, I would have been mortified in embarrassment by the strong aroma of my arousal. But now, assaulted by the sounds, sensations, and smells of my sex, I deeply inhaled the musky tang suffusing our nest.

Needing one final push to force me over the edge, I reached in to assault my clitoris but felt his hand block mine.

"No. Let me take you there", Bo muttered from down around my waist as I watched him lean in, his warm, wet tongue lapping at my bloated clit.

Feeling a tidal wave of light and energy washing over me, I heard myself desperately implore him.

"Suck! Oh, God! Please suck on it!", which he did roughly, feeling as if he was pulling my little fleshy treasure off my body.

Closing my eyes, I screamed in ecstasy as the kaleidoscope of flashing colors blinded my consciousness, my entire body trembling in rapture.


Here, in the middle of God's glorious creation of nature, the sensory perfection of the last week had been completed with the most powerful and satisfying orgasm I'd ever had. Words escape me.

Once the planets had finally returned to their orbits a few moments later, I found myself gasping to catch my breath, my legs twitching, breasts dancing carelessly around my still heaving chest. Throwing my arms over my eyes, in the darkness of my mind, I sought to savor every instant of my waning bliss.

Still bringing myself back down to earth, I groaned breathlessly in between gasps.

"Oh. My. God! Oh. My. God! That was the most incredible thing I've ever experienced!"

Looking over at Bo, I reached out, touching his face, trying to convey through my expression the profound appreciation I felt for the experience he had just given me.

He leaned in to kiss me, me suddenly aware that I was tasting my own essence for the first time. Mindful of his role in my personal reawakening, I reached down and touched the prominent shape of his manhood lifting the towel off his lap. I wasn't quite sure what or how I might be able to reciprocate his indescribable gift of my Nirvana, but I was happily prepared to push my boundaries to just about any act, even those I knew most women resisted.

However, as I prepared to take the initiative, Bo raised up on his knees and shuffle toward my drawn-up legs. Looking at me expectantly, he reached down and released his towel. Unable to look away, I caught my breath seeing him fully ready for the first time. While I'd seen him semi-erect a few times before, now before me was more than just a horny guy with a boner. This was a man, fully ready to enter into a sacred union with a woman. Embo was the man. I was the woman.

Before me was ultimate symbol of a Man; Large, powerful, and menacing, he was breathless with barely controlled lust. His erection was frightening is its size and weight. The very implication of what such an organ could do to a woman, caused me to gasp. Never having understood the fixation men appeared to have on size, I couldn't help but speculate that his enormous phallus must be over ten inches long. His now fully retracted foreskin revealed a large, pink, swollen head about the size of a pool ball, a long strand of fluid oozing from its gaping eye. Below his frightening organ, his heavy testicles swayed. Now seeing him clearly ready, I became anxious.

Inching toward me, he placed his hands on my updrawn knees, drawing me out of my trance. I watched as he summoned up the courage to speak.

"May I?" was all he said, as his hands gently began to push my knees apart.

Stunned, the implication of his question was blindingly clear.

This was it! I knew everything that had happened the last week could be rationalized away. Attributed to anger and frustration at a difficult marriage, excused by the novelty of an exciting adventure and captivating companions, or blamed on the effects of booze and weed.

But this was different. This was not just fooling around gone too far. This wasn't a private sin that I could write off as a woman's one-time indiscretion. This would be the ultimate betrayal of everything I had believed about my life and my future. Here, in this moment, my decision would be made fully conscious of the choice and the consequences.

Despite these warnings and admonitions, I felt a surge rising in me. Once again, my body was quickly waking again, but this time not to own my selfish satisfaction, but the overwhelming feeling that my being was about to fulfill my destiny. The strongest feelings I identified as Feminine coursed through me, desperate for the union with this man which would complete an evolutionary journey that had been underway since the dawn of time. For the first time in my life, I felt the meaning of womanhood permeate me through to my bones. I realized what only I could give, and gain, with this man.

At peace with my decision, my legs began to fall apart on their own as I uttered that life-changing word.


It was as if my consciousness was now floating above my body. Looking down, I watched myself, leaning back down, my body melting into a state of surrender. Bo's form moved slowly up over me, his hips forcing my legs further apart, his outstretched arms bracing himself to either side of my head. From this position, my head and body has disappeared under him, only my pale arms outstretched beside me in tense anticipation, my legs splayed beyond natural ease.

Brought back to myself like an electric shock, my entire Being was focused on the anticipated contact between my thighs, my body coiled like a taunt spring in expectation. But my apprehension melted away again as his lips touched mine, as I responded by devouring him like a starving woman. I again felt tingling ripples pulsing across my body as a knot of molten fire was growing in my stomach. My frenzied embrace overcoming my need to breath, I held my breath feeling the blackness of unconsciousness approaching.

And then, the universe of sensations swirling around me instantaneously evaporated. My being was suddenly focused like a laser back on the contact that had just been made with my womanly core. Using only his hips, he had maneuvered his manhood to press up again my burning sex. Hitching my breath, I waited in sudden fear at the imminent penetration by this man. While not a virgin, I realized his size and physical power was nothing like I had experienced before.

After a hesitant touch, he flexed his hips causing his organ to shift upward, a tentative thrust causing him to slide up through the cleft of my sodden vulva.

Initially frustrated at this delay to our inevitable union, I became lost in the exquisite feeling of our merged bodies. Up and down, he slid with agonizing uncertainty, my eyes clamped shut to relish every instant.

Tempted to reach down and enhance my own experience by caressing my pleasure button, I resisted, confident that this man would get me there. For once, I was reassured that our eminent coupling would be all that I needed to achieve the greatest sensual experience of my life. I wouldn't be a frustrated and disappointed lover needing to complete her own climax. Nor was I just passive participant, in no control of the journey I was about to embark upon, just to be used for his pleasure. Instead, I was just one half of two necessary beings, who would be taking this voyage together, becoming One when the moment came.

Reaching above me I grasped his hands intertwining our fingers together, Bo bracing himself over me, our clutched hands stretching my arms high above my head.

Opening my eyes, I could feel him hesitate, the tip of him paused at my entrance. I was ready.

Looking up at him, I could feel him read my desire and desperation in my face, as he slowly began to push into me. With a sudden gasp, my body tensed, as I felt a sharp pinch and burning. Knowing that he hadn't even breached my entrance, I already felt like I was being ripped apart, my delicate folds being stretched and deformed around the size of him.

Seeing the look of distress cross my face, Bo looked frightened and began to withdraw his hips from mine.

"No! It's OK! I'm fine. I just need a moment. I'm ready. I want this more than I've ever wanted anything before. I know you will be gentle. I know you'd never hurt me. Just go slowly for a minute", I whispered in halting gasps.

Surrendering back to his lust, he again pressed forward, again rotation his hips to spread our copious arousal over ourselves. Again, pausing at my entrance, he looked into my eyes as I gave him the slightest nod, our sexual congress about to complete its final journey.

With a small thrust, I felt him break through the gates of my womanhood, stopping just inside as I forced myself to relax my body. Relieved he was inside me now, he started slow halting thrusts to gain deeper and deeper penetration. The pain gone, I now concentrated on the increasing fullness I felt, as each thrust filled deeper into me. His body still suspended over me, our sole point of contact was our conjoined sexes, providing a focal point of pleasure. But as each thrust gave way from discomfort to delight, I felt a need move beyond the sexual act, to emotionally becoming One with him. No longer the exquisite pleasure of an erect penis in my vagina, I now needed to feel the weight of his body on me, taking me, our canal intersession becoming one.

With one final careful thrust, I felt him press uncomfortable up inside me, that last hindrance as my body fully adjusted to him.

Starting more purposeful thrusting Bo withdrew almost completely before forcefully pushing back in, my desperate empty feeling rewarded with perfect fullness. Our bodies now synchronized in our rapturous dance, he lowered his body on to mine, our bodies taking on a single form shifting across our carnal stage.

Briefly considering the size of him both in me and on me, I felt a mounting wave washing over me, my need to draw him into my Being overpowering me. Releasing his hands, I threw my arms around his neck, while Bo shoved his arms under my buttocks, violently pulling me up into his plunging hips.

For another moment, I felt my consciousness again leave my physical body. Looking down, I watched these two people enter into frenzied mayhem, every muscle of his body strained to the breaking point, her grasp on her lover deathlike, her entire body urging him on to the completion they both craved.

As the wave of my orgasm was about to crash over me, a calmness settled in, supplanting my imminent physical ecstasy with a joy that my spirit was about to be completed. Straining my legs even wider, I grasped his buttocks with ferocious intensity and pulled him into me, my body awaiting our collective triumph.

No longer in control of my physical self, I felt a vocal crescendo welling up from my soul, emitting a sound that to this day I cannot describe. A combination scream, moan, cry, and exhale, Davey would later recount that nothing had scared him more in his life. He though Bo had killed me.

In some ways that was true, as the intensity of the supernova of feelings and emotions in my body caused me to lose awareness briefly as my mind felt the explosion of millions of points of light through my consciousness. I now understood that the most epic river of multiple orgasms was washing over me, leaping from sensory peak to peak, surging through my body, wave after wave, for what seemed like forever. Their duration and force were so great, I didn't think I could handle the prolonged intensity of it much longer.

Finally coming back to reality, I felt my body being violently shaken, as Bo's thrusting had become frantic and uncontrolled. Obviously, in the midst of his own release, a peace overcame me, an overwhelming feeling of womanhood where I felt my destiny was moments from being realized. I know that in that instant, a lifetime of memories, disappointments and failures flashed before my eyes. I could feel myself cross into womanhood, my biological purpose and emotional completion now whole.

With a terrible cry and sudden constriction that felt like Bo was crushing my body into his, Bo froze letting out an agonal howl as I felt his life essence exploded into my womb, a smile of relief and satisfaction crossing my face as I could feel tears of joy streaking down my cheeks.

Bombarded with a flood of emotions, I lay there holding on to my lover as his quiet exhausted sobbing flooded my heart with emotions I'd never felt before. At that moment, I knew that in my 34 years I'd never experienced a physical or emotional moment to match this. What had I been missing? How would I move forward as before? My life was changed forever.

Part 9

How long we lay there in the foggy haze of our shelter, our bodies entwined, I don't know.

Eventually rolling off of me, Bo watched himself slowly pull out, then collapsed on the floor beside me as we both tried to catch out breaths.

Noticing the track of tears down my cheeks, Bo sat up with a look of trepidation on his face and asked.

"Are you ok?"

I can just imagine what he was thinking. The implications of what had just happened were clear. He had just had sex.....amazing sex...... with a married woman who was already struggling with a wide range of issues in her life. After having just pledged his undying friendship to me just the two days prior, and pledging to never hurt me....emotionally or physically..... we had just committed an act from which I would face a reconning. There was no turning back. It would affect our lives forever.

But more than this, I knew that the ramifications of our love making could have much greater consequences than just the wedding vows that I had broken, or the guilty secret I'd have to live with. What he didn't know was that I hadn't taken my birth control for over two months. The evidence of this was lying in the burn pit of our last campsite.

But I didn't care. Smiling adoringly at him, I reached tenderly for his face.

"I'm fine, my Love. I've never felt better in my life", I said in awe, shocked at the words that had impulsively come out of my own mouth.

I could accept the marital vow that I'd just broken, but I was a little unsettled by the intimate term of endearment I'd just given to another man, a little disturbed at how quickly I had emotionally abandoned my husband.

My arms and legs still splayed apart I looked over to Davey staring with rapt attention between my legs. I can't imagine what I looked like. What had probably been erotic just a short time ago, was probably now a revolting red, swollen and leaking mess. Rousing himself from his trance, he reached over for the t-shirt I'd used the night before and crawled over to hand it to me, obviously to clean up the plentiful fluids I could feel draining from me.

Smiling at him, I said, "You are such a sweetheart! Thank You, but no. I don't want anything about this moment to end."

For some reason the Woman in me wanted to remain the unrepentant biological vessel of my lover's seed for a while longer. With that, my eyes closed and I remember nothing.

A few hours later I vaguely remember waking, my bladder urgently calling me to action. The tent was dark, save for one flickering candle lantern throwing distorted shadows around me. I could feel Bo curled up next to me on top of the carpet of blankets. The air was stuffy and smoky.

Davey sat in the corner unmoving, as he had hours before, sprawled against a box, the orange glow signaling his continue enjoyment of his birthday box of "herbs". We didn't utter a word to each other as I exited the tent, blasted by cool, refreshing air as I stepped out. Not even wearing sandals, I tiptoed delicately down the beach about 30 yards. Eventually overcome by the need to pee, I squatted where I stood, releasing a strong stream while bearing down to expel the other fluids that I could feel leaking from up inside of me. With nothing to wipe, I stepped momentarily into the frigid water, splashing myself clean, before returning to the tent and the overwhelming fug of the smoky interior.
