The Witches, Day One

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Three witches take advantage of a man on vacation...
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Day One, Sunday

Seven days of vacation remaining...


Neal smiled as he entered the vacation home, once again glad his family had managed to get one so long ago that was as close to the beach as that one was. Sure, he was quite fair in the face and burned easily, but just seeing the waves so nearby and the smell of salt licking the air was a tonic for his soul after being away at college. He had another year left of his studies, being twenty, though the only thing he begrudged (only very slightly) was the fact he'd have to share a room at the vacation house with his sister.

Ah well...

It would be okay though, for it was not as if he didn't share a room when he was away at college. Still, a little more privacy may have been nice, even if he was there both to catch the sun, surf -- and see his family.

"Neal, look at you!" His mother, Hannah, smiled widely, grasping him by his arms, just below his elbows, and smiling widely. "You look so tall! I can't believe it's only been a few months since we saw you! Come here!"

She encased him in a deep hug while his father, James, clapped him on the upper back, smiling. His father had often been busy while he was growing up, but they still had a good relationship -- perhaps a little more distant than most. After what he'd heard of some of the fraught family relationships others had at college, Neal was just glad to have the family he did.

"Where's Trish?" He asked, expecting to see his sister there with them already. "Did she change her mind about coming?"

"No, no, of course not," his mother rushed to reassure him. "Trish is just coming on Tuesday. Are you going to be okay in the room on your own?"

He laughed softly and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not ten anymore, mom," he reminded her gently, though Neal knew his mother's concern only came from a good place in her heart. "I'll be just fine. It'll be nice to have the quiet before the chaos arrives!"

Hannah shook her head and clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, though he knew she wasn't really bothered by anything. No... It was just a part of growing up and getting older and he had to be who he was, even if that meant his parents adjusted to him being an adult rather than the child they had parented for so long.

He headed to his room, which was just the same as he remembered, even if the beds had been upgraded to doubles. That was a nice change from his dorm room and he exhaled softly, brushing his fingers over the soft cotton. It was plainly furnished, with a couple of tall wardrobes and a chest of drawers, though they were more for show. They never really stayed there for long enough to need to unpack for longer than a week, but it was good for them when they rented it out to others vacationing in the area. That helped his parents make sure they could maintain the place.

Neal drew the curtains against the dark of the night. Exhaustion seeped into him as he exhaled and gave a small smile, ready to head to bed.

Things will be easier in the morning, he thought. When I'm not so tired.

Yet Neal could never have known things were only just getting started.



In the dead of the night, Neal didn't know what had woken him for a moment, struggling amongst his sheets, kicking and flailing. He blinked, the room softly coming into focus around him, though the only lighting was from a streetlight some distance from his window, a crack in the curtains allowing light to filter in.


No, that wasn't right. The curtains were open again, for some reason, and Neal sucked in a short, annoyed breath. The moon and stars, a clear night outside, illuminated the rest of his room, though he could not see clearly.

The bed beside him creaked and he whipped his head around, a strangled shriek clawing at his throat as three figures loomed. It looked like one had only just got up, which had been what had made the bed creak like that, and he tried to leap up, though the sheets tangled around his feet.


"Oh, quiet, human," one figure said, a hand lashing out to clutch at his throat, pinning him back down to the bed, though it did not press hard enough to hurt him. "Your scrapping and wailing would wake the dead. And I should know, since I was the last to raise them."

"Oh, really, Karen," another figure, with a softer, lighter, more feminine lilt to her voice, said. "You are all talk-talk-talk about raising the dead and doing this and doing that with your magic -- but I don't see no corpses wandering around here! So, where's all this raising the dead you say you're doing, hm?"

Scrambling, breathing roughly and harshly, Neal crept his hand over to the edge of the bed, the grip on his throat loosening. It had not really even held him all that tightly to begin with, yet the pounding of his heart felt like it was going to break through the cage of his ribs at any moment. Finding the light switch to the small lamp on the bedside table, he clicked it on -- and then the bedroom was cast into full, gentle illumination.

Three women stood over him on the bed. They were completely naked, but, strangely enough considering everything that was going on, that didn't seem to be the most prominent thing at that moment. At any other time, Neal would have found the notion laughable.

The last who seemed to have spoken was smaller than the others, a little softer around her form as if she had a bit more fat on her body, though he would have been hesitant to call her chubby, considering the situation she was in. With dark brown hair that, in that light, looked black, it cut sharply around her face in a blunter style, though the plumpness of her cheeks rounded it all out nicely.

The bubbly mirth in her sparkling, blue eyes was what caught him the most, giving him pause as his eyes slid to the tallest of the trio. Had they called her Karen? She looked like a Karen, even if he was going by a stereotype that, to be fair, could be harmful to some people named Karen (not all, if his experience working in a superstore to get experience was anything to go by). Her hair was not bluntly cut like that of the first, cascading down her neck and back in long, dark waves. It reminded him of a stormy sea, a blue tint to it, though it did not seem to be dyed in any way he could see. Her face, however, was tighter and more pinched with striking, high cheekbones, lips a shocking, stark red.

He shivered before her, though took them all in with only a few seconds passing: he just gathered what visual information he could about them in the moment. The third and final member of the trio, however, seemed to be retreating into herself, although she didn't seem like she was very big. There was something petite and diminutive about her, as if the others overshadowed her and her tied-back red hair, which left her face looking as if her forehead was a little too large, though it was just the way she was wearing her hair. Neal, however, chanced there was a sharpness in her eyes too, as quiet and withdrawn as she seemed, as if she observed and reflected on everything she absorbed, sparing her words until they were needed the most.

Of course, he could only assume. Karen's eyes locked on to him, her nailed raking over his exposed throat as his pulse fluttered and jumped under her fingers.

"Ah, good... You're quiet now," Karen said dispassionately, clicking her tongue wetly against the roof of her mouth. "And I thought we were going to have to gag you. That would have been a dreadful use of your mouth, human."

"And..." He tried to force out the words from his mouth, though they seemed to cling stickily to his tongue, unwilling to be set free. "Wait... Who are you? Why are you calling me...human? What are you?"

He almost didn't want to ask that question, though felt like he had to, cold running down his spine, a chill he couldn't shake from his body. The tallest, Karen, smirked as she stood tall, releasing him fully from her grip.

"Oh, that's no trouble to explain," she said smoothly, though there was something darker in her tone. "Simply put, for your dull, human ears, we have chosen you to be our loyal servant. Before you ask and complain -- no, you don't have any choice in the matter. Don't worry your pretty little head about anything there."

Neal's lips parted, though he didn't get the chance to say anything.

"Now, I am Karen Le Croix," Karen said, formally introducing herself. "You can think of me as the leader of this little triad... Undoubtedly, I am the most powerful, though my sister has some talent too."

The chubbier one shook her head, a faint roll to her eyes.

"Oh, you always forget about me," she chided her. "Now, I am Berthina, Berthina Diablos, though I daresay it's not pleased anyone in my lifetime. The quiet one, that's Karen's sister she talks about, is Marilla Hook."

Neal blinked and swallowed hard, heart drumming his ears. Just what the hell was happening? Should he make a run from it? Even if he was standing, he was sure they would still have trapped him on all sides, even if Karen was the only one of the trio who was actually taller than he was.

"I wouldn't do that," Marilla said, speaking for the first time. "Karen will catch you before you've even left the bed. It's much better for our servants to be amenable."

He stared at her, narrowing his eyes faintly. It was all a ploy, yes, it had to be, just some weirdos who had broken in, trying to get him to do what they wanted. But if they were going to rob him or something, why weren't they just going ahead and doing it?

A feeling like lead plummeted into his stomach. What about the rest of his family, his parents? What if they were hurt? But there didn't seem to be any noise coming from the rest of the house... He didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"To answer you properly, if you are going to be a good servant for us," Berthina said, smiling as if she was having a pleasant, normal conversation, "we're witches. I guess that's the best way for you to understand it, for human minds simply do not have the capacity ours do."

"I would have gone with referring to ourselves as succubi," Karen added, seeming a bit put out that she was not the one to reveal that. "Regardless, it is time you learned what it is to be the servant of a succubus..."

Neal twisted and fought -- but their hands were all over him, even the quiet Marilla grabbing his legs and holding him down as Berthina slapped a heavy rag over his face, forcing him to inhale. Something rich and musky, with a bit of earthen spice in it, seeped into his nostrils as he gasped for air, not really having the presence of mind about him to hold his breath.


His arms were pinned out on either side of his body as he inhaled, eyes half-closed, trying to hold on to every sense of himself that he could, even if Neal was not to know it was impossible. He trembled lightly under their hold and tried to rock up, but he didn't realise just why he was thrusting his hips higher and higher.


"That's right, good little human servant..." Karen crooned, dragging one nail down his cheek, her breasts shifting as she adjusted her weight, though his eyes only landed on them as she was leaning over him. "Breathe in... Oh, the males of the species are so easy to manipulate... Just a drop of lust potion and they're gone, horny devils. Well, not as good a fuck as a real devil."

Berthina clicked her tongue again and shook her head.

"You should know all about devils, Karen."

But Neal couldn't listen to her, not as his shaft throbbed, tenting out the front of his pyjama bottoms, though he couldn't drag his eyes away from Karen's tits. They had to be D-cups, nicely sized for the proportions of her body, her nipples fat and pert, as if they were perking up readily into the cool of the bedroom.

He wanted them... Even as his soul rebelled, reeling from the horror of being forced, but his body was going to want what it wanted, regardless of the desires of his mind. There'd been another student back on his course he'd wanted to get to know better, to see about dating her -- but all that was about to go completely and utterly out the window as Marilla straddled his waist.

The witch woman hummed lightly as she ground against his cock, her bare pussy grinding against him even through the comparatively fragile, thin barrier of his clothes. His head swam with lust and he moaned without thinking of it, even though the rag was taken away from his face. Neal just couldn't seem to focus on anything at all other than their nakedness, how they looked, his cock twitching and throbbing, a deep, resounding ache spreading through his body.

"Mmmm... Ah... Need..."

"Yes, that's right, human... Neal, that was his name, right?" Berthina said, exchanging a look with Karen. "You'll be good for us... And we'll make you nice and horny, wanting to fuck us. We'll give you everything you need."

His heart lurched and he exhaled hotly, barely even aware of how Marilla was pulling down his pyjama bottoms, exposing him fully and dragging them off over his feet. Yet his eyes were on her soft curves, the narrow shape of her figure, though she didn't have to be loud and bold when her pussy was wet over his cock.

Neal didn't have the presence of mind in that moment, his stomach twisting, as Marilla got his cock inside her, though the succubus could have done it an awful lot more easily if he had grasped and positioned his cock for her.

It was of no real matter for the witches, however, for they would get what they wanted from him, one way or the other. Marilla sank on to him with a low moan, slipping by parted lips, and Neal couldn't think of anything else in that moment, his hips trying to judder up to meet her even as Karen and Berthina released him. Yet Neal couldn't go anywhere as Marilla practically bounced on his cock, riding him so fervently that it was quite as if there was no tomorrow.

"Let no one outside this room hear us tonight," Karen intoned, waving her fingers in a strange, fluttering motion. "Out of might, out of sight."

That was the first spell he got to bear witness too, though Neal was hardly in his right mind enough to realise that was what was going on. No... He was too enraptured by the tight, wet clutch of Marilla's pussy, her sex milking his cock as she rode him. She moaned aloud, ignoring him otherwise, as if he was only a means for her to get off, her knees pressing in to his sides while her hands splayed out on his chest. She tipped forward, using him for balance, though she didn't need anything else as she powered his length in and out of her squeezing pussy.

"Here, toy," Karen said, straddling his head. "Get that tongue to use, this is only the start."

He should have known that was something ominous, but the dominant part of Neal simply didn't care in the moment, not as he grasped her thighs and eagerly ate her out. It just felt too good to have a hot cunt closing around his cock, a woman riding him like nothing else in the world mattered. The witch's folds, whatever she was, were plump and soft, though Neal didn't waste time in sliding his tongue teasingly along the edge of them. No, he was too worked up for that as he rammed his tongue in deep, lapping and flicking it up inside her, eyes half-closed.

It was not as if, after all, he could see anything other than the witch's body looming above him, most of her cast into shadow, so the edges were soft and undefined. Her tits swayed lightly, tugged down under the influence of gravity, though if Neal had been in his right mind he would have realised they were a lot perkier than they should have been for a woman of her age. A witch, after all, didn't have to follow the ageing of time, not when her body was her own to command, just as she pleased, with a magical touch.

He grunted thickly into her sex, his cock throbbing, yet Karen grabbed his hair and rode his face, bucking and grinding with her hips to bear down even more forcibly on his face. Crushing his nose into her clit, she used him like a sex toy as he huffed for breath, though that was the least of his concerns as his aching cock tingled with need. His balls gave him the sensation of pressure, his mind struggling to make sense of the cacophony of new sensations all flooding in on him, along with his rampant horniness clouding everything. So, he could only try to make sense of it all, to understand what was happening to him and his body in a way his mind could understand.

"Ah... Yes... Yes... Ohhhhhh!"

Karen howled as she bucked into his face, a sweet rush of arousal trickling over his face and into his mouth. Neal was so far gone, as she orgasmed, that he swallowed without thinking, something about her juices coming off as an aphrodisiac to him. With a throaty groan, he lapped up into her pussy even more fervently, desperately, wanting even more, though she was done with his mouth for the moment.

The moment was for Marilla, however, her face flushed as she moaned, arching her back as she pushed on to his shaft at just the right angle for her. The sudden rush of heat around his shaft, her body clenching around him in orgasm, was too much for Neal, the pull of orgasm too great for him to resist. Not that Neal was trying to hold back from climax, of course: he just wasn't in his right mind, not in the slightest. He rolled up as climax gripped him, aching and shuddering, cum splattering from him, though it must have surely felt stronger than it was, for he never usually got off that hard. Yet orgasm rippled from him as ecstasy overcame him, practically blacking out for a few short moments as he moaned, mouth falling slack.

"Mmm, the servant is coming along well..."

He didn't know who said that, as it could have been Karen or Berthina, but it didn't matter. Dimly, he was aware of Marilla's arousal trickling around the base of his cock, where their bodies joined, dampening their skin.

She rose from him, his cock half-soft and resting against his lower stomach. Yet Neal was not in control of himself, even though a little of his strength returned to him, half-pushing up his torso from the bed.

"Mm... What..."

Neal, however, couldn't get the words out, panting heavily, raking in all the breath he could to his lungs. But Karen took precedence, the more dominant witch's hand rubbing his hip and back to his crotch, teasing her fingers around the base of his cock.

"Ah, come now, this isn't the time for you to be resting..."

He trembled, shaking bodily, but thrust into her hand. He wasn't able to hold back from it, dizzy and dazed, as if he was set back from things happening right there before him, a passive player in his own life. Neal could blink and move -- yet all he did felt in service to something else, someone else, a power greater than even he knew existed.

Even though he'd just climaxed, all it seemed to take to get him achingly rock hard all over again was no more than a brush of Karen's fingers. She lay on her side with her upper leg raised, pulled forward so her knee pushed up towards her tits, and offered her cunt to him.

He jerked forward, pulled as if by the strings of an invisible puppeteer -- yet he couldn't help himself! There just wasn't anything at all Neal felt he could do to stop the events happening, horrifically rolling out before his eyes, a mere passenger to the lust of his body. He lined up behind her, though the fit of their bodies was a little awkward with Karen being taller than him and, well, Neal didn't have all that much sexual experience. Sure, he'd done a bit before, some oral, but he was not vastly experienced by any stretch of the imagination.