The Witches, Day Three

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Neal can't wear clothes as everything escalates...
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All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Day Three, Tuesday

Five days of vacation remaining...


He grunted as he rose the next day, but Neal had a new problem to face: he couldn't wear clothes any longer. Whatever he tried to put on felt like it was burning his skin, like even that brief touch of sensation was too much for him. He squirmed and twisted away from even an old, cotton T-shirt that was big and oversized on him, not able to stand the brush of it on his skin.

Of course, his parents were worried, though Neal couldn't tell them what had happened. He was still trying to work out if there was anything he could do about it! Yet even his cognitive functions seemed impaired, his thoughts hazy and constantly dragged away by his lust, panting softly and shrugging at his parents when his mother was sweet enough to bring him breakfast in his room.

They knew something was up, however, and forced him to the nearby hospital, a blanket covering him, though Neal lifted it so it hovered over his crotch, his cock still hard and throbbing. Every pulse of his dick felt like it was trying to burst out of its own skin, though that was not a thought Neal liked to have in his mind in the slightest, puffing out his cheeks with air.

"Really, mom..." He said, though they bustled him through into the waiting room, his mother avoiding looking at him. "I'm fine, everything's fine... I think I've just had an allergic reaction to something."

Really, all Neal could think of to do was to head back to college -- for, at least, that would put him away from the witches. Even just thinking of them had him drooling pre-cum in a way he never would have done before, cock twitching and pulsing faintly with every drooling dollop of it, as if it really was cream.

But it was not and he wouldn't act as no less than a slave to the witches, no. He couldn't, for he was his own person, trying to grab at his father's arm in the busy waiting room even as he stepped away from him.

"Dad, come on..."

But James took some distance, even though he had a kindly smile for him. Strangely enough, even if Neal didn't notice, no one else around them in the hospital seemed to think there was anything odd at all about him holding the blanket around him like that. It was obvious he was naked underneath and sometimes the blanket slipped, revealing flashes of his dick and ass, but most didn't really give him a second look. It was as if him being there in such a state was normal.

"Dad, come on, I'm sorry..."

"Oh, that's okay."

His father stepped away from him, though it was good timing for a distraction as his name was called by a nurse with a clipboard and a lanyard hanging around her neck.

"Oh, you don't need the blanket, no," she said, pushing it away from his hands, gently but firmly. "We're all professionals here, don't worry."

Blushing, he tried to cover himself without touching his cock, though that was harder than ever without the meagre help of the blanket. He shuffled down the corridor into a small examination room, though...the nurse didn't quite seem normal.

She kept looking back at him and there was a swing in her hips that did not at all seem like it belonged there, her lips parted, eyes seductive. Neal had never even really considered just how someone could or would ever try to seduce him before the witches, only wondering if a woman was "into him" or not before.

So, why had things changed? And...why wasn't anyone else around looking at him weird for being naked in the hospital?

At least he breathed a sigh of relief as the door closed behind him, though his cock still throbbed belligerently, as if it was trying to remind him it was still there and his need was still paramount.

"Now, Neal? Please stand tall before the examination bed," she said, directing him over. "I will examine you."

She didn't ask permission before touching him, but Neal did not catch that she was too close to him for comfort, closing that distance between them with a seductive tilt to her hips and a lilt on her lips. Her mouth was on his before Neal could even come to his senses and he gave a surprised moan into her mouth, trembling up against her.

Oh, it felt good to be kissed, so much so that his mouth was open and his tongue flickering out into her own before his mind caught up to what he was doing. Without the succubi there to influence him, he was at least able to shudder back from her, even though his hands stopped halfway to pushing her back by the shoulders.


He instead pushed her breasts and the nurse giggled, though it was with a less than playful bubble in her tone.

"Oh, Neal, there's nothing wrong with you."

Unbuttoning her blouse, the buttons buttoning up on a different side to what they would have if it had been a men's shirt, she exposed her breasts in a sensible but still appealing lace bra, the large swell of them pressed up towards him. He gasped out a moan and shuddered where he stood, wanting so badly to grasp them, to do something with them, even if his mind was short circuiting.

Thankfully for Neal (or not so much, depending on how one looked at the situation), the nurse had a better grasp on things than he did. She trapped his lips in a kiss again, pulling him to her as she sat back on the examination bed in the room, though it wasn't going to be used for anything medical, no, not that time. Her legs wrapped up and around his waist, his hard-on grinding into her, leaving Neal nowhere to go.

Oh, but he tried to pull back, he really did. Without the witches actively there to use that cloth on him, whatever potion it was imbued with, he could hold on to his senses just a little more, even if the throbbing ache of his cock told Neal exactly what he wanted, one way or another. He grunted deep in the back of his throat and turned his head away, moisture building in the corners of his eyes. Yet the tears forming there were not from any form of sadness in the slightest -- just the strain of his body so desperately trying to get what it wanted from him, though not quite knowing how to justify that.

His body wanted sex, but...his mind did not. Or, at least, Neal didn't think his mind wanted it, not even as he was the one to grind his bare cock against her as they clawed at her clothes, as if neither Neal nor the nurse could honestly help themselves from getting at her skin. Shreds of her trousers hung around her as the nurse's chest heaved, exposed in her bra only, and he ground his cock passionately into her without a second thought, a helpless moan breaking his lips.

"Ohhh, fuck..."

"Ah, that's it... Oh!" The nurse moaned. "Fuck meee!"

Her voice took on a higher pitch as he rammed into her, needing it, panting heavily. If only Neal had dealt with another nurse, he thought, maybe someone who was more professional. For there could be no other reason in his mind other than the nurse being unprofessional -- and he'd just been taken advantage of against his will.

"Mmph... Nnghhh..."

He groaned as he thrust, trying not to think too much about what he was doing, for that, at the very least, made things easier. It made things simpler to cram his hot length into her pussy, letting her wetness slickly slide down his length, his shaft gleaming with her most intimate essence. Her pussy felt, in a way, looser and softer than the witches' bodies and Neal grunted as he thrust away the notion of them, not wanting to consider what that meant for him having sex with others.

They won't own me.

Neal, however, could think that as much as he wanted and never get anywhere, every rock and grind of his hips powering his shaft deep into her. His balls shifted with the sway and rock of his body, though he wasn't really thinking about that. Not even as the nurse squeezed her legs even more tightly around him to cry out in orgasm, her head thrown back and his lips almost sensually nibbling at her throat.

Neal rammed deep -- and no longer had any need to hold back as he let out a guttural groan and spent his seed into her cunt. Her sex pulled around him and he added to the slick mess inside her, his balls aching for more even as he did what his body needed, what it was practically begging him to do.

So enraptured was he by the moment of orgasm that Neal didn't even realise the door opened behind him, his parents entering with another nurse. Not until a gasp caught his attention and the door banged closed behind them, shutting off a bubble of conversation from the corridor outside.


Neal blushed heavily and pulled out of the nurse, his cock still dripping, though the other who had entered the room with his parents didn't seem bothered at all. With her hair tied back, she merely smiled kindly at Neal.

"Well, now," she said, her voice soft and soothing. "All seems to be in order here, I don't see the need for further tests, as it is clear you are in good health, Neal. Please, do return tomorrow if nothing changes and you have any concerns at all."

His parents exchanged looks with each other as Neal was finally allowed the blanket back, though he barely even covered his cock with it, needing to hold it open in the front. Even the slightest brush of what had been previously soft, inviting fabric made him shudder, so he tried to hold it as far away from him as possible without revealing anything he really rather would not have shown off. Of course, that was impossible, even as his quiet parents led him back through the hospital (a longer route that time, as a corridor was blocked off due to an incident). Although people turned to look at him, some snickering and others openly staring, no one said anything to him, or tried to look away. It was as if his nudity was simply something expected -- which failed to make any sense at all to him.

Neal, however, didn't have time to consider that, not as his father bundled him into the car and they took him home.

Back at the vacation house, his mother sighed and ran her fingers back through her hair, combing it out between her fingers.

"Look, Neal..." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. "If they say you need to be like this for a little while, that's fine. But you can't hide in your room the whole time. We've seen it all before and you shouldn't hide away."

Neal gasped and shook his head.

"Mom! No, I don't want to just hang around naked!"

That actually sounded like a really good thought to him, biting the inside of his lower lip as discreetly as he felt able. His father, however, stepped up beside Hannah, nodding his agreement.

"You can't hide, it's a vacation," he said. "You should spend time with us, and your sister. Ah! That sounds like her car now."

Neal turned, trying to rush back to his room -- but Trish was too quick for him, bursting through the door and into the living area, a wide grin stretching her lips. She was almost the same height as he was but had a much larger, bolder presence about her, so much so she seemed to fill a lot more space in every room she entered than Neal did.

"Hey, everyone!" She said, her voice so loud she was not to be ignored. "I hear my little brother is having some issues around here!"

He cringed, shooting his mother a look.

"You told her!"

His mother shook her head and half-shrugged, a somewhat helpless look briefly grazing her expression.

"Well, it's going to be how things are, Neal," she said gently, as if she was explaining to someone younger than he was. "You cannot hide away and, of course, I wanted to make sure Trish was aware before she arrived, it's only fair to her!"

Trish grinned, tall and blonde, her sunglasses pushed up on her head, though it was too late in the day for her really to need them. She was not an unkind person, really, it had to be said, though her lean body spoke of the sports and other athletic pursuits she was involved in, the kind of person who was always on the move.

"Aw, look at you," she giggled, rocking back a little as if she was studying Neal, who had his hands in front of his cock and balls, trying to hide. "I didn't think you'd be this desperate, Neal, but mom really wasn't joking there!"

She rolled her shoulders back with a subtle groan, however, and glanced to the bedroom.

"I'm in the same room as usual, right? I got to change. These clothes are all gross from driving."

It was nothing unusual for her to change after a long drive, but her ducking into the shared bedroom meant Neal couldn't hide away in there, for there would be no privacy. He dithered, shifting his weight, and eventually settled for the sofa in the big open-plan living area, though he didn't like still just how close he was to the big windows. What if someone outside saw him, even if they were set back from the road? A sense of prickling, aching exposure sank into him, his eyes flickering back and forth as if Neal was trying to spot anyone, including his parents, approaching him. He could only somewhat hide himself and his cock remained mostly hard, if not fully hard, despite him trying to think about anything at all that could get his cock to soften again.

Nothing seemed to work, however -- and his sister returning from the bedroom in just a pair of bikini bottoms in bright blue didn't help matters at all.

"Trish!" He snapped, nerves frayed after such a day. "You can't just walk around like that. What the hell are you doing?"

"What's the matter?" She teased again, leaning over the back of the sofa with her breasts on show, nipples small and petite where they tipped her breasts. "I'm just doing what you are, Neal! If you can be naked, well... Where's the harm in me being topless? It's so warm in here..."

To Neal's horror, his parents nodded, though they weren't leaping for joy either. It was just as if it was something perfectly normal for Trish to be suggesting, even if the mere notion of it seemed utterly crazy to Neal. Then again, nothing had been normal at all since that first night with the succubi either.


"I met the neighbours before coming in though," Trish said, sitting on the arm of the sofa with one leg crossed over the other. "They're really nice, I haven't seen Cara in ages."

Neal tried to think back for what he knew about the neighbours. Vaguely, he recalled a girl with mousey-brown hair (years back) and her parents. The girl, now woman, must have been Cara, while he thought her parents were Steve and Sally. Even if he got their names wrong, it wouldn't be the most embarrassing thing to happen to him that day, so the stakes, on that side, were fairly low for Neal.

"That's nice, Trish, you used to have such fun with Cara," Hannah said with a smile. "Maybe you can all go out somewhere together, visit some of the old places you liked around here?"

Trish grinned.

"Oh, I invited them for dinner, actually!"

Neal's head whipped around, mouth agape in horror, though he wasn't expecting his parents, by that point, to object to it. His father nodded as he headed to the kitchen for a beer, though Neal half-stood before remembering his state of nakedness.

"Wait -- no!" He growled, voice dropping in pitch, curling the fingers of one hand into a fist. "No, no, no, that is not happening! I'll tell you now, we're not having anyone over here when I'm like this! This isn't my fault!"

But Trish only laughed and slung her arms around his shoulders, hugging him lightly. It would have been normal if not for their states of undress and her breasts brushing his bare chest warmly, if only for a moment.

"Oh, don't worry, Neal," she said, giving his shoulder what he supposed was meant to be a comforting squeeze. "I'll stay topless, okay, too? A bit of support for you. I don't want you to feel put out by anything and, besides, it's not your fault, as you said."

He so badly wanted to believe that -- and scream at everyone for treating his nakedness like an everyday occurrence. But there was no time for him to find an alternative as the doorbell rang and his mother went to answer it.

"Hello, everyone! Steve, Sally, so lovely to see you again. Cara, how you've grown! You're a proper woman now, how wonderful!"

Oh, his mother was as warm and as effusive as normal, though Neal could have done with more of a warning as he tried to make a break for the bedroom. Trish got in his way, however, grabbing him by the shoulders and spinning him to face the door where their neighbours came through.

"Oh! My... I didn't..." Sally floundered while her husband coughed into his hand and suddenly expressed a significant amount of interest in the nearby wall. "Oh... It's... This is not a bad time, is it?"

Trish smiled and shook her head.

"Oh, no, not at all," she said sweetly, imploringly. "My brother's just having a bit of a medical issue and, well, I thought it best to support him. That's all okay, isn't it?"

Neal hoped they'd leave but, once again, his hopes were dashed as all three of them, somehow, got over the fact they'd just walked in on a naked man in the middle of the room. Just like they'd brush off something else mildly unusual, something they wouldn't normally see.

A sense of twisting, bubbling unease grew in his stomach throughout the evening as they all sat down to dinner, his traitorous eyes wanting to go back to his sister's bare breasts again and again. Not because he was attracted to her or anything -- but, even to him, it was exceedingly difficult not to stare at something so out of the norm. Which was why it stood out increasingly to him that everyone else was behaving out of the ordinary, his heart pounding, blood roaring dully in his ears.

He barely realised what he was eating at dinner, the conversation moving around him -- all about things that he would have been bored to death of anyway, tuning it all out. But Cara, her hair longer than before with a light curl to the brown strands, smiled at him and sat next to him, taking her top off too.


Neal blinked and looked away. The entire world was going mad, much beyond his family, and he gulped down a deranged little laugh that did not belong on his lips. She might still have had her bra on, but her breasts were full and, well, he could never have honestly said he wasn't attracted to her. He may not have known anything all that much more about Cara, to be fair, but she had a curvy figure, with larger hips and thighs. It was kind of his type, though he hadn't really thought all that much about what he liked before. Things like that just were as they were.

"I didn't think you'd be so open about things," Cara said, her voice lowered but not by all that much. "But I'm glad we reconnected again."

His heart pounded and Neal pulled back a little, shaking his head.

"Uh, I feel like we're not having the same conversation here."

"Oh, come on, Neal," she said with a grin, sliding her hand on to his thigh. "It's obvious... Or do I need to make it obvious just how good I think you look?"

Neal gulped and tried to scoot his chair back, but something had the legs stuck the floor, no more than scraping and grating in place. Cara, however, thankfully did not touch and tease him too much, though the brush of her bare shoulder against his and the ease of her leg into his knee was too much for him, even then, breath hitching and catching, fluttering in his chest.

Although Trish gave him a knowing side-eye when he rose from the table, Neal just couldn't resist following the lure of his attraction outside, following Cara out in the open on a quiet, late evening walk together. She strode close to him, seemingly unbothered by the face she was still topless, though his eyes drifted to her, heart pounding, lungs shuddering with the need to take in more air for his lungs.