The Wrestling Singlet (ENM)

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A High School Senior decides to wrestle in a skimpy singlet.
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[Note from Author:

'Hi everybody, hope you are well. This is my first story so please be nice to me. All wrestlers in the story are over the age of 18. Please note, the story is based in the USA but I am actually from the UK. As such, I am not fully aware of the rules of wrestling, so please just play along with the story if the rules aren't quite right.

Thanks, and I hope you will enjoy!']


"Mom! I think I need a new Wrestling singlet!"

"What's that?"

Benji looked at himself in the Bathroom mirror. He was 6 foot 2, with blonde wavy hair and blue eyes, and his friends often joked that his dad must have been someone from Australia or New Zealand, and Benji would play up to this and talk in an Aussie accent from time to time. His wresting singlet as he looked at it was light blue and was feeling a bit snug towards the end of last year, and now it felt even more snug, especially around the crotch area. It probably wasn't too bad, but Benji liked to wrestle commando. Perhaps his coach had been a bit old-school, for he said that it separates the champions from the chumps to wrestle in this way. Whatever the reasons, Benji had been on a winning streak and he intended to keep it that way! Even though he had recently turned 18, he was still growing at quite a fast pace though. He called again down the stairs.

"I said I think I need a new wrestling singlet!"

"Oh, sorry dear, you'll just have to wait, money is a bit tight at the moment"

"Hmm, that's not the only thing that's tight," Benji muttered to himself.

He heard his brother, Tyler, snickering from just outside the bathroom. "I heard that," he teased.

Ah, that Tyler was always turning up at the wrong time and generally being a nuisance. "Hmph, get lost, lil Tyke!" Benji responded, he knew his brother hated being called that. His brother was 14 years old, and was pushing around 5 foot, and there appeared to be little chance he would make it to 6 foot like Benji had. Whenever there was an argument, Benji would always draw on that fact to use to his advantage.

"You two had better not be arguing up there! Benj you are old enough to know better." Maybe it was true, the bickering matches had began to become less frequent nowadays.

Benji shut the bathroom door and removed his wrestling singlet. He caught a glance of himself in the mirror and smiled. He had quite toned muscles, and fair hair growing lightly on his legs and chest, but he still looked quite smooth overall. He had a moderate amount of pubes, nothing too wild, and his penis, well he wouldn't regard himself as huge, but probably above-average with a foreskin that stretched over his bell-end. Benji was quite proud of his appearance, and he needed that pride today to help him win the regional High School Wrestling competition. There couldn't be more at stake. A local University had offered a scholarship to the winner of the competition, which was rare in itself, but for it to be the actual University that Benji wanted to go to made this feel like fate or destiny or something. But first though, he had to win the competition.

Benji packed up his singlet and headed downstairs. Even though the competition was happening today, it was too uncomfortable to walk around in all day, and for sure his brother would be teasing him no end if he did walk around the house in it.

"Are you ready, dear? We are leaving in 10 minutes!" His mum seemed quite friendly today, normally watching the wrestling appeared to be a bit of a chore for her, but I guess the chance of winning a scholarship had softened her a bit today.

"I think I am about as ready as I'll ever be!" Benji replied, as he picked out a banana from the fruit bowl. He chomped down on it, and then headed one last time to the bathroom, probably last minute nerves setting in, and then he put on his shoes and grabbed his bag. "Shotgun!" He called out to his little brother. To his surprise, his brother just shrugged and headed for the back of the car. It wasn't very often he came along, but maybe he had been requested from their mom to support the family.

It wasn't long before Benji arrived at his local High School which was hosting the event. Again, it felt a bit like fate or destiny to Benji, and here they were! Benji waved to his mom and headed to the changing area. His match was up first and he was up against a formidale opponent from a guy named Vlad. This was only the round of 16, but it could easily have been the final.

Inside the changing area, Benji, Vlad, and a few others that had turned up early were greeted by the Coach. "Listen guys! As a few of you are from the same school, in order to remain impartial, I am now going to head out and sit in the audience, let me tell you, we have a full house today! Representatives from the University will be there, so I demand impeccable respect and behaviour. There may even be scouts from the upcoming Olympics, and let me tell you, you never know what could be around the corner for you guys. Obviously some of your friends and family will be there, and because between us guys, we want this event to look good, we have organised for extra credit to be given to any other students who wish to turn up. So break a leg, but please, don't break a leg if you know what I mean." Coach grinned and then retreated towards the growing sounds of hubbub from outside the changing area. "One last thing! Just listen for your names on the tannoy, but you know this already." And then he was gone.

Benji was feeling a bit nervous now. Could there really be scouts from the Olympics?? Surely not, but this was all becoming quite exciting. "Time to shine!" Benj said to himself reassuringly and opened up his backpack. He felt his nervous energy rising almost immediately.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." Benji rarely swore, but this had definitely been a situation worth swearing about. He reached into his backpack, knowing something didn't feel quite right. He was expecting to see something light blue, but instead he was seeing something yellow. This couldn't be could it. Yes, it was. Benji pulled out a yellow and pink singlet from his backpack. The front side was yellow and the back side was pink. But this one surely belonged to his younger brother. How had this happened? The cogs started turning, as Benj realized what he knew must have been the case. His brother had swapped singlets when he had gone to use the bathroom before he left the house.

"Little Tyke!" Benji muttered to himself as his eyes widened, and what could he do now. He glanced at the clock and there was only 10 minutes before his named would be called on the tannoy! Oh, how rapidly the second hand seemed to be turning. Sheepishly, Benji stood up and headed to one of the toilet cubicles with the singlet. Maybe there was a chance the singlet was quite big on Tyler, or maybe it would stretch out ok, but if his light blue singlet felt snug, he certainly had his doubts that this one would fit any better. Just in case, he wanted to get changed in the toilet cubicle so as not to alert the others in the changing room of his predicament. Vlad appeared ready on the other side of the room and was doing some stretches, and the others Tyler didn't really know as they weren't from his school.

Benji removed his clothes in the bathroom stall, and put them in his backpack. He said a little prayer to himself as he inserted one of his feet into the singlet, and then the other. Oh no! This wasn't going to work! It was an absolute struggle to get one of the straps over his shoulder, and he was in a half a mind to give up right there. But he had come this far. With a heave, he grunted, and somehow he managed to get the second shoulder strap up. The straps were digging into his shoulders, and his hands were shaking. What even was this material, it did not even feel the same as his singlet. Benj grimaced as he remembered his mom saying she had got this one from a thrift store. And then he realised his brother had been wearing this singlet and had it even been put into the wash? He looked down and saw an outline of his shaft looking back at him. Oh geez! This would not do at all! He reached into his backpack for some boxers but to no avail. Oh why oh why had he gone commando today! It had become part of his pre-tournament routine to go to the events without underwear, just so that he wouldn't be tempted to wear them to the matches and he could be a champion and not a chump as his coach had once said. But boy, he sure felt like a chump now. And what could he do now, even the coach wasn't around to assist his predicament.

"Could our first two competitors make their way to the arena. Calling Vlad Steinberg and Benjamin Clarke to the arena! I repeat, Vlad Steinberg and Benjamin Clarke!"

"Fuck!" Benji uttered out loud without even thinking about it.

"Benj, is that you in there?....Your name has just been called out."

That sounded like Jake, who was in the same school, and same Senior year as Benji, but they rarely had classes together. He was in the fourth match today and had probably just arrived. Benj thought about opening the bathroom stall but couldn't bring himself to do it.

"I'm Ok," Benji lied.

"Can you believe this is for an actual scholarship! Just imagine, no student loans, and from what I hear, your mom works all the hours under the sun for you and your brother, but no pressure mate haha, to be honest, everyone is saying you are going to win the tournament and we should just go home, but I'll certainly give it my all if we meet in the next round."

"Benjamin Clarke to the arena!" The voice on the tannoy boomed out, certainly not in as friendly a tone as before.

"Oh shit man, here I am yabbering away, and you need to get to your match Benj!"

Benji hovered his hand over the latch. 'Your mom works all the hours under the sun for you.' Jakes words echoed around in Benji's head. Had he perhaps been making too much out of all this. He was in the first match, it would be over in a matter of minutes, and then he could shoot off home and get his light blue singlet for his second match, if he were to make it to the second round. No he had waited months for this day, and nothing was going to stop him. Slowly and nervously, he pulled the latch across, and opened the door to the stall.

It wasn't very often that Jake was lost for words, but this appeared to be one of those moments. It was his eyes that did the talking now as they peeked downwards to the fairly large protruding bulge in Benji/Tyler's singlet. Unbeknownst to Benji there was an outline of a mushroom shape pointing upwards and a little to the left. Jake quickly averted his eyes. "I, er, better get ready for my match, good luck mate."

"Ay, you trying to get under my skin, eh?!!" A voice came from the entranceway, it was Vlad! "Get out here now!!" He marched in with a flustered look on his face and started to pull Benji by the wrist. Vlad was from somewhere in Eastern Europe, but nobody seemed to know exactly where as he kept himself to himself. Still he was pretty good looking for a guy. Dark hair, fairly unshaven, lean and muscular and often wore trackies. But today he was donning a smart, dark green singlet.

Benji felt himself being pulled towards the entranceway by Vlad. It felt like a millions thoughts were going through his head as he took each step closer and closer to the entrance. Perhaps there wasn't even that many people, a quick five to ten minute match, and then off home to get changed. No worries. And with every step, more and more, he just wanted to pull away, but still he allowed himself to be led forward. Was he really the favourite to win the tournament? It's not like people would see him close-up, right? Only five steps left to change his mind. Four. Three. Benji tried to pull out of Vlad's grip, but Vlad didn't let go. Two. One. Too late!

As Benji made his way out to the arena, he felt his legs turning to jelly. There were far more people here than he could ever have imagined. Every seat was taken, and to his horror, there were a dozen cheerleaders inside the wrestling circle. They hadn't noticed him yet, but it was only a matter of time! Still, he had made it this far.

Just then, he heard a female voice in the audience, whom he had just walked past. "Oh my days! That boy looks completely naked from behind!" She was saying it to her friend, but it was now starting to feel like peoples eyes were starting to turn his way. Shit. He had forgotten that the back of his singlet was pink. And his singlet was riding straight up into his butt crack. Next there was a voice of a guy in front of him. He couldn't make out what the guy was saying but it was definitely something to do with bananas. There were some girls around him that started giggling. Then the guy mentioned something about a mushroom, and the girls giggled some more. Fuck, Benji didn't need to be intelligent to work out what they were talking about. He glanced down, and sure enough there it was, a yellow mushroom that he hadn't noticed before from the angle he had. When he looked up, he saw that the cheerleaders were all glancing his way, some even had their hands covering their mouths. For a moment, Benj put his hands in front of him to cover himself, but this made him look even more conspicuous, so he put them back to his side. Oh, this was too much! Benji turned to leave. Just then, the lights dimmed, and he paused in slight relief.

"Welcome everybody to our first match. Introducing in the light and pink singlet, it's Benjamin Clarke!" A spotlight shone down, on Benji. For fuck sake he thought, there had to be a fucking spotlight. But at least he couldn't see anyone's faces, and even the cheerleaders had dropped to the sidelines. Oh I'm here now, lets just get this damn thing done. Benj sighed to himself.

Now the spotlight was on Vlad, and it was only in this moment of lull that Benji realised something was happening inside him. It must have been the adrenalin of the situation, or maybe it was something else, but Benji felt his banana beginning to grow. And as his penis began to expand, it felt like the material of his singlet was fighting back, refusing to allow it to get any bigger. This really sent a jolt down through to his balls that were also crushed up against his singlet. Oh wow, this was really turning him on.

Just then the lights came back on, and Benji caught sight of his mother looking back at him. Oh fuck. Benji averted his eyes as fast as he could and spun around to face Vlad, noting to himself that his mother now had a direct view of the other side of him. Whatever the case, this did seem to have a shrinkening effect on his libido. Oh man, what was he doing out here, he could recognise all kinds of faces from people at his school, and no doubt a group of guys in shirts looking rather smart, they had to be from the University. Was it really too late to take off and avoid this humiliation? The ref summoned for the match to start and as Vlad and Benji were both facing each other, the bell rang.

Vlad certainly didn't hang around, perhaps he wanted this scholarship just as much as Benji. Benj naturally adopted a stance he always held, one that would give him the best balance against anything Vlad brought his way. Wow, they were in match mode now, and everything else seemed to melt away. Even the singlet that was so restrictive in some places, his legs felt quite free and limber. Yes, he could win this. There was some pushing and grappling on both sides as both combators attempted to gain the upper hand. Vlad went for a foward lunge aiming at Benji's midriff, but Benj was quick to it and jumped to the side. He wrapped his arms around Vlad's waist and momentum took him behind Vlad who now fell forward, and Benji fell forward with him.

The coach had always told Benji to push down with his core body weight. It is vital to push down with every part of your body, and push down with every ounce of your being. In the first few weeks of wrestling, Benji had been a bit shy about pushing down with his pelvis, and he had lost his first few matches as his opponent had wriggled free. It took a few matches more, and Benji began to feel more comfortable deploying this tactic. True to plan, as Vlad fell down onto his hands and knees, Benji pushed down on top of him with eveything he had. It felt a bit uncomfortable at first, but after a few seconds, it all felt a bit more easier. It was at this point, that Benji realised his penis was grazing inside the groove of Vlads two butt cheeks. For the second time today, he felt his member getting bigger. This never normally happened when he was wrestling, the sexual energy from earlier must not have dissipated. Perhaps it didn't help much that Vlad was trying to push his pelvis upward as Benj was trying to push his pelvis downwards. It felt like they were moving in rhythm, and once again Benji felt the material fighting against his ever growing cock. Oh, the material rubbed against his penis almost back and forth. Benji did not know how much more of this he could take. There was certainly a throbbing sensation. An alarming thought entered his mind. Perhaps if he didn't stop soon, he was going to...

Ding ding! That was the bell for half time. Had they really been wrestling that long?

"Ay, get off of me, eh!!" Vlad growled, but he sounded a bit softer as from when he had marched into the locker room earlier.

Benj suddenly panicked, remembering that all eyes were on him, he glanced up and yes they were indeed all on him. For a sweet, sweet moment he had forgotten where he was! Benji slithered backwards off of Vlad, and remained on his hands and knees. What else could he do? He was wearing the skimpiest singlet and had a raging boner. There was a gasp from a cheerleader on the sidelines. Even with Benji being in this position she was still able to discern the enormity of the situation. Beads of sweat dripped down Benji's forehead as the cheerleader whispered to her friend, and her friend to another friend. It now felt like everyone was whispering to one another. Were they all aware of what was going on down below? He glanced down, and his penis was protruding quite a lot! What was going to happen next? Benji wasn't sure of that himself, as he tried to breath in deeply, and breathe out deeply. Calm. Calm. Boner. Calm. Yes that is getting better.

Ding ding! It was time for the second half. Benji still felt as stiff as anything, but perhaps he had down enough to avert..., well it didn't bear thinking about! Vlad shrugged and knelt down opposite Benji. Benj randomly noted that Vlad actually had nice hazel eyes as they looked at each other for a split second, and then the ref called for the second half to begin. Vlad was quick to his feet, too quick! He wrapped his arms around one of Benji's legs, and brought him tumbling over Vlad's frame. If Benji didn't think fast he was going to be pinned. Benji arched his back to avoid both shoulders from touching the mat and to stop Vlad from getting on top of him, and repeated this a couple of times. The fourth time he thrust his hips into the air and arched his back, a trickle of pre-cum sauntered out of the end of his knob, which was at full attention now and up in the air for everybody to see.

Benji paid no attention to this mind you, as he had managed to release his leg from Vlad's grip, and could now work on getting control of this match. He didn't come all this way to lose this now. Vlad was on his side on the mat as Benji sprung his legs over to the front side of Vlad ready to push him over onto his back. His legs had gone too far, and Benji grabbed hold of Vlad's singlet to stop his forward momentum. His arms stopped but his legs kept going. This would work, he pushed himself forward, trying to get Vlad to roll off of his side and onto his back. Again, he pushed with every ounce of his being, but again Vlad pushed back. It didn't occur to Benji straight away what position they were in, as he pushed with his face, alongside everything else. All he could see was dark green. Were those two legs in the top corners of his eyes. It occured to Benji that his face was actually muzzled deeply into Vlads crotch area, and if that was not enough, his own crotch was pushing into Vlads face! Desperate to win the match here and now, Benji decided to keep pushing, he was so close, Vlad had rolled onto his back, but his head and shoulder were raised up, just inches from the mat. One last push should do it. It was at this moment, that Vlad had opened his mouth, desperate to be able to breathe and not give up on his scholarship. With everything that was going on, Benji could still feel in almost slow motion, there were warm waves of breath filtering through his singlet onto the shaft of his penis. It felt amazing. He didn't think his cock could get any harder, but somehow it did. Again the fabric was pushing back against him, almost like it was trying to masturbate him. Wow, what a pleasurable experience, if nothing else. But then something unexpected happened.