Their Own World Ch. 03


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Katie briefly considered the idea before saying, "I think we'll be fine. Dave isn't going to have a reason to be near me anymore. Besides, he didn't really get a chance to attack me. He went to grab me, but never even touched me. I did more damage to him than he did. To top it all off, he didn't touch T either, he took him out. I won't take the chance that the cops just arrest us instead."

Cassie winced at the realization. "Fuck, yeah that doesn't really sound good either. I guess you both better GTFO. I'm still going to say he tried to grab you but everyone knows to say the fight took place outside and no one knows who knocked him the fuck out like a total boss," she said.

"Plus, nothing in the world is going to stop me from telling him how I feel tonight," Katie said.

"Good, because he fucking loves you probably as much as you love him. Judging by the look on your face when you came out of the bathroom, you guys were doing something naughty. Besides," she handed her a shirt to clean herself up with, "You wiped your cat disguise off on his face."

Katie took the shirt over to the mirror to clean the evidence of incest off. T wanted to kiss her. He must want more; and not just sex, she thought.

Cassie locked eyes with her best friend's reflection. "The time for games and secrets is over. Honey, go get your man," she said, giving her a reassuring smile. She wasn't going to tell her everything, not until they did. She hoped Katie wouldn't chicken out or at least maybe T's heroism had knocked some sense into him.

Katie smiled the biggest smile ever. Looking like she was about to cry, she turned and hugged her other best friend aggressively.


It was unanimously decided that Katie would drive in the off chance T had a concussion. Only the radio could be heard in the six minutes it took to get from Cassie's to the highway back to New Hampshire. Both of them wanted to say the same thing. Neither could figure out how to begin. For the second time that day, T beat her to it.

"Katie I have to say some things. No disrespect, but please don't say anything because I just have to say it," T pushed out. He took a deep breath before continuing, "I love you, so much more than I'm supposed to. I don't know what us kissing means, but I really want to keep doing that. But, I mean you have a boyfriend. We can't do that. I know I'm also your brother and we really can't do it. But we keep kissing and tonight we went even further-"

"T, I'm sorry but I have to interrupt," Katie shouted. She continued before he could protest, "First of all I have all of the feelings for you that I'm not supposed to have, but more importantly, I don't give any fucks anymore if you're my brother. As for Alex...He and I aren't really dating. He's gay."

T looked over at his sister who had somehow become even more beautiful in the minute it took for her confession. He dumbly smiled and asked, "What?"

Katie glanced over to check T's reaction every chance she could while driving. She realized it was much easier to tell him her biggest secret ever if she focused on the road while she spoke. Smiling quickly over at him, as if to say 'sorry for how bad this sounds', she explained, "Alex couldn't make it to the party tonight because he's on a date with another man. They are both gay and I wouldn't be surprised if they do gay things to each other too. I'm helping him trick his parents into thinking he's straight so they finish helping him with school. They would disown him if they knew."

He watched her intently as she told her story. Not to ensure she was telling the truth; he knew she was. Being flustered was not something Katie normally experienced, but she made an exception for him that night.

"So, did you say you have feelings for me, or did I imagine that part? Remember, I am suffering from a head wound."

She looked over at him with a mischievous smile and said, "I believe I said 'all the feelings'. And no, you didn't hallucinate that part."

T admitted, "It's not just that, I've felt this way for a while now, and I never imagined a scenario where you didn't run away. I always ruined everything we had and you never looked at me the same again. You wouldn't even invite me to your wedding because you assumed your 'pervert brother couldn't handle it," he relived a few of his assumed outcomes.

"T, that's so sad," Katie said, hating how his mind could sometimes go to the darkest places.

"You've always been the optimist; I've always been the pessimist. Even now I feel like when I hit Dave, I knocked myself out. Or maybe he punched me into a coma. You and I being together is the ultimate; too good to be true."

Katie took a longer look at him before she asked, "Is that why you're being almost creepily calm right now? The only reason I'm not freaking out right now is because of the driving."

T smiled, "One of Cassie's roomies gave me a brownie before we left. He said it would help and it is. I can't even feel my head right now. But I know exactly what's going on and I'm glad I'm high because I would definitely be freaking out a lot more." He reached over and grabbed her hand to stop her from picking at a hole in her jeans.

She loved that he knew how she was feeling, especially while being stoned with a head wound. Squeezing his hand she continued, "Well in my optimist opinion, you and I can do anything together. If we decided to take our relationship and make it into more, it won't be easy. We would have to deal with things that we wouldn't if we were with anyone else. But what we could have together is worth it to me. I want to take all of the chances but only together."

She studied his expression before focusing again on the road and pulling her hand away from him. "Is that something you can do? Put aside all of the worst-case scenarios and fight the world with me?" she asked.

T took longer to answer than Katie was comfortable with. Finally, he said, "Sorry I hesitated. I was imagining the absolute worst case scenario. I said 'no' and 10 years later I'm living in a dingy, sad, studio apartment. I'm totally alone and I hate myself for not taking this chance." He looked at her and couldn't hold back a smile so big it hurt. "Katie, you're my dream girl in every way. If you feel the same way, of course, I want to give us a chance."

Katie simultaneously broke into tears and laughter. "Pull over for a few," T told her.

"I can still drive; I'm just deliriously happy right now," she replied.

"No, pull over because I need to kiss the love of my life, right now."

She looked over at him to check on his level of seriousness and it was dead. Glancing in the mirrors, she hit the button for the hazard lights and started pulling over before any other cars got closer. As soon as the car was in park, Katie turned to jump on her brother; instead, she fell back into her seat.

"Ow," she yelped when the seatbelt prevented her from pouncing. She looked down, then back up at him, pouting. T just laughed at her while leaning over to hit the seatbelt button. Once she was free, she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him like it was the first or last time.

"I love you so fucking much T," she said into his neck before kissing up it like she had earlier that day.

"I love you so fucking much too," he proclaimed.

She kissed him on his lips hard before saying, "I feel like this massive weight that's been on me for so long is finally gone."

Caressing her face he said, "Me too. But before we get home, I gotta know how to act. I mean, I don't want to stop being your brother, so how am I supposed to know when you are what? That makes no sense."

"No, T, it makes total sense. Um, I don't want us to change, just add to what we have," Katie said. She thought for a few moments on how to explain before she began again, "Okay so our relationship is like reality. And our reality has multiple dimensions."

"Are you trying to compare us to Inception? Because I'm starting to think you're weirdly obsessed with that movie."

She punched him in the shoulder; medium strength. "T, shut up, I totally have this figured out. So our relationship is reality and our reality has dimensions. So, the first reality is what outsiders would see us as; a brother and a sister. I'm always going to look up to you and cheer you on, and you're always going to protect me and keep me safe. Those things carry through to the next dimension. To our friends and family, we're more than siblings; we're each other's best friends. Our friendship carries over to the third dimension; where you and I are a couple. We go out on dates and do couple stuff. We flirt and do romantic things, but we're still all the other things too."

T looked at his girl in wonder. He said, "I wanna fuck your brain." Katie laughed but he continued anyway, "I'm serious; you have such a beautiful way of looking at everything."

"You say the sweetest things to me. And I'm not even being sarcastic," she said. Taking on a sexier demeanor, she went on, "There's a fourth dimension too. In that one, we're naked. And then, we do real naughty things to each other."

She accentuated her point by grabbing his hardening member through his pants. T inhaled sharply as he was both praying that she would and wouldn't continue. Being conflicted on the matter he did what he normally would. He asked Katie what she thought.

"Um, I have to ask. Are you going fast because you think that's what I want?"

"Do you not want me to touch you?" she asked. She stopped rubbing him but never let go. She knew he wanted it but there was obviously some hang-up he still had.

"Yes, I really want you to. But I don't want you to do anything you're not ready for just because I have. Know what I mean?"

Katie shook her head and squeezed him, causing him to groan out in pleasure. She giggled at his reaction. "I never minded you fooling around with other girls all those years I had feelings for you. I was only really ever jealous of them not being your sister. But, I was glad you had people to take care of your needs. Back then, I wasn't ready. I'm ready now, and I want to be there for you, and I need you to be there for me."

She leaned back, smiling devilishly while unbuttoning her jeans. Holding eye contact with him the entire time, she slid her right hand into her pants. Her eyes fluttered before she withdrew her hand again. Two of her fingers were shining from the headlights behind them as she moved them up to T's face. Katie coated his lips with her arousal and his tongue immediately snuck out to taste her.

With eyes closed, he said, "Do you even realize that was the sexiest thing anyone's ever done?"

Katie giggled, moving in to kiss him again, showing wiliness to taste herself. She resumed her stroking, and when he opened his mouth to moan she filled it with her tongue. He reached out, sliding his hands right up her shirt to touch the soft, creamy skin of her midsection. Though her eyes were closed, she felt a bright light coming through the back. The irritation of some 'Mass-hole' driving down the highway with their high beams on was quickly replaced with fear when she opened her eyes.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" Katie panicked, seeing the spotlight shining through the back window.

T glanced back before quickly taking control of the situation. "Katie, chill. There's no way he didn't see us kissing, so I'm not your brother. Your brother let you borrow the car to go to a party. We're old friends, my name is; Mike Simpson. Stick with our real story so it's believable. We've known each other our whole lives, just found out tonight that we both have feelings, and we stopped to talk it over," T ordered while still trying to cover all the angles.

"Who am I?" Katie asked, still panicking.

T chuckled. "You're you, babe. You have to show him your license, right? I'll just say I don't have mine because I wasn't driving tonight. Remember, Mike Simpson."

"Okay," glancing in the side mirror, he was almost at her door. "Anything else?"

"Uh," he looked her up and down, "Shit, button your pants."

She did as she was told, just in time. As the cop got to her window, she was rolling it down. "Good evening, officer."

He greeted them, "Evening. There a problem here? Car trouble?"

"No officer, the cars fine. Actually," Katie glanced over at T, smiled, and continued, "I've known Mike here my whole life. You see our families go to the same church. Anyway, we've been friends all this time and tonight we found out we're in love. Naturally, I started bawling because; I'm a girl, so we pulled over." It took T everything not to laugh.

The officer looked at them skeptically before saying "I see, just need your license and registration."

Producing them she said, "This is my brother, T's car. I mean Tim, sorry. He let me borrow it."

The officer took them from her, leaning down to look at 'Mike'. He eyed him suspiciously then asked, "And your license?"

"I don't have mine, sir. Not old enough to drink and I don't own a car."


"Mike Simpson, sir," he replied

"Alright, you two hang tight," he said before walking back to his cruiser.

Once he was back in the cruiser, T teased her, "Church?"

She gave him a dirty look and told him, "We went to Catholic school. So it's kinda true, 'sir'."

"I'll have you know, Mike Simpson exists. He'll check his record but there's nothing. Mike's a good boy," T told her with an almost criminal mastermind like composure.

"After 18 years, you still surprise me," Katie told him.

They waited silently another minute and a half for his return. Handing Katie her license and registration back, he said, "Yours and your brother's records are spotless so you guys are all set." He looked right at Katie for a moment and leaned down to take another look at 'Mike'. He continued, "Please don't take this the wrong way ma'am, but everything is alright here, correct? I'm only asking because I have a daughter a bit younger than you and if she was out late, in a car with a boy on the side of the highway; I'd hope someone would check up on her too."

Katie smiled and assured him, "We are better than fine, sir. I'll be sure to tell my dad that you went the extra mile tonight. I know he'll certainly appreciate it."

"No problem at all. You two should get going now. Congratulations on your new relationship." He stood up, heading back to his cruiser.

"Thank you, sir, goodnight," Katie told him while rolling the window back up. "What a rush", she said to T.

"You do realize that's the second time we've been caught tonight? If it happens a third, that's really shit luck. Not to mention we'd be at home and mom and dad would be the ones catching us," T voiced his concern.

Katie smirked as she started the car back up. "Hon, we haven't been caught once. We've been interrupted twice, which is super annoying. But no worries, I'm gonna cut the next person that stops me from jumping you," she said as they got back onto the road.


As they pulled up in front of the house, they could see the light from the TV downstairs through the window.

"Dads still up," T stated the obvious.

"Well, it's only 1. Hopefully, he won't stay up too late. I still wanna play with you tonight," she said, leaning over to rest her head on his shoulder.

T put his arm around her and said very seriously, "I never thought I would see the day where I sat outside the house, waiting for my dad to go to bed, so I could 'inappropriate touch' my little sister."

Katie giggled at one of the many strange things only they could have in common; a twisted sense of humor. "Let's just go in, change for bed, and finish whatever movie he's watching with him. Don't tell him what happened with Dave. Not tonight. We can deal with it tomorrow. So make sure he doesn't see the band-aids."

They made their way into the house, being greeted by a tired Punk. That late at night, he was checking on his humans, making sure they came back whole. Katie was awkwardly familiar with a dog's awareness of female arousal; keeping him away from her crotch. He seemed to do a back and forth between the two, sniffing, most likely the scents of all the people at the party. Looking up at the two of them, he stood up on his hind paws, pinning both of them to the front door.

"What's with him?" Katie asked.

"He might need to go out," T told her, pushing the black lab off of them so he could open the front door again.

Punk ran out and began to dance around in the front yard. The two of them stood out front watching him be excited about something. He ran over to the mailbox, peed, and then bolted back towards them, doing circles around them. He started bumping their hands with his nose until they held one another's. Punk was satisfied once they were holding hands as he sat in front of them, continuing to wag his tail.

"Did he just make us hold hands?" Katie asked, amazed.

"Not only that, but I think he actually approves of us," T said quietly.

They made their way back inside, separating at the stairs. Katie went up to change in her room, while Punk followed T downstairs to his room.

At the bottom, T greeted his dad, "Hey dad, gonna change quick."

If he heard him he didn't say as T began to strip before he was in his room. He chuckled at how he had barely softened since the kiss in the bathroom. Throwing on whatever t-shirt he had grabbed, he picked out the thinnest and loosest pair of shorts he could find. He took the blanket off of his bed thinking he may need it to hide how hard he would be around his sister. Making his way out to the living room, he plopped down on the futon, making sure to face the TV so George wouldn't see his head wound.

"Katie came home with you right?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's just changing then coming down," T said, trying to look very interested in the movie.

"How was the party?"

"Eh," he thought was better than lying. He saw her arrive soon after, out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey daddy," she greeted.

"Hello, sweetheart," he said, smiling up at her.

T looked over as she made her way to him. He thought she might be giving something away with the clothes she had chosen. She wore a loose green tank top, clearly having decided against a bra. Her purple PJ pants were perfectly appropriate, but T's thoughts of what was hidden inside them made them skimpier than they were.

"T, can you make a bed," Katie made him with a pouty face.

T glanced over at their dad, thinking he would catch on to them.

George laughed at his son's ignorance. "Don't look at me kid. I tried to warn you when you started doing her bidding when she was 3, it would only continue," he said.

He rolled his eyes and opened his legs so she could lie back on him. It was all a show of course. They both needed to make sure their dad didn't suspect how badly they needed to be as close as possible. T had already laid the pillows against the armrest so it wouldn't dig into his back. She climbed onto the futon and carefully laid back against him, covering them with the blanket as she did; her right arm behind her so she could tease him secretly.

Recognizing the movie that their dad was watching, Katie asked, "Are you watching part two tonight after?"

Looking up to the movie, T saw an old favorite, IT. The first part was almost over.

Dad shook his head saying, "Nah, I'm pretty tired. Thought we could watch part two tomorrow night for Halloween."

More enthusiastic than she intended she stated, "That's a fantastic idea."

She squeezed T's dick through his shorts, causing him to groan out. "Ungh...I agree," he tried to cover up.

His sister wasn't going to get away with that. Under the blanket, he placed his hand on her stomach, caressing her skin. It was easy to pretend that's all he wanted to do as she felt so soft, yet firm, that he never wanted to stop touching her. Katie continued to gently tease him behind her as his hand kept getting lower and lower. Once his fingers slipped under her waistband, she lifted her pelvis up just enough to show him she wanted him to tease her.