There is no Hope... *Futa/tf*

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A trans woman is visited by her childhood tickle monster.
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!!!DISCLAIMER!!!!!!18+ Only!!!

This story depicts scenes of sexual tickling, and BDSM.

All characters depicted are intended to be 18+!

Some flashbacks in this story include descriptions from the main character's teenage years but no scenes depict sexual acts with minors.

This story depicts Consensual Non-Consent.


KINK DISCLAIMERS: Tickle Torture, Anal, Tease & Denial, CNC, Tentacle, Futa, Bondage

There is no Hope



The Puppet Master & Friends

~A dim light of memory flickered like a candle flame through the darkness of the mundane...~

Samantha walked home from work. A steady curtain of droplets fell from her umbrella. Cloudy weather matched her gloomy demeanor; a foreboding feeling of dread.

Nightmares or insomnia. Those had been her only two choices lately, and she was certain her sleeplessness was now affecting her cognition as well as her mood, but still, her haunting dreams made her think there might be something to these feelings of unease after all.

You see, Samantha was not always herself, so to speak. Instead, she used to be himself. Sam in fact. And Sam also had an imaginary friend. If you can call an Abhorrent Manifestation of the Eldritch a 'friend,' and he absolutely did not! His incorporeal companion was instead a source of Terror and Torment for young Sam, keeping him up night after night by forcing loud bouts of laughter from him while buried under a landslide of Terrible Tickles.

That's right. Sam's friend was a Tickle Monster. And not just any Tickle Monster: she was the Futa Queen of an Otherworldly Dimension; a Dimension whose denizens included every mythical beast or creature ever devised by tribes, cults, religions, or any culture known to tickle torture its victims.

Held down and writhing under the many tickling fingers of the Hellion night after night, Sam always wondered why his parents did not wake to his screams for help and for mercy. He would wake in the morning afraid and exhausted - shouting to them what had happened in many evenings past; but they only looked upon him with vapid confusion, unable to recall any noise of any kind, telling him that he was quiet all night like always! 'It must have been a bad dream. "It was Hope again you guys!!! She was there!!! I swear!!!" Sam hated this double entendre. The Tickle Queen's name was, in fact, Hope. At least it was pronounced that way, it was probably written much differently in whatever infernal language was common tongue in her dimension.

"How many times do we have to tell you? She. Does. Not. Exist. There is no Hope!" they grumbled irritably. He gulped and walked, chin in chest, up the creaky stairs to his room. 'I know there isn't, that's what I'm scared of," he thought.

She was ripped back to reality as a bus tire sped through a puddle in a pot hole. She shook a soaked pant leg, "Great..." Her eyes rolled as she made her way through the people in the crosswalk. Her apartment wasn't far now, but she couldn't help daydreaming. The couple hours of nightmares, that were the sad excuse for sleep lately, had been punctuated only by more hours of lying awake, fearful of reliving Tickle Hell again in dream.

Samantha arrived at her threshold, closed her umbrella, and let herself in her front door. She was still upset with her new therapist; no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get her to believe the stories about Hope the Tormentor.

She poured herself a glass of wine then headed to the bathroom for a shower, stripping as she walked down the hallway.

Samantha took a few sips of her wine as the shower water heated up. She cried silently as she recalled her session earlier that day..."You must relinquish this delusion Samantha!" the doctor chided her, '"There's no such thing as a tickle monster! So there is no Hope! You must understand that! There is no Hope!"

She got in the steaming shower and tried to wash the conflicting thoughts from her body and her mind. She recalled her final attack by Hope... and the relentless tickling from head to toe...

Suddenly her little nubbin hardened and began to drool precum. "Damn it", she growled to herself as those memories took over her body, causing her to respond erratically in wanton and confused lust for Hope. Samantha moaned, "I banished you Bitch"', as she tried to ignore her throbbing nubbin.

She rinsed off as she remembered fully the circumstances that enabled her to banish her evil torturer. While Hope had Sam in a leg lock, tickling his ribs, Sam was able to get a hand loose and quickly scribble his nails up and down Hope's bare soles.

That's all it took! Despite being an immortal creature with significant powers in our realm, the Queen of the Tickle Monsters was secretly the most ticklish being on the planet! Just a few little tickles had stripped her of her powers and opened a vortex that pulled her back to her own plane of existence. Hope screamed as she vanished, "I WILL BE BACK FOR YOU!!! YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM MEEEEEE!!!"

The thought of stealing power from Hope had made Samantha's nubbin hard, but the stress Hope's last words caused her quickly deflated her arousal. Hope's promise... "I will be back for you..." had haunted Samantha for exactly two decades tonight.

Samantha groaned at the thought of Hope returning. She had gone through so many changes to hide herself from her vexing Vellicatrix. She had gone through many years of therapy, transitioned from male to female, changed her name, and even moved every 6 months to keep hidden as much as possible.

She spent extra time teasing her pierced nipples and matching frenulum piercing while rubbing a special mixture of oil and lotion all over her smooth body, as she fantasized about a full night of sleep, knowing she would most likely be disappointed. Samantha donned her favorite silk nightie and matching panties before crawling under the covers.

She fell into a fitful sleep, her dreams haunted with visions that were so real that she moaned a name in her sleep, a name that had haunted and excited her for decades. "HOPE!" The sound of her own voice made her wake with a start.

Her eyes scanned the darkened room for any hint of an unfamiliar shape or movement. Seeing nothing, Sam's stress dissipated and she sank gratefully back into the mattress beneath her. As her head hit the pillow, her ears picked up the slight sound of the Aether being torn asunder as Hope's arms began to reach through the portal into her room. She bolted upright, her heart pounding, her hair prickling at the back of her neck, and goosebumps covering every inch of her sensitive body. She shrieked in terror at the sight of Hope's glowing green eyes staring at her from across the room and became immobilized by fear.

"Remember me?" Hope teased, "Because I definitely remember you!" Samantha gulped audibly. "20 years... 20 long years I've been planning and plotting my revenge on the scrawny boy that got a couple lucky tickles in and got me banished back to my realm!

I was Dethroned! Subjugated! And Tortured by MY subjects!!! Me! The Queen of the Tickle Monsters forced to bend to her knees and be TiCkLeD because of YOU!!!! I was used as a practice tickle toy by my former subjects as punishment for being bested by YOU!!!.

It took years, buuuuuut after honing my powers even further, I was finally able to escape and find my way back to take my revenge on you."

"Did you really think that becoming a woman or constantly relocating would stop me from finding you? I focused on you psychically and have been able to sense your presence the entire time.

I've learned some new tricks since I've been gone," Samantha's eyes widened as Hope snapped her fingers and two more arms sprouted from her torso. Hope continued, "And I have had plenty of time to figure out how to use them while plotting my revenge!" Just the sound of Hope's voice made Samantha's nubbin drool and it instantly became hard.

Suddenly, Hope sprouted two new tentacle arms from her sides and she whipped Sam's covers off her, snatched her out of bed, and dangled her upside down by her ankles. Hope grew two more tentacles groped hastily towards Sam's clothes, peeling Sam's nightie off swiftly, exposing her bouncing, natural 36DD titties.

One tentacle wrapped around the band of her panties and began sliding them up her legs, exposing her twitching twig and ripe berries. Hope stretched out a long arm and fondled Sam's little nubbin and plums, toying with her frenulum ring, "Nowhere is safe from me Sammy... We're going to have some special adult fun this time... Hehehehehe!"

Sam's body quivered at the wonderful feeling of sensuous tickles on her tiny hard cock, "Small and sensitive down here I see? Well that's just too bad for you, Sweetie."

Hope continued to examine Samantha's inverted naked body, tweaking her nipple rings and poking and prodding here and there. She taunted her newly reclaimed playtoy... "I remember the good old days when you'd go running to your parents, trying to get them to believe your tall tales of me. It was hilarious the way they just looked at you and shook their heads... You tried and tried to no avail! My favorite part was when they would just tell you there was no such thing as little old me..." Hope chuckled.

"They were correct in one way though... There is no hope for you now, or ever!!!" Hope jested with great amusement, the corners of her mouth turning up in an evil grin.

Samantha cringed at Hope's joy knowing it was an ill omen of doom for her. No matter how much Samantha tried to squirm out of Hope's tentacled grasp, it was no use... she was completely trapped!

Hope wriggled her long fingers up and down Samantha's naked body...searching for the perfect spot to start her ticklish torture. Sam tried as hard as she could to ignore her exploration but involuntary gasps and groans at Hope's every poke gave away her most vulnerable parts.

"Let's get this party started!" Hope giggled as she snapped her fingers yet again, creating a cone of silence around Samantha's bedroom. "This spell will keep the neighbors from hearing your pleas for mercy and prevent them from attempting to rescue you from my clutches!"

Hope lowered Samantha back down onto her bed, before holding her firmly down against it, tentacles and hands holding her limbs spread. Hope reached out and began to slowly stroke Sam's helpless bare soles, expertly finding each and every sensitive spot.

Samantha let out a shriek of terror then an avalanche of hysterical laughter escaped her helpless body as her bare soles were viciously attacked by Hope's skillful digits!. Samantha fruitlessly fought against the bonds of her captor's tendrils, as she tried desperately to escape, which proved to be just as hopeless of an act as her prior run-ins with Hope.

While Hope's dancing digits were occupied with Sam's soft soles, her tentacle arms went to work on Sam's plump breasts, tweaking her nipple rings and squeezing her tetons tight, making them even more ticklish and responsive.

Hope's eyes never left Samantha's throbbing little nubbin and she watched for its arousal to dictate where she should tickle next. She smiled and two tentacle arms made a beeline to Sam's pierced belly button, while the other made its way between her plump ass cheeks.

To her dismay it slowly started squirming its way into her most sensitive area! Sam squealed uncontrollably as the tentacle wiggled its way into her and began to strum her overly excited prostate gland like guitar strings.

Samantha looked at Hope with pleading eyes, "'Please! Not that!" she begged. Little did she know that her tormentor had gotten quite the tour of Tease and Denial techniques thanks to her own punishment. Hope hummed nonchalantly as she sped up the prostate prodding and watched Sam's little nubbin throb and drool precum. She was losing control and teetering precariously on the edge of an explosion.

As Samantha bounced, giggled, flounced, and jiggled trying to escape the never ending tickle torture, her mind was awash with thoughts that scared her to her core. She faintly recalled her doctor warning her that not only will her hormone meds help make her body become more feminine, they could 'Possibly lead to an increase in skin sensitivity.' To Samantha's chagrin, she realized that it wasn't just a possibility anymore, it was a fact! A fact that Hope was exploiting rampantly and with ticklish fervor!

Hope's diabolical mind was firing on all cylinders, Sam's uncontrollable laughter feeding her all the energy she'd ever need to reclaim her throne. Samantha's pleas for mercy long ago hardened Hope's own cock, and hers was not cute and small like Samantha's either.

Sam panted in absolute desperation. The tentacle tickling her prostate had kept her at the precipice of erupting but not quite ever enough to let her cum. She saw the look of complete joy in her captor's glowing green eyes. Hope was the epitome of tickle torture!

"Do you want to cum Sammy?" Hope teased evilly. "Here's the deal: if you cum, the torture continues. But If you are able to hold out until dawn, I will release you and never return. Deal?" she posited darkly.

All Samantha could do was nod in agreement, praying that she could somehow resist the urge to cum, despite the fact her body was being ravaged with ticklish pleasure.

"Perfect!" The ousted Futa Queen of the Tickle Monsters crowed as she sped up the tentacle teasing by tenfold. "Oh, and when I said the tickling will continue, I meant for eternity! You will be taken back to my Realm to be endlessly tickled and edged mercilessly!"

Hope shook her fiery red locks as she laughed maniacally. "One last thing Sammy... My spell also slows time inside your bedroom, so dawn won't be for a looooooooong while now. Good luck trying not to cum, Sweetie."

Samantha threw her head back and saw it was still dark outside and only felt more desperate. A hive of tendrils closed in on her pulsing cock and teased it all over with many simultaneous quick, light strokes.

Samantha shrieked like a banshee at the rain of tickles that befell her tiny cock and taught sack. She began to beg for mercy. "It wasn't my fault! I-I didn't mean to banish you! Oh gawwwddd! P-Please! Stop teasing me! I need to cum! I can't t-take it anymore!" she pleaded. Perhaps she would be willing to lose the bet if she could just feel some relief!

"'Are you actually begging for mercy? From me?" Hope laughed, "You just don't get it! I had to plead and bargain to get the chance to come back and get you to submit to me! If I succeed, I get my throne back. But if I fail, I will return to my torment, with no chance of escape for all of eternity. And I do NOT have any intention of returning empty handed..."

Hope leaned forward and got within inches of Sam's drooling and pulsating little nubbin, snaked out her eight inch long tongue and teasingly licked Sam's frenulum ring then her oozing cockhead. "Get ready to cum, Sammy! You are mine now!" She growled throatily as she saw Samantha's tiny balls rise up to firing position.

"Like I said before, there is no hope for you!" She cackled as Sam's little cockhead erupted like a volcano into her tormentor's waiting mouth, sealing her fate.

Was this The End...

or just the Beginning?

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Loved that

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