This Is Our Story Ch. 11


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"Conner, I want to show you that you havenothing to feel bad about." She looked at him until he finally made eye contact again. "Now I want you to be totally honest with me. Can you do that?"

"I'll try."

"I want you to look at me, and tell me exactly what you'd like me to do. I'm not trying to pressure you into anything. Sexual, not sexual, whatever. And I'm not saying I'm always going to let you boss me around." She gave him her familiar Miss C smile. "Just... what can I do that would make you happy."


"I know what you're thinking, but I'll warn you up front. I'm not much of a juggler, but if it'd bring a smile to that sweet little face of yours, I'll try my best." She grinned, and her smile relaxed him a bit.

He took a deep breath. Right now, he knew full well what he wanted, yet it was a big risk to come out and say it. Everything seemed to say she'd deliver, but it still felt a little weird to dive in and take his collegial relationship with his teacher to the next level so suddenly. He took a baby step.

"Um, I know you almost always keep your hair up in a pony tail, but... I'd kind of like to see it down."

She chuckled. "Well that's an easy one." Kristy reached behind her to remove the hair tie, and suddenly her wavy brown hair was hanging loose down past her shoulders, a good five or six inches down her back. "Anything else?"

He tried to think of something else that wasn't totally perverse. "Could I get a back rub? I've been really tense, lately."

"Sure. Come on, let's lie you down on the couch."

And so he lay down on his front, feet up in the air so he'd fit on the loveseat, as Kristy knelt on the floor beside him and proceeded to knead his muscles. "You weren't kidding; you've been building this up for a while. Do you want to take your shirt off? You don't have to, but I could do a better job if I could get at your muscles directly."

After a moment's consideration, he decided to go for it. He tossed it aside, noting that it happened to land right next to Kristy's discarded thong. She had not been wrong; the more direct contact was much more effective at easing the tension. He could also feel her hair brushing against his shoulder occasionally, and her breasts against the side of his arm when she leaned in. If he had been fighting to keep it even semi-platonic, he was losing that battle.

"Had enough? I can keep going if it's still helping, but I don't want to put you to sleep or anything," she said after a while.

"Yeah, that was good," Conner answered, squirming to lay face up. She was there right next to him, lovely and smiling sweetly. A face that promised not to judge, nor to deny. "I don't suppose you would, um..." He gritted his teeth. How had he been so confident with Heather, and so skittish with Kristy? "Nevermind."

"You want me to kiss you again?" she asked.

"How did you know what I was going to say?"

A little smirk touched her face. "Maybe from the way you've been staring at my lips?"

"I didn't mean to--"

"Oh, Conner." With that, his teacher bent down and was once more kissing him. She draped one arm across his chest and gently entwined her fingers in his hair. Her feather-light grip was right near his bruise, but so gentle he never felt a thing from it. Conner barely had to do anything, and with her holding him on the couch, keeping his head in place, there was little hecould do save for lying there and accepting her vigorous affection.

Kissing Heather had been incredible because he'd wanted to for so long, because of all that girlish eagerness at the novelty of it. But kissing Kristy was a whole new level. He didn't know if it was her extra years of experience or if she simply happened to be a gifted kisser, but she was truly putting on a clinic. Every movement of her neck, every motion of her lips, every slip of her newly minted tongue felt intentional, placed and performed because it was the best means to kiss him.

Then suddenly, he felt her hand slipping down over where his cock was straining at his pants. "I could kiss you all evening, but it's not going to take care of this, if that's what you're hoping for."

He smiled. "No, I guess not."

"When are you and Heather going out?" she asked abruptly.

"What? Um, tonight sometime. I'm supposed to text her."

"How'd I know my little prince couldn't wait to take his new pony out for a ride?" she teased, still softly caressing his bulge. "Conner, have you ever seenSomething About Mary?"

Conner tried to think. "Mary who? Dettmeyer, the sophomore?"

She laughed. "Thanks for making me feel old again. Anyway, it's a movie about a guy with a huge crush on this girl, and while it's mostly pretty ridiculous, it did produce one solid piece of advice that my guy friends swear by: never go on a date with a loaded gun."

Conner's mind was still pretty sluggish from all the extra hormones racing through it. "A gun? Kissty -- Kristy, sorry -- I don't evenown a gun!"

Rather than reply, however, the English teacher patiently continued her caress and waited for her star pupil to remember his figures of speech. "Oh. OH! So I should..."

"Empty the clip, to extend the metaphor. You'll think clearer, be less distracted by those ten-gallon jugs Heather's lugging around."

Conner hazarded a glance at her own chest. "You're not exactly toting pint-sizes yourself."

"Eight gallons, tops." She grinned, and there was a decided smugness to it. He wondered for a moment if teachers ever tired of having to pretend to be asexual in an environment with so much sexual energy in it. Then her hand gave him a firmer squeeze and he snapped back to the present.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess I should... I'll take care of it before we go out. Um, thanks."

Kristy stopped her hand. "Is that because you're too shy to ask? Or because you'd be happier taking care of it yourself?"

The answer was most decidedly the former, but if he was too shy to ask, he was equally paralyzed when it came to admitting the fact. Instead, he merely shrugged.

"Look, I don't want to pressure you, so I'm trying to read the room. And since I know you're struggling to do the same..." She leaned down, her lips touching his ear as she whispered into it. Between each utterance, she caressed his ear with lips and tongue.

"I. Want. To make. You. Happy."

Conner was literally trembling with lust by then. "O-okay. I want y-you to... you know."

"Let's get you out of those pants then."

Her student didn't need to do much more than sit up; Kristy seemed happy to do the rest of the work herself. She had a self-satisfied little smile on her face, both from delight in making her student happy, as well as the effect she was having on him. His cock was jutting practically straight up, twitching in time with his heartbeat.

"That's a very nice cock you have there."

"Th-thanks." His mind was split in half down the middle. One half was marveling at the events that lead up to sitting here naked in front of his sexy yearbook teacher; the other half was imagining what wonder was to transpire next.

"Lately, I've fantasized about you. Quite a bit, actually. About how happy I could make you, if you let me. All just daydreams, until today. Have you ever fantasized about me before, Conner?" she asked softly. "I know how young men's imaginations go. It's OK if you have."

He nodded. "Yeah. Sometimes."

"Good." She folded her arms on her lap and laid her head down on top of them. "What did we do, in your fantasy?"

"Um, there's different ones. It's not always the same."

She smiled. "My creative boy. Pick one, then."

A long silence passed as Conner tried to pick a fantasy, then to summon the courage to say it aloud to its subject. She waited patiently, a couple times giving his bared cock a gentle stroke with her thumb to remind him she was there. Finally, he took a deep breath, and got the words out.

"OK. So, this one was from, like, last school year. I'd gotten a perfect score on the exam, and you -- the real you -- were really proud of me. But, in the fantasy, well, you were moreimpressed than proud. And how well I'd done really seemed to..."

"Turn me on?" she supplied when he trailed off bashfully.

"Yeah. You know, the way some girls get over star athletes or rock stars or whatever." He waited for her to laugh at the silliness of it all, but she was just listening patiently. "And you came on to me, and were all... I dunno. I guess impressed is the word again. Eager to please."

"That sounds really sexy." She tilted her head to look up at him. "You know, you did get the highest grade on the exam again this semester. And your grade, I didn't even screw around with."

"Really? Cool."

"Itis cool." She sighed, a dreamy, star-struck kind of sigh. "You're so smart, Conner. I really,really like smart guys. Did I ever tell you that?" He shook his head. "It's true. In high school, I had this HUGE crush on the valedictorian. He was really, really cute, and he always knew just what to say. I gotso wet. Reminds me of you, kind of."

"Oh. Uh, neat." Just what to say indeed.

She grinned. "I pleaded him and begged him, and he finally agreed to go on a single date with me. And do you know what I did on that date?"


Kristy slid up from her kneeling position, standing in front of Conner long enough to slide her skirt up her hips. Her pussy was still concealed from him, if barely, but the raised skirt enabled her to spread her legs wide enough to straddle his lap. Which she promptly did. His cock disappeared under the fabric, but maddeningly she didn't sink low enough that it made contact with her. She leaned down by his neck, sucking his ear lobe into her mouth and assaulting it with her tongue before whispering the answer to her question.

"I convinced him to go on a second one."

Then she was kissing him all over, hands roaming across his chest and shoulders while her mouth explored his ears, his cheeks, his neck, his jaw, his lips. It fast became awkward to leave his arms limp at his side. He opened by placing them on her hips, but the faint whimper of pleasure at his touch bade him to quickly move on to her ass. With no underwear, he was free to sink his fingers deep between her buttocks and fondle those runner's buns he'd so admired in her leggings, that day when he'd turned her into this goddess.

She pulled back from her torrent of kisses, breathless. "I can't believe I'm saying this to a student, but... do you... would you like to see me topless? After what you've done for the the annual, it's the least you deserve."

Without even thinking, Conner suddenly slipped his fingers into the gap between two of the buttons on her top, and with an animal grunt, tore her blouse right open. Buttons clicked and clattered around the room as several popped right off. Rather than scold him for ruining the garment, she gasped and lunged at his face, and by the time her tongue left his mouth again, he saw that both her bra and blouse had been thrown aside. His English teacher was truly, completely, topless.

Her tits were amazing. They naturally sat apart from one another, settling towards the sides. Likely someone standing behind her would be able to see them peeking around the contours of her body. Her weighty breasts didn't sag so much as simply ride low on her chest, as if relieved to be freed from the bra that had taken them from where they belonged.

The nipples were bright pink with two very hard areolae; he supposed having pencil erasers for nipples was apt, given her profession.

His teacher was seldom one for form-fitting attire or showing cleavage, so the closest he had previously come to seeing their true shape had been that day she'd come in on her jog in her sports bra. They were much larger than he'd have thought given his impression that day. The twin mounds were liberally covered in lightly colored freckles as if to give them a down-to-earth aura.

"You're the best student I've ever had, Conner. Suck on me? Please?" she pleaded.

Conner didn't need to be asked twice. He pulled her hard into him, one nipple landing directly in his mouth, where he gave her precisely what she was asking for. She squirmed and moaned as he suckled away, and on occasion her hips even sunk low enough that his cock got a little taste of what was hovering just outside its reach. Like a serving girl feeding the sultan grapes, she lowered one breast, then the other, into his waiting mouth.

He didn't even realize he was pulling down on her hips until he felt her wet lips wrapping around his tip. She gasped in surprise, fast turning into a moan of eager anticipation. She helped align her hips so that she slid right down his shaft. Damn was she tight. Conner had little doubt the 29-year-old teacher was more experienced than Hailey (or Hayleigh, whose pussy he'd technically fucked), but it gripped him like it was made for him. If she hadn't been so unbelievably wet, no doubt he'd have had to be careful delving in.

Then itsqueezed.

"Oh,fuck," he moaned. "Are you doing that, or does it just... do that?"

She grinned at him, wrapping her arms behind his neck and using his shoulders to help raise and lower herself as the fucking truly began. "That's me. Do you like it? I can stop, if you want."

He could see from the glint in her eyes that she knew the answer, but he gave it anyway. "Don't you dare stop, Kristy."

"Mmm, yes sir, Mr. Editor-in-chief," she said between moans.

She was incredible. Only now did he realize how amateur his sex with Hailey had truly been, inserting a cock somewhere and teasing it until it came. No art, just coming. Kristy, however, was a master. She alternated between bouncing up and down to wriggling in little circles when he was fully inside her. An apparent sixth sense for how close he was to painting her interior white allowed her to slow down or pause when he was too close, and then she'd pull his head down to suck on her tits some more, guide his hands to roam across her ass. Conner wasted no time raising the skirt to her waist, giving him unfettered access to her bare ass. He didn't have much practice fingering a girl (especially with his cock as an obstacle), but she helpfully showed him where her clit was and treated him to the sight and glorious sound of his babe of an English teacher coming her brains out while perched atop his cock.

Her pussy spasmed like a soft, fleshy earthquake when she came, and it was that that pushed Conner over the edge. He came. Right there on the loveseat in the editor's office, he sprayed what felt like a gallon of cum into Miss C's pussy.

"Keep up the hard work," she murmured into his ear. "I can't wait to reward you again."

Conner held her tight against him. "I am so, so, so freaking happy right now."

He hadn't yet slipped out of her; at his words, a second series of spasms rocked her shapely body. Her first orgasm had been a controlled spasm, her body tensed to restrict it. This time, she wailed so loud he could only hope there was no one left in the building. She flailed so hard she couldn't even hold herself up, collapsing with her chest pressed to his and trembling as a third, then a fourth, then more than he bothered to count echoed through her. By the time she'd regained control, she'd goaded him back to full hardness.

"You feel like you could still get happier," she said, grinning. "Time for another one of your fantasies?"

"Only if you're OK getting bent over your desk."

He heard her sweeping a stack of papers and supplies off her desk out in the classroom before he'd even stood up off the sofa. Conner tossed her yellow thong out the door and into the classroom, calling, "Now who's leaving their panties in the editor's office?" She only giggled in response.

Was this wrong? He was in no mental state to make judgments. Kristy certainly seemed please with the arrangement, as Heather had said, or been about to say, she'd changed her mind on her own before he pushed things along. If he'd changed these women without meaning to and couldn't change them back, the only responsible thing to do was see to it they enjoyed it at least as much as he did.

Conner glanced at the clock as he stood up. It was already after five o'clock. He'd need to make this a quick one if he was going to have time to get home and clean the sex off his cock in time to take Heather out. Especially if he hoped to introduce her to it as well. But then he stepped out into the classroom, where her tight little ass was beckoning him from the teacher's desk.

Maybe not too quick.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

This is one of my favorite series on here, a story that is focused just as much (or even more so) on actual plot and character development than the smut side of things. I genuinely enjoy reading these stories and can't wait to read more!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Read chap 12 at

Hey Ice Bear/Svalbarding, love the story, cannot wait to see how our protagonist (cause he ain't a hero) resolves the inevitable conflict between Hailey, heather and miss C.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Best chapter yet

I think it would be a good idea to add separate tags for Teacher and Student as I think having a combined one for "Teacher Student" is reducing the visibility of a very enjoyable instalment.

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