Three Geeks and Two Hearts Aflutter

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Katherine loses her virginity just before graduation.
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This is my submission for the 2024 Literotica Geek Pride Story Event.

The setting for this story is in an "Alternate Freya-verse" where Katie is Katherine, Cynthia is quiet and reserved, and "Story Freya" is a bit of a loudmouthed jerk.

WARNING: After re-reading it myself, I see how Katherine could come off in an unintended way without the reader knowing the background that I did not write in (she has a mental health issue that is undiagnosed, therefore not addressed in the story). In fact, although Katherine is painfully aware that she's "weird" and "different" on the outside, she has absolutely no idea that she thinks any differently than anyone else. How could she?

In this story, Katherine was never in any danger nor was she taken advantage of in any way. She was written as the sweet, lovable person that she always is. In any universe! To me, she really couldn't be anything but what she always is. Just in this universe, her brain works in a unique way.

The story does get a little strange in the way that Katherine has an inner dialog, but please remember that he is completely safe in every way. Just different. The people you may see as "odd" or "weird" or "different" or "geeky" may have mental health issues (diagnosed or undiagnosed) that cause their odd/weird/different/geeky behavior. I tried to write in a way that could shed some light on the thought process inside someone who could be classified as "neurodivergent" (I believe this is the currently accepted vernacular, please correct me if I'm wrong).

I know that some readers get rather invested in the characters, and I want to let you know that my intention with Katherine is that she is quite intelligent, fully knows what she is doing, knows right from wrong, and simply thinks differently from most people. In this story, Katherine does NOT have a disability. She just has a difference.

Sometimes the weirdest geek is simply a different normal.

And if you follow my stories (thank you so much!), rest assured that there is plenty of the humor, sweetness, and sexy scenes that you would expect from me.

On with the story...

๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’–

Alex was intrigued from the moment he laid his eyes on her. She was quite interesting, to say the very least.

Walking into Prossa's Hardware Store, Katherine looked a little lost.

"May I help you?" Alex asked, trying not to stare at the twinkling, silver star dangling from her septum piercing in stark contrast to the solid black of her lips.

She looked at him then quickly stared at the floor between her worn combat boots. "Yeah. I'm looking for some paint for my bedroom walls."

Alex told her, "That's down back. Come on, I'll show you." As they walked down the center aisle, Alex asked, "So, what kind of paint do you want?"

"Black," she mumbled.

"I meant gloss or matte. Satin...? Eggshell...?"

"I don't know. Just black."

At the back of the store, in the paint section, Alex watched as she nervously shuffled her feet. He had grown up in this town and as a young man just out of high school himself, he knew that she was an outsider. She definitely didn't fit into sometimes strict rules or "normalcy" that prevailed in this small town. She was probably even bullied at school. Kids can be so mean.

People can be so mean.

She looked at him and just seemed so unsure of herself -- lost, even -- that Alex's heart went out to her. He knew what it was like to be "different."

"So, just... Basic black?"


Alex thought for a minute. "Maybe something that will match your clothes, boots, backpack, hair, fingernails, and lipstick?"

Katherine looked into his eyes for a moment looking for the meaning behind his comment, expecting the meaning to be rude, condescending, mean, or all three, but only saw a cute guy smiling at her and this confused her.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to make a joke," Alex explained. "And as usual, I failed."

"It's fine," she answered.

"My name is Alex."


"So, Katherine," Alex started, "We have a few different shades of black. Could I ask what the name of your lipstick is?"

Katherine was slightly taken aback. She was more used to boys insulting how she looked rather than asking about her choice of makeup -- and asking kindly, at that.

"Raven's Edge."

Alex turned to the wall display and took a small card out of one of the slots. "We have a black that's called 'Raven,' if that would work?"

Katherine took the card and looked at it. She nodded.

She had not expected this. Katherine thought she would just go to the hardware store, buy some paint, and leave. She hadn't thought that she would have to talk to anyone and this was making her uncomfortable.

"I think, for a bedroom wall -- especially black -- a matte finish would be nice. It will absorb more light than some of the others, so it gives kind of a soft glow." Alex looked at Katherine. "Unless you're looking for the harsh glare of a gloss finish?" He looked directly into her eyes and paused. Something he saw in there made it difficult for him to look away.

Very unlike him, he suddenly found himself asking her out on a date.

"Are you doing anything this Friday?"

She looked at him confused. "Am I doing anything this Friday?"

"Yes. What are you doing Friday?"

"Playing D & D with some friends..." Socially inept Katherine was still utterly confused with what was happening and why he was asking. He was asking a lot of questions.

"I love D & D!" Alex exclaimed. "Would you have room for one more? I haven't played since high school."

"I guess. We usually play at my friend's house. I'll check with her." Katherine thought about the high school comment, then asked him, "How old are you?" She didn't think Freya's parents would be too keen on some adult guy -- a stranger, really -- coming over to play with three high school girls.

"Twenty. I graduated two years ago from Wilson High." Suddenly a thought occurred to him. "How old are you?"

"Eighteen. I'm a senior at Wilson."

Alex breathed an internal sigh of relief. "How big is your bedroom?"

"Uh..." Katherine looked around the back of the store, then pointed to some shelving. "Maybe from here to that rack of tools over there."

"Okay. So, two gallons should cover it." Alex grabbed a couple of cans. "Let's go up front and ring this up for you."

After he rang it up and she paid, he offered to bring it out to her car. Standing on the sidewalk, he asked her, "Can I get your address?"

She looked at him. "Why?"

"So I can pick you up."

Stupidly, she asked, "Pick me up?"

"For our date."

A date? Playing D & D was now a date? She was suddenly terrified. She had never been on a date. Boys hated her. Boys taunted her almost daily. Boys certainly didn't date her. But then again, Alex wasn't exactly a boy. And maybe he didn't realize what a loser she was.

Alex smiled and, helplessly -- almost mindlessly -- she smiled back at him. "We can go over to your friend's place together."

They both just looked at each other, Alex smiling warmly and Katherine smiling awkwardly. She saw no other option, so she gave him her address and phone number which he wrote down on a small, tattered notepad he offered her from his breast pocket.

"When should I pick you up?"

"We... I..." Katherine stammered. "I'll check with everyone and see when we're starting."

Alex tore a fresh page out of the notebook, wrote his name and number on it, and handed it to the still-stunned girl. "Give me a call and let me know what time I should pick you up."

Taking the piece of paper, she mumbled, "Okay."

"It was great meeting you, Katherine."

"It was nice meeting you." Her thoughts were clear enough to think, again, how cute he was. And how nice he was being to her. There was even a glimmer of excitement. She was, after all, a young woman. And he was an attractive young man.

"And if you want any help painting, just call," he told her, then walked back into the hardware store.

Katherine sat in her car for a few moments replaying everything that had happened since walking into the local hardware store, trying to make sense of it all. She looked at the paper and read his name.

Alex Prossa.

'His family must own the store,' she thought. How had she never seen him before? But she knew how. Katherine rarely left her small group of friends, and even when she did, she rarely lifted her head to look around because everything she saw was either confusing or scary -- usually both. And besides, just about everything outside of her small circle only reminded her of what an outcast she was.

She started her car and drove straight to Cynthia's house. She needed to talk to someone and Freya wasn't quite as... Compassionate as Cynthia was.

A few minutes later, sitting on Cynthia's bed, she recounted her meeting with Alex.

"No way!" Cynthia exclaimed. "A boy asked you out? That's awesome."

Katherine shrugged. "I guess."

"We have to tell Freya!" Cynthia stood up, pulling Katherine with her. "Come on!"

"Do we have to," Katherine muttered.

"Yes! She'll be so excited!"

The two girls walked down the street to Freya's. As soon as she opened the door, Cynthia started gushing about Katherine's boyfriend.

"He's not my boyfriend," Katherine protested.

Cynthia dismissed the comment. "Whatever!" Then told Freya that he wanted to join them for their weekly D & D night.

Freya, the most fervent D & D player out of the three girls, was very excited about finally having a fourth player. "This is going to be so awesome!"

"And Katherine said that he's super cute!" Cynthia added.

"I didn't say he was super cute," Katherine told Freya, but the look in her eyes betrayed her true thoughts.

"Come on in," Freya offered. The sun was shining and with all three girls dressed primarily in black clothing, and lots of it, it was beginning to feel hot standing on the door stoop.

"I have a better idea," Cynthia proclaimed. "Let's go to Prossa's and check him out ourselves!"

"No! No! No! No! No!" Katherine objected. But her protestations fell on deaf ears. "Well, I'm not! I'm going home." She turned and walked back to Cynthia's. The other two girls, disappointedly ran after her.

When they caught up, Freya asked her, "Do you think he'll kiss you?"

"I don't know," Katherine replied, utterly embarrassed by the question.

"I think he will," Freya told her.

Katherine ignored them and when they got to Cynthia's driveway, she turned and looked at the other girls. "Guys..." she started, then frustratingly scoffed, "Ugh!" and got into her car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Let me grab my dad's keys and let's go see this guy for ourselves," Freya told Cynthia before Katherine's car was even out of sight.

The two girls walked into the hardware store and tried to look inconspicuous. Dressed all in black, with dark makeup heavily applied to both of their faces, and various silver piercings and assorted jewelry festooned with bats and dragons and other 'faux evil' representations, inconspicuousness was not something that they could really achieve.

Alex saw them come in and immediately knew that this new girl he had just met must have ran to her friends, told them about him, and they wanted to see him for themselves. He smiled to himself, thrilled that Katherine must have been as excited about their meeting as he was. And sure enough, the two goth girls hovered around the seed display at the front of the store, whispering, and stealing furtive glances in his direction. Then looked absolutely panicked when he made eye contact, smiled, and started to walk over to them.

"Hi, ladies," Alex greeted them. "Can I help you with anything?"

The girl with the dark blue hair smiled at him. "Why, yes..." reading his name embroidered on his shirt, "Alex... You can. We're looking for... Uh..." Cynthia looked at the seed packets, then continued, "My friend and I were wondering about some vegetable seeds. What would you recommend?"

Deciding to play along, Alex offered, "Well, beans are pretty easy to grow. And lettuce is always a favorite."

"Hmm." Cynthia seemed to consider her options. "I see you have kale?"

"That's also easy to grow, but some people don't care for the taste."

Freya stood there watching in amusement, trying her best not to laugh.

"Yes. I've heard that about kale," Cynthia said.

Alex cut to the chase. "Hey. You girls wouldn't happen to know a young lady by the name of Katherine, would you?"

The two girls' already pale faces went even paler.

"I figured that you wanted to come in and check me out?" Alex asked. "Before Friday?"

"I'm sorry," Freya apologized. "It was all her idea." She jerked a thumb towards her accomplice.

"No, it wasn't!" Cynthia cried.

"It's okay," Alex assured them. "I get it. Some random guy asks your friend out and, of course, you want to make sure he's not a weirdo. I totally get it."

Color began to rise in the faces of both girls.

"I'm guessing that you don't want any vegetable seeds, today," Alex stated.

Sheepishly, Cynthia answered, "No."

"So, are you convinced that I'm not a serial killer?"

They both nodded their heads in unison.

"Then I guess I'll see you both on Friday?"

"Um-hum," Cynthia replied.

"Great! I'm really looking forward to it." Alex smiled, then walked back to his broom and dustpan.

Cynthia and Freya scurried out of the store.

"He is SO cute!" Freya announced as soon as they were back in the car.

"I know!" Cynthia said. "I would totally kiss him!"

"Oh! So wouldn't I." Freya agreed. "I would do a lot more than just kiss him!"


Freya laughed.

"Katherine is so lucky!" Cynthia mused.

"I know. Why couldn't I have been the one that needed paint today?" Freya wondered. "Hey. Maybe he has two cute friends?"

That night, as Katherine was brushing her teeth before bed, she stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had been thinking about Alex all day long. He had said it was a date, but was it? Why would he have any interest in a dorky high school girl? He was good-looking and she clearly wasn't. Her nose was too small, her eyes were too big, she had hideous freckles across her upper cheeks, her lips were thin and expressionless -- she looked down at the sink as she rinsed her toothbrush, turning away from the image looking back at her. Judging her.

In bed, she tossed and turned. She could not go to sleep with all of the thoughts in her head. What if it was a date? A real date? Her first date?

Katherine had to get up early for school the next morning and knew that she had to get to sleep. And she knew one fool-proof way to do it.

Or so she hoped.

One of her slender hands reached down between her legs and felt the familiar tickle of her pubic hair against her fingertips. Sliding her middle finger further, she was surprised at how wet she already was. She could feel the delicate velvet of her inner lips protruding slightly. Engorged and puffy, they were unusually sensitive under her probing finger.

She closed her eyes and gently spread herself feeling for her clitoris. It, too, was already extremely sensitive. Was she falling for a guy that she had just met?

Imagining his lips against hers, she began to rub herself in that circular motion that she knew would quickly bring her to an orgasm, but after a few minutes, Katherine realized that it wasn't working.

She needed more.

Quietly getting out of bed, she tiptoed to her closet and got the small vibrator out of the shoebox in the back corner, then crept back into bed. Not daring to turn it on with her parents possibly still awake in the next room, she caressed her pussy with the tip of it. She quickly knew that this wasn't going to work, either.

She pressed it lower, seeking her, as yet untouched, opening. She had never actually pushed it into herself, hoping to save that for someone special -- and honestly, a little afraid to put something in there -- but by now, the aching was just too much. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Besides, a vibrator didn't really count. She would still be a virgin.

Katherine was shocked at how good slipping the tip between her pussy lips felt. Her other hand began to lightly pinch one of her nipples through the thin material of her oversized nightshirt as she slowly worked the silent vibrator into her.

She had barely gotten it into her opening, when she felt a slight tug inside. Katherine froze. What was happening? Was this her hymen? Was she "popping her own cherry?" It didn't hurt, so after a few moments, she gingerly pushed in a little more. Since she strictly wore pads, she had no idea what having something in her vagina was supposed to feel like and this didn't hurt -- quite the opposite! -- so she continued until the small toy was in as far as she dared.

And it felt exquisite.

Abandoning her nipple, she brought her left hand down to hold the vibrator securely in her slippery canal and used her right hand to stroke her clit.

Now this was doing it for her!

She brought the image of Alex and his smile back up. She imagined him holding her in his strong arms. She wondered if the full feeling was how he would feel inside her. She was a bit surprised at how fast her mind went there and could feel her face get hot. But it felt sooo good. She imagined him inside her, leaning in for a kiss. Her mouth and tongue moved silently in the dark as they kissed.

Katherine could feel her orgasm building. She whispered, "Oh, Alex," to the empty room as she clamped her thighs together and came.

After a few minutes, she reluctantly pulled the vibrator from between her legs and got out of bed. She carefully opened her bedroom door and padded softly across the hall to the bathroom. She pulled the vibrator out from under her shirt to rinse it off and was bewildered to see the beige plastic faintly streaked with pink blood. 'I guess I did pop my cherry,' she thought. 'That didn't hurt at all.'

She rinsed and dried it off, feeling almost proud of her successful first foray into true vaginal masturbation, then slunk back to her room ready to go to sleep. Curled up in bed, feeling the warm glow of her orgasm still coursing through her body, Katherine drifted off to sleep.

Friday evening finally rolled around and Alex knocked on Katherine's front door, excited about the game night ahead, but more excited about seeing Katherine again.

He rang the doorbell, and it was immediately opened by Katherine.

"Hi," she said, trying not to smile too widely.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Her smile faltered. "My parents want to meet you. Come in."


As he followed her into the living room, her father stood up. "So, this is Alex?" Without waiting for an answer to his rhetorical question, Mr. McMillan gave him a firm handshake and introduced himself, "Jim. And this is my wife, Wendy."

"It's nice to meet you, sir." Then he nodded to Katherine's mother.

"It's great to meet you." Still holding Alex's hand, Mr. McMillan looked at Alex. "So, you work down at the hardware store?"

"Yes, sir." Alex replied. He didn't feel that it was necessary to add that his parents owned it.

Mr. McMillan let go of Alex's hand and, much to Katherine's chagrin, asked, "So, you're taking our Katie out on a date, huh?"

Katherine saw Alex's eyes light up when he answered, "Yes, I am."

"Katie tells us that you're a Dungeon Dragon enthusiast, too?"

"I used to play, sir."

"It's 'Dungeons and Dragons,' dad," Katherine mumbled. Then a little louder added, "We should get going."

Mrs. McMillan stood and told Alex, "Well, it was very nice to meet you, Alex."