Three Square Meals Ch. 103


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He nodded, then clutched at his head, obviously wishing he hadn't. "Cya guys..."

They ended the call, then John and Calara laughed, sharing a smile.

"I can't even remember the last time I was that hung over," John said, a look of sympathy on his face.

Calara rolled her eyes affectionately. "Eduardo does like to party, but that must have been a wild night; I've never seen him in that state before." She raised the remote and started sorting through the contacts. "Ready to chat to my mother?"

"Sure," he replied, putting his arm around her.

This time the call went through almost immediately, Maria Fernandez appearing on the holo-screen seconds after Calara rang.

"Callie!" Maria exclaimed, her attractive face lighting up with joy. "I'm so glad you called!"

"Hey, Mom," Calara replied, smiling back at her. "I got your message, sorry I haven't been in contact for a few days. Things have been... hectic."

"Oh, sweetheart, you don't have to apologise for anything," her mother said, tears in her eyes. "I can't believe you saved my little boy... Eduardo told me what you did last night! I love you so much, Callie."

Calara flushed and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Mom... don't start crying, you'll set me off too. John would never let our family get hurt; protecting the Orion was always one of our highest priorities."

"John... I don't know what to say," Maria said, brushing away the tears rolling down her cheeks. "You're like my family's guardian angel..."

He hugged Calara closer and smiled at her mother. "It won't be long until you'll all be my family too. I'll never stop protecting them, Maria, I promise."

"Thank you, John," she said earnestly, looking at him with her big dark eyes. "From the bottom of my heart."

He shook his head. "I should be thanking you, Maria." His expression turned serious as he continued, "I got your message, Edraele passed it on to me. We were in Vulkat Space when she warned me, way beyond the borders of the Brimorian Enclave... if it wasn't for you, we'd never have got back to save Terra in time. I'm not exaggerating when I say that you helped save billions of lives."

Maria blinked rapidly, gaping at him in shock, for the first time completely lost for words.

Calara gave her a loving smile. "You were the heroine this time, Mom. Admiral Devereux tried to do the same thing as you, but she was shot trying to get a message to John. You rescued the entire Terran Federation by getting that call through to Edraele..."

"There's probably a promotion in there for you... and plenty of medals," John said affectionately. "Just say the word and I'll ask High Command to roll out the red carpet."

Maria blushed at their effusive praise and quickly shook her head. "I'll leave all the fame and glory to you two," she said modestly, but John could see she was glowing with pride. Looking hopeful, she added, "Will you be able to visit? I'd love to see you all again."

"I wish we could," Calara said with a sigh of regret. "But we're only staying at Olympus for a couple of days, then we'll be heading out to the border worlds... there's a Kirrix invasion to stop."

John paused and turned to look at her. "Actually, why don't you take the Raptor and visit Jericho? It's not far from here... you could spend some time with your mother, then return tomorrow before we have to leave."

"Oh, Callie! That would be wonderful!" Maria gushed, eyes lighting up with joy.

Calara threw her arms around John and hugged him tight. "You're amazing, thank you!"

John kissed the top of her head, then turned to look at Maria. "I wish we could all come and visit, but most of us are tied up with work we can't get out of. I'd like Sakura to accompany Calara though, if that's alright with you?"

"I'll make her very welcome," Maria replied, smiling at him gratefully. "Sakura's a lovely girl, I'll look forward to seeing her again."

John glanced down at Calara and raised an eyebrow. "What are you still doing here, honey? Go get packed, the clock's ticking!"

She grinned at him as she sprang from the bed then bounded out of the bedroom. Calara skidded to a halt out in the corridor, then poked her head through the door again. "I love you so much!"

"Love you too, gorgeous," John said, smiling at her before making a shooing motion with his hands.

Calara grinned and rushed to her room, eager to get ready for her trip to Jericho.

When John heard the door shut behind her, he turned back to Maria, who was now studying him with those amazingly perceptive eyes.

"You're worried about her, aren't you?" she asked quietly, frowning with concern.

He sighed heavily and nodded, realising he could keep nothing hidden from her. "Calara's an absolutely incredible woman... She took command of the entire Terran defence force and single-handedly rallied their fleets, turning what should have been a wholesale slaughter into a spectacular victory for our side. You'd have been so proud of her, Maria; over a dozen full battle groups each led by an admiral, all following her every order."

Maria's expression wavered, shifting between pride and worry. "But...?"

"It feels like we've been fighting almost non-stop for weeks, if not months" he said grimly. "The girls desperately need some time to unwind. We're going to get some R&R in Maliri Space in a couple of weeks, but we still need to fight the Kirrix before then. If you can help Calara relax and just forget about combat and battles, even for a couple of days, I'd really appreciate it."

She gave him a fond smile. "I'll bury her in so much wedding planning, she'll be begging you to rush off to fight again. I promise I'll take good care of my precious baby girl."

"I knew I could count on you," John replied, feeling the tension easing from his shoulders.

Maria leaned forward and said softly, "I knew you loved my daughter, but you keep showing me just how much you really care about her. Thank you... You have no idea what a relief it is, knowing that your little girl has found someone who truly loves her."

"She's wonderful, Maria. I freely admit to being absolutely smitten," he replied with a self-effacing smile.

"You remind me of my Jack," she said, with a wistful sigh.

"Any news from him?" John asked, sympathising with how much she obviously missed her husband.

She hesitated for a second, then replied, "We spoke yesterday. I know he's pleased at the recent... turn in events."

"We should arrive at the Outer Rim by the time the Terran fleets return and engage the Kirrix," John said thoughtfully. "We'll keep an eye on the Damocles while we're there."

Maria gazed into his eyes and nodded. "I know you'll keep them safe for me, John."

He rose from the bed and gave her a rueful smile. "I better let you go, Maria. I've got a meeting with High Command to prepare for..."

"And I'll be preparing lunch for my guests," she replied with a flicker of a smile. "I don't envy you, Lion of the Federation."

"Take care, I hope I'll see you soon," John said, giving her a playful salute.

She returned it, her smile widening. "Stay safe, John... and thank you."

They ended the call and John put the remote back on the bedside table.

*I don't want to undermine what you just did for Calara, because that was really thoughtful,* Alyssa said, a catch to her voice. *But aren't you forgetting something?*

*You mean sending away two of our strongest psychics just before our trip into the Astral Plane?* John replied with a grimace.


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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith3 months ago

Michael56Smith8 months ago

Okay, regarding the compromising of Admiral Lynette Devereux, ... it very much does look like John has made her into his puppet, and Lynette was afraid of that, ... after the first dose, and 14 hours of healing and changing, she was younger, and fitter than she ever was, .... Dana or Faye should have taken a wide range of images at that time and based her halo projection of Lynette on that younger /sexer Admiral (in her 30's or so, maybe 40) So she'd be explaining to others that her new look was from Rachel, the Angel of Terra healing her gunshot wounds, then she could court the also somewhat rejuvenated Charles, as her Admiral self, this would be socially easier and yet she would still have enough years showing for her high rank's (Admiral) Gravatas to function, ...

-- I take it that Tef has no military background and was just looking at his story requirements, ... but even in the 28th century, what John did to Lynette was very wrong, then he got her into the Fleet Admiral's chair, .... so, yeah, she's a puppet, ... you're a bad boy Tef! :-l ttf

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith3 months ago

Michael56Smith-8 months ago-Repeat:

Okay, regarding the compromising of Admiral Lynette Devereux, ... it very much does look like John has made her into his puppet, and Lynette was afraid of that, ... after the first dose, and 14 hours of healing and changing, she was younger, and fitter than she ever was, .... Dana or Faye should have taken a wide range of images at that time and based her halo projection of Lynette on that younger /sexer Admiral (in her 30's or so) as her new look from Rachel, the Angel of Terra healing her gunshot wounds, then she could court the also rejuvenated Charles, as her Admiral self, this would be socially easier and yet she would still have enough years showing for her high rank's (Admiral) Gravatas to function, ...

I take it that Tef has no military background and was just looking at his story requirements, ... but even in the 28th century, what John did to Lynette was very wrong, then he got her into the Fleet Admiral's chair, .... so, yeah, she's a puppet, ... bad boy Tef! :-l ttf

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

The Invictus crew consolidates, repairs and reconstructs their ship, ... and they work on various projects, perform training. give those lovely Nymphs more swimming lessons in the Lagoon, ... John prepares for an important meeting with High Command, he thanks Maria, and topps up Lynette (#3 load), and the 3rd load for Jehanna as well, and a first (shared) load for the Nymphs, so almost a half dozen new girls added in one day, so they'll only have to face one Nightmare trip that night, ... much to do, but no space battles this time, ... just some sparring matches, and that soon to be meeting with High Command, .... this was a fun chapter, .... I am wondering how many total reshaping's (8 to 10 reshaping's) and how strong is that going to make the ships' armor after this emergency refit time (15 times, 20 times titanium strength?), ... ;-) TTFN

Demented917Demented9176 months ago

So John has fed two women three times now, both within a few hours if each other. This mean back to back trips to the Astral Plane?

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith12 months ago

Okay, regarding the compromising of Admiral Lynette Devereux, ... it very much does look like John has made her into his puppet, and Lynette was afraid of that, ... after the first dose, and 14 hours of healing and changing, she was younger, and fitter than she ever was, .... Dana or Faye should have taken a wide range of images at that time and based her halo projection of Lynette on that younger /sexer Admiral (in her 30's or so) as her new look from Rachel, the Angel of Terra healing her gunshot wounds, then she could court the also rejuvenated Charles, as her Admiral self, this would be socially easier and yet she would still have enough years showing for her high rank's (Admiral) Gravatas to function, ...

I take it that Tef has no military background and was just looking at his story requirements, ... but even in the 28th century, what John did to Lynette was very wrong, then he got her into the Fleet Admiral's chair, .... so, yeah, she's a puppet, ... bad boy Tef! :-l ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith12 months ago

Okay, regarding the compromising Admiral Lynette Devereux, ... it very much does look like John has made her into his puppet, and Lynette was afraid of that, ... after the first dose, and 14 hours of healing and changing, she was younger and fitter than she was, .... Dana should have taken a wide range of images at that time and based her halo projection of Lynette on that younger /sexer Admiral (in her 30's or so) as her new look from Rachel, the Angel of Terra healing her gunshot wounds, then she could court Charles as her Admiral self, this would be socially easier and yet she would still have enough years showing for her high rank's (Admiral) Gravatas to function, ...

I take it that Tef has no military background and was just looking at his story requirements, ... but even in the 28th century, what John did to Lynette was very wrong, then he got her into the Fleet Admiral's chair, .... so, yeah, she's a puppet, ... bad boy Tef! :-l ttfn

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago
Mean As!!


"Like I said, we'd be lost without you."

oh oh predicting the future perhaps!!


Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

Consolidate, repair and reconstruct, ... work on projects, training. swimming lessons in the Lagoon, ... preparing for meetings with High Command, thanking Maria, topping up Lynette, 3rd load for Jehanna, first (shared) load for the Nymphs, so a half dozen new girls added in one day, so only one Nightmare trip that night, ... much to do, but not battles this time, ... except for sparring and meeting with High Command, .... a fun chapter, .... I wonder how many reshaping's (how strong) the ships' armor will be after this time, ... ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

I'm with skippersdad and enjoying this. Interesting to see how Jehanna?? and Lynette will get on

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

103 chapters fucking great job. I hope all survive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


You talk a lot of shit, yet you're still here reading it.

If it's so disappointing that you've sunk so much time into it, do us all a favor and DON'T.

Then at least readers who like the story won't have to listen to you bitching about how much you still hate it, despite the fact that we're a 100+ chapters in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

WTF??? Did I miss something? Did the author have a stroke?

It is like the person who wrote the previous 50 chapters upended the story and started from scratch. New/alternative personalities for characters. Lack of respect for scenes that have already played out.

This was a shit installment. As much as I gripe about the overuse of the self recriminations and loathing by the protagonist, the story had a rhythm thus far that was blow to the shitter.

Damn disappointing I've wasted this much time on a story that shits on the reader.


Michael56SmithMichael56Smithalmost 2 years ago

I know Tef wanted Lynnette to be a 'secret' Lioness for the story, ... but she really should have opted for Rachel to heal her, or to stop after one Load from John, ... with no need to hide from her peers. And no sneaky thoughts that she might be John's puppet. She'd be able to walk again, be a bit refreshed and stronger than before, stop there, for now. ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Avery's efforts to contact John

"John led Jehanna out into the corridor and interlaced his fingers with hers as they headed towards the grav-tube. "Avery's call actually tipped us off that you were in danger. We looked into your abduction and figured out that Weber and Buckingham were behind it, using Special Forces soldiers based in Tartarus. He really made a difference.""

I may be mis-remembering, but didn't Avery call and can and call again and again? This should be something that John relays to Jehanna. It seems to me to be important that she is well aware of the worry and concern that her co-workers and boss had over her disappearance, and especially that her boss, who warned her to be careful, looks on her as something other than a headline producer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Re: wtf tashana

Do you have older siblings? Because that was a classic overprotective older sibling "conversation" while somewhat over the top also got her message across with no means of misinterpretation, besides Rachel didn't hear it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Evil progenitor

I'm not usually a fan of NTR but would really like to see how the team would react if the evil progenitor stole Jehanna and enslaved her through the usual method of thrall creation. Just to mess with John.

How would the team react if forced to meet a brainwashed Jehanna on the battlefield. Would they be able to recapture her, and effectively re-rape her to switch her allegiance from her new master back to John?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Tashana was such a cunt to Henry. I don't care what her excuse is it was uncalled for. If I was Rachel I'd smack the shit out of her

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Note on server technology

Hi. I continue to be amazed by your epic story. A note about server technology. There are multiple companies today in 2018 that offer cluster operating systems that make thousands of individual physical computers look like one giant fault tolerant computer to the software running on it with 100% up time. These include IBM, INTEL, Amazon, ORACLE, and Google. 700 years from now, this should not be a technical problem.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Really glad to see Rachel and dad reconcile, as it was touching, but very confused to why the scene with Tashana threatening the dad was included when the dad was already wracked with guilt and going to reconcile with Rachel anyway. Maybe she isn't the mind reader but why not understand some basic body language?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Sci-fi movie with sequels

Just watched a movie and spent half the time thinking of this story. Tef you really should /need to score a flim deal for your great writing and imagination. IMO

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