Three Square Meals Ch. 105


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John offered Lynette his arm and they walked over towards the sofa. "I'm glad to hear it. It took me a while to get over those prejudices, but Faye is absolutely wonderful. We'd be completely lost without her." He glanced at the brunette's youthful features and her heavily-rounded abdomen. "I think it might be wise to activate those holo-projectors..."

She looked down and blushed. "I keep forgetting... I've been so relaxed here on the ship for the last couple of days, it's almost like being on vacation."

He reached a hand towards her curves, pausing for a second to wait for her permission.

"I told you before, you don't need to ask," Lynette murmured with a bashful smile. She reached for his hand and brought it to her tummy, her long eyelashes fluttering as he caressed her.

"We're nearly done, Lynette," John said quietly, his fingers moving in a slow circle. "I've got used to having you active in my mind... I'm going to miss you."

She gave him a look filled with longing. "Does this have to be the end?"

John guided her down to the sofa so that she was sitting next to him, then continued stroking her. "We both know that the way you're feeling right now is just a side-effect of the Change. I still think the right thing to do is end things here, before anything develops further." He looked at her quizzically for a moment, then continued, "Alyssa told me yesterday that she was planning to do a bit of matchmaking. She's been quite transparent in her recent attempts to get you and Charles together; do you actually like him or is she a terrible cupid?"

Lynette smiled as she thought about her fellow admiral. "I do like Charles and not just as a friend. We started out as colleagues, but his genuine concern and support have meant a lot, and..." She blushed as she admitted, "...I think he's quite handsome. It's amazing how dashing he is, now that he isn't bowed down by all that stress."

Nodding his agreement, John said, "You're both getting a new lease on life... I think the two of you will make a great couple."

She sighed wistfully and reached up to brush her fingers against his cheek. "My head knows that and I suppose my heart knows it too... but the desire to be with you is so powerful." She looked him directly in the eyes and added softly, "You know I'd do anything you asked... absolutely anything."

"But you realise that those feelings aren't really genuine, don't you?" John asked, his voice gentle and sympathetic.

"Aren't they?" she whispered, uncertainty in her amber eyes. "You healed me, saved my life, helped me attain my dream of becoming Fleet Admiral, and gave me my youth back... Isn't it natural to develop strong feelings for someone who's been so kind, caring, and generous?"

"I don't know, Lynette," John said, sounding truly conflicted. "I hate the idea of betraying the person you were before... the real you, before I started tampering with your mind."

She gave him a furtive smile. "I must admit, I've started wondering what it would be like to hold our baby in my arms... I'm pretty sure I wasn't daydreaming about that last week!"

He grimaced and nodded. "I remember the girls mentioning that after the first few times I'd fed them." Interlacing his fingers with hers, he stroked the back of her hand. "I'm sorry for putting you through all this... it must feel like I'm leading you on then rejecting you."

Lynette shook her head and gave him a sympathetic look. "You've been nothing but honest with me throughout... you really don't have to keep apologising." She glanced down at her chest and cupped her impressively pert bust, a wry smile teasing her lips. "I don't need a mirror to see just how... diligent... you've been in keeping your promises. I can hardly complain about a few minor side-effects."

John laughed and glanced down at her cleavage. "I'll refrain from commenting on your appearance until you see the big reveal."

"I can't wait!" she said with eager anticipation.

He shared a smile with her, then carefully brushed a lock of her chestnut hair away from her face. "If we were to start a relationship, you'd end up having to share me with two-dozen other women. You'd be doing yourself a huge disservice when you could be with another man... someone who can dedicate their whole life to you."

"Progenitor induced infatuation aside, I realise that," Lynette agreed, meeting his gaze. "Part of me wants to sleep with you just one time to get this out of my system... but I have a feeling it wouldn't work out that way."

"Probably the opposite would happen," John agreed.

Lynette inhaled deeply, squaring her shoulders as she made a decision. "As much as I'd love to be with you, I really do like Charles and I'd like to make a genuine attempt at starting a relationship with him." She hesitated and looked him in the eye. "But if it doesn't work out, if these feelings I have for you don't go away, then... would you reconsider... us?"

He thought about it for a second, then nodded. "I do think your best shot at happiness is with him, but if not, then we'll throw you to the Lion and Lionesses..."

She gave him a warm smile. "You're trying to make that sound like a fate worse than death, but I've seen how all of you are together..."

*You'd certainly go out screaming,* Alyssa said, making them both laugh.

John reached over and buttoned up a couple of her jacket buttons, then double-tapped the disc in her pocket. "Ready for a chat with the Kintark Empress, Fleet Admiral?"

The holographic projectors floated into position and she flickered, her old features super-imposed over her face. "I am."

Faye didn't have to be prompted and a holo-screen appeared a second later, the stylised dragon icon for the Kintark Empire looming in front of them. John was expecting a long wait for the call to be routed through the comms beacons, but the draconic sigil scattered almost immediately, making him realise that she'd already made the connection. The picture changed to show an enormous throne room, with an imposing red dragon standing imperiously on the raised platform.

The Empress watched them with her huge reptilian eyes, then bowed her head in an obvious gesture of supplication. "I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to you for deigning to speak with me, Fleet Admiral Devereux. Considering the appalling behaviour of my predecessor and the terrible indignities the Terran people suffered at his hands, I was uncertain if you would consider my request for a peace treaty."

Lynette was startled by the enormous dragon's conciliatory tone, not expecting such a mighty creature to be so humble. "It's a pleasure to speak with you, Empress. I won't hold Baledranax's sins against you personally, but I want to make sure that you fully understand the nature of this conversation. While I am eager to end the war between our two civilisations, we will not be discussing a peace treaty, rather we'll be establishing the terms of the Kintark Empire's surrender."

"I am all too aware of the unfortunate position we find ourselves in," the Empress replied, her flashing eyes revealing her tightly-suppressed fury.

John had been staring intently at the red-scaled dragon, her appearance and deep throaty voice were both disturbingly familiar. After a moment's hesitation, he asked, "Tamolith, is that you?"

She inclined her huge head to him, her lips peeling back over enormous fangs into a draconic smile. "We meet again, tiny Progenitor. I hope you are well, John Blake?"

"I'm fine thanks," he replied, frowning in confusion. "But I thought you were Kindralax's consort, not the Empress?"

Tamolith's expression turned to sorrow and she said mournfully, "Alas, we have suffered a tragedy here at the Imperial Palace on Kinta. Upon hearing of her mate's untimely death, Empress Vilandrith was driven mad with grief. She slaughtered all of Baledranax's male heirs then ripped off her own head... a most unpleasant business."

"I'm very sorry to hear about those tragic circumstances," he said to the formidable dragon, trying not to sound too sceptical. "You must be heartbroken."

Her big eyes glinted as she added, "Quite so... and I thank you for your condolences. As luck would have it, I was already here at the Palace, so I was able to step in to guide the Kintark Empire in its time of need. Until my eldest is old enough to rule, I will act in Zulkayr's stead as Empress."

*Yes, that was lucky...* Edraele noted wryly. *It seems Tamolith has quite the talent for betrayals.*

*We'll have to keep a careful eye on her,* John agreed, having come to the same conclusion.

"I'm sure Zulkayr will make a fine Emperor when he's old enough," John said, arching an eyebrow. "How long are you intending to be his regent exactly?"

"Oh, a good twenty or thirty years," Tamolith said, while idly dragging a claw across the throne room's granite floor. "There's no rush, I want to make sure he's ready for the crushing burden of leadership."

John couldn't help marvelling at her brazen power grab. "That's very considerate of you."

Tamolith's smile widened to wicked proportions. "I care a great deal about my precious darlings." Her eyes flicked to Lynette and she continued, "So... shall we discuss my Empire's surrender, Fleet Admiral?"

Lynette had been listening to the exchange in fascination, picking up the obvious subtext. She cleared her throat and said, "After lengthy deliberations with High Command, I wish to propose a number of terms. The first we need to address will be the ceding of a number of Kintark worlds over to the Terran Federation." She was about to reach for the comms-interface when an icon flashed, letting her know that Faye had sent Tamolith the map detailing the revised Kintark borders.

The Empress took one look at the proposed borders and her claw made a shrill scraping noise as she gouged a big chunk out of the floor. "You're demanding... half... my empire!"

"Rather than annexing Kintark territory in its entirety and reducing the Empire to a vassal state, I'm proposing a compromise. You can hand over a number of systems to atone for the war crimes committed by Imperial forces in Federation space," Lynette said coolly. "The rump of the Kintark Empire will remain independent under your full autonomy."

Tamolith snorted, actual steam coming from her nostrils. "Preposterous... I couldn't possibly accept these terms!"

"Empress, I'm quite aware of just how precarious a position the Kintark Empire finds itself in," Lynette said, with a knowing smile. "You have no fleet assets... Baledranax threw every warship in the Empire into his invasion armada. With no forces left to patrol your borders, the Drakkar and Enshunu will start raiding one flank, while the other is exposed to the Brimorians... how soon before the Enclave realises your vulnerability and turns on you? I'm sure you also know that the Maliri have started launching expeditions for the first time in... forever. What if they decide to take a nice juicy bite out of Kintark Space? The Empire is teetering on the brink of disaster... you risk losing ALL your worlds."

"Yes, I'm painfully aware of the situation my imbecilic predecessor left me with," Tamolith snarled, her calm facade cracking further. "But giving you half my worlds would just accelerate the destruction of the Empire!"

"Not necessarily, Empress," Lynette said, with an enigmatic smile. "We captured a huge number of Kintark fleet assets at the Battle of Regulus. I'm proposing that we sweeten this deal by returning those ships to your control, as well as offer you a prisoner exchange... all the Kintark Fleet crews captured at Regulus for any Terran personnel imprisoned in the Empire."

Tamolith uncoiled herself from the throne, a predatory gleam in her eyes. "You have piqued my interest, Fleet Admiral... What of the Imperial forces captured at Terra?"

"We'll be stripping the ships of useful salvage, like shield generators and heatsinks, but I see no reason the hundred remaining vessels couldn't also be returned to you," Lynette replied in a reasonable tone. "However, the fleet crews that took part in the invasion will remain in internment camps. They'll be facing tribunals for war crimes..."

"I don't care about those fools, execute them at your leisure," Tamolith said waving a dismissive claw. Her eyes narrowed as she mulled over the Terran offer. "So you would return approximately 300 ships to Kintark Space..."

"More than enough to provide a strong defensive force to protect your borders," Lynette suggested. "Additionally, I'd like to propose a demilitarised zone along the Kintark/Terran border. That will further alleviate the pressure on your forces, letting you redistribute patrols where they're needed." She leaned forward and added, "I'm sure I don't need to remind you that these are far kinder terms than the brutality Baledranax and Melkadian had in mind for the Terran Federation."

Tamolith was quiet for a long moment, her face torn with indecision. "I admit, your proposal has merit... but you're forcing me to concede hundreds of systems. The impact to morale throughout the Empire will be catastrophic... losses of ancestral homes, families divided, I can just hear the wailing in the streets."

"If I may be frank, Empress, the Terran Federation needs room to expand, but I don't want to be dealing with rebellious Kintark populations demanding a return to the Empire. I am more than happy to assist with repatriation of your citizens to the Kintark core worlds; any that choose to remain in systems ceded to Terran control will be granted Federation citizenship."

The dragon grimaced, then nodded reluctantly. "I am left with little choice. I will agree to these terms, on the condition that John Blake gives his word that there will be no future encroachments into the Kintark Empire. I have no desire to be slowly pecked to death as the Terran Federation is doing to the Ashanath Collective..."

"Only the Fleet Admiral can speak for the Terran Federation, but I can promise you that the Maliri will respect your existing boundaries." He glanced at Lynette, then back at Tamolith. "As far as I'm concerned, if you agree to this proposal, I would consider the slate wiped clean. With peace restored we can reopen borders for trade and work on restoring our relations to the previous friendly state."

"You have my word that this treaty will draw a line under this terrible conflict," Lynette said earnestly. "I'm asking a lot from you, Empress, but High Command is baying for blood. It could have been much, much worse."

"Yes, I can imagine," Tamolith said with a heavy sigh, her breath whistling between her teeth. She made eye contact with Lynette and continued, "You're a shrewd and merciless negotiator, Fleet Admiral Devereux; I mean that as a compliment, not an insult. I shall do my best to ensure that the Kintark Empire never finds itself in this position again..."

"We have a deal then?" Lynette asked with a hopeful smile.

The Empress nodded. "I accept your terms of surrender. There will be an outcry on those worlds that are changing hands, but when I explain that the alternative is enslavement, I'm sure order will be quickly restored." She paused for a second, then asked with a pleading note to her voice, "How soon might you be able to return the captured vessels?"

"The Regulus forces should be safely back in your hands in approximately a week, allowing for flight time from Olympus to the Dragon March," Lynette replied. "We'll keep some skeleton crews behind to man the Kintark ships in the Sol System, which we'll return once salvage operations are complete."

Tamolith bowed her head, before making eye-contact with them again. "This was hardly a pleasant conversation, but it certainly was interesting. I hope that the next time we speak will be under more congenial circumstances." Her fang-filled maw curled up into a wry smile. "I certainly can't afford a repeat of this one... I would have no Empire left!"

Lynette smiled and nodded. "I hope so too, Empress. With a bit of luck, this will be the start of a strong friendship between our civilisations. My best wishes for good health to your family."

"My thanks, Fleet Admiral," Tamolith replied. Her eyes flicked to John and she added, "I sense your hand in this agreement, John Blake. My thanks for your intervention on our behalf."

"It was good to see you again, Tamolith," John said, with a polite smile. "I never did get a chance to thank you for honouring your side of our bargain and freeing my brother-in-law unharmed."

"Merely an act of simple self-preservation," she replied, a glint in her eyes. "I suspected that if I'd reneged on our deal, you wouldn't have let that pass, would you?"

John shook his head. "No. It would have got... unpleasant. Fare well, Empress."

She looked unsettled and nodded, looking away. "Farewell to you both."

They ended the call, the sigil for the Kintark empire slowly fading away.

John turned to face Lynette, a broad grin on his face. "So, Fleet Admiral Devereux... Two days in the job and you've already increased Federation territory by 50%! Congratulations!"

She beamed a huge smile back, shaking her head in amazement. "I can't believe it! She actually agreed to everything and we still managed to end the conversation on a reasonable note!"

"You put in a brilliant performance, Lynette," John said, making no attempt to hide his admiration. "You'll go down in the history books for this!"

"Thank you so much for all your support," she gushed, feeling elated, his praise lifting her heart. She laughed and ran a hand through her hair, making her holographic concealment fracture around her wrist. "I've dreamed of moments like this for the last three decades..."

He rose from the sofa and offered her a hand. "Calara and Sakura will return soon, we can all get together to celebrate later."

"Are you sure I can't tempt you to have a drink now?" Lynette asked hopefully.

"Afraid not," he replied with an eager smile of anticipation. "I need to get ready for a date..."

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ShaggyDogStoryShaggyDogStory2 months ago

The reveal about Dana feels forced. Her personality is entirely explanable as a gifted person with ADHD. In fact, I'd presumed that was the intent.

I've raised concerns about the erasure of certain minorities from this story, and now an apparently neurodivergent character is getting 'cured', under the pretext of undoing eugenics in action, when it's actually an A1 case of eugenics. The more I think about it the worse it gets.

Neurodiverse people do not require a cure, they require an environment that doesn't disable them. In Dana's case, she's far too valuable to risk as a foot soldier anyway.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

,,, and I agree that Empress Tamolith definitely needs watching, ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith6 months ago

At least one of the major Astral Nightmare Creatures knew John Blakes' name, ... was that monster actually killed and that information lost? *** Spoiler Alert *** in twenty or so more chapters, a 'new' Progenitor arrives under the Shroud, in search of Baen'thelas, to end him, ... he knows not the name of John Blake, nor is he aware of the Terran Federation, ... and looks for the Maliri, ... Did John's battle with this Astral baddie wipe most all of the Shroud based Progenitor Knowledge?

-- and I still say that compromising the new Fleet Admiral, making her wear a disguise all the time, that's just wrong, ... anyway, this chapter did make me think, ... good one Tef, ... ;-) TTFN

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith11 months ago

Okay, here is a reprisal of a comment I made last year:

There have been a lot of recent comments concerning Telfer's use of standard British English; Tef's story is set in an Earth (Terra) based Federation of the 28th century... I consider the author's non-American English to reflect the changed Terran wide language difference, just as many of the quotes and references would be different changed also... it is just different enough to stand in for a seven-century change in Terra's spoken language, I find it rather perfect... and I have looked up a few of his oddly spelled words only to find them to be perfectly good British words... Keep up the fine work Tef, you have us all addicted, your work is fabulous, warts and all... ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago
Mean As!!


"Get over here, gorgeous."


Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 1 year ago

At least one of the major Astral Nightmare Creatures new John Blakes' name, ... was that monster actually killed and that information lost? *** Spoiler Alert *** in twenty or so more chapters, a 'new' Progenitor arrives under the Shroud, in search of Baen'thelas, to end him, ... he knows not the name of John Blake, nor is he aware of the Terran Federation, ... and looks for the Maliri, ... Did John's battle with this Astral baddie wipe most all of the Shroud based Progenitor Knowledge? ... anyway, this chapter did make me think, ... good one Tef, ... ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

More intrigues in the offing?? Great instalment.

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

Holy crap that Astral plane fight was crazy. I think Deveraux will come for John.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Re Queens English, pretty sure Tefler is either British or not from the U.S. the writing style and language is simply too distinct. However, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Excellent vocabulary throughout, although sometimes I think Tefler should pick up a thesaurus sometimes to avoid repetition. A few chapters back "wan" was Tefler's favorite word for example, "lop-sided" being another.

This beggar though doesn't give a shit, especially with dropping chapters of stupidly high quality throughout.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Adding to WretchedMonkey's comment.

This is "Admiral John Blake (Ret)", he's a civilian himself and has been out of the service for some time. Interestingly he actually reads like a retired service person. Someone who has seen the horrors of war, knows what's necessary and deep down wants nothing more to do with such nonsense. This is frequently when they get out and he's trying to make a life that he wants not what the military wants.

This basically ties into Alyssa's and in fact everyone else's relationship to him (whether Tef realizes this or not...) and how they respond to his leadership. Alyssa is doing an excellent role of XO and the interplay between the role of XO and CO is really impressive. I've seen fairly similar dynamics with active personnel minus the sex... (I think and dearly hope). It's not unusual in the least for the XO to go off script and try to do what is best for the CO and the unit. This often led to some terse meetings, but it's the nature of the job, sometimes you need to do stuff that is going to get you in a lot of hot water for the over all greater good. Aside from Niskera, Alyssa hasn't truly overstepped her boundaries... at least not the boundaries of her role, clearly she's dancing a fine line that some COs would bring her to heel for (others wouldn't).

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