Three Square Meals Ch. 011


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The peaceful moment was broken by the sudden appearance of Alyssa's beautiful face and her long mane of golden blonde hair over Sparks shoulder.

"Good morning ladies!" she greeted them both happily.

Alyssa leaned further over and Calara tilted her head up so that they could kiss each other affectionately, their wet tongues dancing delicately. Sparks watched the girls kiss from only inches away and found herself getting very turned on. The redhead considered herself strictly heterosexual, but these two ethereal beauties were just so natural in their sexuality, that her body yearned to be a part of it.

The gorgeous blonde pulled back and looked down at Sparks appraisingly. The mischievous glint in Alyssa's eyes made the redhead wonder if she was going to be on the receiving end of a similar kiss and she was surprised at feeling a little disappointed when Alyssa sat back down at her side.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" The blonde asked her pointedly.

"You're talking about me and John..." Sparks said haltingly.

"Yes, him filling your tummy with cum" Alyssa nodded approvingly "John's full up, he needs your help!"

Sparks glanced back at Calara who smiled at her warmly and then looked back up at Alyssa who was beaming happily at them both. Sparks decided she might as well embrace the insanity. Tapping into a previously unknown well of confidence, she sat up and moved to kneel in front of John, who had been watching their interaction with interest.

"Good morning" he smiled at her "Don't let Alyssa bully you into doing anything you don't... mmph!" The last was cut off as Sparks moved forward to kiss him soundly.

Their tongues duelled each other playfully as their lips moved passionately. With a start Sparks realised she could taste what must be Alyssa and Calara on his lips. Liking the taste, she threw herself into the kissing with more gusto. She straddled his lap and John cupped her pert little asscheeks in his hands as they made out, her hips writhing as she felt the throbbing heat of his cock under her pussy.

The redhead leaned back and looked closely into John's eyes "I want to be like them..." she muttered "Confident, sexy, beautiful... yours" she whispered the last, as she moved in to kiss him some more.

John nodded his acquiescence and spread his thighs to make room for the redhead. She knelt before him submissively and enveloped the broad mushroom head of his cock in her mouth. Sparks sucked insistently drawing up pre-cum from his quad and the sweet taste was heady and delicious, coating her tongue as it tantalised her taste buds. Her eyes grew drowsy as his pheromones kicked in and the relaxed, compliant young woman began to smoothly take him into her throat.

Alyssa and Calara moved to their usual sides as John opened his arms for them both to cuddle into him. They snuggled up against him, their big breasts feeling warm and soft against him skin. They each ran a hand over his chest, feeling his strong muscles and leaned up to kiss his neck from either side.

"This feels so right" Calara sighed happily.

"She's going to fit in perfectly" Alyssa agreed contentedly, watching Sparks taking John deeper and deeper.

John just sighed the self-satisfied sigh of a man who has a willing girl ready to take his load. His balls felt full to the brim, taut and primed after being turned on for most of the previous evening and then all the foreplay fun earlier this morning. He knew that a satisfying orgasm was absolutely guaranteed for him now, he just had to choose when.

He was loving this, he admitted to himself. One gorgeous teen cuddled up with him on each side and another girl knelt between his legs taking care of his cock. He didn't know what he'd done to ever deserve such good fortune, but he was going to enjoy every minute of it!

He looked down as Alyssa and Calara continued to gently kiss his neck, looking up at him. He looked at each of them in turn and he could see their excitement and eagerness for him to cum. Cum in another girl he thought, his breath getting quicker. Yes, he realised, he very much wanted to add the redhead to his growing harem. The thought of all three of them with rounded bellies full of his spunk was intoxicating. He held his first two girls tightly against him, feeling their youthful breasts squash up against his chest as he began to blow his nut down the new girls throat.

"Aaahhhhh!" he groaned as his balls pulsed again and again, blasting hot jets of cum into the kneeling redhead. Her body had become more malleable after being so tautly stretched the first time and her belly expanded smoothly, filling up with his substantial load. John moaned loudly as spurt after spurt shot down the length of his cock and into the rapidly filling stomach below. He revelled in the feeling of being drained completely dry as Sparks sucked relentlessly, trying to get every last sweet tasting morsel. Finally he had nothing left to give and he relaxed, the tension easing out of his body.

John released his grip on Alyssa and Calara, who's eyes were shining with excitement at seeing John relishing his powerful climax. They moved over to Sparks who had let John's softening cock slip out of her mouth and they saw that the pale girl's thighs were splayed wide open to make room for the gravid weight of her belly. The big round sphere sloshed as she sat up slightly, pints of cum packed into her once slender stomach, as her ghostly white hands ran over the rotund contours of her filled out tummy. Even the girl's belly button had popped out, she had taken in so much.

Alyssa and Calara moved to either side of the redhead and gently stroked her burgeoning stomach as well.

"She looks amazing" Calara sighed enviously "I wish I had a nice full tummy like that right now".

"Don't worry, John will use us again when his cum has worked its magic on Sparks" Alyssa said reassuringly.

"I know" Calara replied "It's just going to feel like a long couple of weeks!"

Alyssa smiled at her affectionately, before easing Sparks down on to the bed so that she could sleep off her heavy meal.

The girls cuddled up with John while he recovered from his orgasm, before they all got up and got dressed and then went to have breakfast in the Officer's lounge. They had a nice meal, and then relaxed together for a little while, enjoying each other's company before they split up to go about their normal routine. Alyssa still wanted to practice at the range and Calara wanted to keep an eye out for pirates, which left John with nothing to do. He decided to go back to his room and catch up on Galactic news and wait for Sparks to wake up.

The Holonet was full of stories of atrocities by the Kintark. The reptilian race was being accused of all sorts, which John recognised as typical propaganda from an empire on a war footing. The few snippets of actual news that did manage to filter through all the hyperbole didn't sound good however. John strongly suspected that the Terran Federation had bitten off more than it could chew when it initiated this conflict with the Kintark and he hoped he wasn't going to get dragged into the war. If it did come to that, it might be worth getting the Invictus some upgrades he mused to himself.

The Terran Federation had a real flair for constructing massive ship hulls with lots of potential, but there were hundreds of different space faring alien races and a number of those were more technically advanced than the humans. In his 11 years as a trader, John had built up pretty good relations with most of the major space faring species and he ran through a mental checklist of potential upgrades and the species that had the most advanced tech in those particular areas.

The Kintark were experts at manipulating plasma, but trading with the reptilian species for plasma weaponry was basically out of the question now, so that left the following on his list:

Brimorians - Shields

Trankarans - Engines

Maliri - Laser weaponry

Ashanath - FTL drives and Power cores

Replacing the main guns on the Invictus would be a huge undertaking, as the ship was basically built up around the Mass drivers. John guessed that changing that weapon dramatically would require a major refit, taking months of time in a drydock, so he decided to leave the railguns in place for the time being. Still that gave him a decent shopping list. Once they had sold off their cargo of Tyrenium, he would make a decision on where to head too first.

Sparks began to stir at his side, so he turned off the Holonet. The redhead stretched contentedly before opening her eyes and looking up at him. John was pleased that she wasn't shocked or embarrassed to see him there and she smiled up at him when he leaned down to give her a gentle kiss.

"How are you feeling?" He asked tentatively "Did you sleep well?"

Sparks sighed contentedly "This bed feels amazing, I slept like the dead!" she sighed contentedly. She moved to sit up, but found it difficult to do so, her face showed her alarm when she felt the heavy weight sitting around her waistline. She flung off the covers and was shocked to see her rounded stomach, her young body not having had enough time to fully absorb all the heavy protein that John had pumped into her belly.

"Holy fuck!" She blurted out "What happened?!"

John smiled, feeling a sense of déjà vu. He was sure he had gone through almost the exact same conversation with Alyssa.

"When I cum, I cum a lot" he explained carefully. "For the first few times, the girl swallowing seems to suffer memory loss, so she never remembers being stuffed so full. I was really turned on though and had stored up a big load and you're also very slim and petite, so that's why your still showing" he said, stroking her swollen tummy soothingly.

Sparks had calmed down now and was able to think rationally. "So how are you able to generate so much cum?" She asked curiously, enjoying the gentle touch of his strong hand.

John got up from the bed and quickly stripped off his clothes. He knelt at her side, so she could study his anatomy.

"Wow! Four balls!" Sparks exclaimed as she examined him closely. "May I?" she asked, her curiosity peaked.

"Sure, go ahead" John replied encouragingly.

The pale girl reached out tentatively and began to feel the four heavy spheres, taking each into her small hand in turn. "They're so big!" She said in wonder. "Just how much do you cum?"

"I've never actually measured it, but at least 4 pints I would guess" he pondered "More if I'm really turned on".

"That's amazing" Sparks said in wonder. "So what are you exactly?" she asked him bluntly.

John laughed at her question good naturedly "I'm half human, but I've no idea what my father was. My mother disappeared shortly after I was born, so I never got to ask her about him" he explained.

"Well I think you're pretty cool, whatever you are!" Sparks smiled at him, as she ran an exploratory finger along one of his pointed ears.

"Thanks, I think you're pretty cool too" He said smiling at her warmly.

Sparks laughed at that. "So when do you want to fill me up again?" she asked curiously.

"How about we wait until your tummy goes down, then we can take it from there" John suggested.

"Besides, I'd like to take you on a tour of the ship and it's going to be harder for you to get around if you're carrying a massive load of my cum" he said, stroking her rounded little tummy again.

Sparks looked up at him shyly and placed her pale delicate hand on top of his as he caressed her swollen abdomen. "I think I finally understand why Alyssa and Calara love this so much"

"Really? Why's that?" John asked, curious.

"It feels like you own me" She said quietly, as she blushed prettily "that I'm just here to service you whenever you need. I feel totally submissive and its very arousing".

"Do you like the thought of being my property?" He asked her, finding this conversation surprisingly exciting.

Sparks bit her lower lip and then looked directly into his eyes "Mmm-hmm" she nodded.

"Good" he said confidently. "I like the thought of you belonging to me" he said honestly. He moved to her side, and let his stroking hand glide lower and between the young girl's legs. She looked up at him trustingly and spread her thighs wide, making room for his heavy hand.

John lifted his hand back up to her mouth and placed his first two fingers at her lips. The redhead parted her lips and began to suck on his fingers, her light blue eyes maintaining eye contact with him. When his fingers were nice and wet, John trailed them down over her body and back between her legs. He gently began to slide the first one in to the young woman's tight little pussy which elicited a gasp of excitement from her. He pushed in deeper until he suddenly felt the resilient barrier of her hymen. John lay down on his side beside her.

"When I take you the first time, I'm going to be very gentle and it will feel wonderful" he said reassuringly.

Sparks looked up into his eyes trustingly and nodded her acceptance.

"Would you like the girls there too, or just me?" he asked quietly, as he moved his fingers up to stroke the redhead's throbbing clit.

Sparks gasped at the tantalising, unfamiliar touch. "Just you..." she moaned, as she felt John's fingers caressing her intimately.

"Cum for me now" he urged her "Show me what you'll look like when you cum around my cock" he said, stroking his fingers on her clit rapidly.

"Ooohhhhhh!!" The teenager gasped, as her she came hard and her pussy clenched reflexively over and over again.

"That's a good girl" he said comfortingly, just holding her as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm.

"That felt amazing" the redhead said after a few minutes, sighing contentedly.

John smiled at her warmly "Glad to be of service" he said, tipping an imaginary hat.

Sparks laughed happily.

"Ready to get up and have a look around?" he asked her tentatively.

The young girl nodded, eager to explore and they got up and dressed quickly. John offered her his hand and they walked along the corridor with their hands clasped. The door opened to the elevator and they got in.

"Let's go and find Alyssa, I'm sure she'd enjoy showing you around too"

Sparks smiled, nodding agreeably and they headed down to the floor just above the cargo bay and docking bay. The door swished open quietly and they strolled down the corridor towards the Firing Range. John pushed the button that would open the soundproof door and a sudden barrage of noise overwhelmed them.

"Brrt!" "Brrt!" "Brrt!" came the chatter of an assault rifle firing three round bursts, along with what sounded like a howling gale.

Alyssa was standing at the range, blasting away at targets. What made the shooting more remarkable was that she had set up the in-range fans to add massive wind disruption to make the shots harder, but she was still hitting centre mass with every burst.

John pressed a control on the wall panel by the side of the range which turned off the fans. Alyssa looked over at them and smiled widely, before she removed a set of noise cancelling headphones.

"Planning to go shooting in a hurricane?" he said with a big grin on his face.

Alyssa's musical laughter filled the room. "No, just having some fun, I've been experimenting with ballistics. Want to see something cool?"

Sparks and John nodded, so Alyssa handed them their own sets of noise cancelling headphones. She reactivated the fans, turning them up to gale force again, then hit a series of other buttons. A fresh set of targets appeared with clean targeting grids on them. Suddenly a series of walls sprang up half way down the range, blocking line of sight to the targets completely. John was familiar with these obstacles; The shooter just had to press another couple of buttons and the targets would move adjacent to the walls, so that you could get used to shooting at enemies in cover.

Alyssa left them as they were however and grinned at him impishly. She stood back at the range.

"Brrt!" "Brrt!" "Brrt!" came the muted chatter of an assault rifle, dulled by the headphones.

The beautiful blonde moved back to the side panel, pressing a button that dropped the walls and then another that brought the targets up to them for their inspection.

"Ta daa!" She exclaimed, mimicking a fanfare.

John went to examine the three targets and found each one hit centre mass by the three rounds from each burst.

"You shot around the walls?!" Sparks said in awe.

"It's simple really, you just have to calculate the velocity of the round and how much drift the wind will cause" Alyssa smiled and shrugged as if it was nothing.

John was amazed by his youthful protégé. First Navigation and now Marksmanship, it seemed she could turn her hand to anything and become a master at the profession in next to no time.

"This is amazing honey" John said, more than a little shocked. "Saying I'm proud of you doesn't seem adequate" He opened his arms and wrapped his young lover in a warm hug. "You're an incredible woman Alyssa" he said earnestly.

The beautiful blonde beamed up at him, blissfully happy. She pulled his head down for a kiss and then when they embraced again, she whispered in his ear. "I heard your conversation with Sparks. Thank you John, you were wonderful with her".

They broke apart from the hug so that Sparks wouldn't feel awkward.

*You're more than welcome honey* John thought to her. *She's a lovely girl, I'm starting to really like her. Thank you for suggesting she join the crew.*

Alyssa grinned at him happily.

"I'm taking Sparks on a tour of the Invictus. I thought you might like to come along too, help show her about?" John asked.

Alyssa nodded excitedly "Wait till you see the rest of the ship!" she said to the petite redhead, giving her a big hug. She then put away her gear and they headed out of the firing range to show Sparks her new home.

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith4 months ago

-- fix the spelling oopsies: Trankarans, ... Arachnid Queen, ... and more *** spoiler alert *** also from the Maliri, they get improved sensors, improved targeting system, much improved air filter/purification systems and more, ... largely due to the efforts of the super spy, Dana, ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith4 months ago

To the future, the Ashanath for their fastest (FTL) tachyon drive and a superior Power core, ... the Maliri for powerful Laser weapons, ... the Tarkarans for their super strong (sublight) engines and thrusters, .... the Brimorians for their strong shields, ...

-- and *** spoiler alert *** improved heat sinks from the Kintark, ... and from the Drakkar a new and more powerful 'quantum' way to shoot a ballestic shell, ... then, from the Archnid Queen of the Desolation of Vulkat - Eternity Crystals, plus some info on several High-Tech items from a war that was fought many millenia ago, ... wow, they'll be busy, ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith4 months ago

Yeah, welcome to your new home Sparks, ... when John left to get more of the Tyranium, it was just Alyssa and himself, now they have added Calara and Sparks (tactical and engineering), ... I wonder if they'll add anymore girls on this return leg of their journey, ... ;-) ttfn

ranec1ranec111 months ago

patiently waiting for the yellow N

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Will Alyssa's theory work for Sparks? Looks like foreshadowing of problems with the "Kintark". And that's quite a dream list John has.

ranec1ranec1about 1 year ago
Mean As!!


"That's amazing" Sparks said in wonder. "So what are you exactly?" she asked him bluntly.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

Wow, just how windy (gale force) can 28th century fans get to? and that shooting range must be huge (extra-long) to allow for significant wind/drift to matter, ... Just wait until ***spoiler alert*** Alyssa can use telekinesis. ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Good chapter again.

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

So we’ve got aliens, telepathy, FTL, rail guns, tactical lasers and we’re still using bullets and imperial units……. Somehow I get the feeling that further along the line in this story cigars will appear and my Suspension of Disbelief will be permanently broken. Please don’t, I’d really like to believe that the human race can actually get better in the future. Just for the record though, the plot is good, so more plot and a bit less sex would help. Cheers Ppfzz.

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithabout 2 years ago

Only 2 cum loads into Sparks so far and she is already a 'good girl' ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

John has 4 balls, cum which heals and makes people grow, aliens and spaceships and people are concerned about bullet travel. Smh

UncertainTUncertainTover 2 years ago

The fantasy is fantastic!

Dreamdog519Dreamdog519almost 3 years ago

A bullet moving at 2800 feet per second, or roughly Mach 2.5 give or take a little will only move a little bit in 100 yards. The big movements you see that snipers have to plan for is due not only to the wind but the rotation of the earth as well as gravity. Great story otherwise!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good Brew

Tefler has the brewery working now. Good story with a compelling flavor.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Shooting around walls like that wouldn't actually work unless you could get 1000+ mph wind. Otherwise great story.

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