Three Square Meals Ch. 069


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He gave her a guilty look as he replied, "I told them I was in command." He hurriedly added, "I wasn't trying to steal your accolades or anything like that, I was worried they'd start taking an even greater interest in you." Pausing then, he said, "Wait, that didn't come out right..."

Calara gave him an affectionate smile as she stood up on tiptoe and silenced him with a kiss. He enjoyed her soft lips moving against his, her tongue coaxing his into her hot little mouth. She left him breathless when they finally parted, and she had a tender expression on her face as she said, "You were worried about my family, and that Terran High Command might try to use them to compromise my loyalty to you. I'd then be left in a terrible position being forced to choose between you both."

He chuckled with relief as he saw she understood, and nodded as he replied, "Yes, that's it exactly."

She gazed lovingly into his eyes, and her tone was solemn as she said, "That battle was the pinnacle of my career, but seeing the admiration and respect from you and my father was all the reward I needed." She sighed happily as she continued, "You don't know how much I dreamed of doing something that my father would be truly proud of, and besides today's battle, we saved Terra from destruction."

"He mentioned that when I spoke to him," John said with a wry smile. "He said that after everything we've done, if the Admiralty ordered him to attack me, he'd tell them to go fuck themselves. That's not even including the fact that I'll soon be his son-in-law."

Calara giggled at that, shaking her head in amazement. When she looked at him again, she also had a wry smile on her face, but for quite different reasons. "You warned me this moment might come," she said quietly.

"What moment's that?" he asked her, intrigued.

"When I might have to choose between you and the Terran Federation. It's nice that I get to make the choice though, and I'm not being forced into it by circumstance," she said, her tone earnest.

"And do I have to start looking for a new Tactical Officer, Commander?" he asked her with a teasing grin.

She shook her head vehemently, and her brown eyes burned with a fiery intensity as she replied, "I'm with you all the way, Rear Admiral."

He pulled her into a tight embrace, and they kissed passionately, Calara moaning with arousal as she wrapped herself around him. John was half-tempted to just take her right there on the desk, and by the look of burning lust she gave him, he knew she'd be a extremely willing participant. In an act of herculean willpower he managed to restrain himself, and when he pulled away from her, he panted, "To the bedroom, Commander. Your mission is to get the other girls as turned on as you are now."

"You're a dead man..." she promised him, biting his lower lip, and tugging gently.

She peeled herself off him, then prowled from the room, giving him a sultry look as she departed.

Faye popped into existence a moment later, and she looked at him in fascination as she asked, "John, would you mind if I asked you a personal question? I'm trying to understand human sexuality, and it would really help!"

He smiled at her as he got his breathing under control, and replied, "Sure, go ahead."

"Why didn't you, and please pardon the vernacular... -fuck the hell out of her?-" she asked him politely. When he doubled over in laughter, she frowned, and said, "Sorry, did I use the expression incorrectly? It was something I overhead Dana say a while ago."

He grinned as he replied, "It's a good question, and don't worry, you used the expression correctly." He thought it over for a moment, then continued, "Firstly, the anticipation will drive her even wilder, which should be even more fun. Secondly, she'll turn all the other girls on when she tells them how I nearly bent her over the Briefing Room table. Then finally, I actually have a call to make before I go and join them. It's important to do this now, and I'm bound to forget if I spend all evening in bed."

Faye nodded thoughtfully, and her expression brightened as she exclaimed, "Ah, the reporter with the 'fantastic rack'?"

"Clever girl, got it in one," he replied with a smile, as he strolled over to the door, and out onto the Bridge.

The door to his Ready Room was already open, and he caught the flash of a bronzed calf disappearing inside. He glanced at Faye, who gave him a mischievous grin, obviously knowing who this nude interloper was. She zipped her lips closed with a purple finger, then fluttered up to the Command Podium as she waved him goodbye. When John strolled into his Ready Room, there was no one in sight, but he did spot a plate with a thick sandwich and a chilled beer sitting on his desk.

*You need to keep your strength up,* Alyssa purred to him. Her crooning voice trembled then as she lost concentration, and she blurted out, *What did you do to Calara?! Oh my God!*

He did his best to tune out her cries of pleasure as he took a delicious swig of his chilled beer, feeling the icy cold liquid slide down his throat. Taking a big bite of the ploughman's sandwich next, he walked around the desk and slumped in his chair with a happy sigh.

"Zzzzip" went his trousers, as deft hands pulled down the zip.

He jumped in surprise, and heard a delighted giggle from under the desk. When he peered below, he caught a flash of dark red hair, instantly giving away the identity of the mystery girl.

"I thought I was in heaven with the beer and a sandwich!" he exclaimed, catching the hint of gold in the blue eyes staring up at him.

Dana grinned at him as she said, "I thought it might be fun to blow you as you had your lunch."

John helped her pull off his trousers, and he groaned with delight as the redhead wasted no time in opening wide, and letting him slip down her throat. He drank some more of his beer as he stroked her lustrous hair with his free hand, and he could see the sparkle of amusement in her eyes as she glided up and down his length.

"Is it wrong that this feels so fucking amazing?" he asked Dana as he put down his beer, and took another big bite of his sandwich.

*Dana says, 'It's just what a slutty secretary is there for', and she's hoping that you'll be giving her a nice big lunch,* Alyssa managed to tell him, although he could tell she was greatly distracted by whatever Calara was doing to her.

"Sorry, sexy, you'll have to share lunch with your sisters," John apologised as he brushed a few stray locks from her eyes. He gave her a wicked grin as he added, "But this is hot as hell. When it's just you getting topped up for two weeks, we'll definitely have to meet for lunch like this every chance we get!"

She did her best to nod, and started sucking him eagerly to show him how much she liked the idea. He could have easily let her milk him dry, but he reminded himself he needed to do his bit for the propaganda war.

Quickly finishing off his beer and sandwich he looked down at the girl bobbing his lap, and said, "Lunch was amazing, but I need to call that TFNN reporter now. Are you going back to join the others?"

Dana slowly shook her head, locking eyes with him as she swirled her tongue under the base of his shaft.

He chuckled, and asked her, "You want to blow me while I speak to Jehanna? OK, but not a peep, alright?"

The redhead tried to laugh, but it was tricky with her throat stretched wide open. She contented herself with sliding up and down his shaft, swallowing to massage him when he was buried up to the balls in her mouth.

John took a deep breath to help him try and keep up an image of calm, professional composure. He tapped the console on his desk, then brought up the comms interface, which listed all the names he'd recorded in his personal contacts list. Cycling through to the J's, he found Jehanna Elani, and then swiped his finger across to speak with her. He only had to wait about ten second for her to reply, and she looked deliriously happy when her holographic image appeared in front of him.

"Oh, thank you for calling me back!" she gasped, her dark-brown eyes flashing with excitement, as she flicked her black hair away from her face. "When Admiral Devereux told me what you did, I had to call you immediately!" Her pleasant presenter's voice dropped a few octaves and throbbed with gratitude as she added, "I was at TFNN Central on Terra when that AI ship attacked the moon... You saved my life!"

"Now I'm even happier we managed to stop it in time," John replied, giving her a warm smile, before inexplicably closing his eyes for a brief moment.

Jehanna hesitated a moment, then blurted out, "I was hoping we could meet in person for an interview? Let the viewers find out more about the real you... the man behind the legend!"

Alyssa let out a lusty groan, but managed to keep herself under control enough to tell him, *Sparks says, 'That reporter's practically begging for it!'.* He could hear how excited she was as she added, *Just imagine if it was Jehanna blowing you instead, with me getting her nice and wet for your huge cock!* Her voice trailed off as some unknown girl brought her off to a mind-melting climax.

He did his best to try and block out Alyssa's raucous cries of pleasure, and gave Jehanna an apologetic smile as he replied, "I'd be more than happy to do that, but I'm leaving Terran Space for a few weeks." He cleared his throat to mask a happy sigh, then continued, "How about a rain check? I promise I won't talk to any other reporters, so it'll be another Jehanna Elani exclusive."

She beamed at him in delight, her disappointment that he'd delayed their meeting more than tempered by John agreeing to her request. The fact that he'd promised to give her another exclusive was the delicious icing on a mouth-watering cake.

"That would be incredible! I'd love that! Er, I mean my viewers would love that!" the dusky-skinned beauty gushed, looking positively giddy with excitement.

Dana sucked harder, and he could hear her stifling her laughter. His balls were tingling with the redheads focused attention, and it was getting harder not to just give her exactly what she wanted.

"Sorry, I'm making you wait. I can make it up to you though," he managed to say with an easy-going smile, finding it increasingly difficult to keep his composure. "I can give you the scoop on a massive fleet battle in the Regulus system. It was a huge victory for the Terran Federation."

"Were you there?!" she asked him in astonishment.

He managed to look modest as he replied, "The girls and I might have played a part in it, yes."

"Tell me everything!" Jehanna pleaded, her lips parting slightly as she waited with breathless anticipation.

As Dana slurped hungrily on his shaft, John knew he'd made a terrible mistake agreeing to let her tease him like this. He did his best to be stoic as he met Jehanna's eager stare, and taking a deep breath, he said, "It all started when we broke out six hundred prisoners from the Xen-Nuchek mines..."


Alyssa gently pushed Irillith away from between her thighs, and gasped, "I can't cum any more, let me get my breath back, please!"

The Maliri girl had taken over from Calara, who was now busy ravaging Rachel, and she crawled up the bed with a look of satisfaction on her azure face. "I'm glad you enjoyed that. I owed you for helping me get past my little... phobia," she said, with a sparkle in her angular violet eyes.

"Oh, that was my pleasure, literally!" Alyssa panted, while grinning at the beautiful exotic woman. "Feeling you cum your brains out with John's cock buried up your ass was reward enough."

Lying back on the bed, Irillith smiled at her fondly and opened her arms as she said, "Come here for a cuddle."

Alyssa gratefully let Irillith take the lead, and snuggled in against her, nuzzling up against her big firm breasts. She trailed her fingers over the Maliri's smooth blue flesh, enjoying the lovely contrast between their skin colours. She sought out a dark-blue nipple, and began to gently caress it, causing the sensitive area to stiffen as it reacted to her touch.

"Mmm, that feels wonderful," Irillith murmured, brushing her hands through Alyssa's hair.

The blonde Matriarch took the other dark blue nipple in her mouth, and began to suckle lazily, enjoying hearing the little intake's of breath from her lover, as Irillith responded to her loving attention. The ravishing Maliri girl's spirits had lifted tremendously, now that their business in the Dragon March was done, and they were finally on a mission to rescue her sister. As much as Alyssa teased and tormented John about reuniting the twins, she dearly wished that they'd be able to find and rescue Tashana. She could feel how much this meant to Irillith, and she hoped with all her heart that this ended well.

Relaxed now, and having recovered her breath again, she listened in delight to John and Dana, as he fucked the redhead senseless over his desk. She'd teased and tormented him for half an hour, while he'd struggled to give the interview to Jehanna. Somehow he'd been able to stay coherent throughout, but the moment the call ended, he'd hauled Dana out from under the desk, bent her over it and rammed her pussy full of cock.

*Nggh! Fuck me harder you big cocked stud!* Dana grunted, as he repeatedly pounded her womb.

Alyssa grinned as she got nothing coherent out of John. Her poor man had been driven into a frenzy by Dana's lashing tongue, and was now focused entirely on pumping every ounce of cum from his blue balls into the beautiful girl beneath him. She sensed that the redhead was hanging on for dear life as John pounded into her rounded cheeks, his cock moving in a blur into her plundered pussy. The two of them suddenly came at the same time, flooding her empathic bonds with pleasure.

Glancing across the bed, she watched Rachel and Calara lapping away at each other hungrily, both brunettes intent on bringing the other off. Rachel was on top, grinding away at Calara's face while the Latina fucked her with her tongue. One of the advantages of sharing the same stunningly athletic physique, was that they all knew each other's body just like their own. It meant that working together in a sixty-nine became a quickly escalating crescendo of pleasure, as they just copied whatever felt good from their eager lover. Alyssa felt both girls reach their peak, and shivered as she shared the delicious sensations she was receiving from each of them.

Jade was intertwined with Sakura, both girls writhing with a sensual rhythm. Jade was instructing the receptive Asian girl on the finer arts of Sapphic erotica, and Sakura turned out to be a very willing pupil. Their undulating pace kicked up a gear, as both of them enjoyed the ascending waves of ecstasy they were coaxing from their partner. Just like Rachel and Calara, the Nymph and her protégé simply copied each other, as they used slippery fingers and hot tongues to draw a spectacular orgasm from their lover.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she tasted their ecstasy like a connoisseur. It was always an incredible sensation to share the feelings of the girls she cared about, and as she crested the waves of pleasure, Alyssa examined the metaphysical portrait of each girl in her mind. The results were fascinating to see, and she reminded herself to discuss it with John when he was coherent again, preferably during a roughly domineering XO catch-up meeting. Her body tingled with lust at the thought, and she released Irillith's nipple from her mouth with a loud pop.

"Ready for another round?" she purred, as she let her hands trail lower over the Maliri's blue tummy. "As much fun as it was watching you go down on me, I want a taste of that azure pussy!"

Irillith smirked at her, and nodded as she replied, "Who's on top?"

Alyssa didn't get a chance to answer, as John strolled into the bedroom with an unconscious Dana cradled protectively in his arms. Both were completely nude, and he walked straight over to the bed, then carefully placed the redhead on the covers. Her belly was hugely swollen, packed full of the gigantic load she'd coaxed his quad to prepare.

"Sorry I'm late," he apologised with a smile, his eyes darting over the magnificent bounty of nubile flesh on display. Then he grinned as he added, "To make up for it, I brought lunch!"

The girls sat up, flushed and excited after their extended foreplay. Rachel and Calara parted Dana's toned thighs, while Jade guided Sakura over to let her eat first. The Asian girl disappeared from sight behind Dana's enormously rounded tummy, and the debauched sounds of her hungrily sucking out cum filled Alyssa's ears.

John nodded with satisfaction, as he said, "You'll all need the top-up. We'll be spending the rest of the day in bed, and I want you to have lots of energy."

Alyssa felt a delightful thrill run down her spine as he took control, and he could see the other girls all looking equally excited. She watched him as he filled a big glass with icy water from the dispenser in the corner of the room, then walked over to the big leather chair where Faye was sitting. He whispered something to her, and she grinned as she fluttered over to the bed, where she could get a better view of the action.

Lifting the now vacant leather chair with one hand, John walked around to the side of the bed, before setting it down in a good vantage point. He beckoned Jade over as he sat down, and she rushed over to join him, sinking eagerly to her knees. She took his softened cock into her loving mouth, and he stroked his hand through her hair as she nursed him back to attention, while casting his lustful eyes over the bed.

"It's time for a game, ladies. You can put on a show for me while you wait your turn for lunch. Blondes versus brunettes; I'm curious who can make each other cum the fastest," he told them, glancing at Alyssa, Irillith, Calara, and Rachel in turn.

Irillith grinned at Alyssa, and said, "I'm going to make you sing for me, you exquisite little Terran!"

"You go on top!" Alyssa blurted out in a rush, moving down the bed to make room for the Maliri. "And get ready for the ride of your life!"

As Irillith swung a supple thigh over her body, Alyssa tilted her head right back so she could see John. He met her gaze and grinned as he winked at her.

*I'm rooting for you, beautiful. Make me proud,* he said, his lusty telepathic voice coursing through her mind, and making her tremble with excitement.

*I won't let you down!* she promised him, as she focused on the delicate blue pussy that was lowering towards Alyssa's flushed lips.

She found the Maliri girl's clit and gently sucked it into her mouth, while Irillith did the same to her. Soft and teasing quickly turned into fast and insistent, and Alyssa could hear little gasps and moans from the blue alien girl above her. Similar erotic sounds were drifting over to her from her brunette competitors, as they also stepped up the pace.

*Oh my God, I love my life!* Calara groaned in ecstasy as she writhed on Rachel's tongue.

*I know exactly what you mean, my love,* Alyssa replied, letting out a sigh of delight that made Irillith squirm, while blowing Calara a tender telepathic kiss.

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Michael56SmithMichael56Smith11 months ago

-- Tef's story timing with our heroes racing against the clock, ... is all very dramatic, ... but I feel that the continuing to tear apart and rebuild / upgrade the old assault cruiser vs using the amazing facilities at Genthalas Shipyard to build a wholly new vessel, ... one that would have all the new stuff designed into it already, ... like the Singularity Driver (nearly 500m of rails in length), and extra deck space / hard points for placing some beefed up heavy Cannons, ... also it would seem to be simpler to rewire and design a ship with several Progenitor Power cores to start with instead of ripping out and upgrading all the connections from relying on just one Ashanath (battleship grade) power core, ... the redesign makes more sense to me, ... we'll just need a way for Tef to continue to use the name 'Invictus' for our heroes ship, (I strongly believe that keeping that name is the main reason for all of the upgrades done on the old, titanium structured assault cruiser), .... but Tef keeps bouncing the ole Invictus all around this end of the galaxy to stop the 'bad' Progenitor's evil plans (Tef has gotta tell his story), ... but it would be really nice to have a couple of extra weeks to build a new and improved 'Invictus' that would be as Dana says, truly AWESOME!!! ... and that ship could really save-the-day, and perhaps my imaginary ship would be a Battle Cruiser, or a Battleship, or something in between, like a mini-Battleship at 3/4 the size? .... the Lion, his Lionesses, and the Invictus (with its perky purple pixie keeping it all running smoothly) makes for an incredible story, ... so thanks Tef, I am just daydreaming based on YOUR excellent imagination, ... thanks again, .... ;-) ttfn

Michael56SmithMichael56Smith12 months ago

While the old Assault Cruiser, the Invictus, has had tremendous upgrades, it is still an old ship with a titanium superstructure, ... much less resilient than Alyssium or Maliri Crystal (6x or 10x the strength of Titanium), ... and with all the rewiring they will be doing, I think that they should just save the Invictus for Charles, and have the Maliri engineers (and Dana) at Genthalas lay down a new keel for a wholly new ship of the line, ... build the Singularity Driver into the new ship, no adjusting, swapping out or jimmying the old ship, just build what is needed right away, ... it couldn't really take any longer could it? Name for the Lion's new ship? Why the "Leo" of course, ... and maybe add another auxiliary vessel or two with all the new space available, why not? ... They could just hang on to the Invictus, occasionally tinkering and adding some better / improved stuff as the months go by, until Charles is ready to retire and is gifted his old ship, ... a real tear-jerker of a story I know, ... ;-) ttfn

ranec1ranec1about 1 year ago
Mean As!!


"Hey, I can do that for you!"

BikingSatyrBikingSatyrover 1 year ago

Just want to say that this is a great story! I find it very entertaining! I hope you keep writing it!

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 1 year ago

... they just saved Terra from Nexus, killed a dragon and a wiped-out fleet of traitors, then they freed and returned some prisoners, enroute they changed the course of a war in the Regulas System, all this on tech from the last refit, ... and now they want to do another refit, wow, ... this story and that old assault cruiser keep getting better and better, .... well done! ;-) TTFN

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Another great instalment.

Thirb_ReviteThirb_Reviteover 1 year ago

When the Terrans think of taking the Invictus, and John thinks oft that also, neither side ever realizes that really wouldn’t help, as so much of the technology includes mysterious elements or psychically active materials.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Page 8: "As close an ally as the Terran Federation are, you're still reluctant to give them access to any tech." Should be "is" not "are".

Michael56SmithMichael56Smithover 2 years ago

The military will patent Rachel's miracle formulas, via the Port Medea medical staff. So, it will be protected and free for all of the T-Fed spacers to make use of. And like ripples in a pond, the legend of the Lions' Doctor Rachel Voss will grow and grow... And John's ship is already way more powerful than the ships from nearby empires... just wait until Dana can upgrade the Invictus with Progenitor FTL and power core technology, and add the fire power of a singularity driver, tweaked out heavy cannons and gauss cannons too... plus all the other, new stuff, that Dana will think up between now and the next refit... Rachel and Dana are John's Brain trust... All of John's girls are extremely bright! ;-) TTFN

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Giving the drugs away for free was not that smart because the formula is not protected. Someone else will apply for a patent and will be rich. That’s how humans are, corruptible and greedy.

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