Three Square Meals Ch. 095


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Pulling back a few inches, John felt her athletic limbs relaxing their tight hold, allowing him freedom to move. Pressing himself home, Tsarra's thighs pulled him deep as if urging him onwards, and she gasped at the feeling of her g-spot being rubbed along his length. He felt Alyssa's hand sliding lower across Tsarra's belly to seek out her clit, those skilful fingers caressing and teasing the Maliri girl, and making her writhe in time to his thrusts.

Tsarra nuzzled into his neck and kissed his throat, cooing with delight as he fully impaled her glorious body. Being taller than her by several inches, John found himself face to face with Alyssa as she leaned down to kiss Tsarra's cheek.

"Hello," she said with a soft smile, lifting up her head for a kiss.

John kissed her eagerly, spurred on by Tsarra's enthusiastic moans. He glanced down at the Maliri girl who was rapidly approaching her first climax, and found her staring at him intently.

"Focus on Alyssa," she urged him with a loving smile. "I wanted it this way... our baby to be conceived with love, as well as lust..."

"You see why I picked her?" the blonde murmured, gazing into his eyes. "So selfless and caring, she'll make such a good mother..."

Doing as the Maliri girl asked, John leaned forward to kiss Alyssa again, while stroking more forcefully inside Tsarra, just the way he knew she liked. She groaned in appreciation, nuzzling his neck again and showering him in grateful kisses.

"Now it'll be like you knocking me up twice," Alyssa said, with a breathy sigh, as she joined Tsarra in tangling her fingers in his hair. "But you get two girls pregnant instead of just one..."

Tsarra cried out with her release, her pussy clamping hard around John's shaft as she bucked against him. John focused on making it good for her, riding her hard through her orgasm. When her clenching release finally tapered off, he picked up the pace, working in conjunction with Alyssa to coax the Maliri girl into a second thunderous climax.

"I love that we're all multi-orgasmic," Alyssa purred as she cuddled the blue girl in her arms.

He smiled at her, cradling her head and lifting her for another kiss. Alyssa's eyelids fluttered closed as she moaned into his mouth, one of Tsarra's hands finding the teenager's sopping pussy. As turned on as Alyssa was, it didn't take her long to follow Tsarra into another orgasm, both girls gasping for breath, their chests heaving.

John kept that pace up for a long time, riding Tsarra with long strokes until she had melted into an ecstatic, boneless puddle. No longer able to hold her head up to keep kissing his neck, she lolled back onto Alyssa's breasts, gazing at him with wonder in her eyes. John remembered the Maliri girl's request, but briefly tore his eyes away from Alyssa's cerulean orbs to glance down at Tsarra, while trying to suppress a troubled frown.

The blonde's corresponding smile told him that she understood his turmoil. *It's okay... she doesn't know you as well as I do. Give her what she really wants; she is going to be the mother of your first child...*

Alyssa made a brief flicker with her fingers, gently lifting the lovers in a telekinetic net, so that she could roll out of the way. Tsarra glanced at her in confusion when Alyssa returned them to the bed, until John cradled the Maliri girl's head in his hands and gazed into her dark-green eyes.

"Just focus on me," he said softly, lengthening his strokes as he felt himself getting closer to his own release.

Her gaze softened as she saw the strength of the emotion he felt for her. "Oh, John..." she murmured in awe.

"Would you like a girl or a boy?" he asked gently, losing himself in her adoring eyes.

As Tsarra whispered the answer in his ear, he felt movement on the bed behind him, and soon there were two velvety tongues gently lapping his quad. His mind was flooded with loving thoughts from his two doting Matriarchs, both of them eager to see him fill the beautiful girl beneath him.

John thrust up to the hilt inside Tsarra as he came, seeing stars as he filled her with his potent sperm. It was a long, gloriously fulfilling climax, and knowing that the girl joining him in her release would soon be carrying his baby, made it satisfying in a way he hadn't known before. He could imagine her blue tummy growing round as the months progressed, that thought make his quad clench in response, desperate to pack her fertile womb with every ounce of cum he possessed.

When his climax was done, he eased out of her trembling body and tried to roll away, worried about squashing the Maliri girl under his weight. Tsarra embraced him instead, pulling him down to rest his head on her heaving chest. As they lay there panting, getting their breath back, he could feel her curved tummy underneath him, her skin warm and soft against his.

"Thank you," Tsarra whispered, her fingers stroking his head.

John raised himself up and smiled at her, feeling a surge of protectiveness for the lovely young Maliri woman. "Roll over, let me hold you," he said, doing exactly that when she followed his request. Holding her possessively in his arms, he whispered in her ear, "You'll never feel like you're on your own again. I'll always be there to keep you safe, all of us will..."

She let out a blissfully happy sigh and placed her hand atop his on her rounded tummy. "I'll always be connected to you now," she murmured, interlacing her fingers with his.

"Mine forever," he agreed, marvelling at the thought of the new life growing inside her.

After giving them some time to revel in the afterglow, his two matriarchs joined them, Alyssa wasting no time congratulating them and hugging Tsarra. Edraele was more hesitant, waiting patiently for her turn with a look of wonder in her purple eyes. They were soon followed by the rest of the girls, who all wanted to touch Tsarra's cum-filled belly, the room soon echoing with excited chatter.

"I wished it was me so bad!" Dana exclaimed, leaning down to kiss that rounded tummy. "You're so lucky!"

Tsarra darted a glance at John and grinned at her sisters. "I really am!"

John grinned back, moving aside to let her enjoy the moment, as she was surrounded and fussed over by the gaggle of girls.

Alyssa put her arms around him from behind and rested her chin on his shoulder. *You wouldn't believe how happy she is, baby daddy,* she told him, her joyful thoughts floating through his mind like fluffy clouds.

John turned to look at the blonde out of the corner of his eye. *Are you sure you've got no regrets?*

She placed a tender kiss on his cheek. *If I had my way, I'd already be six months pregnant. This was good though; like I said, a perfect solution for everyone. I'll just have to be patient, but you and me will have our time together...* Her telepathic voice dropped a few octaves as she continued, *Just imagine how good that's going to be... I'm going to blow... your... mind...*

John didn't doubt it for a moment and he turned to give her a proper kiss, feeling closer to Alyssa than he ever had done before.


Galen Skotari stirred awake, startled to find himself in an unfamiliar room. He glanced around for a moment to get his bearings and as the fog of sleep lifted from his mind, he recognised the suite on Port Medea. Turning to his left, he saw a sweep of blonde hair across the pillow and grinned when he remembered the previous evening with Camilla.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, he realised it was only two in the morning, so he turned to burrow under the covers again. As he did so, he spotted the bright flare of a cruiser's engines through the long window to his right, the suite offering an impressive view of the fleet. He and Camilla had been far too preoccupied to close the blinds earlier that evening, so he now had a clear view of one set of massive starship engines lighting up after another. To his surprise, it looked like almost the entire fleet was heading out on manoeuvres!

Being careful not to disturb his sleeping lover, he padded over to the window and gazed out at the Terran Federation warships. He watched as three colossal battleships formed the vanguard of the formation, with a dozen cruisers creating a protective line in front of them, a dozen more falling in to the flanks. Destroyers and corvettes moved into position between those huge vessels, adopting a standard flak-screen formation to support the larger ships.

Assembling behind that formidable wall of firepower were the carrier groups, made up of clusters of light and medium carriers. Maddox's much larger heavy carrier, the Medusa, took pride of place in the centre, the intimidating size of that vast warship making it stand out to even the casual observer.

A hand on his shoulder made Galen jump out of his skin and he turned to see Camilla's worried face. "Did we miss a call to rally with the fleet?"

He glanced at his wrist comm on the bedside table and saw by the green lights that it was still active. "My alarm would've gone off if it was urgent," he replied, darting around the bed to grab the device.

Pressing a button, a holographic display appeared, listing all his recent messages. He immediately spotted one from Maddox, tensing as he shot Camilla an anxious look. She hurried to retrieve her own wrist comm as he opened the message, but Galen relaxed a moment later and laughed with relief.

"Those poor bastards! Maddox must have got them out on some kind of drill. I've been ordered to hold position at Port Medea," he read out, then smiled at his lover. "If it was anything serious, we'd have been ordered to battle stations."

Camilla was reading through her own messages, but she still had a worried frown on her face.

"What's up?" he asked, walking around the bed to join her. "You weren't supposed to be out there were you?"

She quickly shook her head. "No, I've been ordered to hold position in Iota Leonis the same as you, but I also got a message from Captain Pillay on the Plutus. He just told me that Maddox gathered up all the ships who didn't have many crew on leave and they're investigating a small force of Kintark ships approaching the border..."

That wiped the smile off Galen's face and he shared a worried look with her. "Do you reckon the Kintark are planning something?" he asked in a hushed voice. "After what happened with the lizards switching their transponder codes, I've got a bad feeling about this..."

"I honestly don't know, but I think I better contact my friend and let him know what you discovered..." she replied, striding over to the neat pile of clothes she'd left on the chair.

It took Galen a while to find his left shoe, but he eventually discovered it under the bed. Tugging it on, he jogged over to Camilla, who waited for him by the door. "I'm sorry we had to end the night like this, CT."

"You've got nothing to apologise for," the blonde replied, standing on tiptoe to give him a passionate kiss.

They shared a smile, then headed out of the suite into the residential district. Port Medea was quieter at this late hour, with small groups of intoxicated revellers returning from the late-night clubs. The two captains gave them a wide berth, not wanting to get involved with any drunken altercations on their way back to the shuttle bay.

Galen darted an inquisitive glance at the blonde walking purposefully at his side. "You never did mention who your friend was, CT..."

"No, I suppose I didn't..." she replied, giving him an infuriatingly mysterious smile.

She went quiet as they passed a trio of merry engineers, who toasted them unsteadily with their bottles of beer. Camilla quickened her pace, so Galen walked faster to keep up with her as they left the residential area and approached the lifts to the docking bays.

Camilla hit the button to call a lift, then glanced around to make sure there was no one in earshot. "Nearly ten years ago, back when I was a Lieutenant fresh out of the Academy, I was assigned to the Alastor, under Captain Meares. Colin's a good man who took me under his wing and helped mentor me for command..." She smiled wistfully for a moment, then continued, "Anyway, he's a Rear Admiral now and we still keep in touch. Colin knows what Maddox is like, so I don't think he'll get upset about me circumventing the chain of command."

The elevator chimed, so they both stepped inside, with Galen hitting the button for Deck Twenty-Seven. He nodded thoughtfully and said, "A Rear Admiral should be ideal; he'll know just who to get this information to. I'll grab the data crystal from my ship then take a shuttle to the Hesperus."

She shook her head. "Just transmit it to me on a Secure channel, I'll be broadcasting it to Meares the same way... Unless you're worried about Maddox tracing it back to you?"

Galen lifted his chin stubbornly. "Maddox should have escalated this immediately. If he didn't, then that's his problem, not mine!"

The lift chimed again and the door opened, the sounds from the dock machinery and raised voices reaching their ears, the docking bays busy even in the middle of the night. They strode out into the corridor, following the noise, and nodded to the two marines on guard duty outside the first docking bay, who then saluted the returning captains. Passing them and entering the vast hangar, there were rows of shuttles in here, used to ferry crews back to their vessels.

"Give me five minutes, I'll call you straight away!" Galen promised, patting the blonde on the arm.

She nodded. "I'll be waiting!"

They broke into a run towards the closest shuttles, the pilots who were chatting outside the small grey vessels turning to stare at the sprinting captains in surprise.


John sat down behind his desk and activated the console. The holographic interface sprang into existence before him and he scrolled through the list of contacts, searching for the connection details for Senior Councillor Ularean. He was just about to call the leader of the Ashanath High Council to let him know about the change of plans, but he hesitated, his finger hovering over the name. If he made that call, it would be routed out of the Maliri Protectorate, then connected through a long chain of Terran Federation comms beacons until it reached Ashana. There were lots of sensitive topics he didn't want the Terran Federation Admiralty to know about yet, many of which Ularean might inadvertently raise.

*Ladies, could you come up to my Ready Room please?* John asked his two matriarchs. *We need to figure out a secure way of keeping the Ashanath up to date.*

*I'm on my way!* Alyssa replied a moment later.

*Of course, my love, I'll be right there...* Edraele murmured, sounding very distracted.

John was surprised by her curious tone, then shrugged, figuring Edraele was probably trying to contend with the background cacophony from the Young Matriarchs. A few minutes earlier, he'd left all the girls chattering away with Tsarra, but the five Maliri girls were the most excited he'd ever seen them. He rose from his chair and walked over to the sofas, then waited patiently for Alyssa and Edraele to arrive.

They took longer than he expected and he had just started to get up to find out what was keeping them, when the door opened and they walked through. Both women were wearing reasonably modest silk dressing gowns, but Alyssa was supporting Edraele, who had a dazed smile on her flushed face.

Springing to his feet he rushed over to join them. "What happened, Edraele? Are you alright?"

"I feel super!" she replied, beaming at him in delight.

John scooped the Maliri up in his arms and looked to Alyssa for an explanation.

The blonde smirked and said, "I don't think it's anything to worry about. She's just not used to dealing with this much psychic energy all at once. She's a bit drunk on power, but in a good way."

Edraele shook her head and raised a slender blue finger, then traced a glowing purple heart in the air. Letting out an exaggerated sigh, she gazed up at John. "I'm drunk on love!"

Alyssa glided over to the sofas and sat down, then patted the seat next to her. "You better bring the love-drunk over here; I'm sure it'll wear off pretty soon, once she's got used to all that extra energy."

The Maliri Matriarch giggled and closed her eyes, snuggling into John's chest as he walked around to sit next to Alyssa.

"I thought she was a bit quiet earlier," John said with concern, studying the serene expression on Edraele's face. Looking at Alyssa in confusion, he added, "You never reacted this way before."

Alyssa smiled at him affectionately. "You've spent months nurturing the girls on our crew, gradually deepening and strengthening their connections as they grew closer to you. It's still been a bit of a shock when they've ramped up in power, but I've had lots of time to get used to it." She leaned closer to stroke Edraele's long white hair and continued, "Edraele has over a thousand Maliri linked to her, but they only spent a few minutes chatting to you, then basically downed a shot-glass of your cum. The psychic energy from my girls and hers aren't even in the same ballpark, at least not yet anyway."

"What about the Young Matriarchs and Edraele's bodyguards?" John countered, a bemused expression on his face. "I've spent quite a bit of time getting to know those girls."

The blonde nodded, conceding that was true. "Yep, but they only gave you a handful of blowjobs on Genthalas. You fucked Almari and Ilyana for the first time yesterday, and the effect that had on those girls left Edraele buzzing. Now imagine the kind of difference you made after your love-in with Tsarra today... You massively boosted her self-esteem, then made her pregnant and told her you'd take care of her forever." She gave him a loving smile as she added, "When she saw you'd already started falling for her, well... you can imagine what an ecstatically happy girl she is right now."

Edraele tilted her head back to look at Alyssa upside down, a radiant smile on her face. "It was like the delicious icing on a wonderfully tasty eldritch cake!"

Alyssa laughed and nodded. "Yes, exactly!" She kissed Edraele on the forehead, then glanced up at John. "I could feel the massive energy surge through her network over our bond... didn't you feel it too?"

John shook his head as he carefully tilted Edraele upright again, the Maliri giving him a blissful smile in return. "No, I didn't feel a thing."

The blonde shrugged. "Well, the plan's working great! Keep humping those sexy blue babes and making them feel like a million credits; you'll never have energy problems again!"

He frowned at her and said, "You know that's not why I'm doing this."

Alyssa's expression turned serious and she nodded. "I know... but more importantly, those girls know that too. The Young Matriarchs can feel how sincere you are and how much you genuinely care for them. You know how shitty their lives were growing up in Maliri society, so I'm sure you realise just how much that means to those girls..."

John let out a heavy sigh as he looked down at Edraele, who had closed her eyes and was resting her head against his chest once again. "I can't believe how much they've all been through. It's so depressing to think that there's millions of Maliri who've suffered through the same kind of thing."

"But you're already changing all that," Alyssa said softly, brushing her fingers through his hair. "I overheard your conversation with Edraele earlier. Between Edraele and the Young Matriarchs, they control nearly two-thirds of the Protectorate; whatever you decide to do regarding the rest of the matriarchs, you've already made a massive difference to the Maliri."

"I keep forgetting Edraele and her girls control all the most powerful Houses." John leaned down to kiss the Maliri Matriarch on top of her head, her soft white hair tickling his nose. Giving Alyssa his full focus again, he continued, "How are your girls doing after this evening?"
