Through the Gate of the Gods Ch. 03


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The end of the night was a fuzzy blur. She remembered Ornament moaning 'I don't feel good', then sliding gently off her chair to curl up on the floor.

She remembered Gem suddenly lurching up from her chair and staggering to the back of the room to throw up. It seemed like the funniest thing ever.

The last thing she remembered was Magenta muttering 'can someone please stop making the fucking room spin?'


She was awoken the next morning by the sound of someone moaning 'dear Harstell, please help me!'

Her whole body ached. Her eyes seemed crusted shut, and when she tried to move, she added her own moan to the room. Her head was pounding, and her stomach churned.

She heard Mist whisper 'there's a bucket next to your bed if you need it, and juice if you want some'.

Someone near her was being loudly sick, and the sounds and smell overwhelmed her. With a whimper of agony, Orchid rolled on her side and groped blindly for her bucket.


The girls were left alone all morning. The only disturbances were the black-robed servants, slipping in to remove the disgusting used buckets and replace them with clean ones.

All the girls were miserable. Red eyes, pale faces, blank stares. There was very little talking, and more than a few of them just went back to sleep.

Orchid tried to drink some juice, because she was so thirsty, but just threw it back up. Finally she gave up, pulled her blanket over her head, and softly moaned herself to sleep.

It wasn't until long after a nearly untouched lunch of (ironically) toast that Mist brought them to the other room. Orchid felt a little better, but her hands shook and her legs wobbled as she followed the woman down the hall.

None of the girls were doing their graceful, sexy walks. They stumbled and staggered, often reaching out to touch the wall and keep their balance.

This time, there were mugs of warm herbal tea on the table.

"Drink," Mist told them. "It will help-I promise."

It wasn't in the girl's nature to disobey, but they all sipped warily.

"Last night was an important lesson," Mist told the hurting girls.

"None of you had ever drank alcohol before. When you dance, many of the men will offer you drinks like the ones you had last night."

Orchid shuddered.

'I'll never touch that stuff again,' she thought.

"You needed to know-first hand-what happens when you drink to much," Mist continued. "You saw that you can't dance when you're drunk."

She smiled gently. "And now you know what the next day is like."

There were groans and rueful chuckles.

"The people that work at the club know to give you girls drinks that don't have any alcohol in them. You just need to be careful of the ones the men give you."

The tea was helping, Orchid noted. Her head felt clearer, and her stomach was settling down.

"Does anyone want to get drunk again tonight?"

"Oh fuck no, please," Magenta whimpered.

"Not tonight or any night," Flower added.

Mist nodded. "Good. Then this lesson has been well learned.


Two weeks flew past. The girls had moved up to four inch heels, and weren't just walking in them-they were dancing too.

Mist worked hard teaching the girls new moves. She brought them to a room that had black circles and squares drawn on the floor, and guided each girl to the center of one.

"You'll be dancing on platforms about this size," she explained, "so it's important to learn to how much room you have to maneuver in. Otherwise, you'll fall off-and that's never sexy."

She showed the girls how to take the dances they already knew and incorporate sexy new steps. They learned how to gyrate, how to show off their luscious bodies, how to dance on their knees and even squirming on their backs.

They practiced bending over and wiggling, flaunting their backsides; laying on the 'platform' with their feet in the air, opening and closing their legs; and the bustier girls like Midnight and Orchid spent time learning how to shake their shoulders to make their breasts the focus.

The lessons came every day. How to make eye contact with a smokey, seductive expression; how to flutter their lashes cutely; how to move their hands on their bodies, teasing any watchers with the promises of delights to come.

Dancing was a lot of fun, and a chance to be creative. There were basic moves of course, but each girl was given the freedom to use her dance to express herself.

"Honesty," Mist would say. "Let your personality and your mood shine through. Some nights you might feel playful, others joyous, still others subdued. Let the men see that."

For Orchid, it was also very arousing. She loved to use a move where she bent at the waist, scrunched her shoulders together, and showed off her ample cleavage-so much so that Mist warned her not to over do it.

The last major trick they learned was to go to elbows and knees, squirming and crawling like a cat. Ornament confessed she liked that move best, because she could let her long hair hide her face, blocking her view of the room and allowing her to forget about any audience and just enjoy dancing.

"If it works for you," Mist said, smiling. "Another thing you can do is just dance for one man at a time. Even if it's only for a few seconds, forget everyone and everything else in the room and focus on that one person."

Ornament giggled. She knew her shyness was an asset, and while she was nowhere near as inhibited as she'd been at first, she still blushed easily, and stammered and whispered the words they were taught to use in private.

By now, the rest of the girls could say words and phrases they'd never even thought of before without blushing or giggling. Orchid still got a thrill when she said something like 'wet little cunt' or 'fuck me deeper', and looked forward with nervous excitement to the night she could say them to one of Darella's servants.


"Who are those people in black?" Magenta asked one day. "The ones that bring our meals and clean the rooms?"

The corners of Mist's mouth turned down.

"They are criminals that offended the gods."

"Dumb asses," old mother added with disgust.

"They are blasphemers?" Lily asked.

"Far worse that that, child," Mist told her. "They deliberately committed evil deeds to go with their evil thoughts."

Heart looked worried. "Are we safe with them here?"

The old woman cackled. "Oh yes. It's part of their punishment. Any pain they inflict on another rebounds back on them a hundred times over."

"How long do they have punished?" Breath asked.

Mist shook her head sadly. "Until the gods release them. And gods have many things to deal with that are far more important than those sinners. Most will wear the black for decades."

The girls fidgeted, disquieted by the thought.

"Relax, brats," old mother barked. "Trust me, they deserve every day of their punishment. And none of you have to worry. To end up in the black robes, you have to do something truly vile. The gods don't punish the kind of little screw ups you're capable of."

She thumped her cane on the floor. "But I might smack somebody if you keep trying to waste time with questions instead of working on your dances!"


"Girls, I have good news," Mist told them one morning. "We're almost done here. In four days, we'll move you to your new quarters at the club. That night, half of you will make your debuts."

Orchid gulped and looked around the room, and saw a lot of pale faces and wide eyes.

Mist smiled gently. "Don't worry, my darlings. You're ready. There's just a few more things to touch on first."

She went to the doorway and waved an arm, and a woman joined her.

She was tall and thin, dressed in grey slacks and a white blouse. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and her expression was stoney.

The word that popped into Orchid's head when she looked at the woman was 'severe'.

"She's the kind of person that schedules one smile a year, whether she's happy or not," Midnight joked that evening.

"Girls, meet Alma. She's the manager of the club, and will be in charge of you as long as you're there."

The woman nodded once, slowly, as she scanned the girls, her gaze appraising and critical.

"You know what's expected of you," she said in a monotone. "I know you'll do well."

She gave Mist another slow nod, and left the room.

The old mother cackled at the girl's concerned expressions.

"Don't let Alma intimidate you," Mist told them. "Yes, she's cold as ice, but she's also very good at what she does. Listen to her. She knows what she's talking about."

"She's your boss, not your friend," old mother added.

"Will..." Heart began to say, then waited for a 'go ahead' nod from Mist.

"Will we see you there?"

"Oh yes. I'll come check on you a couple times a week."

There were sighs of relief at that welcome news.


The first thing they did was split the girls into two groups. Orchid, along with Breath, Wisteria, Gem, Thistle, and Heart, would be the second group. The other six would make their debuts the first night. That way, they could alternate and not have to dance and entertain every night.

They had two more lessons, and for most of the girls they were the hardest ones of all.

Mist came in that afternoon with a very large bag. When she set it down, it clattered like it was full of firewood.

"How many of you girls have ever seen a naked man?"

The girls looked at each other, but no hands went up.

"That's the usual answer," she said, smiling. "Your innocence is a big part of your appeal. However, we do want you to have some knowledge-some idea of what you're getting into."

She opened her bag and gave each girl a nearly identical object. Smooth, featureless, the tapered wooden cylinders were about twice the thickness of Orchid's thumb, and maybe seven inches long.

"These are not meant to be life-like," Mist said as the girls held and stared at their prizes. "Real penises have bumps, veins, and bulges-but these will give you an approximate idea."

She pulled one more out of the bag, and held it herself.

"Remember, always be gentle with it," she said as her hand started to stroke up and down. "Just like what's between your legs, a man's private parts can be tender, and easily injured."

Some of the girls began imitating her movements, Orchid among them. She felt a tingle in her belly as her small hand caressed the smooth wood.

"Now," Mist continued, "if you're in a situation where you've got one in your hand, always call it a cock. Can you all say that for me?"

"Cock," the girls chorused, some hesitantly and timidly.

Mist nodded, satisfied. "Your man's cock will be the focus of your attention in a sexual situation. When in doubt, when you're not sure what to do, you can never go wrong touching it."

The girls smiled and giggled, playing with the wooden toys.

"However, when you're talking to man, especially a naked man, never say *just* cock. It's always better to say big cock."

She made a motion with her hand, and the girls dutifully repeated the phrase.

"Men have a few universal traits you can use, and even exploit. One is they all want to have that part complimented."

"Is this really how big a man is?" Heart asked.

"Pretty close. Oh, there's some variation, but for the most part, most men are right around this size."

Orchid looked at the piece of wood in her hands, assessing how something that size would feel inside her.

Mist grinned. "But it doesn't matter. Even if it's quite a bit smaller than average, you still call it a big cock."

"You may like the man you're with," she crooned as the girls stroked their toys, "you may think he's not. But no matter what your opinion of the man is, always love and crave the cock."

Orchid could barely sit still. Her breath came in ragged, panting little gasps, and she wet her lips again and again, her pink tongue flickering out of her mouth.

"Please the cock, and you please the man. Please the man, and you please the gods," Mist continued.

"I can't!"

Orchid's head popped up. Breath had leapt to her feet, holding the phallus at arm's length, her eyes wide and panicky.

"I cant, I can't, I can't!" she cried, shaking her head, her eyes filled with terrified tears.

"Oh, dear," Mist said with sympathy, hurrying to the girl. Orchid looked with dismay at her nearly hysterical friend.

Mist folded the crying girl into her arms. "Shhh...shhhh..." she said softly.

"Please...I can't do's too much..." Breath whimpered.

"'s ok sweetheart. Breathe. Deep, slow breaths. Relax. You're ok."

Breath leaned against the older woman, shuddering. "I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I just can't."

Mist tenderly stroked her hair. "Come, little one. You need to calm down."

She took the girl's hand and started to lead her from the chamber. Breath balked and tried to pull away, her eyes again widening with fear.

Mist put her other arm around the girl's shaking shoulders. "It's ok, little one. You're not in trouble. No one's mad at you. You just need to relax."

She gave Breath a motherly kiss on the cheek. "No one's going to hurt you. I promise."

Breath looked up into the woman's eyes, her face wet with tears. After a long moment, she swallowed audibly and nodded.

Mist led the shivering girl away, still murmuring soft words of reassurance.

"Fucking children," old mother smirked when they were gone. "There's always one."

Mist was back in a few minutes, alone.

" she ok?" Orchid asked nervously.

The woman smiled softly. "She'll be fine. She just needs a little time alone to calm down."

She looked at Orchid, aware of the deep friendship between the two girls. "She's fine," she said again.

Mist looked over the group. "I know this can all be scary. If you find yourself starting to panic, think of your god. Always remember he's watching over you, and always remember he will protect you."

She let the girls think on that for a minute, then clapped her hands quietly.

"Now then...where were we?"


Orchid was in the hallway, wearing her highest heels and trying to gracefully wiggle her butt as she walked, when Breath reappeared.

The girl was barefoot, and seemed unsteady, swaying as she meandered closer.

"Breath!" Orchid squeaked in concern, rushing to wrap her arms around her friend before she could fall.

Breath's eyes were glazed and unfocused.

"Are you ok? Are you ok?" Orchid asked anxiously.

Breath looked at her for a long time, then finally a dazed smile flickered across her face.

"Sister!" she said, softly and happily. "Oh Sister...oh wow."

"Talk to me, sis," Orchid said gently, laying her palm on Breath's cheek.

"I'm ok," she said slowly. "Better than ok. I'," she repeated.

They were near the now-empty chamber with the couchs, so Orchid steered her dazed Sister inside and helped her sit down.

"What happened?"

Breath looked up, and Orchid realized her eyes were glazed with joy...with rapture.

"You won't believe it sis. I barely believe it."

"What? What?"

A single tear trickled down Breath's cheek as she spoke.

"He came to me sis. Ardell himself came and spoke to me."

Orchid could feel her mouth fall open. She was so amazed she forgot to show devotion by saying 'Chulda'.

"The great god came to you?"

Breath nodded, slowly and emphatically. Her expression was beatific.

"What did he say?" Orchid demanded.

"He told me he loved us. He told me..." Breath paused, blinking rapidly, and took a deep breath.

"He told me as long as I had long as I served him with a pure heart...with love and devotion...that he would watch over and protect me."

Orchid bent down and kissed her friend's cheek tenderly. "You have the purest, most beautiful heart of anyone I've ever known, my Sister."

Breath smiled warmly, then her eyes lost focus again. Her voice seemed to come from far away.

"He has so much power Sister...and so much love for us...all of us. To feel it, even just a little of it, was...there are no words."

Breath looked at her Sister and chuckled. "Remember that first night? When Darella visited you?"

Orchid laughed. "How could I forget?"

"Multiply it by a million. By infinity. Not the pleasure-he didn't touch me like that. Just the...just the *presence*."

Breath squeezed her friend's hand tightly. "All my fears and doubts are gone. I know this isn't just what I'm supposed to do-it's what I want to do."

She looked deep into Orchid's eyes. "I will be the best servant I can be. I will give Ardell (Chulda, Orchid remembered to answer) everything I am. My heart, my mind, my body and my soul."

Her smile was ecstatic. "I will make him proud. I will deserve his love," she finished.

Beaming, Orchid hugged her Sister warmly.

"We all will."


The girls dressed in their shorts and tiny tops, slipped on their high heels, and headed to the dance chamber. They chattered and giggled, but there was a little 'whistling in the dark' quality to it, this close to what Lily called 'another leap into the unknown.'

They all felt a little nervous and wound up, easy to startle or laugh. Orchid had agreed whole heartedly with Mist when she reminded them the anticipation is often worse than the event.

"Wow," Heather exclaimed softly as she entered the room first.

"Oh my."

"This is new."

All the girls had a surprised comment as they clumped together just inside the doorway.

There were musicians in the room-not just a fortepiano, but also a drummer, a harpsichordist, a piper, a cellobassist, and a horn player.

And they were all male.

"Come, come, brats," old mother hissed impatiently. "Did you think you were gonna hum happy tunes while you danced?"

That made a few of the girls giggle, and they spread out as they moved into the room. Orchid was very aware of being mostly naked in front of men for the first time, but the musicians paid the girls little attention, instead fiddling with their instruments, obviously preparing to play.

There were a few dischordant bleats and squeals as they checked their tuning, and then the piper raised a hand, indicating they were ready.

Old mother clapped her hands. "Let's go, let's go," she grumbled. "First group, get your cute asses in a circle. Second group, sit your butts down and pay attention."

Orchid sat on the floor, in a line with her Sisters, and watched as the first six girls slowly moved to stand in one of the dance circles drawn on the floor. Their faces were pale and nervous, and a couple were trembling noticeably.

Poor Ornament looked like she might faint.

Mist stood between the two groups and addressed the standing girls.

"Free dance," she told them. "Keep it simple, and let the music guide your bodies. I know you're nervous. That's ok-you're going to be even more nervous your first night at the club. So don't try anything difficult."

She gave them a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine. Trust yourselves."

She stepped away, and the musicians began to play.

The song was slow and light, and with deep breaths and nervous gulps, the girls began to move, tentatively at first, their feet barely moving.

"That's very nice, Flower," Mist called out, and flapped her hand at the sitting girls, as if to tell them 'say something.'

"You look great! So beautiful!" Breath sang out, and Orchid smiled at her friend. The girl was always so sweet!

"I love it!" she added.

It was true, too. Orchid watched her Sisters dance and was once again amazed by how pretty they were. She gazed in wonder at Midnight's gorgeous, raven hair...Heather's long, slim legs...Magenta's full, firm bosom...Flower's graceful movements...Lily's huge, sparkling eyes...and cute little Ornament, who had no idea how lovely she was.