Tia's Bucket List Ch. 03


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"What the fuck, bitch? What kinda boring-ass outfit is that shit?" Mr. Polo asked me, sounding totally baffled. "Don't you know dimestore dolls can't coast on their looks?"

"Gotta glow up to make me bone up." He told me. "You ain't worth fucking like that."

Jesus! That hit me out of nowhere. With my blonde hair and big boobs, I could definitely rely on my looks. He was totally twisting the facts! And yet, it worked like a charm because it stole my thunder and unsettled me.

"You got 10 secs to strip that shit off! Otherwise, I'll throw your stupid ass out." The slick prick instructed me in no uncertain terms.

As far as I could tell, he was totally serious! To be honest, his rude attitude had already set the tone for the evening. It showed me my status and made me obedient right away. So, I didn't hesitate. Even though my white bolero jacket and flimsy leggings were super saucy, I stripped down to my red bra and thong. And then I notice that the front door was still open. So damn embarrassing! As a result, my face blushed in the same shade of red as my lingerie. But I still dropped the last of my clothes as it no longer mattered anyway. And so, there I stood - a naked woman with a red head and red shoes!

At least, I didn't stay nude for long. Without taking his eyes off my titties, Ben grabbed some gear that was hanging on the clothes rack. He basically threw it in my face. Caught off guard, I failed to catch it. Goddamnit! I must have looked such a clumsy chick! Nonetheless, the stuck-up snob didn't give me any time to inspect the clothes, ordering me to put them on immediately. That's why I didn't get to see the outfit in its entirety until I had it on. And by then it was too late!

Needless to say, the look took my breath away. But not in a good way! The outfit consisted of ultra-skimpy hotpants in white with-pink cow spots. The top hardly deserved the name, as it was little more than an oversized bandana. It had the shape of an inverted triangle and barely covered my boobs. In fact, it revealed more than it left to the imagination. To make matter worse, the top had the same white-and- pink cow pattern. But it wasn't until I looked closer that I noticed a fucking logo. 'Whole Latte Love' was written across my fabulous funbags while 'Cowgirls' Asspresso' was printed across my booty. No kidding!

Gosh! There was so much wrong with this fashion fail! First of all, the color! You may remember that I don't wear pink. And I do so on principle because I'm not a bimbo! Luckily, the main color was white and only the cow spots were pink, so I let it slide. But just this once! Promise! Then there was the animal print. That's not my style at all! And finally, the logo! As you might know, latte means milk in Italian and cock in German. What a double entendre! In comparison, the alternate spelling of 'asspresso' was quite the sledgehammer approach. There was no way, I could go out like that! Especially since I was still wearing my red high heels. The color clash between pink and red hurt my sensibilities as a designer! After all, I had some professional pride to defend! But the arrogant asshat didn't give a damn. In fact, he liked the outfit precisely because it made me look so cheap and trashy. The rotten bastard!

"Don't you look brew-tiful, blondie?" He had to go one better with a silly pun.

"So... you wanna know what kinda stupid shit your booty bae did in the store today?" Mr. Polo became serious while returning to the topic at hand. "Simple! Ryan n I came by to have lunch with our top bro. No big deal! But the whole time the bitch was hovering over us like she was waiting for us to give her a task."

"So I did just that." He added with a shrug. "Told the stupid slut to make herself useful n get us lattes from the coffee shop. And all of a sudden, all hell broke loose."

"The bitch took offense to being called a barista cuz she's a legit fashion designer." He said with unconcealed sarcasm.

Oh wow! Of all the possible events, I hadn't imagined this course of action. Not at all! But I could imagine Holly's reaction all too clearly. It was extremely important to her to be seen as a real designer, so her temper must have come into play. Bet!

"Whatever! Booty-4-Brains threw a major fit." Ben confirmed my suspicions. "Totally outta place if you ask me. The dumbfuck needs to learn how to behave at work."

"Yo, titty tramp! That's where you come in." He suddenly addressed me. "You wanna be her fucking proxy so you take on the role of barista bike."

Seriously? That was his drift? What a surprise... not! After all, the outfit was a dead giveaway. Still, I didn't expect the slick prick to stoop so low and make me act it out. Then again, he didn't tell me any details, keeping it 100 with his rude attitude. Instead, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the condo. In next to no time, we were sitting in my car. This time, though, Ben was in the driver's seat, or rather he put one hand on the wheel and the other on my naked thigh. This was totally intrusive, but it didn't occur to me to protest. It was part of the deal, right?

To be honest, I had some serious flashbacks to our first encounter. As soon as I was in Ben's presence, I felt like a freeuse fuckdoll. His dominant demeanor and bossy behavior immediately triggered my submissiveness. As a result, I was overcome with the urge to serve, even though that wasn't my goal for the day. Bucket list or not, it was clear that it was a natural reflex of mine!

And then the car came to a stop at a traffic light. Without being asked, Mr. Polo grabbed my left tit. Just like that! So, how did I react? I didn't fend off his hand but moaned in lust and turned my body towards him, serving my right tit up for grabs next. As long as the slick prick refrained from taking my bomb-ass bouncers out of the top, his intrusive behavior was fine with me. After all, I wasn't looking for exhibitionism today. This was a bucket list item I had reserved for later. Promise!

But it didn't come to that because Mr. Polo didn't stop at the next traffic light. Instead, he turned left and drove into a parking lot. Totally puzzled, I looked at the small strip mall. What the hell were we doing here? Upon closer inspection, I quickly realized what the stuck-up snob was up to. One of the stores was a coffee shop. What a coincidence... not!

The task literally explained itself. And so, we got out of the car. But Ben didn't go into the store, coming over to me instead. Before I could react, he put his hand on my back and pushed me down until my hands came to rest on the passenger seat. As a result, my head was in the car and my ass was sticking out. A second later, I had to bite my lip to stifle a scream. Without any warning, the shitbird shoved an object up my ass. My little butthole was totally unprepared and way too tight, so he literally tore it open. Son of a bitch!

Fortunately, the object was relatively small and super smooth. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a metal butt plug. Oh damn! The arrogant asshat didn't drag his feet. He started the anal mission right away, catching me on the wrong foot! But whatever! The plug was already buried up my butt, so it was spilled milk. That's why Ben kept pushing on. Grabbing my long, blond hair, he pulled my head out of the car. Back in an upright position, a hard blow landed on my right bun. Jesus!

That was uncalled for, but it got me going! Real quick, I made my way over to the coffee shop even though I wasn't walking all too gracefully as I had to get used to the butt plug first. Of course, Mr. Polo didn't accompany me. Like a true macho, he let me serve him. But that was far from my main concern! My pink outfit didn't go unnoticed. The male guests couldn't stop staring at me. As if they didn't know where to look first! Admittedly, it was a hard choice between my barely covered boobs and my juicy booty spilling out of my hot pants. In the end, the logos made all the difference as the 'Cowgirl's Asspresso' seemed to be a favorite among men. So predictable!

By contrast, I got nothing but disparaging looks from the real barista. I can't even tell if she saw me as competition or if she thought I was making fun of her job. In any case, she didn't like me as soon as she laid eyes on me. Accordingly, she made me repeat my order several times. As if I were too stupid to pronounce the names correctly! But a chai frappucino and a cold brew coffee aren't exactly unusual orders, are they?

Anyway, it took quite some time, but I finally had my drinks in hand. And then it hit me, like literally! Just when I turned around, the butt plug sent out an electric shock. What the fuck? An electric charge coursed through my body, shooting into my limbs. Every fiber of my body vibrated like a turning fork. Damnit! What kind of torture device was this? It hurt like hell! As a result, I jumped on the spot hectic as fuck while my body jerked like crazy. The sheer surprise made my arms shoot up. And so, I dumped half the cold brew over my chest. And I oops!

For fuck's sake! The damage was done! The cold coffee soaked my triangle top, leaving nasty stains and making the pink fabric see-through. As a result, my big-ass boobs and dark nipples were visible for everyone to see! Once again, I found myself blushing hard. Believe it or not, my cheeks were as red as my shoes. I felt so stupid and clumsy. Worst of all, I couldn't explain my mishap, so I looked like the blonde joke personified. And to be honest, I also felt like it! Bet!

As if anybody cared about my feelings! All the guests were having a great time. The men enjoyed leering at my fantastic funbags, while the barista feasted on my clumsiness. Her derisive laughter echoed in my ears for a long time. I felt so much shame I didn't know what to do, so I stood rooted to the spot in the middle of the store. Only when a second electric charge shocked my asshole did I get moving. Once again, I took a leap as my body jerked wild as fuck. Jesus!

But this time, I kept moving and hurried out of the store as fast as I could. Of course, Ben laughed just as derisively as the barista when I returned to the car. In fact, he liked my mishap so much that he didn't give me a chance to rearrange my outfit, so I had to sit on the passenger seat with a soaked top holding the coffee cups. Even more than that, he loved his new toy. And thus, he shocked my asshole at every red light. Son of a bitch!

But that wasn't all! The stuck-up snob had another dirty trick up his sleeve. Not only did the butt plug give off electrical charges, it could also vibrate. So, what did the ruthless bastard do? After each shock, he turned on the vibrations to ease the pain with pleasure. As a result, I had a hard time balancing the cups as I wiggled around on the seat nonstop. Holy shit! The arrogant asshat took my offer way too seriously. He was zeroing in on the anal punishment way too much. What had I gotten myself into?

---Brewty goes to a frat house---

The drive didn't last much longer. And yet, we left the wealthy neighborhood and headed toward the college campus. When we finally parked, I realized why. We were standing right in front of the Yamos house. It was easy to spot because it's a gray wooden house with the Greek letters 'γαμώ' above the front door.

Without further ado, Ben got out of the car and went into the house, so I had no choice but to follow him, even though I didn't like where this was going. This wasn't part of my plan! I was here to find out what had happened between Holly and Matt. I had no intention to involve anyone else, so I wasn't keen on meeting a bunch of immature fratboys, especially not in my soaked barista uniform. Period!

But it was too late for that! By now, Mr. Polo had turned into Mr. Merciless as he didn't tolerate any objection. Everything is black-and-white with him. You're either in or you're out. There's no in-between. I had handed him the reins, so I couldn't complain about him taking control and leading the way, right? And thus, I found myself walking into the frat house. But I wasn't alone. Quite the opposite! There was a party going on.

Believe it or not, the fratsters were having one of their famous Yamos keggers, or rather a booze-n-bitches party as it's commonly called. Damnit! This was going off the rails and fast! But at least, it was a closed event. There were no random students present, only yamos bros and invited guests. As a result, the crowd was mostly made up of men. But there were a few girls present as well. As Ben informed me, they were members of the sorority next door called Zeta Sigma Chi, or simply ΖΣΧ. And the name said it all! The girls were dressed real provocatively for coeds. Bet!

Anyway, we showed up late! The booze was flowing freely, and inhibitions were lowered already. Surprisingly, Mr. Merciless made me mingle first. And so, I saw a whole lot of make-out sessions. But I soon realized why the slick prick made me socialize. Even though the girls were dressed super sexy, I still stood out in my white-and-pink cowgirl outfit! Truth be told, though, my hairstyle was a biggest eye-catcher. Due to the half pony, my long, blonde strands kept falling over my shoulders, so I had to constantly play with my hair and brush it back. That drew tons of attention to my face and tits. Promise!

As a result, I saw more wide-eyed college boys who couldn't keep their eyes off my bomb-ass boobs than I cared to admit! One of the younger bros even dared to approach me and ask if I was a new bunny. When I frowned in response, he explained that 'bunny' was a Yamos term used to refer to the Zeta Sigma Chi members. How kind of them! In great detail, the junior informed me that every semester there were some ΖΣΧ sisters who slept with Yamos bros, did their laundry, and cleaned their dishes in order to become popular in the frat world. These girls were called 'bro bunnies'. If that's not a nice name! And as it turned out, the youngster was still looking for his personal bunny. Of course, I politely declined. But I must admit that the idea got me hot and bothered!

In any case, it was good to know. So, I thanked the boy named Brody by dancing a song with him. And with that, I found myself on the dancefloor. It wasn't long before the fratsters around me started touching me. Typical guy moves, of course! I felt several hands on my back, slowly sliding down. Whenever they tried to reach for my ass, however, I casually brushed them away. But then I noticed that my pussy throbbed with every touch, and I gave in. Soon, the boys became bolder, grabbing my ass or pinching my buns. Brody even went so far as to let his hand slide over my terrific titties. All accidentally, of course!

By then I was getting too hot and bothered for my own good! So, I returned to Ben. After all, I wasn't there for the party. And yet, I couldn't hide my excitement. When the slick prick saw my flushed face, he had to grin like a devil. He knew that I was ready! And so, he took it to the next level.

"Yo, everyone! Listen up!" The stuck-up snob suddenly addressed the crowd in between two songs. "Soz to tell you, but we got no beer bitch today."

This earned him a round of boos. Apparently, it was a popular fixture of booze-n-bitches parties. After all, it's in the name, like literally!

"However... we got a brew bitch today." He announced while grabbing my hand and lifting my arm. "Say hello to brewty!"

Oh gawd! The shitbird presented me on a silver platter! He even made me do a pirouette so the college crowd could see my apple bottom along with my tremendous titties. The cheek of this guy! But at least, I was showered with a round of loud cheers. So, for once, I let it count as compensation!

And with that, my service as brew bitch began. Fittingly, Ben had fetched a bottle of coffee liqueur and a bunch of plastic shot glasses from the kitchen. One after the other, he filled a glass and stuck it in my cleavage. Oh jeez! He turned my fabulous funbags into a fucking fleshtray. So presumptuous!

Believe it or not, but my job turned out a lot harder than imagined. After all, the triangle top barely offered any support, so the first few glasses slipped out of my titty crack before I even made it to a fratboy. After two more fails, I got so frustrated that I pulled the top down to get the fabric out of the way. With my big-ass bouncers exposed, I grabbed my fluffy fleshpillows at the sides and squeezed them around the glass to hold it tight. Of course, the action earned me a round of applause. but it remained a half-baked solution. With every step, the liqueur sloshed around. And so, half of the fluid poured onto my bomb-ass boobs. Damnit!

With inhibitions lower than ever, the Yamos bros became emboldened to take action. Instead of letting me hand them the glasses, they grabbed the shooters themselves. Needless to say, they either slid their hands over my titty flesh or squeezed my fabulous funbags before taking the shot glass. A junior named Austin even pinched my nipples, which made me groan and earned him a round of whoops. Today, my titties definitely deserved the name glorious grabbags. Period!

I can't even tell how many shots of liqueur I handed out as brew bitch, but eventually the bottle was empty and my service over. No matter what, it had been hard work to get there, and I certainly looked the part. My triangle top had more stains than cow spots and my fab fleshpads were covered in sticky brown liquid.

---Brewty goes on a treasure hunt---

Like a true gentleman, Ben gave me a timeout to clean myself up. Although I did my best to rearrange my outfit, there was nothing I could do to save the top. It was ruined! So, I asked some sorority girls if they had a spare shirt. It made me feel like the biggest slut at the party, but it was better than the alternative. Believe it or not, I got lucky, and a coed gave me a fresh new crop top. To my horror, it was completely pink and featured the Greek letters ΖΣΧ as cut-outs on the front. It was also a size too small, so it accentuated my boobs more than it concealed them. Putting it on, I hesitated. Pink was an absolute dealbreaker, but I was out of options. This was bad but better than the alternatives!

"So... brewty! You still wanna know what happened at the Vonderstore?" Ben finally got back to topic when I found him in the study room, drinking that damn coffee liqueur with a senior bro. "Too bad, you haven't proven you're an ass whore yet. No anal, no story... so sorry!"

Believe me, I hadn't forgotten about it! And I still didn't like it. At that moment, however, I was more annoyed that he was speaking about these things so openly, and in front of a total rando. Then again, the fratster with the deep spray tan wasn't just any party guest but the chapter president called Colton, and he greeted me in surprisingly nice and mature manner. So, I guess I was as ready as I'd ever be.

"The job's simple. Even you should understand it, dummy." He explained to me. "You heard 'bout the bro bunnies! So, it's your turn now! Time to earn your keep!"

"You got till the end of the party to run for the position as butt bunny." The shitbird clarified. "You succeed, you get all the info you want. You fail, you get a kick in the ass. No participation trophies here! So sorry, blondie!"

OK! I must correct myself! I wasn't ready for that! I definitely didn't want to be a bro bunny and most definitely not a butt bunny. Thanks, but no thanks! Stupidly, I was stunned into silence, which Ben took as a yes. So, he grabbed my hand and led me out of the study room. He didn't stop until we were standing in front of the kitchen door. Next to the entrance hung a sheet of paper that looked like a chore planner. Apparently, all the fratboys entered their chores for the week there. They also signed it as a sort of public commitment.