Timmy's Talented Tongue Ch. 06

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We devise a way to make young boy's gift pay off.
11.8k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/17/2013
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Linda and I sat on the side deck of my house in comfortable cushioned rattan chairs, the sun setting on the horizon.

It was a warm early summer evening, and my old friend and I were relaxing after a day at the beach, a glimpse of which we could see from the deck.

"Love nights like this," I sighed, sipping my wine and smiling at Linda, my sexy little bisexual friend.

"Sure do, it's special, ya know?" she said, drinking from her glass. "In more ways than one. Isn't that right, Timmy?"

Linda smiled down between her meaty legs.

"Aren't you listening, Timmy?" she smiled. "I asked you a question."

Timmy moaned, his face trapped between her commanding legs, looking up at her through watery eyes, scarcely able to breathe. She quivered her fleshy thighs and squeezed harder, making him groan in pain as she pushed her pussy into his slavish mouth.

"I said, isn't that right, Timmy?" she giggled, mischievously dribbling some wine from her mouth into the juncture of his lips and her hairy pussy, mixing with the thick fluids oozing from her cunt.

"Honey," I laughed, nodding at the face engulfed in my friend's thick gams, "he can't hear you with those thigh muffs on his ears!"

"Mmmm, can't help it, that tongue is in me SO deep, and it just makes me wanna scissor his whole face way up in there!" she hissed, locking her ankles and legs out straight, vibrating her powerful inner muscles on his face as he slurped at her cunt.

She loosened her grip a bit, pulling her fleshy thighs off his ears so he could hear.

"I said isn't that right, Timmy?" she asked again.

"What...isn't what right, Mrs. Schuster," the boy gasped, free to breathe again, his mouth and cheeks glistening with Linda's goo. "I couldn't hear ..."

"That it's special being here with us, right?"

"Yes...Mrs. Schuster," Timmy panted, happy to breathe again. "Very...special..."

"Good boy," she hissed, slapping her thighs tight again against his head, mashing his mouth to her hairy quim. "Now eat up!"

This was a common practice by now, us old gals in our 60s using the 19-year-old stud as our personal oral slave. It had been ever since that night at my Fourth of July party where I found, by accident, Timmy's special talent.

He'd innocently licked some cake icing off my finger while he was helping me in my pantry and dazzled me by the size of the thing doing the licking.

The dear boy has a tongue of amazing proportions, a good three inches long, half the size of the average penis, but much, much more useful and reliable. I saw that tongue that night and seduced him, forcing him into licking my pussy in the pantry, me leaning against a shelf as he devoured my gushing pussy, guests milling about just outside the closed door.

It felt so naughty, so nice, so absolutely right. Timmy made me cum like no man had ever done before.

The guests left to walk to the beach to watch fireworks, but not before my nosey friend Linda saw us both come out of the pantry separately, making snide sexual remarks, which delighted me no end. She left, too, and I took Timmy to my upstairs deck to watch the fireworks.

Which included our own, as Timmy's lusty young cock fucked me from behind, bombs bursting in air down at the beach, his luscious young balls bursting inside me.

As we stood panting on the deck below, Linda appeared in the dark, all knowing smiles. My very sexy, blonde friend had come back to the house and watched us, enjoying our private show.

Linda, it seemed, had as hungry an appetite for oral proficiency as I did, so I invited her upstairs to join us. She did, happily so for us all.

We three enjoyed ourselves greatly that night, an encounter that included Linda and I having at one another, separately and with Timmy, and our subsequent adventures were many and varied, all centered around the boy's amazing talents - up to and including loaning him out at the beach to our various female friends.

The last of which was Timmy's grandmother, Pat Voller, a 70-year-old sexpot of well-preserved beauty and blessed with a tongue longer even than her grandson's! She greeted us with mock indignation, before taking Timmy into our cabana for a little oral servitude of her own.

And there was also that luscious afternoon I'd spent with Timmy's grandmother and mother, availing ourselves of his remarkable services in a mad, incestuous and most satisfying encounter, the sexual sense of it all heightened by its forbidden nature.

"Be careful, Linda, you'll knock him out if you keep squeezing him like that!" I laughed, recalling all that while I sat on the deck, watching her smother the poor boy in her gushing pussy and squeezing thighs. "Then what good is his tongue to us?"

"Good point," Linda sighed, releasing her scissoring grip on his head, Timmy's long tongue slurping out of her hole with a sloppy suctioning sound. "It's your turn again anyway, I can't cum anymore..."

"Oh, I doubt that, girlfriend," I laughed, watching Timmy shuffle over to my spread legs. "I truly doubt that!"

Timmy nuzzled his adoring face between my legs, considerably leaner and more muscular than Linda's, as I pulled aside the crotch of my bathing suit, Timmy's eyes feasting on the soaking wet fur of it. He smacked his lips and dove in, spearing the matted hair with that incredible tongue, making me gasp.

Linda laughed, watching me get off on Timmy's tongue as we sat on my deck, our beach towels hanging on the railing to dry - and serving a dual purpose: They also hid what was happening on the deck from the street view, our little oral boy toy slavishly servicing us. If anyone walked by my house, as they often did, we'd just wave and smile and they'd be none the wiser, seeing only our top halves covered in bathing suits.

Walking down the street, as Timmy had at me, was Tonya Perkins, a very sexy 72-year-old gal, and her fat, useless husband, Fred, a verbally abusive sort to whom she for some reason she'd stayed married for nearly 50 years.

"Ladies, lovely night!" she called out, waving at us, Fred plodding along glumly, not even giving us a look.

"Indeed it is, indeed it is!" Linda answered happily with a wave as they passed, then adding as a quiet aside to me, "God, what a fuck head that guy is. What a miserable life that woman must lead, and she's so sweet, she doesn't deserve it."

"Mmmm, yeah, she could use someone, poor thing...," I growled, running my fingers through Timmy's hair as he ate me. "Betcha she'd love a go at our boy's tongue here..."

I sipped my wine and oozed out a small orgasm as his long tongue fluttered in and out of my pussy, Linda lazily playing with her moist cunt as she watched.

"God, I could get licked all night," I sighed, leaving my legs wide open for Timmy's eager tongue, which speared into my pussy hole and then lapped up the oily lips, flickering over my engorged clit, making me shiver. "But I think the poor boy has a date tonight, doesn't he?"

I looked down at Timmy's slavish face. He smiled, as he continued to lap furiously at my clit, and nodded.

"OK, just one more," I said with a smile, pulling his face tight to my dripping sex.

It didn't take long, it seldom does with a master of cunnilingus like Timmy at work. Though I'd had several orgasms under Timmy's talented tongue already, just moments later I writhed beneath it in another one, my legs slowly embracing the boy's face and grinding it, soaking him in my fluids. Linda laughed as she watched.

"Gonna drown the poor kid we keep cumming like this," she growled, chubby legs spread and diddling her pussy as Timmy sat up, face soaked.

I leaned forward, framing his handsome young face in my hands, kissing him. He tasted heavenly, a heady mix of our cum, sweat and musky pussies. I lapped his lips, chin and cheeks, cleaning the creamy gel completely.

"Thanks, Mrs. Leonard," he said, standing, his cock stiff in his bathing suit.

"Don't want you going home all sticky faced," I laughed. "Though I'm sure that sexy mom and granny of yours would be happy to lick it clean."

"Yeah, they would," he laughed. "I gotta get going, go home and shower and stuff."

We walked back inside to refill our wine glasses as Timmy got ready to go. He made his way to the door and we walked with him, cupping his tight young ass. He stopped, and looked around uncertainly.

"Something wrong hon?" I asked.

"No, not really...just that..." he said nervously.

"What, Timmy, what?" Linda said, a concerned look on his face. "What is it?"

"It's just that...well, I don't make much money waiting tables in town...and I have this date...I can't ask my folks again...well..." he stammered, looking down at the floor as he stood between us.

"Oh, you want some money for your little girlfriend tonight, is that it?" I laughed. "Why didn't you say so?"

"I..it's just that..I'm...I'll pay you back...I just want to make it special, you know, maybe go to dinner after the movie?" he said shyly.

"Think no more about it," Linda said, going off to retrieve her purse and fishing through it as I did the same.

Timmy stood awkwardly as we put our money together and came up with around $100.

"Here, this should make for a lovely evening," I said, starting to hand him the money.

Linda grabbed it, pulled Timmy to her for a long, wet kiss while stuffing the bills in the front of his shorts and tugging on his cock until he gasped. I roared with laughter, never tiring of Linda's bawdy ways.

"Thanks, Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Schuster, I really appreciate it," Timmy said, walking out with a beaming smile and a raging hard on. "I'll pay you back, I swear."

"Damn right you will, but not with money," Linda growled, thrusting a hand into her bathing suit for a quick diddle. "If your little friend doesn't drain you dry, come see me later..."

"God, Linda, you're incorrigible, you know that?" I laughed, shutting the door and walking back to the deck with more wine.

"It's what I do, lover," Linda sighed.

We chatted a bit, talking about various things and then back to Timmy, marveling not just at the boy's sexual prowess with his tongue, but his work ethic.

"Kid works hard, being a waiter isn't easy, you live off tips," I said.

"Yeah, and that place he works in, it's not the busiest in town," Linda said. "Well, on weekends he can make out, but during the week...poor kid..."

"Yeah, poor kid," I said.

"You know," Linda said a moment later. "The kid's got skills...his tongue, the way he uses it...damn, he could market that thing, ya know?"

"What do you mean?"

"Hell, Veronica, that kid's talent could make him some serious money!"

"Linda, what are you getting at?" I asked incredulously.

"We..you know, we...me and you, we let it be known he's available for...well, rent I guess, and charge for it!" she said brightly, clearly caught up in the notion of somehow leasing Timmy's talented tongue out. "I mean hell, didn't we just say that Tonya Perkins could use a session with someone like him? She's got money, too, fat Fred is loaded, so I'm just sayin..."


"C'mon, Veronica, some of the horny old women in this town?" she laughed. "Ourselves included? Tell ya, that kid's tongue is a gold mine! Think about it, we know a lot of women, women who could use that boy's unique talents, think about it!"

"And what, we'd arrange this stuff for him and take money?"

"No, no, of course not, we don't need the money, we're fine, we just broker the deals for him, he keeps the money," she said. "He's the one who's gonna be doing all the work, eating all that pussy! And if he needs our help doing it, all the better!"

"Good God, Linda," I laughed. "You are something else...but that would...that's...well, that's prostitution, isn't it? And that would make us, what, pimps, for God's sake!"

"Pimp, schmimp, don't get caught up on labels," she said, waving her hand to discount the notion. "Honey, he's not working the streets, we know people. Those ladies at the beach that day we loaned him out? Most of them have money, and I'm sure they wouldn't mind paying for the pleasure of the orgasms of their life! Pretty sure none of those women came that hard before or since!"

I just stared at her. She couldn't be serious. But the look on her determined face told me she was.

"It could work, I guess," I finally said. "We could, I dunno, use Craig's List or something like that...or just farm him out in town here, like you said, we know a LOT of horny women!"

"That's what I'm talking about, girlfriend!" she laughed, clinking her glass off mine. "We'd be careful, ya know, telling them it's donation based, keep it on the up and up...so to speak!"

"I suppose this could work," I said, getting into the idea. "First thing tomorrow, maybe I start calling around, seeing if this thing has legs..."

"And don't tell Timmy, not just yet anyway," Linda said. "Let him see the money, get a whiff of it...speaking of whiff..."

She plunged a hand between her chubby thighs, wetting her fingers in her pussy and shoving them in my face.

"Get a whiff of that, girlfriend!" she laughed.

"God, Linda, what a one-track mind you have," I laughed, but not refusing the offer, inhaling her musty scent and lapping her fingers clean of her goo.

"Seriously, I think this could work out for the boy," Linda smiled, watching me lap her sticky fingers and then run them down my chest, between my legs. "God, someone's super horny tonight, aren't they?"

We embraced and kissed, tongues flashing into each other's mouths, holding each other tight.

"First thing tomorrow, we start," I growled, pumping my crotch into Linda's and then leading her up to my bedroom. "Meanwhile..."

She slapped my ass playfully as we walked up the stairs, both of us thinking of Timmy's talented tongue, and the adventures that awaited it...


The next day, after Linda left, I started in on our little project.

I called Meredith, an old friend who had availed herself of Timmy's services that day on the beach. Meredith's a beautiful gal, 65, a stunning brunette with a killer body and big, meaty ass that she had Timmy worship as we watched - and helped.

"Hey, Mere," I said as I sat at my counter. "Veronica...oh, fine, fine, you? Listen, just wondering if you'd like to go for a walk later this afternoon...yes, I know you walk all the time, so do I, it's how we old ladies stay in shape, right?...sure, 4 would be good, walk by my house and we'll go from here...ok, great, see you then..."

At 4, she knocked on my door, having walked from her house about a mile away. I answered, and she looked just gorgeous as usual. Meredith's got money and expensive tastes, and always looked it, dressed now in very fashionable tight, clinging light blue top and sinfully short matching shorts, designer white socks and high-end sneakers. She looked like a million.

"You ready?" she asked.

"Let's go, my friend," I laughed.

We set out, chatting away about life in our little town, politics, our kids, grandkids, the weather and so forth. Until I steered the conversation around to Timmy, and that day at the beach when he made a meal out of her luscious meaty ass..

"Mmmm, that kid is amazing, isn't he?" Meredith said with a lusty growl. "I can't thank you and Linda enough for loaning his tongue to me that day. God, no one has ever gotten that...well, deep in me the way he did!"

"I know, I know, he's incredible," I said.

"God, I just adore having my bummy serviced, and have never had anyone do it like that boy," she sighed.

I let the thought hang in the air for a moment, before continuing.

"Well, Meredith, that didn't have to be a one-time thing," I said, her interest noticeably piqued as we walked, her smile broadening.

"I should hope not," she said. "So I can see him again?"

"Oh, definitely," I said. "As often as you want, to do anything you want."

"How about today?" she asked. "Now, this afternoon?"

"You're so eager, but I don't blame you!" I laughed. "Certainly, I'll give him a call...oh, and Meredith..."

"Yes?" she asked.

"Well, the dear boy works to put himself through school and all, and doesn't have much money..."

She stopped in her tracks and stared at me, a smile slowly spreading on her elegant face.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Well, don't you think it's worth it?" I laughed. "You know how good the boy is, you just said no one ever had his tongue as far up your sexy ass as he did! He won't disappoint."

She kept walking, musing, smiling.

"That's so naughty, so wrong, so bad, paying a young man to lick my asshole like that," she said, shaking her head. "And I like it. A lot. How much?"

I hadn't thought this part through, and made up a fee schedule as I spoke.

"Uh, $150 for oral, $300 for full service?" I said, confident the range was fair. "Sound good?"

"Sounds great," Meredith said. "My bank is just up ahead. You call Timmy."

I took out my phone.

"Timmy, yes, Mrs. Leonard," I said as we walked into the bank parking lot. "Listen, honey, are you free this afternoon, say...oh, 4 p.m.?...you have work at 5? Oh that should be ample time...What? No, no, not for me, or Mrs. Schuster... Well, remember our friend Meredith, that lovely brunette, older gal, at the beach that day when you...well, when you serviced our friends?"

Meredith listened eagerly, fishing out her ATM card from her fanny pack and waving it in the air expectantly.

"Yes, that's the one, she liked your tongue in her bum, that's right, she LOVED it!" I laughed. "...oh, yes, she DOES have a great butt, doesn't she! It looked quite tasty, the way you were worshipping it!"

I winked at Meredith who playfully spun around, showing me that great butt in her tiny short shorts. I reached out and pinched it, and she yelped.

"Well, she'll be at my house at 4...and she'd love to enjoy you again...what? Oh, splendid, yes, she'll be very excited! See you then, sweetheart..."

"Nice," Meredith smiled, walking into the bank's ATM entrance. "Thanks, baby..."

"My pleasure," I giggled, watching her meaty ass jiggle in her short shorts.

We walked back to my house, grabbing a couple of waters and chatting before Timmy arrived.

"Now, I can go out for another walk if you'd like, when Timmy comes by to service you, or go upstairs..." I said.

"Nonsense, you stay right here," Meredith said, putting her arms around me to pull me in for a kiss. "The more the merrier."

We made out like teenagers for a few minutes, hugging and kissing, pressing and grinding our crotches together, until the doorbell interrupted us. I giggled, pushing her away.

"Your date is here, my love," I laughed.

"Do see the boy in, dearie," she sighed. "ALL the way in!"

I escorted Timmy inside, and Meredith walked to him, giving him a hug and pumping his crotch with hers. He moaned, burying his face in her sweaty neck.

"Nice to see you again, ma'am," he groaned as she cupped his young ass, pulling him tight to her.

"Now, then, let's get going, haven't much time, have we," she sighed, walking to the living room.

She shucked her clothes, save for her socks and sneakers, Timmy's eyes bulging at the sight of her fleshy, tanned body, and especially her abundantly vegetated pussy between her meaty thighs. She smiled and sat in a comfortable chair, spreading her legs.

"You like the view of my front this time?" she teased. "Lord knows, you got a VERY close up view of my ass on the beach that day..."

Timmy's eyes widened at the sight of her massive, sweaty brown bush as she wiggled her thighs back and forth, the thick meat of them jiggling in a sexy quiver as she moved. She curled a finger at him, pointing.

"Oh, OK...I just thought...your butt..." he said haltingly.

"Oh, you'll get to that, believe me, son," she sighed, pointing to her crotch and adding, "but first things first. Now eat THIS!"