To Love a Stray Ch. 02


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"You want more to drink?" Mitchell asks softly. I nod and give a slight smile as Mitchell opens the can and hands it to me. I take it and drink deeply before giving a soft sigh of pleasure.

"Good is it?" Mitchell says and glances towards the others where they are gathered drinking from cans of soda as well. "I guess your back is pretty sore not to mention that shoulder."

I am watching him closely when he looks back at me and after a few moments I nod cautiously.

"I can put some ointment on it, make it feel better. Or we could go to a motel and you can have a shower before I treat your back and shoulder," Mitchell offers quietly. I couldn't stop myself glancing fearfully towards the others and I see they were trying to be discreet about listening to Mitchell talking to me. When I glance back at Mitchell he is watching me intently.

"We know those others that were here ... we know they hurt you and none of us want to hurt you. You have to believe me; we only want to help you." Mitchell tells me earnestly. I watch Mitchell uneasily for a few moments before glancing towards the others. Sam is watching us and I shift uneasily. I realise in that instant that Sam is in charge; I should have realised earlier. Sam is the biggest and strongest tom here so he is in charge. I look at Mitchell and see with a start that he has moved close enough to grab me if I let my guard down.

"We want to help you," Mitchell says softly in an almost hypnotic tone and holds one hand out towards me. I eye his hand for a moment before glancing quickly towards Sam. I sense Mitchell moving slightly closer and I turn my attention back to him hurriedly.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Mitchell uses the same tone again as he lifts his hand towards my face. I can't help myself and a warning growl rumbles deep in my throat but I manage to force myself to hold still as the back of his fingers trail lightly down my cheek. I narrow my eyes as I glare at him and Mitchell lowers his hand careful to make no sudden moves.

"I guess that means no touching unless I'm treating your injuries," Mitchell says in his soothing tone. I give a curt nod and Mitchell smiles at me.

"You ready to tell me your name yet?" He asks quietly. I am struck by the sudden lack of noise and realise all four men are holding their breaths. I shrug and grimace as the motion pulls at my sore shoulder.

"Come on, we've told you ours," Mitchell coaxes with a friendly smile. I give a slight nod in acknowledgement but look away from his face in avoidance of his question.

"I guess what's happened is pretty scary and confusing," Sam says as he walks over and lowers himself to sit some distance behind his brother. I glance his way and notice Alex and Dwayne moving closer as well and tense as fear begins to build. Are they planning something?

"Do you understand what's happened to you?" Sam asks quietly. I don't respond in any way as I dart nervous glances between the four men. It's with a feeling of horror that I recognise the fiery sensation scorching its way up my spine. I begin to shake my head negatively and use both arms as I scoot backwards despite the pain this causes in my shoulder.

"It's alright we're not going to hurt you..." Mitchell begins in his soothing tone as he reaches out towards me.

"No!" I scream, "Keep away from me! Keep away..." my scream is cut off as my shape-shift hits with savage intensity. Pain lances through me culminating in my head and I launch myself at Mitchell as my cat form takes over. I feel his arm between my teeth and I struggle not to bite down as I stand over his prone form. He is staring up at me with shock and fear.

"Mitchell!" Sam yells almost frantically and I release my hold to turn my head and glare at him. I can smell his fear and realise amazingly it is not for himself but for Mitchell who is lying prone beneath me motionless for the moment. I press my ears back against my head as I snarl at Sam then turn my attention back to Mitchell as I sense movement from him. I lower my head and sniff at his face wrinkling my nose as the unpleasant odour of panic reaches my brain and I snort angrily making Mitchell flinch from my breath. Carefully I step away from him with my head lowered and a rippling snarl that warns everyone to keep away from me. I retreat to the corner hopping in a circle with my head low as I struggle maintain my balance on three legs as well as contain my fear and anger.

"Mitchell?" I hear the worry in Sam's voice and turn to hiss at him in fear.

"I'm alright. She bit me but it's not as bad as it could have been. I didn't know she was about to change. Hell did you see how fast it hit her?" Mitchell sounds awed.

"Alex get the trank gun," Sam orders softly before taking several steps towards me.

"Calm down. I know you can understand me, try to concentrate on what I'm telling you. We need you to change back to human form. Now I know you didn't mean to hurt Mitchell but you have and you're too dangerous like you are at the moment. Try to calm down." Sam orders firmly and I growl at him and shake my head.

"There's no arguing about it, change back!" Sam orders firmly once again. I become still as I try to work out a way to make him understand that I can't shape-shift or 'change' as they called it at will. After a few tense minutes I lay down on my stomach and rest my chin on my forelegs. I watch all four men seeing how they wait hoping I will do as asked.

"Alex," Sam says quietly as he watches me closely. I look Alex's way and realise he is holding something out of my sight, knowing it must be the tranquilliser gun I get to my feet and begin to hop back and forth anxiously. I feel the sting in my thigh and snarl as I swing my head around to look, a small dart is sticking out of my thigh. I walk slowly towards the mattress and sit on it as I try to remove the dart with my teeth.

* * * * *

I wake to a steady beat beneath my ear. I am half sitting and half leaning against something warm and I open my eyes slowly trying to make sense of where I am. It's dark and I'm in a vehicle that's being driven along a highway, I realise as my eyes focus on the passing dark scenery. I tense as I realise that the steady beat beneath my ear is a heartbeat and the warmth against my side is one of the four toms. I lift my feet from where they rest on a folded seat in front of me and place them on the floor as smoothly as I can. I ease up straight and look at the person beside me cautiously. A soft snore comes from him and I realise its Mitchell. I look around the inside of the vehicle and find Alex asleep on the seat turned to face us while Dwayne is in the passenger seat beside Sam who is driving.

The shocks continue as I realise I am in human form and warmly dressed in another t-shirt and sweatpants. I have clearly been placed in the vehicle with a view to my comfort. I watch the passing countryside for a time and find with surprise that I am becoming quite comfortable around the four toms that I am starting to regard as mine. I put my feet back up on the seat in front of me and lean against Mitchell once again as I make myself comfortable.

"We're awake back here," Alex says quietly and the vehicle begins to slow.

"How is everything?" Sam asks and I catch on he is asking about me.

"We all seem to be fine. Anyone got any complaints?" Mitchell asks.

"Can I have a drink please?" My question is whisper soft.

"What do you want? Coke, lemonade, Gatorade, or water?" Sam asks quietly.

"Water," My voice is little more than a whisper and I press against Mitchell's side fearfully as Alex moves. He fishes a bottle of water from a plastic bag and I reach for it without hesitation when he offers it to me.

"Hungry?" Sam asks.

"Yeah always," I say without hesitation and this brings soft chuckles from the four toms.

"The hunger, the high metabolic rate comes from being a werecat," Mitchell tells me evenly.

"If we stop for food you promise to behave and not do anything to attract attention?" Sam asks with a firm tone to his voice.

"Ok," I say agreeably.

"So what's your name," Sam says in that same firm tone.

"Rosy, I get called Rosy," I say and avoid his quick glance in the rear view mirror. I hear the faint whistle from Alex and know that they have picked up on my half-truth.

"That's an interesting summer name," Alex comments.

"So where are we headed?" I ask.

"Home," Sam tells me.

"You know where I live but not my name?" I ask surprised.

"Not your home, our home." Sam uses that firm tone.

"No!" I declare as I sit upright and scoot away from Mitchell. "Stop, turn around and take me back to where you found me now!" I demand angrily as my sudden burst of fear turns to rage.

"That's not happening," Alex says shaking his head.

"No what's not happening is you lot taking me anywhere! Stop and let me out!" I shout angrily as I lift my feet up and crouch on the seat with my back to the side of the van.

Sam slows the vehicle and glances in the rear view mirror, "Are you going to calm down and accept what's happening or do you need to be sedated again?"

"Stop and let me out! You have no right to do this!" I order franticly as my fear builds.

"We're doing this for your own good. Every stray tom that comes across you will hunt you down and you've found out for yourself what they want with you," Alex snaps in a hard tone of voice.

"As if what you plan to do is any different!" I declare as I glance around looking for some possible way of escaping.

"No-one's going to ... you won't be forced," Mitchell cuts into the argument quietly.

"You going to calm down?" Sam's tone is more reasonable but I shake my head as tears of hopelessness come to my eyes.

"We'll get you something to eat and then we'll see if you can be more reasonable," Sam tells me gently.

"I hate you! I hate the lot of you! I'll make sure you pay for this!" I threaten before settling down into a sitting position hunched against the side of the vehicle with my face turned away from them. I kick out at the seat beside Alex in my misery and am gratified when the kick lifts it a few inches before it settles again, I aim a second more powerful kick at it and grimace with satisfaction as I hear something crack. "Hey! Enough of that! Our boss will have our hides if this vehicle is damaged!" Dwayne exclaims worriedly as he looks over his shoulder at me. I glare back at him angrily. His likeness to Micah strikes me and I narrow my eyes thoughtfully.

"You remind me of someone," I say softly, my tone hinting it may not be a good thing.

"Considering there's six of us brothers that's not surprising," Alex tells me. "Four of us travel around a lot."

"And look a lot alike," Dwayne adds. I glare at Alex and make out his answering grin in the dimness, I snarl and turn my head away but it isn't long before I glance towards him again. Living in seclusion has been hard with only Pete and my Uncle to really talk to and along with my natural curiosity I am starved for conversation and contact.

"Your not liking being touched is part of being a werecat. If you don't know someone or don't trust them then you won't let them touch you," Alex tells me as if making normal conversation. I growl not wanting to hear him talk. Of the four toms he is the one who scares me most and who I trust the least.

"That's another thing. Growling, hissing ... that's your inner cat," Alex just can't shut up.

"Well tell me, what do I have to do or say to not have to listen to you!" I yell at him.

"Awww, you don't mean that," Alex almost purrs at me. I hate being told what I already suspected, especially coming from Alex so I growl at him again, a deep rumbling sound that should warn him I have had enough.

"And we keep our existence a secret from humans. They'd take it real bad if they knew we aren't just monsters..." Alex starts again.

Something clicks inside me and I fly at him, no warning and no sound. My fist connects square with his mouth and his voice becomes a hiss of pain as I cower back in my seat scared and shocked by what I've done. The vehicle slows suddenly and I whimper in panic as I glance around for a way of escape as Sam quickly pulls to the side of the road.

"Fuck! She knocked my canine loose!" Alex exclaims with one hand to his mouth, blood running down his chin.

"Dwayne you drive! Alex, get in the front before I knock your head loose!" Sam snaps as he undoes his seatbelt and opens his door. Alex waits with his hand on the doorhandle and Mitchell leans against me in one swift movement one arm in front of me with his hand braced securely against the side of the vehicle. I cower into the corner of the seat and watch scared as Sam stalks around to the sliding door into the back of the van. I figure this is when I am going to be severely disciplined for striking Alex.

"She was warning you to leave her alone!" Sam snaps angrily as he jerks the door open and grabs Alex by the upper arm hauling him out of the vehicle nearly throwing him out of the way. I cower in my corner with my heart beating wildly, my breath coming in pants as I watch Sam climb into the seat where Alex was. He slams the door shut, puts his seatbelt on and slowly raises both hands into full view. Mitchell quickly moves back to his own space and they both watch me silently until Dwayne guides the vehicle back onto the road. I cower against the cold glass of the window and shudder as a fiery spasm races up my back. I whimper and close my eyes tight as a second spasm follows the first.

"No," I whimper as my body shudders.

"What's the matter?" Mitchell asks in his low soothing voice. I send him a quick terrified glance before pressing my forehead against the cold glass again. Another fiery spasm races up my spine and I feel my body shudder forcefully as I pant. The very thought of changing in the small confines of the moving vehicle with the four others terrifies me.

"I'm gonna change I can feel it. It's gonna happen!" My whisper is hoarse with fear. Suddenly there's warmth against my back and a hand grasps my clenched fist and warm breathe brushes against the back of my neck.

"Slow down your breathing. Try to calm down a little. Slow your breathing. That's it slow your breathing down. Calm down and you can control your change ... err shape-shift. Slow deep breaths now. Open your eyes and try to count those little posts at the side of the road ...slow deep breaths ...nice and calm..." Mitchell's voice is soft and strangely calming.

As I get my breathing under control and start to calm down I become aware of the fiery spasms lessening in intensity and heat. I take a deep breath and a sigh of relief escapes me. I slowly lift my head from against the window where I had pressed my face I become aware that the vehicle has been pulled to the side of the road and I can smell fresh air coming in through partly opened doors.

"Slow, deep breaths ... that's it ... nice and calm. Feeling any better?" Mitchell asks gently. I give a jerky nod and glance towards Sam uneasily. He is watching us closely and gives a slight nod when he realises I am in control of myself.

"Nicely done. It's not easy to learn to control your shape- shift," Sam compliments me.

"Ok if I let you go now?" Mitchell asks lightly.

"Yes," I say even though I miss the contact even before it's gone. I feel Mitchell ease away and I turn my head to glance at him miserably.

"Mitchell outside now," Sam orders and they both get out of the van. The radio in front is turned up and I turn my head to look out my window. I'm smart enough to know the conversation outside is being covered up so I don't hear it. I concentrate and I can hear Sam's angry tone but I can't understand exactly what he is saying. When Sam and Mitchell get back in the vehicle it is Sam who sits beside me and I edge closer to the window while I send Mitchell an imploring look.

"You still want something to eat?" Sam asks. I glance his way quickly before looking out my window again.

"Yeah," I say after a long moment.

"We're going to stop at a motel. You try to escape, attract attention or do anything except what you're told and I will sedate you and tie you up and gag you." Sam tells me in a no-nonsense tone. I glance his way but don't respond in anyway to his ultimatum.

The dark landscape passes quickly and within half an hour we are turning into a motel alongside the highway. Dwayne parks the vehicle in a dark corner then gets out and heads towards the office. I look around with interest but when I see both Sam and Mitchell are watching me closely I go back to staring out the window. I watch as Dwayne leaves the office and makes his way to a detached cabin near the vehicle. He uses a key to open the door and disappears inside for a minute or two. When he reappears he walks over to the vehicle and Sam opens the sliding door. He gets out and stretches before Mitchell joins him.

"Out you come," Sam says in a friendly tone. I take my time easing out of the vehicle and slowly turn when I am outside. I now have a mental map of the surrounding area in my head. Sam takes hold of my left arm just above my elbow and my first instinct is to jerk free but I refuse to give in to it waiting for a better chance of escape. He escorts me into the cabin and I look around quickly as he releases my arm and I take several steps away from him.

"Bathroom is the door on the right, toilet the other side of it. Soap, shampoo and towels are provided," Dwayne announces. I glance his way uncertainly for a moment then I take a step towards the bathroom. I glance back at Sam waiting for him to stop me.

"There are security bars on the window and anyone of us can break the lock on the door if we think you're trying to escape," Dwayne tells me. I dart a quick glance at the three toms in the room and hurry into the bathroom locking the door behind me. I pause at the door listening to the movements in the other room but no one comes near the door so I move to the shower. One glance confirms Dwayne's comment about the bars on the window so I turn the shower on adjusting the water temperature. I move to the door silently and listen with my ear against the door. No one is near the door so I go back to the shower. I hesitate a few moments before pulling the t-shirt off with some difficulty and grin when the sweatpants prove easier.

I sigh in pleasure as the warmth of the water soothes my battered body as I stand beneath the spray letting the water cascade over my head and down my back. I make good use of the ordinary smelling soap before reaching for the shampoo. I am careful as I wash the area over my right ear where the hair has been hacked short then I turn my attention to washing my hair one handed as best I can. It takes three washes before the rinsing water runs clear and I reach for the small bottle of conditioner. With my shower complete I feel exhausted as I turn the water off and reach for a towel. I take my time drying myself before reaching for the clothes I had been wearing. At least they are fairly clean and I put them on before giving my hair a final drying. Reluctantly I unlock the door and open it, Mitchell and Sam turn to look my way at the sound and both smile as I walk into the room nervously.

"Dwayne should be back with food anytime now. Alex is waiting out in the van so he doesn't bother you," Sam tells me.

"If you'll lay on your stomach on this bed I'll treat your back and shoulder for you," Mitchell says motioning towards the bed he was sitting on while he had been watching TV. I hesitate a moment before walking between the two beds avoiding going near Sam then I carefully crawl onto the bed and stretch out on my stomach.

"I'm just going to move your hair out of the way and push the t-shirt up so I can see your back to treat it," Mitchell is using his soothing voice once again. His touch is gentle and I close my eyes as his hands drift over my back. My shoulder is painful as he works on it and I turn my face into the pillow to hide as the burning sting of peroxide causes pain. The sound of the door opening and someone walking into the room makes me tense but other than that I don't move.