To Love a Stray


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"You okay after that call out? Do you want me to come over and hang around until you're ready to come back?" Pete asks.

"I'm fine Pete. It's not as if some human psycho attacked those cows," I tell him gently. I see the fleeting concern deep in his eyes before he smiles at me and shrugs.

"I guess I'm taking your warning about what you said to Kepler too much to heart," Pete says quietly.

"I have your phone number if I get scared," I laugh easily and hesitate for a moment. "Maybe later ... we can talk some." I leave it at that and head for my car. Behind me I hear Pete let out the breath he had sucked in at my announcement.

As I drive away I wonder if the roving strays that had killed the cattle were still around. Would they return to their kills? And if they did how would they react to my scent on the dead cow, my kill, in the yard?

In the few hours before I plan to return to Pete's I worry about the fact there are werecats coming to visit. As scared as I am of werecats other than Pete, I am also very curious. As I understand that these are friends of Pete's and belong to the same clan he does. I consider Pete my clan and as dangerous as it will be for me, I long to make friends with his friends.

I take a long time having my shower and taking care to use my scent masking secrets extra well: I don't want to be discovered tonight. The fact remains I am what is termed a stray and I am living in clan territory without invitation, permission or their knowledge. If I am discovered I will be disciplined harshly and forced from my home if not killed immediately on detection. I have come across dead stray tomcats in my travels, cats that had been caught in a clan territory and executed for it. I am nearly ready to go visit with Pete when my mobile rings and I answer it with a smile.

"I'll be there shortly Pete," I say before he speaks.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Tawny but I need your help. Something has gotten in with some vealers and mauled quite a few of them. I'll be up all night attending to them if I can't find some help." My Uncle's voice takes the smile from my face.

"Tell me where you are and I'll be there as soon as I can," I tell him resigned to a night of work instead of the socialising I had hoped. I listen carefully as he gives me instructions on where he is and how to get there as well as a list of things he wants me to collect on my way past the veterinary office. I hang up and change into a pair of shorts and a tank top and grab a pair of overalls for use while working on the cattle.

When I climb into my Ute I detour to Pete's place first to let him know I won't be there and hesitate at the sight of a strange van parked along side his car. I get out and walk to his front door and knock loudly. I hear Pete call out for me to come in but I shake my head and back up a step as I take a deep breath and smell the strong scents of two werecats I don't know.

"Pete! I got a call out from Doc. I can't stop; it sounds like an all nighter!" I call out to him. I hear footsteps approaching the door and move back nervously as I detect two sets. The door opens and Pete comes out followed closely by the largest tom I have ever seen. He has to duck his head slightly and move through the doorway slightly sideways. Pete takes several steps towards me but stops as I back nervously away. He is used to the way I shy away from contact and close proximity with men.

"Hey Tawny. This is Micah a good friend of mine. Micah this is my neighbour Tawny Caruthers." Pete calmly introduces his visitor recognising my unease and its cause.

"Hi Tawny," The softly spoken tones surprise me and I nod uncertainly at the speaker. Something about him strikes a chord in my memory and I struggle to place what it is, his face? His Scent? Or maybe it is the sound of his voice? His face is strong with well-defined features, his eyes a mixture of different shades of warm russet brown with gold flecks around the pupils. His lips are nearly too generous in his very masculine face and his hair is an unusual mixture of light brown streaked with gold and ginger highlights. I notice the way his nostrils flare with each breath and the animal like quality he has whenever he moves. I take a nervous step back from him and look at Pete before glancing back at Micah nervously.

"I need to go Pete. There's been more maulings and Doc needs my help," I say softly knowing Micah and the tom out of sight not far from the front door can hear me clearly even though I speak softly.

"Please tell me you won't be out in some dark field at night!" Pete says alarmed.

"I'm blonde not stupid," I scold Pete with a smile for his concern for me. "I have to get going Doc needs help." I force myself to turn my back on the giant behind Pete and walk the few steps to my car, jump behind the wheel and wave out the window as I speed off. I hear a conversation start behind me but can't understand it as I speed down the road, concentrating on the road so I don't think about the two visitors at Pete's.

Within the hour I am busy helping my uncle. I am staggered by the sheer savagery that has gone into the attack on the herd of young cattle. Many are wounded, not many seriously but there are a few exceptions that keep my uncle busy while I tend to the simpler cases. It is nearly dawn when we turn the last beast into the yard with its companions; I grimace as I wipe my face on my upper sleeve. I can smell the blood I have smeared over my clothing and skin as well as the faint scent from the hide of the injured animals. Beneath this mixture I can detect faint traces of three roving strays as well as a faint smell of my own scent.

"Looks like that's the last of them," My uncle says, his voice thick with exhaustion. I grimace as I brace my hands in the small of my back and arch my back backwards as I stretch stiff muscles. I long to be able to shape-shift at will and run in my favourite spot several miles back in one of the forests. I can picture the long soft grass along the banks of a sweet stream where I often fish for trout.

"I think I'll head home. Even I can smell myself," I tell my uncle.

He laughs at me, "The number of times you sprayed that deodorant on yourself you should smell like daisies!"

I smile and shake my head at him. He made no complaints while I had worked along side him. I help him pack the equipment we had used into his truck before climbing into my vehicle and starting the drive home. I sit motionless in my vehicle for several minutes when I park outside my place. I am tired to the point of exhaustion and I haven't eaten in the last twenty-three hours. I all but stagger out of my vehicle and frown as I hear the sounds of an unfamiliar vehicle turning into my driveway. I turn my head and watch as a van makes the two-mile drive towards my house. I frown as I recognise the van that had been parked outside Pete's the evening before. Pete climbs out of the passenger seat when the van parks and I close my eyes as I lean my head on the roof of my vehicle.

"I thought I'd stop by on my way out," Pete tells me quietly. I hear the gravel crunching softly under his feet as he approaches me and I open my eyes as I lift my head wearily. He takes hold of my arm gently and leads me to my front door where he takes my keys and unlocks the door for me.

"Want me to come in and cook you a feed while you shower?" His voice is soft and gentle as if he knows how fragile I feel at the moment.

"Everything alright Pete?" Micah calls from the van and I start nervously. "We can wait for you if your neighbour needs a hand." I repress a smile as I realise he has been eavesdropping on our conversation. So I wasn't the only one who tended to do that.

"Yeah ..." My voice is faint, almost non-existent and I clear my throat before continuing, "Yeah, that would be appreciated. Your friends can come into the kitchen if they want."

I turn towards the stairs and stumble on the first one as I make my way towards my preferred bathroom. I listen to Pete call his friends inside and explain to them to stay in the kitchen so they don't 'freak' me out. I smile as I strip my clothes off and drop them in a heap on the bathroom floor before stepping beneath the stream of water from the showerhead. The aroma of fresh coffee and bacon greet me as I come out of my bathroom nearly three quarters of an hour later. I hurry down the stairs and head towards the kitchen as I listen intently.

"She's nearly here. You sure you smelt traces from four roving strays on her?" I don't recognise the voice and frown angrily as I realise Pete had intentionally smelt me. Anger curls my top lip and I hesitate for a moment just out of sight as I bring my emotions under control. I feel the faint flutters of fear as I move to the door of the kitchen and glance around quickly. Pete looks my way as my sneakers squeak on the floor and he smiles fondly at me as he holds up one of the cookies I had made the day before.

"I found your secret stash," Pete grins charmingly. I glance pointedly at his friends then back at him.

"Tawny I haven't introduced you to my brother Steven yet have I? Remember you met Micah briefly last night?" Pete says around a mouthful of cookie.

"Hi," I manage before I head for the food I can smell waiting for me in the oven.

"Where's my bacon! I smelt bacon!" I exclaim when I see only scrambled eggs on the plate.

"I got hungry waiting for you," Pete explains with a smile. I ignore him as I seat myself at the table choosing the end away from Micah and Steven. I chew on a mouthful of eggs and sigh as I bite into onion and something else spicy. I spare a glance for Pete before resuming shovelling the food into my mouth.

"Did you eat last night?" Pete suddenly demands, "Cause I know you skipped lunch."

"I was too busy," I mutter as I remember how my stomach had grumbled at the smell of warm fresh blood for most of the night. Suddenly I push the plate of eggs aside as I crave warm red meat still flowing with blood. I close my eyes in an attempt to control myself.

"Tawny?" Pete's voice reaches me and I realise he has been trying to speak to me.

"Sorry but I been awake over twenty-four hours straight," I mutter as I open my eyes and glance his way.

"We should leave and let Tawny get some sleep," Micah says in his soft deep voice. I glance his way and give him a faint smile. I could get to like this tom pretty quickly.

"Yeah," Pete agrees reluctantly. "I'll see you this afternoon. I owe you tea if I remember rightly."

"Maybe," I say with a quick uncomfortable glance towards Steven and Micah. Pete understands me and gives a quick nod. He knows me too well to push me and make me feel uncomfortable.

"See you later then," Pete says lightly.

"Nice meeting you," Steven says as he heads for the door. I glance at Micah and he nods at me with a smile. I feel my cheeks burn and I turn away with a start as I realise I am blushing. I sneak a glance his way and catch him watching me with a pleased look on his face. I duck my head using my hair as a curtain to hide my face. I listen to them leave the house and make their way to their vehicle.

"You didn't tell us your neighbour is such a dish," Steven says once he thinks they are out of hearing. I hear a low growl I recognise as coming from Pete and then the solid thud of flesh meeting flesh.

"What was that for?" Steven demands in a soft hiss.

"Work it out for yourself or do you want me to hit you again?" Micah asks in a no-nonsense tone. I listen until they drive away then return to forcing the now cold scrambled eggs down my throat. I know I must eat before sleeping and when the plate is empty I place it in the sink and head for my bedroom.

The pounding on my front door wakes me and I lift my head groggily. I frown as I concentrate then smile as I recognise the faint muttering as coming from Pete.

"Coming!" I call loudly even though I know he would be able to hear me if I spoke in normal tones. I glance at my bedside clock as I stand and stretch. I am surprised to find that I have slept the day away and it is now nearing dusk. I take a precautionary sniff of myself, decide I don't smell and head down stairs towards the front door. Pete knocks loudly once again and I grimace as the sound assaults my sensitive ears.

"Okay! Don't knock the door down!" I yell as I reach the entry hall and take the last few steps to jerk open the front door.

"Hey there, didn't wake you did I?" Pete asks as he walks by me and into the house. I frown as I realise he is checking my house for any others then me, and I freeze as I realise he is checking for any signs of werecats as I hear him sniffing the air.

"We're going to have an early tea and head off to one of the nightclubs later. I thought you might appreciate someone else cooking you a meal..." Pete says as he turns to smile using all his charm on me.

"Who are we?" I ask guardedly.

"Steven, Micah and me," Pete says loosing his smile as he senses my hesitancy.

"If I ask you a question you'd keep it to yourself?" I ask as I glance down at my bare feet.

"You'd want an answer wouldn't you?" Pete smiles and I realise he'll repeat his juicy piece of gossip if I ask him my question.

"Forget it," I say turning away.

"Would it make any difference if I was to let it slip that Micah asked if you were involved with someone?" I shoot Pete a startled look and Pete nods solemnly, "I put him straight on a few things. Privately of course,"

I blink not sure what to make of this remark, I give a ladylike snort then head towards the kitchen and my daily herbal drink.

"Not all of us are like that bastard," Pete mutters softly. I slam the kitchen cupboard when I retrieve a pack of cereal and ignore Pete as he follows me around the kitchen. I grab a two bowls and place them on the table, pour myself a plate of cereal and sit down to eat it without milk. Pete sits down opposite me and begins to pick pieces out of the cereal box and eat it without using the bowl I had placed on the table for him. I grab the box from him and pour some cereal into his bowl.

"Don't pick the fruit and nuts out of it!" I snap before turning my attention back to my food.

"He's not seeing anyone," Pete mutters as if to himself. I stop eating to glare at Pete but he avoids my gaze and I turn my attention back to my food.

"If you want to miss out on a good feed and some good company then that's your choice," Pete snaps as he gets to his feet and heads for the front door. I listen to him rev his vehicle harshly as he leaves and I regret he is angry with me. I push my nearly empty bowl back, place both elbows on the table and lower my head into my hands.

Not all of us are like that bastard

The words whirl around in my head as I see a large black feline face that horrifyingly transforms into a man, his large form moves over me and then comes the pain that threatens to tear me in two starts. I scream in pain as I erupt from my chair sending it crashing over backwards. Pain lances through my body and mind as I fight to remember that it is a flashback. It's not the real thing. When I finally stop shuddering I find I am huddled in the small space between the fridge and the cupboard. I am shaking and tears are running down my face as I gasp trying to catch my breath. My throat hurts and I realise I have been screaming.

I crawl up stairs to my bedroom and climb onto my bed where I curl up and close my eyes. I drift in and out of sleep for a while and when I do awake up after a short nap I feel much better. I indulge in the luxury of a deep warm bath before heading down stairs to clean up the kitchen, I head out onto the side veranda to relax in a chair but the aroma of cooking meat on the breeze makes my stomach growl reminding me I haven't had a decent feed. I lift my head slightly to sniff the enticing aroma on the breeze and get a good whiff of Pete and his friends. I groan as my body shifts to full alert and head back inside in annoyance. I find my body lotion and apply it thickly.

The phone rings and I glance at the display screen, recognising Pete's number I groan but ignore the phone as it continues to ring. Ten minutes and nearly as many changes of outfits and I am ready to leave the house as my mobile rings yet again. I flick it open and hold it to my ear without speaking.

"Hey Tawny. Am I forgiven?" Pete asks quietly.

"No but I still like ya anyway," I tell him with a sigh.

"Come on over and have a few drinks. Things will look better after that." Pete tells me before offering. "I'll even make sure Micah keeps his distance,"



"You'll be ready to make him back off if I can't handle it?" I ask as I shiver nervously. I'm sure I can hear someone in the background as Pete takes a deep breath.

"I promise I will," Pete says evenly. This time I am sure I hear an angry hiss before I hang up without a further word. Even as I realise I have just put Pete in a very uncomfortable position. My fear lessens as I reach for my keys with a shaking hand.

The drive to Pete's passes too quickly and I find myself climbing out of my vehicle with butterflies the size of elephants in my stomach. I make it to his front door and actually turn away before I get a hold on my emotions before I turn back to the door and knock before I can change my mind. I recognise Pete's footsteps as he approaches the door and have a nervous smile ready when he opens it.

"I made it," I say quietly as my smile wavers.

"Tawny. We're the good guys okay," Pete tells me softly and I nod my understanding. I walk past him into his house and then step back against the wall and wait for him to lead the way out to the back deck where I know the outdoor grill is.

"Tawny has decided to join us," Pete announces for my benefit as I follow him outside. Steven is already making a burger from the cooked meat and turns to send me a grin but it is Micah who is tending the meat on the grill who has my attention.

"How do you like your meat?" Micah asks without looking at me.

Freshly killed and still running blood

"Medium rare and slightly charred," I say cutting off my errant thoughts.

"Steak, burger patty, or sausage?" Micah inquirers.

"A nice thick steak if there's any, or just regular steak," I answer as my nerves calm down with the seemingly ordinary conversation.

"There's a regular one here just about ready. Want fried onions with it?" Micah asks as he adds a couple more steaks to the grill.

"Hey! That's supposed to be mine!" Pete protests as he eyes the meat on the grill. I catch the low-pitched growl that comes from Micah warning Pete and I take a step towards Micah unfazed. A human wouldn't hear the growl and I know I need to act like a human. I study the steak on the grill and shake my head.

"Looks too cooked for me. I can wait for one of the others," The smile I send Micah is wobbly with uncertainty. Micah glances sideways at me and quickly tosses the steak in question onto a plate before he passes it to Pete without a word.

"You're looking much brighter this evening," Micah comments softly.

"Getting the chance to sleep can do that for me," I answer and glance at his face. He meets my eyes and I see the anger buried deep in his eyes. Instinctively I understand it is not at me but rather for me and I drop my gaze quickly.

The aromas coming from the grill make my mouth water and I reach for a plate. I heap fried onions on the plate and study the steak for a few moments. They really need another few minutes but I can feel my inner cat demanding to be released; maybe nearly raw meat will pacify her for a little longer. I know I will shape-shift before the night is out. I can tell I will loose control and shape-shift involuntarily from stress.

"See something you like?" Micah's voice is pitched low and if Pete and Steven were human they wouldn't have heard him.