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When the baby was born I realised that the DNA test had been unnecessary, he was the spitting image of his dad with beautiful green eyes. It was crazy to think only a year ago I had been thinking of having kids, now I was a mother of three.


About 2 months after the birth we were at the table eating breakfast. Charlie, as we called him, was happily suckling at a breast while I ate cereal with my free hand. Jim was reading the paper while he ate.

We were recovering that morning from a belated get-together the previous evening to celebrate our marriage and the birth of our son. The party had been great. A lot of our friends and family were there, as well as some of Jim's old military buddies who had come a very long way to attend. They had all fussed around me and Charlie being very friendly. I had noticed they were all like him, lean, fit and hard physically, and also extremely loyal, kind and gentle. You could still tell though they were men and women you didn't want to mess with.

Jim yawned and looked up from the paper," hmmm there was a bad assault in town last night. A masked person broke into a house and smashed some guy's hands with a bat so bad he will never use them properly again."

"Why tell me that?"

"Its just odd really, the guy reckoned that it was a woman who overpowered him. There is a picture of him with his hands bandaged up being taken to hospital. Doesn't look like he was some little wimp either, rather the opposite. She got him good, nose broken too and lost some teeth as well."

"A woman did all that?"

"Yep. He reported all the mask-woman said to him was, 'you groped one pair of tits too many with those hands my friend' then smashed them. Says he doesn't know any reason why she would do it to him. Anyway the Police are looking into it."

"Mistaken identity?"

"Well, maybe, but more likely he did something and didn't want to admit it. Or he does stuff like that so often he has lost track. If you ask me I reckon he probably upset some gal's husband real bad."

"Pretty harsh punishment."

"Depends on what he did."

"You're not acquainted with him, are you?"

"Nope, never met him. Says here his name is Rob Simmons. Here's a picture."

I got a shock, it was Mark's gorilla friend.

I looked at Jim, he held a straight poker face, but with just the tiniest hint of a little smile he couldn't conceal. He looked back down and pretended to be studiously reading the paper again.

Then I recalled something from late last evening. I had noticed one of his military buddies, a woman named Sandy, slip back into our house through the back door. She had seen me looking at her, and had come over to talk to me. She had told me all Jim's buddies were all so happy for him that he had found me. She had also told me she was with him when he got the 'dear John' letter from is ex. She said, "He was so devastated back then and I worried he would never be happy again, but he is very happy now. You know you have a really rare man. He risked his life to save mine. Just so you know, he and I are very close, but like brother and sister, so please don't worry. I would do anything for him."

I looked across at Jim and smiled. I had a new best girl-friend too.

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Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright7 months ago

Well this bitch is stupid she was married to a guy with mental problems and left him for one just as bad. Then throw a kid on top of that, ya that's a time-bomb waiting to happen. She did her husband wrong to ,he never agreed on the whole knight and the morning to.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The MC and Jim have shown marital status is not something that their determines their sexual activity. Soon she and Sandy will be rug munching together. Sandy failed to mention she began having sex with her brother when they were teenagers. Since Jim is now like a brother to her, it's clear where that relationship will go as well. Isn't that special?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah, they were all selfish, while I get thr husband's fantasy, it's sick (and not in a good way), she forced him into that position because they were steady fast, nk worries about it, and then some random "stud muffin" and she says yes, when her husband says no, she forced him to accept it. I know Jim asked he, but he should have asked Mark, he would have been more likely to decline. But no one deserved a happy ending in all this mess.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

There is no one with clean hands here and no one to like. Each character is selfish and hypocritical. None deserves a happy ending.

DrkmanDrkmanover 2 years ago

A little long but a good story. I'm guessing that many times the guys wanting to share their wives won't like the outcome. Glad this one had a happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

i did not read your story at all .any man that shares his wife with another man , is a queer and sucks cock. fag.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

Finally a cucknstory where the cuck gets what he deserves.

Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
if edited....

A very decent story. If it had an editor to massage the mistakes from within, and bring the English language to it full fruition, I could be able to squeeze out another star. Unfortunately the deliberate beginner mistakes and the poor language use needed a down mark in overall rating.

Like the morals, keep writing!


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Groundhog Day at LW...again.

The characters were inconsistent. Mark (the hubby) went from eager wannabe cuckold to arranger of a gang rape on his wife overnight because...why, exactly? I missed that detail. The rest of the story was merely a recitation of standard cheating wife plot points, only this time wifey won. Making the new replacement husband a troubled but virtuous special forces soldier formerly married to a psycho-bitch wife (and with lots of military buddies who would do anything for him) was hackneyed in the extreme. One might be excused for thinking this was a parody of the genre. Are we locked in this endless cycle of cheating wife stories, forever?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Experienced swingers, stags, and chucks will all tell you that the most difficult time is when you see your wife REALLY enjoying another cock for the first time. The combination of nervous sexual energy, new partner excitement, and, often, really good technique makes it explosive for the wife, which can shatter a hubby’s ego if he’s not really ready for it. This is a great cautionary tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It was dumb. Mark is a dirtbag but quite frankly the wife is definitely not without blame. The whole cuck shit is demented to begin with but she went out of her way to humiliate and hurt her husband (whom she supposedly loved) Granted the whole cuckold fantasy likely harmed the respect she held for him and that can explain a portion of her behavior but not all. She woke the next day to his surrender and yet despite the fact she claimed to still love Mark, she stayed for 2 extra days. Mark placed marriage ball in her court and she fumbled big time. She definitely threw away her marriage at that point and showed no intention to try and fix the problem. The problem was not all Mark at that point and she knew it. That is a question of character and she is definitely flawed. Mark's actions after were horrible and malicious. She should have left him and he did deserve what he got. I hate rapists and that is what Mark tried to make happen.

He may have started the fire which ended their marriage, but she poured gasoline on it. I would get as far away from her as I could if I was Jim. Her statements and actions do not line up and that is a disaster for any marriage, open, swinging or ducking.

It's not a bad story, it shows the pitfalls of flipping the kink switch. It also does an admirable job showing flawed people and that's just about all of them

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Husband is obviously portrayed as an immature dbag. However, he came to his senses and told her he loved her and not to do it. She threw it back in his face when presented with a stud muffin who of course has the necessary "magic dick."

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
That's why

That's an example of why swinging, swapping, sharing, being a cuck will bite you in the ass. Good story, but I didn't care for any of them. Good guy Jim didn't hesitate to do the married woman, who lost all her hesitation after meeting the studley soldier. Mark deserved all his pain, but there were no innocents in the story.

Impo_64Impo_64over 4 years ago
For me the story ended when...

For me the story ended when she said: "if you are okay, I want to stay another 2 nights to the end of the weekend as planned ...... with you."...Really? Didn't tried to save her marriage? There she showed her true colors...(Un)Luckily she married a violent man and soon will be her time...1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nauseous characters

San Fernando Valley Studios script by numbers. Uh-hmm, a patriotic phlegm touch too, spit above the rainbow. American hero riding on a unicorn into the sunset with his preggo slut.

Damn, you can better, this one isn’t. Try again. No rating this time.

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