Toby Gets It!


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I was astounded. 'He has balls', I thought. 'Maybe more, my ass!' I smiled up into Dan's eyes, heard Toby growl in the background.

"Well, Dan. I thank you, but I've met someone recently." I knew Toby could hear me, and though I was a little frightened by what I was about to commit to, I continued. "He's very nice, and I'm looking forward to getting to know him better. I'm sure you understand." I grinned widely, leaned closer and whispered, "I've been told that I don't need an older man, I need a younger one. I don't know about that, but I figured, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?"

I pulled free of Dan's increasingly tight grip, knowing I'd just royally pissed him off.

"Listen, Dan. You and Toby are still coming on Monday night for dinner and the game, right?" We watched Monday night football together, alternating houses each week. It had been fun, but now I hoped he said no. I felt uncomfortable at the thought of father and son both wanting me.

"Uh, yeah. We'll be here." he replied, an edge in his voice. "Will your new boyfriend be here?" he sneered quietly. I chose to ignore him, and simply said that I'd see him then on Monday. Then I quickly glanced at Toby, who was staring at me with a smile. I winked at him, then went into the house. I heard Dan's car pull out and drive away. A few seconds later, Toby was at the door.

"Did you mean it?" he demanded. "Because if not, tell me right now!"

I looked at him squarely, and said, "I meant it. I haven't stopped thinking of you since yesterday, and you might be young, but you're still an adult. I don't think your father's going to be happy if he finds out, but I guess he'll just have to live with it."

Toby's lips curled at the corners, and his eyes got all soft and heated. My breath caught in my throat, anticipating his first move. He stepped closer, close enough for our chests to barely touch, rubbed his cheek against mine, as soft as a faerie's whisper. I closed my eyes, felt his warm breath on my mouth as he murmured, "We'll take it slow, Shawn. I know you have a problem with my age, but I don't. I'll make you happy, you'll see."

Then he stepped back, and my eyes fluttered open in time to see him close the door gently behind him. 'Dammit,' I thought. I was pretty ready right then!

The weekend passed quickly, my ranch hand feeling well enough to work. Monday dawned, as it always did.

I was planning to barbeque some steak for our pre-game dinner, so I drove into town to visit Manny's, my favourite meat shop, taking precious time to ask after Manny's family. Then I zipped into the grocery store for a half a dozen baking potatoes and fresh salad greens. I looked at my watch, saw it was twenty minutes until two. The game started at seven thirty, and dinner was normally served at six o'clock.

I was on my way back home, when I noticed Toby's car coming toward me. He honked and stopped; I pulled up beside him and checked the rearview. It was not a very busy road, but people tended to drive pretty fast on it.

"What's up, Toby?" I asked.

"Not too much. Dad and I had a fight. I was just at your place to let you know he's not coming tonight. He doesn't want to see me for a while, and I wouldn't let him bully me out of coming for the game. So he's gonna sulk by himself." Toby sounded pretty bitter, and I didn't want to pry, but I was afraid I was the cause of the argument.

"Okay, thanks. So you'll still be coming then, around six?" I asked. I tried to ignore the thought that we'd be alone together for hours, and concentrated on his answer.

"Yeah, if you don't mind?" he frowned. "I'm not going to pressure you, Shawn. But I'm also not going to turn down the opportunity to spend some alone time with you, either."

Just as I was about to answer, we noticed a car kicking up a rooster tail behind me. I put my truck in gear and hollered, "Six is great, Toby!" and drove home. All the way there, my heart raced. He didn't want to pressure me, but I was sure going to let him know I was ready! Two years is more than enough celibacy for me, thanks! I had thought I'd have more of a problem with the age difference, but then came to the happy and unfortunate conclusion that I must be a closet pervert, because I conquered that problem awfully fast.

It was 2:30 when I walked in my front door, so I put the food in the fridge, and went down to see the horses. Loki's hoof was better, so I saddled him up for a bit of exercise. I rode to the grotto, remembered when I'd seen Toby standing there, shirtless, and felt myself get warm. I decided it was time to go home and get ready for my company.

I took a hot shower, to wash the horses off my skin, then filled the tub and relaxed for a half-hour in a luxuriant mountain of vanilla-scented bubbles. After I toweled off, I rubbed a generous amount of the matching body lotion into my skin. When I passed over my nipples, they puckered instantly, and I paused to squeeze them. I could feel my centre getting wet, and quickly finished with the cream, not wanting to reach for pleasure alone. I quickly put my long hair into a loose knot on the top of my head.

I decided to be playful, so I put on a thin white tank top, sans bra. I knew my nipples were visible, and faintly, so were my aureoles. That was fine with me. I slipped into a pair of white lace boxer style panties. Over these, I tied on a red floral print sarong. The length of thigh left revealed gave me pause for a moment, but then I shrugged. I was going to 'carpe diem', so I might as well do it with style and audacity!

I slipped my feet into tiny white sandals, and went downstairs to the kitchen. I had just enough time to put the steaks on, put the potatoes in the oven, and set the table.

'Damn,' I thought. 'Damn! I forgot dessert!!'

I double-checked that I had the normal snacks and drinks, then quickly tossed a chocolate pudding together. 'I'll serve it in a parfait glass with whipped cream.' I knew Toby loved chocolate, so there would be no problem.

The potatoes were almost done, the steaks were just palest pink, and I had just finished putting the salads together when I heard Toby at the door. I smiled as I opened it, and watched his eyes widen as they roamed up and down my body.

"Well, come on in! I was just about to put the salads out. I hope you're hungry!" My eyes sparkled over his reaction, but I tried to act as if nothing were amiss. He followed me into the kitchen, and I felt his eyes on my backside the whole time.

"You look, uh, really... nice. Really nice." He stammered. I usually only wore jeans or sweats on football night, so I knew tonight's outfit had floored him. We sat down to eat, and I could feel his eyes devouring me across the table. I flirted, using my eyes, looking at him from under half-closed lids, and letting my lips curve just a little into a provocative smile.

I found one excuse after another to get up and move around. I wanted him to see me, and all I was offering. I got a couple of beers from the fridge, walked over to give him one, and stopped. "Oh, wait, here's a coaster." I put one hand on his shoulder, and leaned across him, pressing my breast into his neck.

As I sat down, I winked at him, and he burst out laughing. "Okay, Shawn. You win!" The next thing I knew, I felt his sock-covered toes rubbing my calves. I raised an eyebrow, and he grinned. His toes crept ever higher, seeking out my secret warmth. My breathing grew uneven, and I parted my legs a little. He pressed his foot against my mons, rubbing slowly, staring into my eyes all the while. I closed my legs and held his foot against me. We finished dinner like that, then brought our dessert into the living room. I turned the TV on, but left the volume too low to hear, while Toby lit the logs in the fireplace. I turned the lights on their lowest setting, and put a CD in the stereo.

We sat side by side on the sofa, and ate the chocolate parfaits. I could feel Toby watching my mouth, so I sensually licked at the pudding, using my tongue to lap it off the spoon. He groaned low in his throat, and leaned forward to lick my bottom lip. We nibbled at each other's mouths, not really kissing, then he pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"Are you sure, Shawn? Just tell me no, and we'll only watch the game." He sounded so earnest and sincere, I just smiled.

"The light's green, honey. I want you, tonight." I replied. He blew a deep breath, and we laughed. Then he leaned forward again and kissed me. He was a great kisser! 'My goodness,' I thought. 'Who taught him this?'

Whoever it was, I was grateful, since I was enjoying the hell out of his talent! He leaned into me, laying me back on the couch, kissing me slow and deep, all the while. My arms came up around his neck, and I speared my fingers through his hair.

He seemed in no hurry to do anything other than kiss me, and it had been so long since I'd had that pleasure. We must have spent close to a half-hour just necking. I was incredibly aroused by the time he nibbled his way down my throat and to my ear. He leaned up, and watched my face as he put his hands on my breasts.

He simply palmed them, rubbing lightly across my straining nipples. I let him see how much I liked that, encouraging him to do more. He bent his head and laved first one nipple and then the other with his tongue. This rendered my tank transparent there. I could tell he liked that when he took my breasts in both hands and squeezed them together, pinching my nipples and nipping at them with his teeth.

He knew I liked that, too. I moaned, and arched my back, shoving my breasts harder against his face. He pulled me up, and took my top off for me. Then I heard him moan, "God, Shawn, you've got the best tits I've ever seen!"

With that, he dove back down and sucked and licked my breasts until I was ready to scream. I writhed under him, so hot I could have spontaneously combusted. Yet I was content to let Toby lead.

He slowly sat up, and stood me up in front of him. "Would you take off the rest of your clothes for me, Shawn?" he asked. I backed up a step, smiled, and flipped off my sandals. Then I raised my hands to my hair, knowing my breasts raised up too. I slowly let my hair tumble down my back, and ran my hands down my throat and across my chest, pausing to play with my nipples for a moment.

With a sensual twist of my hips, I untied my sarong and let it fall. Then I ran my hands over my panties, letting Toby have time to appreciate the sight of them before I slowly took those off too. I stood there, proud in my naked state, knowing that I have a great body, and that Toby was practically drooling now.

I put one foot beside him on the couch, giving him an unrestricted view of my most private areas. His voice hoarse, he whispered, "I've never had sex with a girl who shaved… there… before."

"Do you like it?" I whispered back, already knowing the answer. I smiled as he just nodded, and suggested to him, "Why not see how it feels?"

He looked up at me, then back down, and reached one finger out to stroke my bare mons. My breath hitched in my throat, and he said with a smile, "You're already wet, Shawn. You've drenched my finger, and it's not even inside you yet!"

I put my foot back down, and pulled him up next to me. "Your turn." I said. I took his shirt off of him, running my hands lightly over his chest. Leaning forward, I let my nipples brush against his front, delighting in his crisp chest hairs, and we both drew in sharp breaths.

Smiling, I turned him around. Stepping close so my breasts crushed against his back, I reached around his waist and undid his pants. I shimmied them down his hips, and made him step out of them. Then I ran my hands from his shoulders to his thighs, still from behind him.

I started placing soft kisses on his back, and running my tongue down his spine. I could feel him shiver with pleasure. I slowly drew my hands to his erection, and let my fingers lightly play with it.

"God, Shawn, that feels so good, but if you don't stop, I'll come before we've even started." He turned around and kissed me deeply. I felt his turgid length jump against my belly, and knew he was telling the truth. He was very close to orgasm already. But then, so was I!

I took a chance, and slid to my knees in front of him. He protested, but I said, "Toby, you're so close already. If you come now, we can take our time to build you up again. You're so young, it won't take too long!" I grinned as I took his erection in my hands again. I could tell he was holding his breath, waiting and watching as my mouth slowly came toward him.

I looked up to watch his face as I kept my tongue soft and licked the head of his penis. I saw his eyes glaze with lust, and felt him get even harder. I teased his length with my lips and tongue, wetting his cock, teasing the little slit at the tip, then suddenly engulfed him with my mouth. He groaned and grabbed my head, his hips twitching. I kept up a hard suction as my lips dragged from the base to just behind the head, letting my tongue twirl around it before gobbling him back into my mouth.

His balls tightened in my hand, and he watched as my head bobbed up and down his length. I lightly dragged my teeth along to just behind the crown of his cock, and at the same time, I tickled my fingers against his anus. He threw back his head, let out a shout, and I tasted the first shot of his semen blast into my mouth. I shoved my nose into his pubic hair and swallowed for all I was worth. His orgasm was intense, and the thick, salty ropes of jism slid easily past my tonsils.

When his balls were drained, and his penis started softening, I lightly licked him clean. I softly blew on him, causing him to gasp, and I giggled. I leaned over to snag my beer, quaffed half the liquid, and stood up to kiss him.

"Your turn!" he growled. He grabbed my waist and laid me on the floor by the fire. Then he licked me from lips to toes, and back up to the vee between my legs. He placed a soft, open-mouthed kiss there, then in a sudden and rather unexpected move, flipped me onto my tummy. He was driving me crazy with soft kisses down my spine, light squeezes to my ass. He made me spread my legs wide, and stick my ass into the air with my knees supporting me.

I thought he was going to fuck me that way, but instead, I felt his mouth again, kissing my hot, wet, open lips. He speared his tongue into me from behind, and pinched my clit at the same time. I moaned, and then whimpered; Toby had no mercy - he sucked and licked my pussy, alternating shoving his tongue and his fingers into me. I rocked back against his face, climbing ever closer to my peak.

Then, he actually bit me, there on my clit! It was enough to push me over the edge, and I stiffened, my spasming pussy plastered to his open mouth, his lips and tongue lapping my juices as they squirted from my body.

When I caught my breath, I lay flat again, rolled over onto my back, and smiled. "Where did you learn how to do that so well?" I purred.

"Dad has a lot of pornos, and I watch them a lot. I think he knows, but he's never said anything. Plus," he added, "I have had girlfriends, you know. And some wouldn't go all the way, but they sure liked when I went down on them!" He shrugged. "But they sure didn't return the favour the way you did, Shawn!"

I noticed that talking about sex had set his penis to twitching again, so I asked him about some of his fantasies. He had the normal guy ones, like ménage a trois, but then he surprised me when he admitted he liked public sex! I had always flirted with discovery fantasies myself, but my husband hadn't been quite that adventurous. I told Toby this, and we spent some time speculating where we could try it.

His penis was erect again, but other than rubbing against each other, we didn't do more than talk.

"That day at the grotto," he said. "You'll never know how close I came to throwing you on the ground and slamming myself into you! And watching you pleasure yourself was the most erotic moment of my entire life. I'll never forget the way you looked, Shawn!"

He was drawing little shapes on my belly with his index finger, and once in a while, he would dip into my navel. It was beginning to drive me to distraction. I had been celibate for two years, and suddenly I didn't want to wait one more moment. I rolled onto my elbow, leaning over him, and kissed him softly. Then I mounted him, making sure his penis was lying flat against his tummy, the head jutting up to his bellybutton.

His eyes were wide as I placed his hands flat on top of my thighs, his gaze wandering from my whisker-rubbed nipples to my wet cock-hugging, hairless pussy lips. He started to move his hands to my breasts, but I shook my head, placing his hands firmly back into place.

I could tell he didn't quite understand what I wanted, but when I cupped my own tits and pulled at my nipples, he finally got a clue. He relaxed under me, never taking his eyes from me.

I pushed my breasts together and licked the crease between them, feeling his cock twitch beneath me. It caused a flutter in my womb, a small rush of wet pleasure and I rocked my hips slightly, sliding easily up his length. My clever fingers continued to manipulate my tits, and I alternated between torturing my nipples and laving them with my tongue.

When I couldn't stand it another second, I slipped my right hand down my belly, all the way to my neediest part. I parted my fingers and speared them down, cupping my pussy and stroking Toby's cock at the same time. He groaned softly in the back of his throat, the rough sound adding to my enjoyment.

I sat on his groin and masturbated us both simultaneously, our breathing coming in short hot panting bursts. Our voices mingled incoherently yet musically, punctuated by moans of sublime pleasure. Toby's hands kept making abortive forays, coming back to rest on my thighs time and again.

I was on fire. Toby's eyes were locked on my pussy riding his cock, both being stroked by my fingers. Our skin grew moist and we were both getting close to orgasm.

"Your hair is moving all over my balls, Shawn, driving me crazy. I need to be inside you!" He squeezed my thighs, and just like that, I climaxed. My head dropped back, my eyes closed, and I let out a breathy scream. His name.

Suddenly, he hooked his forearms under my knees, and I found myself on my back with him shoving his cock deep into me. My legs were draped over his shoulders, and he was thrusting forcefully, our bodies slamming together.

My swollen, twice-pleasured clit couldn't withstand this abuse for long, and I came violently, bucking my hips up against his downward thrust, causing his cock to reach even deeper inside me.

He panted my name, tensed his whole body, and drove into me even as my pussy filled with his hot seed.

Exhausted and replete, we collapsed against each other, trying to regain control of our breathing. I could feel the wetness between my legs, and couldn't believe I'd just had unprotected sex. But I felt so damn good, I couldn't bring myself to care. I just wanted more.

We kissed, there on the floor in front of the game we never watched. We dozed, and woke to make love again.

Toby brought me up to my bed, tucked me up under the coverlet and kissed me softly. I looked at the clock, amazed to see it was after two in the morning.

"I will see you tomorrow, Shawn," he said.

I nodded, and just as he was walking through the door, I called his name.


He looked over his shoulder as he paused, and studied my cheshire-cat smile.

"You were right. You are just what I need: a man who's young enough to fuck me til I scream, then fuck me twice more!"

He laughed and assured me that I hadn't seen anything yet.

I couldn't wait to see some more!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Finish the story please

We need at least a happily ever after with kids

FCGuyFCGuyover 18 years ago

WAY too much uninteresting backstory! Then it suddenly ends! OK but far from great...

BroadswordBroadswordover 19 years ago
Saddle Up and Ride

I liked the way you took your time in fleshing out the characters and describing their surroundings. It only added to the realism of the story.

In fact, my only constructive suggestion (not critisism) would be that you could have spent some more time and detail in describing this couple's first actual intercourse.

(More of their thoughts, feelings, and actions as they inserted Tab A into Slot B.)

I can't wait to read more about them 'foaling around' in part two.

Good Luck,

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
I liked it!

I did. I read the other comments too, and there's one about details. I think the author meant that the character had long hair, and as she tilted her head, it tickled his balls. That's the impression I got, not that it was her pubic hair tickling him.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this, and I like that it's not six paragraphs long, but I also agree that it ended too abruptly. Well done though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

great story how about a chapter two

loved it!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Far too long ....

OK there was a build up but the ending did not quite match the long slow drawn out build-up. I don't think it was quite worth the wait. I would say - get to the point in 500 fewer words - but not bad overall.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Screw the details... I loved the story - it was hot enuf to make up for anything!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
detail detail detail

you need to keep a close eye on detail. When she firsts takes off her clothes, she is shaved.

Then later, when she is on top, and her pussy is rubbing his cock, the boys says "your hair is ticklig my balls".

I do enjoy your stories, tho. They are good writings.

sherlock40sherlock40over 19 years ago
Excellent story

Well-written and nicely erotic. I, for one, would like to see another story where they continue the relationship, possible to marriage and children.

Thank you for the time and effort in writing this story.

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