Together for the Holidays Ch. 02

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Siblings get sweaty in the woods.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/14/2017
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This is a sequel to "Together for the Holidays". Some wanted a sequel, some didn't. Well, here it goes. If you liked where it ended then you don't have to keep reading. I even eliminated most of the ellipses this time.


Dinner was great. It was like a portal in time. Bill was the odd one out, but other than that they talked and joked as if nothing had changed. It was eerie, but not in a bad way. Like a friendly ghost, or a christmas gift from Santa, Terry decided not to question it. Happiness overcame Terry and he found himself unnaturally relaxed and calm.

As he helped his mother with the dishes she started, "I don't know what you said to her, but thank you."

"It's nothing." Terry shrugged. He hoped she couldn't hear the hesitation, but knew that she could. His mother had a way with silence. It forced him to continue. "She's, um, having trouble with Bill." Not a complete lie.

"Anything you can talk about?"

Terry chuckled. "Nope."

"Well, I'm glad you could help her. I wish she'd talk to me more about these things, but I'm glad you are there for her. I know how hard it must be for you."

"Yea..." Hard was right.

"I can take care of the rest."

"You sure?"

"It's fine. Let me be your mom again." Terry smiled and let her at it. He walked into the living room to find the rest of them on the couch watching another game. Trisha seemed mildly interested. Bills wall like arm cemented her shoulders in place and hid most of her from Terry's view. He wasn't sure what he felt when he saw that. He hadn't given Bill much thought before. Now that he knew how Trisha felt Terry was filled with uncertainty. He knew how to treat a sister, a girlfriend, or a distant relative. But he didn't know how to feel about Trisha.

Whatever his feeling about the arm around her, it wasn't positive. His strong and well defined arm seemed to remind Terry of how weak and undefined his relationship was. Unsettled. That was a good word. Terry felt unsettled.

He took a shower and went up to his room to find solace in sleep. He pulled the covered up over him. He closed his eyes, feeling the familiar creeks that signaled feet going up stairs and the opening and closing of doors. His mother and father entered their room, and Trisha took Bill to hers. Even when the creaks ceased he found himself awake. He could not shake the memories of the park. It was more Trisha's words than her actions, strangely, that troubled him. He should have felt more wrong about what they did, but he didn't. He felt more anxious about what she said.

She said she would never leave him, but what did that mean? He believed she meant it, but surely she did not think they would live together or make a family together. Is that what she wanted? Is that what Terry wanted?

He felt more creaking. He looked to his bedside clock. One in the morning already? And he still did not feel tired. Who else could be awake this late?

The creaks settled by his door and he heard it open. He turned his head behind him as light pierced the shadows of his eyes and the dark outline of Trisha emerged from the portal. She was clad in some light pajamas.

"Hey. Mind if I come in?" He heard her whisper.

"Sure." He said, without thought. She took it as an invitation to sit down on the bed behind him after closing the door carefully. "What's going on?" he asked casually, still looking away.

She squirmed nervously. "Hey, remember when we were little, and sometimes you'd come to my room because you had a nightmare, and my room was closer than our parents?"

"I remember you'd call me a big baby each time." Terry replied.

"Well, remember when we'd sleep next to each other?"

"That was a long time ago."

She paused, "Can I come under the covers?" Her voice broke when she asked. Terry sighed.

"Fine." He saw and felt her crawl around and in front of him weave inside the sheets so his body hid hers from the door. She was not near tears like before, but she seemed very nervous. "Anything else?"

"Well, I remember you used to cuddle up to me." She continued. "It would always help me sleep at least."

"Are you actually scared?" Terry asked. He wasn't sure if it was fear or arousal on her face.

"A little." She admitted. "About the future."

"What do you want?" Terry asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, in the future. Us. What do you want?" He asked. "I assume Bill doesn't know you're here."

"Who cares about Bill-"

"I care about Bill! Well, I care about his fists at least. And I don't know, maybe he's a cool guy too. Maybe he doesn't deserve this."

"I'll break up with him if you want." Trisha shrugged. "If that makes you feel better-"

"But what's the point?" Terry asked again. "We go out and buy a log cabin in the woods away from anybody? Change our names and elope?"

"If that's what you want-"

"Well, maybe it isn't. Maybe I want a job and a family, or have a normal life. Maybe I want to know what you want, what your plans are."

Trisha looked away and fidgeted, trying to find words. "All I know is what I want now, and I want you." Terry didn't have an answer for that. "If you want me to leave I will. I told you that. And if you want me to break up with Bill, I'll do that too. But what I really want..." She looked him in the eyes. "I want you. And I want you to want me. And I want you to be happy. If you want me to touch you, I will. Just like before. If you want to touch me... I would really like that. We could go further, if you wanted. I'd like that too. To be honest, I'm so horny right now I could probably get off to anything you wanted to do," She hid half her face under the covers in embarrassment. "Or if you want me to keep talking, I can do that. I can keep telling you about everything I want to do to you. Everything I want you to do to me. It," she swallowed hard, "It really feels good. It feels good to be able to talk about this after so long. And not just in a sexy way. I never trusted anyone else enough to say anything. So, I guess I want to ask," She looked him in the eyes, "What do you want?"

That was an intriguing question. Terry was finding the covers a bit hot, even though Trisha was still keeping her distance. "I guess," He started. "Cuddling is a good start."

Trisha smiled and rolled her back to Terry. Then she inched back until her backside was against the erection budding in his boxers. He put one arm under her and she took the other to wrap around her waist. Her clothes were soft and sensual and caressed him as much as much as they did her.

"Just for tonight," Trisha whispered. "Anything you want. I want you to take it." Terry gulped. "If this isn't going to last... touch me everywhere. No regrets." Her hands guided his. One went between her legs, the other between her unbound breasts "Don't be afraid to go underneath." She sighed as he touched her. She began grinding her rear into him. "Whenever you want I can move. You can tell me to leave. Or you can tell me to go under the covers." She lightly moaned as his hand traveled up her leg on it's own, finding moisture. "I can be clean with my mouth. Or dirty with my ass, if you still have that lube in your bedside table. I'm on the pill, so you could take me..." he caressed her wet groin and felt her shiver, "There. That would be nice. Or I could do all three, one after the other. Or we could just stay like this." His bulge found a crevice between her cheeks and she continued grinding, "And you can cum all over me."

Terry was already close. He usually wasn't this horny twice in one day. "Well, to be honest..." He grunted as Trisha giggled, "I-I'd like to wait." Trisha slowed her hips, her hands on Terry's, "I don't really don't know what I want right now."

"I think you do." She said. She maintained pressure against him, "I think you really want-"

He heard someone coming. Terry instinctively threw the covers over Trisha just as he heard a knock at the door.

"You awake?" he heard, and the door opened. Terry was still spooning his sisters rear when he turned his head to see Bill at the door. "Hey..." Bill started. "Sorry to wake you, but have you seen your sister anywhere?

Terry felt Trisha tighten on his dick. He trembled, looking back to the pile of covers, then to Bill. "No. But she takes walks sometimes. She's probably out. Might be an hour or so."

"This late?" Bill asked. "I'm a bit worried-"

"It's fine. She does it all the time. She's probably just stressed. You know how she is."

"Alright. Sorry to wake yo-" His eyes widened. Terry looked to where his eyes were pointed and saw Trisha's feet beyond the covers. Her toenails were a sparkling pink. Terrys legs were tucked under the covers behind him.

Terry quickly responded, "What? Sometimes I like to feel pretty."

"O-Oh!" Bill shook his head in distress. "Sorry!" He left and closed the door. Once he had creaked away Terry sighed in relief and Trisha couldn't help but erupt into giggles. He lowered the sheets so he could see her. Her face was madly blushing with heat, embarrassment, and arousal. She was touching herself with one hand as the other cupped over her mouth.

"God Trisha your such a perv."

"You love it."

"Look, we can't do it here okay? At the very least."

She looked away in mild disappointment. "I get it. You aren't really into it." Terry sighed and leaned in, holding her tight.

"I don't want you to be alone. But..."

"I understand." She wrapped his hands around her chest and began grinding again with a giggle. "Don't worry about me."

"And as much fun as this is, I don't see us getting married or having kids or," He trailed off, then continued, "I really don't see anything stable or healthy here."

"That's fine." She sighed. "This is good. Staying like this is good. Even if we aren't going anywhere, it feels nice."

"But if I do find someone else-" He continued.

"I'll back off if you want." She nodded. "That's fine."

"I'm really sorry." Terry finished. He held her tight and closed his eyes, remembering his childhood. In time his worries faded, and he found himself calm once more, just like the old days.

When he opened his eyes again it was morning, and she was gone. His hands grasped the sheets in front of him in vain. There was a pang of loneliness there. Confusion and doubt returned to him in a manner he had felt for years after she had left the first time. There was an empty space where he once had everything.

Then he felt a tug behind him. "Wakey wakey!" He heard his sisters voice and simultaneously felt relief and annoyance. "Hey, got any good morning presents for me down there?"

"Not for you." He turned and got up. She was lying next to him above the covers, fully dressed. "Did I sleep in?"

"Like a baby." She tapped his nose with her pointer finger. "Breakfast is ready, then

we're going hiking."

"What? Oh... who's idea was that?"

"Parents wanted to show Bill the sights around town and all we have is fucking hiking. We have a day to burn before we've got to go, so there you go."

"Great." He sighed. "So that means a long car ride into the mountains right?"

"Yep. Sounds romantic don't you think?"

"Bloodsucking insects, sharp inclines, an hours drive to the nearest hospital, yea, what's not to love?" She punched his arm. "Oh yea, and a two hour long drive in a car with you both ways." He rubbed his bicep.

"Clear air, blue skys, babbling brooks, don't you remember how much fun we had?"

"I remember cold air, stormy skys, and the brook you tossed me into."

"Oh yea, hah! That was a hell of a weekend." She chuckled. "Weather report is all clear this time though. And you're bigger than me now."

"Right." She got out of his bed. And he followed suit, stretching, and eating breakfast. By the time he was dressed everyone was already gathering outside the house. Everyone was dressed for the occasion; Trisha had her hair tied back, and everyone had work out clothes.

"Might be a bit cramped for one car..." He overheard. "Two cars? Alright, who's with who..."

"Well, I can take Terry." Trisha started. "It's been a while since we've had some quality time together..."

"Great. Bill can go with you too. It can be the kids and adults..." Dad started.

"Er..." Trisha thought quickly, "How about you guys who keep talking about the game share a car, huh?"

"Well, that works too." Dad smiled. Bill didn't seem too happy about that.

"So, boys and girls?" Mom suggested. "Terry, you can be a girl if you'd like." Everyone chuckled except Terry and Bill.

"No, boys car is fine." Terry shrugged. Even if he wanted, he had no idea how to get Trisha and himself alone in one of the cars. Trisha scowled.

It was a long ride there. Terry forgot how sick he'd get during these trips. He never got used to these curves, or the way his father drove on them.

"Hey, look out the window! This is where I grew up, this is our heritage..." His father began. "Oh, and over there, I remember back when that town was just two buildings and green pastures..."

Terry rolled his eyes. "Moonshiners and confederates. A proud history."

"Well, you can at least enjoy the view." His father scolded him. "And if you are going to vomit at least open the window."

Terry hated hiking.

"You get carsick too?" He heard Bill ask. "You need anything? I've got medication, but I try not to take it because it makes me sleepy..."

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." Terry smiled back. "So, uh... how'd you meet my sister?"

"Oh, well, I'm a construction worker and she was walking by one of my job sites. We uh, got to talking and..."

Terry imagined Bill wolf whistling to Trisha on the street and her thinking it was romantic enough to give him a chance. The scene made too much sense.

"We're here!" his father said, taking a turn.


"No!" His father laughed. "Thirty more minutes. I'm just stopping for gas. You need to stop being so gullible son. I stop at this station every time remember?"

Terry hated hiking.

A few more lectures later and Terry found himself at the bottom of a steep mountain trail. They began their upward climb at a snails pace. "Come on Terry, we just started!" he heard his father shout. Terry was always lagging behind in the back. "Get a move on!"

"I don't think having my nose in a book for two years improved my hiking ability." Terry huffed.

"I'll stay behind with him." Trisha, who normally led the pack, waited for him. "I'll egg him on. You all can go ahead."

"I'm actually pretty tired too," Bill started.

"Be a man. I'm sure you can do it!" Trisha argued, "Show me those muscles!"

"Uh, right!" Bill was moralized to continue with their parents.

"We'll wait at the halfway point for you, okay?" His mother called out as they continued forward.

"Nailed it." Trisha brought down her elbow in victory just as their family was out of eyesight.

"Your master plan worked. Now I wont die alone. How romantic."

"No silly..." She stopped their progress forward and Terry was more than willing to take a break. She thumbed toward the bushes. "This way there is another path. It leads to some camping grounds, and then back up the mountain, but it's less steep. With some time alone in the woods to ourselves..."

"Trish, they're going to come looking for us."

"No they wont. You are very slow and they know it." She grinned. "Come on!" She grabbed his hand and pulled. He followed meekly, already tired out by their short trip up the mountain. "Here!" They stumbled through into a clearing.

"You sure this is the camping grounds?" Terry asked.

"Sure I'm sure." Trisha grinned. "Now..." She turned to him and held his hands. "What do you want to do?" Her hips swayed to invisible music.

"Uh, rest, actually." She pouted. "Look, I told you I'm not really ready..." Terry awkwardly avoided the topic. "I'd rather wait a bit, you know?"

"Sure." Trisha seemed disappointed, but not broken. She had a plan bouncing around in that blond head of hers. "Just find a place to rest and I'll explore a bit then." He was too tired to care and sat by a nearby tree. She was out of eyesight for a few perilous moments. The clearing was surrounded by tall trees, and beyond that was either a steep fall or a steep incline. Various paths opened up between the trees.

"Terry!" He heard a muffled yell. He got to his feet and brushed himself off. It was a distressed call. Trisha had probably seen some giant spider or something.

Terry paused and inspected a strange scene. Trisha's top half was inside a hole of a sycamore tree, her bottom half was outside, wriggling, and her pants and panties had fallen down. Her round ass, clad only in panties that were halfway off, shook as she jumped, her pants were already getting to her knees. "Who's there? I'm stuck! And my clothes are falling off!" He heard her say. "Oh no! maybe if I," She slowly removed herself from the tree, but her top and sports bra caught on the bark and as her head and arms stayed inside, her large breasts poured out into the open air. Terry was stunned as she continued to shake and bounce her massive tits and ass in fake distress. "Oh no! My shirt got stuck and you can see my tits!" She shook them side to side. "I'm so embarrassed! Some unknown stranger has seen me in such a humiliating position! You could take pictures of me in any angle you want, and I couldn't stop you..."

"Trisha. Get out of there. How are you not freezing?" Terry tried looking away, but found it difficult.

"Oh no, stranger, you aren't getting a hard on are you?" She asked in fake horror. "If you wanted to exploit my position, there would be nothing I could do!" She claimed. "You could just lower my panties an inch and fuck me right here!" Her hips swayed. "And no one would know! And I wouldn't even know who you were! Guilt free sex!"

"Trisha, you don't know what's in there. You are probably going to have ticks all in your hair."

"You're staring at my butt aren't you?" She continued to ignore him. "You sicko! You probably want to fuck it don't you! You want to rape my butt!" She wiggled and bounced, "And you wouldn't even have to move my panties at all! And no matter how much I scream, no one will come and stop you! You could just fuck my tight little asshole and cum inside me and there is nothing I can do to stop it! And I wont be able to tell anyone because the shame would be too great, and because secretly I enjoyed it too!"

"Are you done?"

"Are you mad at me?" She asked. "Are you going to give me a spanking? Blackmail me with embarrassing pictures? Whip me with a sapling? Twist my nipples till I beg you to stop? Stick your fist inside me until I scream?" Terry sighed and was silent for a few seconds.

"I really am stuck though." Trisha continued. "A little help?" Terry sighed. He knew it was a gambit to get him to touch her like this, but he indulged her. He went to her and stared a little too long at her body, and was a little too tempted to take out his annoyance on her just like she wanted. His willpower won over and he pulled up her pants and panties to a socially acceptable level. "mmm, how come even you putting my clothes on turns me on..." He sighed again before holding onto her hips and pulling.

She easily slid out of her top and bra and faced him, completely topless. "Thank you so much!" she pressed herself against his chest and he gulped, her bare midriff pressing against his erection as she brought her hands around and to his own rear end. "Maybe I misjudged you? Maybe, if I asked you to get my clothes from that tree and you happened to stumble in, big sister could help you out with this," she pressed against his erection, "from behind." She gave his rear a squeeze. "Don't worry, I can be very gentle playing around back there."

"Or maybe you should get dressed?" Terry suggested, taking a step back.