Tom's Boss Jerry

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I really don't want to go to your office Christmas party!
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"Tom, I really don't want to go to your office Christmas party this year. At every company event, your boss Jerry is right by my side. He's like a dog in heat. He practically molests me every time we dance."

"Kelly, you're exaggerating."

I love my husband but when it comes to his boss, Tom is a wimp, and he lets his boss walk all over him. He called Tom while we were out at dinner for our anniversary. He told Tom to swing by the office to pick up some contracts that needed to be completed over the weekend.

"No problem, Jerry," my husband said, "I can pick them up for you," I yelled at Tom and told him to just say no! He doesn't have the balls to stand up to Jerry. It pisses me off so much.

Every company event is the same thing. Jerry takes me away from Tom, his hand on my back and slowly he slides his hand down palming my ass.

"Tom, at last year's Christmas party, Jerry practically rapped me while we were dancing."

"Really Kelly, he rapped you while you were dancing."

"Tom his hands were all over me and his dick was rubbing up against my stomach."

Jerry is about 6'2" 220, muscular built. He's a very good-looking man, but he's an arrogant bastard and intimidates all his employees.

"Tom, are you going to say something this year when he starts grabbing my ass and grinding me."

"Yes Kelly, I talk to him."

"Bullshit Tom, you won't say a fucking thing to him. You never do."

"Kelly, he likes to flirt, and he may be a little touchy-feely, but he's harmless."

"Really Tom, really, he's harmless. Okay, let's see how harmless he really is. This year, if he wants to fuck me, I'm going to let him. If he bends me over a table and fucks me right in front of all your co-workers, so be it.

If you don't want him to fuck me, then you stop him. I'm tired of fighting him off.

And there goes those that eye roll. "Tom This is what's going to happen tonight; someone is going to fuck me. It's either you or Jerry. The choice is up to you."

Tom started to walk away.

"I'm not kidding Tom. I'm not going to wear panties or a bra tonight either. And see this dress, it stretches and can slide up for easy access.

The choice is yours, Tom. Show me that you have some balls, and you can fuck me tonight. If not, good luck explaining to our family and friends why we have a Black baby."

Yes, Tom's boss is Black, and I am fertile and Horny as fuck. Tom and I are working on baby number two.

Tom was done listening to me, he walked out of our bedroom and retreated to the den. I'll show Tom, He just likes to flirt, my ass. Tom's boss is a molester, and no one stands up to him. I'm not the only wife he targets, but I look better than most of the other wives.

Yes, I look better. I'm at the gym at least four days a week to look good for Tom. Tom does quite well for himself so I'm a stay-at-home trophy wife and mom to our two-year-old daughter.

'My baby is staying with grandma and grandpa tonight while I get fucked by Tom's boss.' I said out loud to no one in particular.

I walked down the hall to the den where Tom was waiting with a drink for me. At least Tom was smart enough to compliment the hell out of me for looking so hot for him.

He likes me to look good and make his work buddies jealous. Of course, it also means that Jerry will be right there checking me out too. And he does more than just look.

"Kim, you look incredible. I am the luckiest man alive to have a beautiful wife like you. I know I don't deserve you, but I appreciate everything you do for me."

"Thank you, Tom," I kissed him on the cheek and left a little lipstick mark.

"Tom, I want you to listen to me; I'm not kidding. I will let Jerry fuck me tonight if you don't do anything to stop him."

Jerry isn't the only owner of the company. There are two other partners, but it's as if Jerry has dibs on me and the other two just stay away.

"Kelly, he's not going to fuck you. And his wife will be there too."

"Really Tom, his wife is just as bad. At the last Christmas party, she got drunk and gave the waiter carrying the hors d'oeuvres the reach around. His choice was to either drop his tray or get jerked off by Benita, and don't get me started with her fuck name either."

"Are you done, Kelly?"

"Not yet. How does B E N I T A sound like Benoîte? Like she's French or something. She's from West Virginia or some other fuckin hillbilly state for God's sake."

"Kelly, finish your drink, the limo will be here shortly."

"Tom, I'm not wearing panties or a bra. If you stand up to Jerry, I will suck your dick and ride you all the way home from the party. If you don't stand up for me, I'm gonna ride Jerry's big dick."

"Kelly, how do you know it's a big dick?"

"Because he rubs it against me whenever he dances together."

"The limo is here Kelly, please calm down and try to enjoy yourself tonight."

We walked out to the limo and the driver opened the door for me like a gentleman. "Thank you, Harry." We always ask for Harry whenever we use the limo service.

As we pulled away, I told Harry I needed to stop at CVS.

"Thank you, Harry; I will only be a minute," I said.

When I got back into the limo, Tom asked me what I had bought.

"I picked up a few extra-large condoms. The more I thought about it, you wouldn't be the only one who would have to explain why we have a Black baby. I also picked this up for you,"

"What's this?" Tom asked.

"It's a douche!" I heard Harry laugh and based on the look on Tom's face, he finally realized that I wasn't kidding around and that I am tired of his boss hitting on me, feeling up my ass, and grinding me with his big dick.

"Okay Tom," I said as we pulled up to the banquet hall, "who's it gonna be tonight, you or Jerry."

We walked in and I had my arm tightly wrapped around Tom's. I was holding on for dear life. But to no avail. Jerry was at my side practically humping my leg.

"Tom and Kelly, my favorite employee and his beautiful wife." With that, he picked up my hand and kissed it ever so gently and didn't let it go. He just walked me away from Tom and as always, his hand slid from the small of my back down to my ass.

He started to feel my ass like a blind man reading Brail, but this time I just let him or removed his hand like I normally would.

After Jerry was done parading me around like a prime cut of steak, we went to the bar for a drink, which I needed.

And where was Tom? No fucking clue.

"Kelly, I'm so glad you came tonight. I know you enjoy our parties and I love dancing with you." He went from rubbing my ass to giving it a light spank. "I have to mingle now, but I'll be back for you later," Jerry said and walked away, thank God.

"Hello Kelly," Tom said as he appeared from out of nowhere. "Are you and Jerry having a good time?"

"Fuck you, Tom."

"Kelly, I thought you were going to calm down and enjoy the evening."

"Once Again Tom, either Jerry fucks me tonight or you do. The choice is yours."

The Christmas party is always very nice. It's more of a cocktail party rather than a sit-down dinner. There are a few carving stations, pasta, some other foods, shrimp, and cheese. And plenty of hors d'oeuvres.

Tom and I ate a little and I was whisked away onto the dance floor again by Jerry.

"Kelly, I think you know I find you very attractive and I think you feel the same about me," the arrogant bastard said.

"I do find you very attractive Jerry, but I am married to Tom."

"Yes, yes, Tom is a great man and a hard worker. He has a big bonus coming this year too. His sales were incredible; you should be proud of Tom. But Kelly, I could make his bonus even bigger this year. You know what I mean."

And of course, Tom was nowhere to be found.

"Kelly, I must leave you. There are a few others that I need to speak with."

And out of fucking nowhere, Tom was by my side again.

"Where the fuck did you come from. You're like the fucking Flash or something."

"Kelly, I am always watching you."

"Yah like a fucking voyeur." That Tom laughs at.

"Tom, this isn't funny. I need to go to the lady's room. Please don't go running off again."

On my way back from the lady's room I passed the coat check, and someone was getting fucked hard. I just closed the door and gave them some privacy. It was probably Jerry fucking someone else's wife. At least it would give me a break.

Well, Tom wasn't where I left him. And I was wrong, it wasn't Jerry fucking someone in the coatroom. Jerry was back humping my leg.

"Have you thought about my proposition, Kelly? Jerry asked.

"I'm sorry Jerry, what was the proposition, something about a bigger bonus."

"Kelly, are you playing hard to get?"

Jerry reached over and he was gently blowing into my ear, and his tongue touched my earlobe. Now, I have no panties on, and Jerry was doing a fantastic job at getting me primed for either his dick or Tom's. I was Horny and needed someone's dick."

I looked for Tom and this time I saw him. He was staring our way with a big stupid smile on his face. He had a perfect view of Jerry's hand all over my ass and he did nothing. Maybe Tom is a fucking voyeur, or my husband is a closet cuck just waiting for me to release him.

'Jerry come fuck the shit out of me so Tom can jerk off in a corner somewhere. My brave strong husband, a cuckold pussy! I think I'll buy Tom a pair of panties as a stocking stuffer this year.' I thought to myself.

"Kelly, I must leave you again. It's time to hand out the bonuses."

"I'll miss you, Jerry. Hurry back," And there he is again, Fucking Tom to my rescue; late as always.

"You'd make a lousy Superhero Tom."

"What does that mean," Tom asked.

"Never mind." Tom just shrugged his shoulders.

"So, did you decide if you were going to be the one to fuck me tonight because Jerry is offering to sweeten your bonus if I give in to him? Your call Tom." Fucking Tom just laughed again.

The bonus checks were handed out. Jerry and the other partners like to make it very personal and show their appreciation to the employees. Meanwhile, all the three partners just want to fuck their employees' wives. I wonder who was in the coat closet and how much her husband's bonus went up.

"Kelly my love." Fuck, Jerry was back.

Listen, readers, don't go give me an attitude about my language. I was the youngest of four. Three older brothers and a father that didn't give a shit what you thought of him. My Dad told me, "Kelly if you don't look out for yourself, no one else will either. And my mother, well my mother had enough on her plate to keep my brothers out of trouble. She didn't have time to turn me into a fuckin princess.

We were close, me and my brothers. I had a boyfriend in high school; it was our senior year, and we were 18. One day my brothers told me I was single, and I needed to find a new date for the prom.

I went to school the next day and there was my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend. He had a swollen face, and black eyes and he couldn't stand upright, and he had a bit of a limp too.

I assume he was cheating on me and my brothers let him know that that was not acceptable. I asked my brothers who my ex-boyfriend was fucking, they told me it was Mary Wilson.

I kicked the shit out of her.

Anyway, now I needed a date for the prom. Guess who came knocking at my door. You guessed it, Tom the fuckin Flash. That man always seemed to be there when I needed him. Except when I needed him to keep Jerry the fuck away from me.

We went to Prom together and I had such a fun time with Tom that I sucked him off in the back seat of his piece of shit car.

"I don't fuck on the first date. If he wanted more than a little head, you needed to take me out a few times," I told Tom. We've been a couple ever since, but now he's letting Jerry steal me away.

Tom looked at his bonus check, put it in his breast pocket, and asked me to dance.

"Tom," Jerry said with a smile, "may I have your wife." He didn't say to dance so I wasn't sure where this conversation was going. I was thinking it may be some kind of trade negotiation to see who was going to fuck me tonight.

"Jerry, I think you've had enough of my wife for the night."

I was shocked. Tom was standing up to Jerry. I stood tall and proud next to my husband. I was hoping Tom had his balls back and he was going to wimp out again.

"Someone's fucking me tonight, Tom, and I hope it's you," I whispered in his ear hoping to give him some incentive. I also told him, "We don't want to have to explain a Black baby to our family and friends."

"Tom," Jerry said, "can we talk for a minute?"

Jerry said something to Tom, but I couldn't make it out. All I know is Tom wasn't happy. Tom's around 5' 10", he's in decent shape, but not near the size of Jerry. Well just like Davey and Goliath, size doesn't always matter.

Whatever Jerry said, Tom didn't like it. Tom threw an uppercut putting Jerry on his back. He followed up by lifting Jerry's head off the ground by his collar and hitting him in the face three more times.

"Molly," Molly is head of HR, Tom called out.

Tom pulled a little recorder out of his pocket and played it for her and anyone close enough to hear it.

"Tom, I'm going to fuck your wife tonight. Why don't you go sit at a table and when I'm done showing her what a real man's cock feels like, you can take her home and lick her clean. How does that sound?"

"Molly, I quit and if you don't want this recording played for the company's clients, I would let this little incident go."

"I understand Tom. I'll have your severance pay in your next check."

I hugged Tom and gave him a great big kiss and we walked out to our waiting limo.

"You had a recorder in your pocket," I said.

"Jerry's been asking me for months if he could take you away for a weekend. I figured he'd try something today, so I was prepared, just in case."

"I love you, Tom."

"And Kelly"

"Yes, Tom."

"I'm sorry that you had to deal with Jerry, but I always had an eye on you to make sure Jerry didn't go too far. But.........Tom pulled out his bonus check and it was $100,000. I figured you wouldn't mind butting up with Jerry until I got my bonus check."

"Well, that's a nice bonus, but you don't have a job now Tom."

"I have a job already lined up. Don't worry Kelly, you're still my trophy wife."

"We better get the Chase Bank before it closes," I said, "we need to deposit this check before they cancel it," We both laughed.

"Harry," Tom said with a serious tone, "I'll need you to take a longer route back to our house tonight." Tom looked at me. "What was it you said? Something about sucking my dick and riding me all the way home."

I had Tom's pants and boxers down and his dick hitting the back of my throat. Once he exploded in my mouth. Tom was fingering me until I was ready to take his beautiful dick in my pussy.

My dress was off, Tom was sucking my tits, and I was riding Tom like Ron Turcotte riding Secretariat to win the Triple Crown.

That was just shy of 9 months ago and now it's my sweet baby girl sucking on my tits.

The End

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Julie1972Julie19725 days ago

Should have confided in his wife what he was doing.

26thNC26thNC29 days ago

That’s the only way to handle the arrogant stereotype.

AmbulAmbul29 days ago

Terrific little tale. I loved it, despite the “rapped.”

fishgetterfishgetter29 days ago

"What is Rape & What Is It Like to Be Raped?" Not RAPPED, that is a form of talk, i.e. rapping or he rapped through the entire 2.5 min. song.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

That was a seriously good read. It got somewhat repetitive but I understand that you had to do that to make a point. Great ending between the bouncing his head off the floor and playing the recorder for everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Cute premise but Kelly's dialogue was too repetitive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Saying that shit to the husband about taking and fucking his wife also constitutes sexual harassment and threats of assault. That's good for another 2 years salary in damages (including bonuses). Trust nigs to be stupider than toilet waste...

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A bit tedious, but still worth four stars.



oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

Nice story, written with your tongue in your cheek, but so well done.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"""""Jerry practically rapped me while we were dancing."

"Really Kelly, he rapped you while you were dancing."""""" Whole lot of rapping going on here, Amos!!

AllNigherAllNigher5 months ago

I enjoyed the story but.... Not much of a marriage if he doesn't trust her to tell her what he's doing and why, and if she is okay with fucking someone Else if he doesn't live you to her expectations.

willyk1212willyk12126 months ago

i like it when its naughty with no cheating

lucy_sometimeslucy_sometimes6 months ago

Pure filth. Loved it. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hehe pretty funny. It is a story people. Stop trying to moralizing everything to death. She loved her husband but she was trying to get him to act, not knowing he woukd never let anything happen. Loved the characterization of Tom as the Flash. Only thing that is tiresome is the big dick trope for the predatory boss. Suspect the avergae penis size for a boss is basically the same as the rest of the male species. They just think their penis is bigger due ot their huge ego.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

joking or not, you 'joke' about cheating, you're thinking about cheating. Which is just the first couple feet down the same slippery slope... adios, bitch.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

He could have just told her the plan in advance. Then again, if he did that, he wouldn't have heard all her threats to cheat just because she's horny or whatever. Sure you can say they were meant as a joke, but I wouldn't trust that bitch as far as I could throw her.

orion2bear2orion2bear29 months ago

Skin color doesn't matter you will find jackasses of every color and race who have no respect for others

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy6010 months ago

Why do you ass-hats keep inserting Black Men into your nightmares? Chasing white women is not a priority in our lives. Your twisted bigotry is overwhelming you.

OlFrog14xOlFrog14x11 months ago

As a Public Service, I will note that since normal human gestation takes 280 days, more or less, so it was 10 months.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades11 months ago

Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

"Jerry practically rapped me while we were dancing." So, Jerry was a rapper, into Hip-Hop? I think you meant "Jerry practically raped me". It was no typo, as you wrote "rapped" more than once. There were other distracting errors as well. My point being, please find a proofreader to use. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Enjoyed the twist ending. One thing I was confused about was whether or not Kelly was willing to fuck Jerry if Tom didn’t step up. Some of her thoughts seemed to indicate that she was. Maybe I just misinterpreted it.

XluckyleeXluckylee11 months ago

You made me smile a lot. 5 stars from Xluckylee. You keep writing and I will keep reading.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

It can't be much of a marriage if he doesn't trust her enough to confide the plan in her. I feel bad for her, fictional as she may be. All she wanted was for him to stand up for her. One also has to wonder if Jerry had been a bit more aggressive, would Tom have let him fuck his wife to get that bonus money? Or maybe she would have been so fed up with her husband's wimp behavior that she'd have fucked his boss out of spite if he'd been a bit more aggressive?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Okay but story line has been told many, many times.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Good and glad hubby sticks up for himself and the wife.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Pretty good, you made me smile, thanks. KS

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Hear !👋🏾🤙🏿

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

We need more stories about real men that stand up against arrogant bastards!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Surprising ending. I liked it. Four stars ⭐️ for this one.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm12 months ago

Looks like he was one step ahead of the boss. Too bad everyone thinks a smaller guy can't deck a large guy.

tralan69ertralan69er12 months ago

@Anonymousabout 1 hour ago

By accepting the money the husband allowed his wife to become a whore. He should have beat the hell out of the boss and told his wife no way. - Did you read the story?

JollyrogeringJollyrogering12 months ago

Good story! I could feel "Kim's" exasperation at not seeing Tom defend her AND always seemingly disappear when she was being assaulted.

Yes, Tom 'played' his boss well - but the thing about calling 'Molly' as a witness wasn't well done... Yes, he says he quit - too soon though. He simply needed to say that he hit Jerry because Jerry insulted him and Kim. The actual exposee should come the next workday and the tape should be played before the board of directors. Tom would get a larger settlement - he might even keep his job and lose Jerry's interference at the same time.

I know you wanted to end the story on a high note - You did, but giving Kim her due would have been better. Plus: One partner wouldn't be able to boost a bonus without consulting with the others.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I would of gave my wife to Jerry and have her not only be her ongoing bull but completely own her pussy. My little 4" dink gets hard just thinking about it.

HighBrowHighBrow12 months ago

Sweet ending for a Femdom agitprop.

silentsoundsilentsound12 months ago

Tom was a bit of an asshole but this was a nice one.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A promising concept but author failed to pull it off. I’m not normally part of the grammar police, but it didn’t look like anyone proofed this. Written at about an 8th grade reading level. 2*

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Best story I have read for a long time. I had a boss that thought everyone owed him. He was a player and had hit on my wife Sarah couple times and she shut him down. He wasn't giving up and I was getting fed up with him. I had been preparing to start my own business yes the same kind of work. He was getting lazy and I was doing estimates and learning off of other guys I worked with. At our Christmas party he was really working on Sarah and I walked out on the dance floor and cut in. The black boss thought that he could push me to aside but it wasn't happening. I hit him in the stomach as hard as I could and it took the wind out of him. He looked at me and yelled I should fire you. I said here is my 2 weeks notice. Sarah was shocked. I said we need to leave. As we were driving home Sarah asked what I was planning on doing for a job. I said start my own business. Really what with what will you do for money we have talked about this. Well love I have a big surprise for you. What's that she asked? I pulled out a lottery ticket. It was a winning ticket that we will be able to pay cash for everything we need and plenty to put aside for the children's college. I said babe would you like to be our secretary. She said that she would love to but we need to talk first. She had a very good and high paying job and if she could stay there for 6 more years she could retire with a very attractive pension. She actually did stay with her job and between her and our daughter and I of course kept books. Our sons helped also. I did my best to underbid my old boss and also do better quality work. I had hired a few old co-workers. I didn't break him. I didn't want to but it was fun putting pressure on him for his actions.

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