Too Dirty For Mum


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I kissed mum back and felt my arms had revived enough for some gentle movement.

"You know I really liked your fingers and tongue in my butt."

I cupped her arse and rocked her body back and forth on my hips. My cock quickly swelled and filled up her pussy again. I grinned at mum and she grinned back.

Mum straightened up and lifted herself off my dick before resuming her arse up head down position on the floor. I slowly straightened up, and knelt behind mum.

I found the tube of lube near the table leg and rubbed some on my cock before fingering some more into mum's butt.

I lined my cock up with mum's tight arse and pushed the head against her rosebud. Her rosebud started to give way to my cock, squeezing and nibbling at the tip of my cock as I pushed and was pushed back.

I pushed harder and gritted my teeth in pleasure as mum's tight ring squeezed my cock just below my head as I popped in. Mum huffed and I slowly started to descend, pushing deeper and deeper.

After an inch I lost patience with the slow process and shoved my cock all the way in. Mum grunted.

"Oh you little fucker. The one time you needed to go slow. Now don't move until I..."

I cut mum off by pulling out then sliding back in. The lube made me glide while mum's tight butt gripped at my cock at every movement. I was in a heaven of contradiction and loving it.

I closed my eyes as I thrust in and out, revelling in the sensation of fucking my mum in the arse.

Mum was grunting with each movement, but with each thrust in her grunts lessened and her voice grew sweeter.

I held mum's hips and looked down as my cock slipped in and out of her butt. Every time I pulled out it looked like her arse was chasing after my cock, wanting it back inside. I realised mum had gone from staying stock still to pushing back on me.

"Loving my cock in your arse are you mum?"

"Shut it you little bastard, you could have had some patience."

I grinned and bent over to grab mum's breasts. I squeezed them as her butt squeezed and throbbed on my cock. Each thrust in I was gripped by mum's pulsing hot arse, the warmth was as good as the fucking. Every time I pulled out it was like trying to pull out of a vacuum, her arse desperate to keep me inside.

Not that I was different, each time I pulled out it was just so I could thrust in. Mum's arse was melting my mind. From the sounds mum was making she was enjoying this more than me. Her butt seemed to collapse on my dick as she came again. Moaning in pleasure so intense it was closer to pain.

I thrust into her arse as hard and fast as I could. Sweat was dripping off me while my breath rasped out of my throat.

My legs tensed and I thrust into mum one final time, moaning as I came in her arse. She was still coming, her muscles quivering like hell and milking my cock for all I had.

I fell back onto my arse and stared at mum while trying to get my breath back. She rolled onto her side and looked up at me completely exhausted.

"You can clean up now. I'm going to bed."

I grinned.

"I'll join you then."


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Absolute shit.

redlion75redlion75over 6 years ago
Just reread

As an southern boy from the states I am happy to say fuck roof to those that don't know the truth behind word histories. Our cousins across the pond call us yankee when in reality it was used to describe them during the tiff we had in 1776. It was a slang term in Dutch calling them yan quis or John cheese.that became Americanized thru accent or just misprouncing the word.the term redneck is actually from another tiff England had with Scotland were supporters of 1 side wore red scarfs around their both of sides can fuck off.

doug_noughtdoug_noughtover 7 years ago

Holy shit, this story is amazing. So hot and dirty, and my favorite is the funny banter between the two. Left me hard as a rock. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Much Ado About Nothing

As a great Englishman once wrote. This is a very hot, exciting, and even funny story by a gifted author. Young James is deeply attracted to his mother, especially to what she's got lurking between her legs, the wonderful hairy hole he came out of. The boy gets hard around his mother, and he's anxious to bring his mother's mommy-hole together with what he's got jumping around in his pants. Mom pretends to disapprove of James's advances, but when he slides his big hard cock up his mother's warm wet cunt she quickly changes her tune. James gives his mother the best fuck of her life, it's the best fuck of his life too, she comes like crazy, and her son finally blows his balls up the twat of all his dreams. The Much Ado About Nothing? The silly squabble between Brits and Yanks about what to call the obliging lady. What I say is, let British boys fucks their mums and American boys fuck their moms, and the world will be a much happier place.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Have read everything you've written, this is your best IMO. (Brother deals with sister is a close second). Keep it up.

liebetooyooliebetooyooover 11 years agoAuthor
We are Amused

I am actually having fun reading these comments. Some of the funniest stuff I've read for a while.

If you are that perturbed (look big word, go me) copy the text into a word editor, Crtl+F mum and replace with mom. Easy as.

My next story will be called. The flavour centre of mum on my honour. heh

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Don't quote American sources for correct English, you backwoods retard...

When are you yanks going to remember that you are speaking a debased and bastardized vesion of MY language, not the other way round; get a passport (if you're capable of filling-in the application; apparently 95% of Americans aren't...), get out of your pit, and see some of the English speaking world before you dare to comment on how your slang use of words is somehow proper usage of MY FUCKING LANGUAGE not yours, so shut the fuck up. And don't quote the fucking Reader's Digest, you couch-dwelling redneck ignoramus; the arbiter of proper English usage is the Oxford English Dictionary (from the University, you know, that place that existed hundreds of years before your country ever did), so we use the OED as a source, not Webster's compendium of mis-spelled words, hit or miss pronunciation and ludicrous definitions, deliberately short and easy to understand because most Americans are ignorant to the point of immobility (look it up, dick-brain, the OED has the full definition). The OED took over a 150 years to compile, Websters took a couple of years, I wonder who took the most care in their use, spelling, definitions, and guides to pronunciation? Go back to your backwoods hut and fuck your granny some more, you shouldn't be out in public unless you're peeling banana's in a cage for the amusement of the crowds.

TheOnly_1_4uTheOnly_1_4uover 11 years ago
It's Only One Freaking Word!! No Not Dirty

Geesh people, get a life. Mom, Mum, who gives a rats ass..

As for me, born in the US, MOM, born in Canada. Her MUM born in Scotland.. There was little confusion in our house when we talked about female parentage.

How about we talk about the story. A Smart assed kid, who somehow goes from being a major wanker (WTF.. nobody seemed to complain about that word) to a mother fucker in the blink of an eye. Gets off a bazillion times in almost no time.

Totally unbelievable but a fun read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Overall decent story.

Not all Americans are self-absorbed and think the world revolves around them, that is a gross generalization. That would be like saying all Germans are evil and want to exterminate the Jews (Although wouldn't Austrians be more appropriate here since wasn't Hitler Austrian and not German?) Or that all Muslims are terrorists and want to rid the world of all of the infidels. Anyway, I digress. It is harder for me to read a story with mum as opposed to mom since I am used to using mom not mum but that comes with the territory. My only problem with the story is no build up. It is basically a smart ass kid who gets cheeky as I think you Brits call it with his mum then fucks the shit out of her. I like build up and character development in the stories personally and that aspect lacked in your story. Also, cumming 4 or 5 times if I counted right in the space of an hour or two? That seems like a high number even for those with high stamina. And as mentioned by a previous commenter, not having both characters in mind when you wrote this story made it harder to follow as well, but overall a good story.

liebetooyooliebetooyooover 11 years agoAuthor

Wow, one word I use in all my stories (mum) seems to have some baggage attached.

Um. I hope you enjoy the story and I for one like it better when people criticise my word usage rather than my skill. laughs.

For those that enjoyed the story thank you,

And the redneck reference was more for the Hollywood version rather than the real life version.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I hope you woke up before Daddy came home!! lol

shitkickershitkickerover 11 years ago
'Too dirty'...

...applied to the clothes only. Nothing else seemed too much for the laddo’s ma. (Derived from mam, via ma’am, via madam. FFS.) The jammy bugger.

Not a lot of ‘story’, but the character dynamics (and the sex) kept the piece together, and kept me reading, so you got a five star rating for it.

I found it hard to get a handle on the narrator. He’s always getting grounded for speaking his mind, crude to the point of vulgar, unhygienic, suspended from ‘school’ for fighting...Oooh—all in all not an easy kid to like, so I found it hard to understand why his mother would turn her arse to him at the top of the action. I’m sure you had both their thought processes in your head when you were writing, but they didn’t drift over to my head. (That’s not a condemnation or complaint; it’s just an observation.)

The reference to rednecks threw me, but I guess (as an Englander) if I know what a redneck is reputed to be like, there’s no reason the kid shouldn’t.

Overall, a good bit of work. Don’t take the negative comments personally. Keep your characters in character, let them be true to themselves.

ThornQueenThornQueenover 11 years ago
Loved It

I for one, LOVED this story. Don't listen to the American idiots they think the world revolves around them, and they forget that other people actually live in the same world.

I'm Australian, and we like the Brits use the word Mum. It was actually refreshing to see it written instead of Mom.

I hope you do a series of this.! I loved the sexiness, the humour and the son. :)

Corey2JustifiedCorey2Justifiedover 11 years ago
I will never read a story with the word mum in it

Mum is a buzz kill word... Makes me think of an old lady all buttoned up in her (Whats the name of that nanny, the one who said Superkalifragilisticexpialidocius... Anyways not sexy at all...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Mum is the word, BUT so is Mom

According to the Reader's Digest Complete Wordfinder:

MUM: an abbreviation of Mummy (used in Britain)

MOM: an abbreviation of Mommy (used in the US)

. Further

MUMMY: a colloquialism for Mother (Brit)

MOMMY: = Mummy (US)

So if one of these terms offends you, either stop reading there and then and find something else that's more to your taste (Might I suggest 'See Spot Run') OR

do what I do, choose to deliberately read it as the term you prefer and enjoy the hard work the author has put in! (And yes I expect to be trolled for this comment)

. Thank you for your patience

John the Earl of Ucolta

poolstick66poolstick66over 11 years ago

'That was the best I've read all week. Carry on

mafia_patriarchmafia_patriarchover 11 years ago

This story is an abortion. And the Anon who called Americans insular. I doubt every Brit is well traveled. It's all in what's familiar. Although personally I don't care for mum. It's probably more common in New England.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Please don't show your ignorance

I don't think I've ever seen anyone complain about the use of "Mom" as used by American authors, however on many occasions Americans have commented negatively about the use of "Mum". Why?

The language we speak in England is English. The language spoken by most in the US is English! How come? It's because America adopted English as their language from the English that decided to populate America.

The fact that America has decided to change the spelling of certain words (e.g. center, color, favor) doesn't bother me. What is really insulting is that some Americans now believe they know more about the English language than the country from which they derived their language.

For those that object to words like centre, colour, favour and mum, all I can suggest is when you encounter them, stop reading. If you don't comment you won't be showing your ignorance and total lack of intelligence to those from the country that gave you your language,

Dimmu_BorgirDimmu_Borgirover 11 years ago

It appears to me that the British commenting on here are total pricks because the USA doesn't toe the line. Fuck you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I am a different Anon, but the first one is correct ... "mom" is a word while "mum;" in so far as it relates to mother is merely slang.

Most of the non-US English speaking folks I know are pretty polite. Kind of wonder why the commenters are so defensive. I was tempted to patriotically flame you but I have too many friends that might fall into any catagory in which you might fit ... including football thugs! I wonder what the UK equivalent of redneck might be? Again, most of the rednecks I know are actally pretty cool too, so I guess I will have to pass on flaming and merely suggest you get a grip and enhance your calm.

Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Enough from the dummies

US English is not the standard for the English language. Mum is used in the rest of the world instead of Mom. Americans are notoriously insular, most not having left their State (even counties or towns). Keep your ignorance to yourself, and stop being a nuisance.

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