Too Far


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“Did I seduce you Nicole?”

“Of course. Don’t you remember?” She said it with real conviction.

“No. That's why I’m asking. I only had one drink, but I wound up getting pretty sick. I remember pieces of the evening, but not that much. Did you do something to me?”

“It could have been the Percoset.”

“’It could have,’ means it could have been something else. What else?”

“What do you mean?” asked Nicole.

“Is that what Carol meant when she said, ‘I don't suppose you could get Simon again, could you?’ What does ‘get Simon again’ mean?”

Carol gasped.

Nicole lowered her eyes. Her shoulders slumped. She didn’t answer right away. When she did, her voice was barely audible. “GHB. I only gave you a half dose so it wouldn’t hurt you.”


“Carol knew from that woman's report that you couldn’t be seduced. The redhead. Carol hired an agency that checks whether spouses are faithful. The woman would have slept with you and Carol would have had her excuse. But you wouldn’t do it. So Carol knew she would have to do something else.”

“Whose idea was the GHB?”

They looked at each other. Carol wasn’t talking, but she blushed.

“Carol researched it and she was able to get some. Simon, I want you to know how sorry I am. I started regretting it the next morning when you wouldn’t touch me. You were more upset about what you thought was your mistake than you were about what Carol would do to you. I felt lousy and I didn’t want you to know what I had done, so I just played along. Please forgive me. I’m so sorry.” Her tone confirmed the sentiments she was professing.


“It doesn’t seem like that good an idea in retrospect. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“That’s not even remotely an apology.”

“I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t mean for you to find out.”

“That’s what you’re sorry about?”

“No. That’s not what I meant. If you didn’t find out, it wouldn’t hurt you. I didn’t want to hurt you. I just let myself get carried away with the excitement. I’m really sorry Simon. I promise it will never happen again. I’ll never give you any reason to doubt me.”

“Do you understand what you did? You helped me be raped and led me to believe it was all my fault. I don’t even know what the worst part of all of this is. I can probably get over you deciding and scheming to screw Frank. Everybody makes mistakes, even really big ones. But, that wasn’t enough for you. Do you realize what you did? You forced me to become an adulterer. That may be even worse to me than the fact of the rape. You get these terrible ideas and then you push. And you keep pushing ‘till you get to the edge. And this time you pushed it over the edge.”

“Don’t leave me Simon. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I love you more than anything.”

“More than anything but you and what you want. I’m going to pack Carol. You’ll hear from my lawyer.”

“Don’t leave Simon,” said Carol. I don’t know what I’ll do without you. I’ll do anything.”

“That’s the truest thing you said today.” I walked out.

She followed me to the bedroom and continued to plead as I packed. The anger and the hurt prevented me from hearing what she was saying. Maybe she was sincere. Maybe she just regretted her loss. It didn’t matter. I couldn’t stay. She had gone too far.

“Carol, after the way you’ve treated me, I have decided to take my revenge.”

“Whatever you want. Whatever you need to do. Just don’t leave me.”

I had created hope in her mind that after I did whatever I had in mind, she could win me back. It was cruel to let her think that. The thought pleased me at the time. I was a bastard. The pleasure I took then in abusing her now repulses me. But I’ve had time to heal.

I left her sobbing. Maybe she really did love me. It didn’t matter. The cost was too high.

I wanted revenge. I wanted her to suffer the way I had. I wanted her family to know her for the ruthless, deceitful narcissist that she was. I wanted the people she worked with to know the treachery she was willing to bring to the workplace. I wanted her friends to know what she was capable of doing to her long time lover and companion and how she was willing to compromise her best friend to accomplish it. Could they be next? I wanted her exposed to and shunned by all of those people. I wanted her next sexual encounter to be with some big, ugly dyke that gave the convicted rapist no choice in the relationship. Just the thought of her suffering was cathartic.

But after the rush of emotion I had from those thoughts, I considered what I would have. I got along with her family well but I had no strong, independent relationship with her parents or brothers. Would they embrace me after learning what their daughter had done to me? I had no interest in any relationship with them. I barely knew anyone she worked with. I wasn’t around enough to see much of them. Her friends were her friends. We got along fine, but I would not have sought them out as friends on my own.

As far as prosecuting her for rape, it would be just about impossible without a confession. Even then, Nicole could wind up in jail as well, and I didn’t want that. If a trial ensued, I would be an object of public ridicule. Worst of all, even if I could bring about all that suffering for Carol, what did that make me? A man who takes so little pleasure in his own life that the only enjoyment he gets is from seeing someone else suffer? If I took action to make her suffer, I might lose more respect for myself as a man than I gained in satisfaction from her suffering.

Revenge was beginning to look like a mirage, the promise of a cool refreshing drink that wound up being just a bunch of hot air.

I stopped back at the house when I knew Carol was not home. I had some unfinished business. I viewed the living room tape.

“Come in Frank.”

“Oh baby, I’m so excited you finally decided to do this.”

“Well, you certainly have been persistent. You do flatter a girl.”

I didn’t need to see any more. She had at least told the truth about that. The slimy bastard had pursued my wife until he succeeded. That didn’t mitigate her loathsome behavior. But it did warrant some retribution.

I called Carol’s office and asked for Frank. Fortunately, there was only one.

“Frank, this is Simon Newsome. I’ve just come from the public health department and they told me I’m required by law to warn any sexual partners that Carol or I had that I got chlamydia from her. You better get checked dude.”

He sputtered, cursed and called her a “damn bitch.” Of course he would find out that he didn’t have it unless he got it elsewhere but I wasn’t through with him.

A week later I was waiting in the parking lot when he went for his car. I walked close to him and rushed at him when he reached the car, slamming him down on the hood.

“Hi Frank. It’s Simon Newsome again.” I pressed down on him restricting his breathing.

“You bastard. Carol didn’t have anything.”

“I’m the bastard? You pursued my wife, convinced her to fuck you, broke up our marriage and I’m the bastard?” I maintained the pressure on him.

Whether it was because it was difficult to breathe, let alone talk, or because he didn’t have anything to say, he remained silent.

“You’re lucky this time Frank. You didn’t catch anything and you’re alive. The next husband may decide to beat you to a pulp or to kill you without even asking your side. I probably won’t kill you, although I haven’t decided on that for sure. I guess you’ll just have to live with, oops, perhaps that’s a bad choice of words, with the consequences of your actions. I’ll be seeing you Frank. Or not.”

I think I had succeeded admirably in sounding menacing. I felt menacing. I hoped he would stay worried for quite some time. But it didn’t matter. I had told the truth. The next guy might just kill him without thinking. I felt better. This kind of revenge did not diminish me.

I forgave Nicole. She had shown real remorse all the way back to that morning in my hotel room. We even became friends.

Carol kept calling but it was two months before I would take her call.

“Carol, I’m not really interested in talking about much. I just wanted to tell you I decided to forgive you. I can’t say whether you deserve it or not, but you can take me off your conscience.”

“Does that mean there’s a chance of us getting back together?”

“I forgive you, Carol. But, I don’t think I’m going to be able to forget. I can’t imagine that I could ever trust you.”

“I’ll never give you any reason to doubt me again.”

“I don’t need any new reasons.”


“I can’t do it. Goodbye.” I hung up without waiting for a reply. I hadn’t spoken with any malice. I still felt something for her. I just wasn’t willing to risk my peace of mind with her. I had spent a significant part of my life with her and most of it was very good. I sincerely hoped that she would be happy, but it was of no interest to me. If I never again heard anything about her life, I would be fine.

I spoke with Carol one more time. I didn’t recognize the number she was calling from.

“Hello Simon.”

“Carol, we don’t have anything to talk about.”

“Just give me a minute and hear me out. That’s all I want. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my behavior, especially after you told me you forgave me. I haven’t been able to come up with a word to adequately describe how badly I behaved. I was not only willing to risk our entire relationship over something of no value, I was willing to rub your face in it. I have no idea how I could have done that and I’m so sorry. I’m not asking you to take me back. I wouldn’t take me back after how I acted. The things I did would be disgraceful if I did them to a stranger. That I could do them to someone I love, even worse someone who loved me, fills me with disgust. I know it doesn’t begin to make up for how I acted, but I needed to give you a sincere apology. I know how empty and worthless my apologies were back then. I get it now. I hope this is of some value to you.”

After around ten to fifteen seconds I concluded that she was finished. She had not only said the right things, she sounded sincere. I hadn’t realized it until then, but I think I needed to hear them. “Thank you, Carol.”

Neither of us had anything to say so we ended the conversation.

Some time later Nicole told me, unsolicited, that Carol is not happy. She doesn’t go out much. They don’t even get together much anymore. It’s a shame, but it’s not my problem.

I had what I initially thought I wanted, Carol’s misery. It wasn’t satisfying. How pathetic would I have felt if I had gone out of my way to bring it about and then felt unsatisfied? The worst revenge that could have been visited upon Carol turned out to be losing me and understanding the manner in which she had caused it.

I had loved her but I guess I had known this about her all along. The package of all of her other assets and qualities distracted me from a character flaw serious enough to allow her to throw away her marriage for a fantasy.

I don’t date women like her anymore. I look for a woman with a kind heart. There are other things I look for, but that one is a deal breaker.

I also switched professions. Carol’s deceit helped me get into security and surveillance before the bottom dropped out of the computer software market. I get to stay home most of the time now. I fully expect that someday there will be somebody to stay home with.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

While I could never prove it, the clueless statements from Alright (2 months ago) almost sure come from a female, likely a justified, highly entitled one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

It was an interesting plot and made me want to find out how the story ended. I never can buy that a wife willingly cheats on her husband and then after being caught is unhappy and miserable that husband leaves her. It just makes no sense to me. I just don't believe that women in general are that thoughtless and stupid. I feel that these endings (very common) are just an author stroking the male ego.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

While he suffered, is wife suffered, both with consequences, her friend that drugged him gets a free ride? My opinion he should of called the police and charged them both with different degrees of rape, and made it a public spectacle.

Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright4 months ago

What a loser, sure in these stories it all works out for the husband and they a better woman and a better job. In the real world when guys find there wives have been unfaithful 7 out of 10 beg their wives to stay. But most cases when the wife is the cheater she is already to the point to where she doesn't care about the relationship and their usually happy to get caught. That's on point the stories fail to point out. Most guys would forgive and reconcile, all these guys in the comments are full of shit when they said never forgive a cheater. Their ether single or never knew they were cheated on, trust me nobody wants to go thru life alone.

RuttweilerRuttweiler9 months ago
How did he marry a woman without empathy?

Having read enough of the writings here, along with the comments, it’s clear to me that physical attractiveness is one of, if not the primary, reason men chase women. Which is fine and natural. The problem comes if you marry for that reason.

Carol, as written, has no empathy for her husband’s goals, desires and feelings. Their lives are about her and what she wants. This is the kind of attitude and behavior you should figure out before you put a ring on her finger. That’s what dating is for.

She was just the wrong woman from the beginning. None of the other stuff mattered, he just needed to get away from her and learn to choose more wisely in future.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I liked this story. We finally get a realistic look at a divorce where the end is unsatisfying and everyone plods on

with their lives, considerably unhappier than before. Beating up the guy who screwed his wife, while delightful

on a visceral level, isn't practical unless you want a police record.

shadrachtshadracht10 months ago

Unsatisfying and unenjoyable again. Unfinished. When you leave us with no joy, no vengeance, no nothing, you just leave us empty.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked it, but it was also painful. He should have gone to the hospital the morning he woke up with Nicole in the room and had his blood tested for drugs. Then he would have known he had been drugged, and would have proof. Then he could have gone to the police with the results and had Nicole arrested for illegally drugging him (I think she put it in his coffee). He ended up doing the right thing by leaving Carol, as he couldn't trust her. I hope Carol likes being single, as she killed her marriage for a planned one night stand.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


Dry_opinionDry_opinionover 1 year ago

A sucker, wannabe interrogator can't figure life out. Pathetic.

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 2 years ago

Drugged into sex. This seems to be an ever increasing problem although usually the genders are switched. I can't believe how truly vile humans can be to each other. Good story .

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent, a definite 5. Almost certainly I've joined the rpsuch party too late, as he hasn't posted anything since 2011. But this is so mature, so reasonable a story, that I felt it shouldn't pass unremarked. I also scrolled through some of the comments, Some felt that Nicole was a viable future prospect. No way. She was complicit, so why would Simon trust her? If he wanted to trust someone remorseful for this foul act, he could have just reconciled with Carol. Smartly, he didn't, and certainly smartly wouldn't with Nicole. And he's learned his lesson. A kind heart trumps everything and anything else. Every time. Hell, it even Bidens it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Carol and Nichole committed multiple felonies against Simon yet paid no legal price for their crimes. With recorded confessions, the local DA wouid have had little trouble negotiating a plea agreement with each that documented their behavior and insured harsh penalties if either again violated the rights of others. Both they and society at large deserved that much.

trandall9991trandall9991almost 3 years ago

Since I didn't see a part 2 I was wondering if maybe Nicole became his new love?

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