Torgan Wine Ch. 16


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"Thank you. I think."

Trying again she spoke more carefully, "You look handsome and properly like a Daga, as the statues."

"Thank you." His annoyance softened. "I didn't before?"

"I uhhmm... I think sometimes you look like Onsh-Liadith." She smiled ruefully and he nodded letting his lips twist.

"I sometimes still feel like Onsh-Liadith. But today, today, I feel very much like Daga Liadith." He squeezed her hand.

"It suits, my Daga." Isonei squeezed back before he released her hand and began down the stairs after the priests.

The narrow spiral stairs brought them to an end of the crypts she'd never been in before. One chamber was slightly separated from the others and the statue in front of it was of a hooded man with his hands resting on the hilt of a sword, its point touching the floor. She approached it curiously, resting her hand on top of his as she tried to peer under the hood.

"He is the first of the Dagas Liadith." Daga Liadith sucked his lips against his teeth, "Every son has stood back respectfully, and every daughter has tried to peer under his hood. It amuses him. I didn't know that was possible."

"Why?" Isonei half turned to give him a questioning look, keeping her hand on the statue, "Liadith likes to smile."

Daga Liadith drew in a long slow breath and his eyes almost glowed in the dimness, "Yes. Enter the chamber."

The air felt heavy, and the kneeler looked as though it had not been used in a very long time. Dutifully she moved to kneel on it despite the dust.

"Wait." A black veil like that the priests wore was brought and laid over it. "Daughter of Liadith, you should have been brought years ago."

Kneeling, she answered apologetically, "I did not come home as I should have."

The Daga laid his hand on her head and remained silent for several moments. "They are arguing. Allowing you to leave with the Torgan is almost unbearable for him. He would have you offered to a Daga or an Onsh. Aran customs have no meaning for him."

"But for me." She tried to think of a way to ease his mind, "If uhhmm..."

"If the match fails?" He offered helpfully.

"Yes, if the match fails I will come home to Leria."

"You will come home to Liadith."

"Yes my Daga. I have promises. Uhhmm."

"You will be permitted to keep them. Daughter of Liadith, he requires you to better your Lerian."

Isonei smiled ruefully and nodded under his hand, "I promise."

"When you next return, he hopes to be able to speak with you more. You are a daughter of Liadith. Your home is here. You should be able to kiss the name and say those words." It sounded as though she was being chided.

Rising as he lifted his hand, she moved around the kneeler to lean against the sarg. "I am a daughter of Liadith, my home is here." Isonei kissed the name and added, "I am sorry I did not come home as I should have, I promise I will uhhmm I will better my Lerian."

A strange tingle at the base of her skull made her eyes fall closed and her head loll forward onto the sarg. Everything inside her skull began to tingle and it ran down her spine and out to the tips of her fingers and toes as she stayed leaning against the sarg. After a moment the feeling began to abate. Isonei shivered, taking a deep breath and opening her eyes.

"Welcome home daughter of Liadith."

"Thank you my Daga. I am glad to be home and sad to leave." She kissed the name again and bowed her head pressing her face against the cool stone, feeling it warm. "I will come home."

"Yes. You will come home and you will come speak to me again."

"I will be glad, my Daga."

"Come, daughter of Liadith. We have many more of the elder Dagas to visit. Some may even want to speak to me." The Daga's amused and annoyed tone made her smile.

"Yes my Daga. You can talk, I will be lovely." Isonei gave him an impish grin and took his hand.

Isonei looked intently at each of the statues before going into the chambers. The eldest all seemed a bit more dour but their faces were so familiar, it was easy to think of them smiling.

The visits went quickly and only occasionally was she spoken to. The one who had gifted the piece she wore on her hair to his wife had been pleased to see it worn again, remarking that she resembled his daughter on the occasions she had worn her mother's jewelry. The elder Daga and his father enjoyed seeing the necklace on her as much as the Daga had thought they would. Isonei was beaming as they left the crypts from their praise and gentle teasing.

The room for the ceremony was at the edge of the family rooms. Inside the room was a large mural with similar symbols to those that had been on the Daga's narrow door. It was dominated by shades of green but certain symbols seemed to be in the colors of various Dagas. In the center of the mural was Liadith scarlet.

She was so interested in the mural she almost didn't notice the wooden boxes on either side, or the scarlet overdress hanging next to the painted one. Isonei was still admiring the mural when the door opened and Draeseth entered. Tearing her eyes from the wall she gave him a warm smile. He looked stunning in his Lerian garments with the scarlet sash tied across his hips.

"Thank you for agreeing to stand with me."

"It is an honor." Draeseth inclined his head. "I am to watch?"

"Yes. Isonei will stand and hold her hands, you need only observe." Daga Liadith beckoned him closer, "Stand here next to me."

"Where does Isonei stand?"

"She seemed to know where to stand." The Daga gave her a proud look. "She has never looked more beautiful and standing there in the middle is where she should be. The Keran bridges the gap."

"She is beautiful." Something in his tone made her look at him curiously there was concern in his voice.

There was no time to dwell on it, the door opened again and Arissa walked through followed by Daga Gildith. Dressed much as Isonei was, her hair was in a similar style to the Torgan crowning braid Isonei was fond of. Instead of a Torgan braid it was a loose Lerian fishtail braid with a low, large, artfully arranged bun in back and delicate curls hanging around her face. Around her neck was an impressive Lerian necklace with zaffre gems, large pearls, and gold filigree discs.

Isonei beamed at her and held out her hands. Arissa looked at her as if seeing her for the first time, taking her hands almost tentatively.

"Isonei? You look..." She swallowed and then returned Isonei's smile, "You look lovely."

"As you look, daughter of Gildith."

"I had hoped to speak to you outside; you seem to know the right thing to say to make anyone comfortable..."

"I must speak Lerian, you will laugh." Isonei smiled ruefully and squeezed her hands.

"How do I know this is... I chose so quickly..." Arissa looked at her pleadingly and Isonei looked helplessly to the Daga.

"I asked her the same." Daga Liadith spoke carefully. "I can give you the same advice if you wish. I don't think she can manage it without lapsing into Aran."

"Yes." Isonei nodded at Arissa reassuringly.

"Please..." Arissa agreed, squeezing Isonei's hands and looking intently at her.

"She told me to think of the absolute worst that could ever happen and let it put the things in front of me into perspective." He paused "I thought of the absolute worst I could imagine happening to me, to Liadith. And then she said, is Arissa the one you want at your side? The one who can give you what you need? And are you willing and able to give her what she needs as well? Not things, but what she needs."

Arissa studied Isonei's face as she listened with bated breath. "What did he say?"

"She is; I am." Isonei told her with a smile.

It looked as though a weight lifted off of Arissa's shoulders and she began to flush with happiness. "I'm ready."

"You will always be the daughter of Gildith." Daga Gildith spoke quietly as he unfastened the necklace and lifted it away.

The Lerian woman closed her eyes tightly and Isonei tried to offer encouragement, "You are loved, daughter of Gildith."

Her eyes opened, and she trembled as her zaffre overdress was gingerly removed, leaving her standing in the thin, creamy underdress. "It is difficult to leave my Daga, Gildith is home."

Before Isonei could find a way to say anything at all, Daga Liadith stepped forward and offered the scarlet overdress, "I offer you a new home, daughter of Gildith. Will you accept it?"

"Yes Daga Liadith, I accept."

Isonei helped to fasten the dress as he brought the necklace that had been chosen, barely finishing before Arissa stepped forward for the Daga.

"I am your Daga now." He placed the necklace on her and fastened it.

"Yes my Daga." Arissa breathed, touching the necklace. She turned to look up at him, her smile returning.

Daga Liadith's face broke into a giddy smile, "My Arissa." He leaned in and kissed her, cupping her face.

A soft sound drew her attention to Daga Gildith. He stood looking pained with one hand laid on the zaffre overdress draped over the table that held the box. Without thinking, Isonei went to him and embraced him.

"And you are loved, Daga Gildith." She felt him press a kiss into the crown of her head.

"Forgive me Prince Draeseth, but until the festivities have ended I intend to keep the daughter of Liadith to myself." He squeezed her and she could smell the sweet floral scent his household favored in the folds of his mantle.


Gifts were to be offered in the garden immediately following the ceremony. Isonei sat next to Daga Gildith as they were brought, holding his hand and trying to carry on a cheerful conversation in Lerian until Daga Liadith finally permitted her to speak Aran again.

"If I hear 'uhhmm' one more time today I may send her back down for lessons and delay her departure indefinitely."

"Make her speak Lerian!" Arissa laughed and beamed at the Daga.

"I've promised I would better my Lerian, but Aran is so much easier!" Isonei smiled shaking her head and glancing to the amused looking Ialath.

"Forgive my ignorance, who offers the first gift?" Burgath was seated comfortably on the cushions next to Draeseth.

"I do." Daga Gildith made a gesture and the servants brought forth a large chest filled with fine linens. "The gifts from your mother are in the bottom, she suggested not taking them out until you are in your bedchambers." The hint of a melancholy smile wrung Isonei's heart.

She put on her most innocent smile and turned to Arissa and the Daga, "Should I have my gift fetched?"

Arissa flushed and Daga Liadith cleared his throat with a wry smile, "No. That will also be looked at in our bedroom. Thank you."

"What gift did you give them?" Ialath inquired curiously, earning him her best impression of Andnaeuth's baffled jester, followed with an eyelash flutter.

"Child?" Daga Gildith leaned slightly toward her offering his ear.

Turning with a grin to whisper, she cupped her hands around her mouth, "Pages on how to do things they haven't done yet. With pictures."

His coughing laugh persisted for a moment. After regaining his composure the faint smile on his face was no longer melancholy. "They will go well with her mother's gifts."

"Perhaps I may give mine next?" Draeseth looked to Daga Liadith for permission and received a warm nod.

Krouth brought forward a gilded red glass decanter with delicate matching glasses on golden stems. On the large presentation tray was also a bottle of honey colored liquor, Phaethian Vresin.

"It can be poured into the decanter at your leisure. Torgan custom is that it cannot be in the decanter when given."

"This is a gift worthy of the occasion and I thank you for it Prince Draeseth." Daga Liadith eyed the tray with clear delight. He raised his hand and his own servants came to take the tray and begin pouring. "Sharing such a gift increases the pleasure of the recipient. Please." The delicate glasses were brought around as Draeseth smiled proudly.

Isonei sipped it curiously and sucked air loudly into her burning mouth after her taste. Her eyes watered and she heard Draeseth's low laugh as she stared into the glass with surprise.

"It may be strong for the Aran palate, wife."

Lifting her eyes to meet his, she nodded vigorously and his face split in a wide grin. "I much prefer your wine."

"It is an... impressive drink." Ialath offered the careful compliment with a slight raise of his glass.

"It's made from the most poisonous plant they could find in Phaethia." Burgath amusedly sipped his Vresin. "Someone decided to take the sap, so potent a single drop will make your entire arm turn into a mass of welts, ferment it, distill it several times, age it in a small cask and drink it."

Daga Gildith finished his glass and held it out for Isonei to pour hers into, which she did gladly. "It is rumored to aid a man's virility. I also received some over the years, but I was selfish and kept it to myself to sip on special occasions. After our twelfth child, my Arnarra poured out my last."

The Torgan Princes began to laugh, lifting their glasses.

"Father!" Arissa turned to look at him with an expression of horrified amusement.

"Truly a gift worthy of the occasion." Daga Liadith teased, his grey face flushing slightly as he pulled Arissa close to kiss behind her ear.

Burgath gave his gift from the Torgan King next, a large trunk filled with bolts of Torgan cloth. The colors were bright and those with patterns were very bold.

"How lovely! Thank you Prince Burgath and our thanks to your King." Arissa smiled at him warmly. "I was envious of the fabric of some of Isonei's dresses."

The Torgan Prince accepted the thanks with pleasure, not seeming to notice the slight wince his brother gave. Isonei, however, noticed and felt a pang of unhappiness as the larger man didn't meet her eyes.

The gift from House Ernelis was last. It was the traditional gift when an arrangement is made and celebrated, a pair of golden cups engraved with blessings. Her family had given them to each of Daga Gildith's daughters on hearing they had been matched. After they were warmly received, the musicians Isonei had not noticed arriving began to play.

Isonei happily agreed to dance with Daga Gildith when he asked. Even when Daga Liadith and Arissa paused to rest or drink and talk with their other guests, he insisted on going through every Lerian dance she knew and even danced the Jara and several older Aran dances with her. By the time the feast was announced and he led her to the dining room she was almost ready to tease him about the Vresin.

The extravagant meal began to be served almost immediately once they reached their seats. Course after course of delicate and delicious bite-sized morsels, until, after the second round of sweet fruit tarts and rich creamy confections, Daga Liadith stood and gave the traditional closing to the meal. The wish for those departing to travel safely and well, and those remaining to enjoy his hospitality, was followed by his departure into the family rooms with Lady Arissa.

Daga Gildith squeezed Isonei's hand and stood, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "When next you return to Leria, daughter of Liadith, I expect a visit."

"Of course! Perhaps you'll have chosen from your grandsons and I'll get to meet Onsh-Gildith when I do." She beamed at him as he tried to put on an annoyed expression.

"Perhaps." His green eyes sparkled for a moment as he teased dryly, "I will hope you've found a permanent match by then. Or Onsh-Gildith may insist I try to have the match made."

"If he dances as well as you do, Daga Gildith, he may have a chance." She fluttered her lashes at him and he made his peculiar coughing laugh before composing himself.

"Travel safe and well, child. Should you require anything, Gildith is as eager as Liadith to give you anything you may need." He straightened and offered a warm smile.

"Thank you Daga Gildith." Isonei embraced him, squeezing tightly before stepping back. "I will visit on my way home to Liadith." She placed her hand over her heart and he returned the gesture before turning away.

"Isonei?" Ialath nearly pounced on her as the older Daga departed. "May I walk you to your room? I'd like to talk to you for a few moments alone."

"Of course." Isonei took his hand with a smile. "How have you been? How is father?" She began slowly walking toward the rooms she had been sharing with Arissa.

"I've been well. Father has been nearly unbearable. Ivorith is concerned for him."

"My Isonei?" Draeseth intercepted them with a faint frown. "Your dress is in our room. I had Krouth put everything you required there and the rest is already on the carriages."

"Ialath isn't permitted in the family rooms..." She nibbled her lip thoughtfully.

"Lady Isonei?" One of the older servants interrupted stepping from under the arch they were near. "I can have the maids bring your things to the rooms you were in with Lady Arissa if you wish. I was told to offer."

"Thank you. Yes, please." Turning back toward the now displeased looking Torgan she placed a hand on his chest and looked up at him apologetically. "I know you need to speak to me too, my Draeseth, but I need to speak to my brother while I can. I won't have the chance again for months."

Moving closer he lowered his head and kissed her confidently. "Speak to your brother. I have arranged to have you to myself in the carriage for a time."

Trying not to laugh at the smugness of his smile as he released her, she rose on her toes and pressed a playful kiss to his lips. "So we're going to have a more pleasant journey this time?"

"If you don't go change now, woman, I'll put you in the carriage as you are." He grinned at her wickedly, a light flush creeping up his cheeks.

Isonei stepped back to tease, "I would rather this dress not be torn, my-" Her words cut off in a gasp as Ialath took her hand and gave it a viciously sharp squeeze.

"Sister, please?" He looked at her expectantly and she gave a hesitant nod.

Ialath was quiet as they made their way to the rooms she would change in. At the door he began to speak, "I'm sorry for hurting your hand. It's difficult for me to watch you kissing and flirting with him when it's upsetting our father to the point no one can bear to be in a room with him."

She nodded and took a breath. "I'm sorry that he's unhappy. I love him dearly, but I don't know what to say that might soothe him." Opening the door, it didn't appear that the maids were yet there with the clothes.

Her brother brushed past her into the room and took a seat on the sofa. "Come sit with me." He gestured to the space next to him and she felt a strange apprehension as she moved toward him. "Are you truly considering marriage to... him?"

Perching on the edge of the sofa, she realized she was worrying the inside of her lip. "I am. We agreed to consider what we could bear. I don't know if I want to marry him, and I don't know if I could bear to remain exclusive." Isonei studied her brother's carefully neutral expression. "But I do know that I care for him, and if he can bear an arrangement I believe I want one with him. I have time left to consider-"