Trailing Home Ch. 06


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That day seemed to be the longest of Selena's life. The bumping and rocking of the wagon caused her head to pound and her stomach to roil in protest. The wheels seemed to find every tiny rut and hole, and Selena clenched her teeth against the jarring pains. She didn't complain though, for she knew that they had no choice but to keep moving. It could be a fatal mistake to dally on the journey and be caught trying to cross the Rockies in the dead of winter.

The only comfort she could take was in watching Liam. Her position gave her the perfect vantage point from which she could observe her husband. He had placed her just behind him, and as he drove the wagon, he often reached to squeeze her hand or stroke her hair. Selena lay on her pallet and watched the fascinating play of muscle and sinew on Liam's arms and back as he handled the reins. She liked the way his hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck, and his broad shoulders and strong arms were beautifully sculpted. When she sat next to him on the bench, Selena didn't have the chance to watch him without him knowing, so she enjoyed this rare opportunity and used the sight of him to distract her from her distress. Her smile was pure feminine smugness, as she thought that no other wife had such a magnificent husband to call her own.

The only other relief Selena found was when she slept, and she dozed often. Liam watched her, worry etched on his forehead as he noted the frown lines on her face that never disappeared even in sleep. He knew that she must be in pain, and he felt helpless that he couldn't offer her more comfort.

Despite their delayed start, they covered seventeen miles that day, and they camped in a lovely clearing that evening. Once again, Liam carried her to their tent and assisted her to undress for bed. He was considerate and tender as he fussed over her, and Selena did her best to reassure him. She knew that he had his hands full trying to do his own chores and hers as well. Marcia and Gerald did as much as possible to help, but Selena fretted at her own inability to assist them. She felt weak and tired, and despite her best efforts to wait up for Liam, she was soon fast asleep.

Liam's mind was busy as he finished washing the dishes from supper. He was plagued by worry about Selena. He hoped that having her jostling around in the wagon wouldn't make her recovery even more difficult, but there was no other choice. He, more than most, understood that they had to keep pressing on. To fall behind schedule could prove fatal. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't hear Natasha approaching from behind him.

"Liam?" Natasha said softly.

At the sound of her voice, he whirled to face her. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I just thought I would see if there was something I could do to help," she said with a smile. "Since Selena isn't able to do anything, I know you must be exhausted."

Liam raised a disbelieving brow. "Since when do you want to do some work? I never see you helping your mother to ease her load."

"Susan helps her," she said with a careless shrug. "They don't really need my help. I would just be in their way."

"Well, I don't need your help either. I told you to stay away from me, remember?" Liam turned his back to her and continued with washing the dishes.

Natasha was undeterred, and she sauntered closer to lay a hand on his shoulder. "Liam, please don't be angry with me. I really couldn't help myself the other night. Can't you understand? I love you."

Liam abruptly stood up and shook off her hand as he glared down at her. He took a deep breath to calm his rising temper.

"Natasha, I don't know what foolish notions you have in your head, but I am a married man. Selena is my wife, and I have no intention of straying with you or any other woman, so just forget it." He took another deep breath, reminding himself that she was very young. "Now go on back to your family before I change my mind and decide to tell Gerald about what you did."

Natasha's laugh made it clear that his threat had not had the desired effect. "Oh Liam, don't be absurd. Do you honestly think that Daddy would believe you? He thinks I'm as pure as the driven snow. He would surely believe that it was you, an older and much more experienced man, who seduced me."

Liam's eyes narrowed as he frowned at her. "You're even more wicked that I thought," he said, shaking his head in amazement.

Natasha gave a pretty pout and reached out to stroke his arm. "Now Liam, don't be nasty. I'm not wicked, I'm only determined. I knew from the first day I met you that you were the man for me. I could be a real wife to you. I've seen the way Selena turns you away, but I wouldn't be that way." She gave him a sultry smile as she leaned against him, letting her breasts brush his arm. "I could give you everything you want."

"What I want," Liam ground out through clenched teeth as he removed his arm from her grasp, "is for you to leave me alone. Now go before I lose patience entirely and give you the spanking you deserve."

Natasha heaved a regretful sigh. "Alright, I'll go. But just remember what I said. When you get tired of Selena's rejections, I'll be waiting." She turned and strolled back toward her camp with an exaggerated swing to her hips, throwing one more seductive glance over her shoulder.

Liam blew his breath out as he stood watching her in amazement. He couldn't believe the nerve of the woman. He knew Natasha had been gently reared in a respectable family, yet she behaved like a common whore. Some of the prostitutes he had bedded hadn't been as forward as she was. He had no doubt that if he were to give her the slightest encouragement Natasha would be more than willing to share his bed.

Liam couldn't help but compare her behavior with Selena's. Out of necessity, Selena had been forced to work in a pub for a sleazy boss, yet she had managed to keep her honor. He remembered the first night he had met her. She had steadfastly rebuffed a number of advances, and all with dignity and grace. He couldn't picture Selena throwing herself at any man, much less one that was married to someone else. Her natural integrity was one of the things he found the most attractive about his wife. She would strive to do the right thing even if it made her own life harder.

Thoughts about Selena cleansed the last of his anger from Liam's mind. Hopefully, Natasha would soon grow bored with her infatuation. He didn't want her to cause any more trouble between him and Selena. While he was reluctant to cause any pain or embarrassment to Gerald or Marcia, if needs be he would have to tell them about Natasha's behavior. He could only hope they would believe him, if it ever came to that.

Over the next several days, Selena gradually regained her strength, but Liam continued to hover, his worry evident in those fascinating hazel eyes. When Selena complained about it to Marcia, the older woman laughed.

"Selena, just enjoy it. It's rare enough when our men get to pamper us. Remember what I told you? Liam needs to feel like you need him."

"Yes, but I'm worried about him. He looks so tired and haggard. I know he's not getting enough rest," Selena mumbled dejectedly.

Marcia's eyes sparkled with humor. "He's a big, strong man. He'll survive. Besides," she said with a wink, "when you get better, you can make it up to him."

Her meaning didn't escape Selena, and her cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink as she grinned in response. "I hadn't thought about that."

The gash on Selena's temple healed nicely, and after a week, Marcia was able to remove the stitches. As she examined her handiwork, she smiled. "There's hardly going to be any scar at all. Most of it will be covered up in your hairline."

Although Selena was not a vain woman, she was relieved that she wouldn't be left with an ugly mark to mar her face. "Thank you, Marcia."

"How about your headaches? Are they getting better?" Marcia asked.

"Yes. It only hurts now if I make a sudden move. As long as I take things slow, I don't notice it much."

"Good. A few more days, and you should be good as new."

While Selena continued to improve, Liam worried and brooded. He lay awake for long periods at night, just listening to her soft breathing beside him. They had done away with separate pallets, and while he enjoyed the feel of her soft body beside him, it wasn't lust that kept him awake.

Liam was disturbed by how close he had come to losing her. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had no control over his destiny. His heart was so firmly entangled with Selena that if anything happened to her, he knew his life would be good for nothing. His days as a carefree bachelor were a distant memory, and he chafed under the realization that he needed Selena desperately.

By the time another week had passed, Selena was becoming restless and petulant. Liam refused to let her resume her activities, even though she felt more than able. Again, she confided in Marcia, as the other woman sat with her one afternoon.

"He won't let me do anything. Every time I stand up, he comes rushing over to help me. He refuses to let me cook or clean up. I'm at my wit's end."

Selena frowned as she watched Liam. He was nearby but out of earshot. Still, she noticed that his gaze kept returning to her, as if to reassure himself that she was alright.

Marcia merely chuckled. "It has been rather funny watching him these last few days. Gerald and I were laughing about it yesterday. Gerald said Liam is worse than a bear watching over her cubs. Heaven help the person who makes the mistake of coming between the two of you."

Selena had to smile at the thought. "Yes, but that's just it. He's treating me like a child instead of his wife."

Marcia laid a hand on her arm and her smile held a world of wisdom. "Then, I guess it's up to you to remind him that you're a woman and not a child."

Selena pondered those words of advice that evening. As she watched Liam cleaning up the dishes from dinner, she hid a smile. Little did he know that she was about to unleash all her feminine wiles on him, and she was determined that this time, they would finish what they had started.

When Liam was finished, he would have come to sit beside her, but instead, Selena rose and placed a hand on his arm. "I thought we would make an early night of it," she murmured, her voice husky and soft.

"You must be tired," he frowned. He hugged her against him.

Selena ran a hand over his chest, slipping her hand inside his shirt to run her fingers through the light furring of hair. "Will you take me to bed?"

"Of course, sweetheart." He lifted her and carried her to the tent, but he made no move to kiss her. Indeed, it seemed as if the thought didn't even cross his mind as he gently laid her on the blanket. "Let me get your nightgown," he murmured and hurried to the wagon.

Once outside the tent, Liam gulped huge breaths of cool air, hoping it would help to cool his lust. After all, his wife couldn't help it if she was the sexiest woman alive.

Meanwhile, Selena was getting increasingly frustrated. Liam had helped her dress many times over the past two weeks, and he had never even tried to sneak a caress. She was keenly aware of the attraction she felt whenever he was near, and she wanted to once again experience the feelings he had awakened in her body. She was anxious to learn more, for she knew there must be some way to appease her yearnings, if only she could regain his amorous attention.

Liam returned with her nightgown and sat beside her on the blanket. Selena had already unbuttoned her dress, and she tugged the sleeves off her arms. She pretended to have some difficulty getting the dress out from under her hips. Tugging at her bottom lip with her teeth, she looked up at Liam.

"Could you help me?"

"Certainly." He put an arm around her waist to lift her, and he deftly slipped the dress over her hips, trying his best to ignore the soft flesh beneath his palms.

Selena wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against him, letting her breasts flatten against his chest. She toyed with the hair at his nape as she wriggled out of the dress. Liam showed no reaction as he turned away to fold her dress neatly and lay it aside. Selena suppressed a frustrated sigh and tugged at the ribbon that closed the neckline of her chemise. She purposefully pulled the ribbon into a knot.

"Oh, no. Can you get this undone?" she begged.

Selena noticed that Liam's fingers were warm and much too steady for her liking as they brushed against her breasts. In no time, he had the knot freed, and was working on the tiny buttons. Still, she didn't see the tiniest shred of desire on his face when he peeled the two halves apart, baring her breasts. Instead, he slipped the nightgown over her head with businesslike efficiency.

"There," he said, untying her pantalets and slipping them off her hips without even a glance at her naked form.

Liam quickly buttoned her nightgown, desperate to cover up her enticing breasts before he lost all control. When the gown was buttoned, he pressed her down on the pallet and tucked her in like a child with a kiss on the forehead. "Go to sleep," he smiled. "I'll be in after I finish a few more things." He quickly turned his back, careful to make sure she wouldn't see his obvious erection.

Selena watched him leave, and her frustration reached new heights. There was a throbbing ache between her thighs and an emptiness deep inside her belly. She longed for Liam to make love to her, but she lacked the knowledge or experience to know how to seduce him. Although she did her best to stay awake, she was asleep long before he joined her on the pallet.

The next day, Selena started her monthly, and she let out an impatient groan. She would have to wait a few more days, and she resigned herself to the fact. By the time her courses had stopped, nearly three weeks had passed since the accident. Still, Liam made no move to kiss her or touch her, and Selena racked her brain for a way to reclaim his interest.


In the wee hours of the night, Liam struggled with a familiar nightmare. He could see Selena sinking beneath the surface of the muddy water, and she was crying out for him to help her. He struggled and kicked, but he couldn't quite reach her. As her head disappeared, he let out a choked sob. "No! Selena, don't leave me."

But unlike the previous times when he had had the same dream, Selena was suddenly there, rising from the water. She soothed his fears with a warm kiss on his brow and she gently caressed his face. He was able to breathe again, when she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cheek to his chest.

"Shh, my love. I'm here." Her soft voice soothed his spirit.

Liam released a deep sigh, as he wrapped his arms around her. She reached up to kiss him, and his breath caught in his throat once more, this time from desire. Her lips were warm and moist, luscious and inviting, and they teased him as she nibbled at his mouth. She trailed hot, open mouthed kisses along his jaw and neck, and Liam came awake with a jolt when her hand skimmed over his belly to tentatively stroke his manhood. This was no dream! It was Selena warm and willing in his arms, and the thudding beat of his heart in his chest was matched by the throbbing in his cock.

Liam started to rise, but Selena pressed firmly down against his shoulders. He frowned up at her, his eyes searching hers in the dim glow of firelight that filtered into the tent. "Selena, what are you doing?" he asked with a worried frown.

She gave him a throaty laugh and sat up on her knees beside him. As she quickly unbuttoned her nightgown, her eyes were glowing. "I'm making love to you, husband. Since you seem reluctant to seduce me, I've decided to take the initiative." She whisked the garment off over her head and tossed it aside.

Liam gave a strangled groan as he took in her appearance. Her breasts were full and proudly erect, and they glowed enticingly in the dimness. Some of her dark hair had escaped the braid to curl around her face and neck. She had never looked more beautiful or desirable, and Liam ached to have her. Still, he held back.

"Selena, you're not fully recovered. We shouldn't . . ."

She placed a finger over his lips. "We should, and we will." Her voice was soft but determined.

Selena stretched out within the crook of his arm, and she pressed her body full length against his. The effect of her soft curves against his naked chest shattered the last of his resolve, and Liam gave a small groan of capitulation as he pulled her down for a kiss. She was only too happy to comply, and she willingly yielded her mouth to his ravenous kiss. He devoured her lips like a starving man. Liam continued to kiss her as he fumbled with her braid until it loosened, and he raked his fingers through her long hair.

"I've wanted to do that since I met you," he murmured, nibbling along her neck as her silken tresses fell all around him like a shimmering black curtain. "I love your hair. I like it when it's loose."

"Then it shall be loose when we go to bed from now on," she whispered.

He lifted her on top of him, and his hands skimmed over her sides and down to fondle her buttocks as he once again claimed her mouth. Heat welled between them, and his hands became almost frantic, cruising over her skin as if he couldn't get enough of the feel of her. He moaned softly into her mouth as he kneaded her breasts, and Selena broke off from the kiss to rise on her arms, giving him better access.

Her breasts dangled above him, just as they had in so many of his fantasies. While his fingers explored one, his mouth tasted the other. He nipped and tugged at her nipple, intensifying the ache in her belly with every hot flick of his tongue until she moaned weakly.

A savage hunger flowed through Liam, and he quickly rolled to pin her beneath him as he moved to her other breast. Selena had awakened his desires that had been buried for too long, and he felt driven to consume her. He feasted on her sensitized nipple, and her sighs and moans of pleasure urged him on. She arched her back and clasped his head to her breast, as her own neediness made her writhe beneath him.

Finally, Liam raised his head to look down at her. His eyes raked over her breasts, rosy and firm from his attentions, and primal satisfaction flared in the hazel depths. His eyes delved into hers as his fingers cruised up her inner thighs and found their way unerringly into the thatch of hair where her legs joined.

Liam held his breath, hoping she wouldn't tense beneath his touch. He had intended to take this much more slowly. It was prominent in his mind that he didn't want to scare her after her experience with her stepfather, but he was finding it difficult to control himself when he wanted her so intensely. He watched her expression for any signs of fear, priming himself to stop even though he knew it would be painful for him.

To his immense relief, Selena pulled his head back down to her and kissed him. She sighed against his mouth as she opened her thighs to welcome his probing fingers. His long fingers were gentle and warm, and they explored her with intimate caresses until she was slick and throbbing. Liam slid one finger inside her, and Selena gasped. He froze, but when she tightened her woman's flesh around his finger and sighed, he swooped to devour her mouth again. He took his time, probing her with hypnotic repetition as he coaxed her to flower for him, and when he slipped a second finger in beside the first, Selena rewarded him with a soft moan of pleasure. She arched against his hand, her thighs opening wider of their own accord.

When he couldn't stand it any longer, Liam knelt between her thighs and guided himself to her entrance. He kissed her with ravenous hunger as he plunged into her tight sheath with one mighty stroke. His shock couldn't have been any greater when he felt her muscles lock beneath him, and he caught her scream in his mouth. He had felt the brief resistance of her maidenhead, and he knew with certainty what had just happened, but his mind was having trouble making the logical conclusions when he was buried to the hilt inside her and throbbing with need.