Training Lesson

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Your training continues with a bisexual encounter.
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I wake to feel your hand gently caressing my cheek. Smiling, I open my eyes sleepily... turning to you. Startled... I see that you are fully dressed, and the sun is shining brightly. My eyes fly to the clock, and I see that it is 8:30... that it is very late!!!

"Good morning sweetheart," you say to me.

"Baby, why did you let me sleep so late?" I ask you. "Now we're going to be late for work. And what about getting the girls off to school?"

"I got the girls off to school love, don't worry. And we're taking a vacation day today. I arranged it with our bosses last week."

"Why honey?" I ask you.

"Today begins another phase of your training my love," you tell me. "Today, you will experience what it is like to be served, and receive pleasure from a woman."

My eyes fly to yours in shock... dismay...horror. I flinch, and tears begin to well up in my eyes. I try to turn my head away from you.

You pull my face back toward you gently. "I know what you're thinking my love. You're thinking that I promised you that I would never touch another woman, or allow another woman to touch me, and that now I'm breaking that promise. That's what you're thinking, isn't it?"

I nod, the tears spilling over, my heart breaking.

"Have I ever broken a promise to you my beloved?" you ask.

I shake my head no, still crying.

"What I said to you a moment ago is that YOU are going to experience what it is to be served, and receive pleasure from a woman... I said nothing about me. The slave that will be serving you today will not touch me, nor will I touch her. I will receive my pleasure today solely from watching her serve you. Perhaps I will masturbate as she does so... or perhaps I will wait until the session is over, and then I will take you. I will make that decision later. But that is all. I love you my Little One... I will never break a promise to you."

"But Steven... Master," I begin to protest. "You know that I am not bi... I have no interest in women."

"You do not have to touch her, or bring her pleasure my love. I'm not asking you to do that. You are not ready for that, and may never be, and that is fine. But you will allow her to serve you today, to please me. Is that understood?"

"Yes my Master," I whisper.

"Good... now come with me my love," you say.

I push the sheet back, and sit on the side of the bed, putting on my glasses. Standing, I put on the short black silk robe I keep by the side of the bed in case one of the girls needs me during the night. I then follow you down the hall, toward the bathroom. Just outside the bathroom door, I see a young woman of perhaps 30, kneeling. On the other side of the bathroom door, I see a chair.

We walk up to the bathroom, and you introduce us. "My love, this is Susan. She is the slave of a domme that I know, who has loaned her to us for today. Susan, this is my wife, Ann."

"Hello Susan," I say shyly.

"Hello Mistress," she replies.

It feels strange, being addressed as Mistress, and I look around nervously. I see the bathtub filled with a steaming bubble bath.

"Mistress, perhaps you would like a few moments of privacy to use the bathroom. I will go make your tea while you do so." Susan says, and then walks away toward the kitchen.

I look over at you.

"Go ahead love... use the bathroom, and put your contacs in."

I go in, and close the door softly. Pausing for a moment, I take a deep breath, trying to quiet the butterflies in my tummy. After using the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and putting in my contac lenses, I slowly open the door.

I see that you are sitting in the chair that was placed outside the bathroom, and that Susan is returning from the kitchen, carrying a cup of steaming tea.

Walking into the bathroom next to me, she places the cup of tea on the vanity next to the sink. Reaching over to me, she unties the belt that is holding my robe closed, and gently slides it from my shoulders. Taking my hand, she pulls me gently to the tub, and helps me in to the fragrant water, and hands me the cup of tea.

Kneeling next to the tub, she says, "Master Michael has given me my instructions for today Mistress. I know this is new to you, but know that nothing I am going to do today will harm you in any way. I am here simply to serve you, and bring you pleasure."

In finished my tea, and handed her the cup, not knowing what to expect next. Susan took the cup, saying, "just relax in the warm water for a few moments please Mistress. I will be right back."

I leaned back against the plastic bath pillow, and looked over towards Master.

"I love you my Little One," you say to me. "Just relax, and enjoy."

"I love you my Master... and I will try. You know I want to please you."

"I know you do Little One... and your obedience today is pleasing me."

Susan returned from the kitchen, and again knelt by the tub. She reached into a bag that was next to the tub that I had not noticed, and pulled out a soft fur-like wash mitt, and a bottle of body bath gel. After placing the mitt on her hand, she dipped it into the tub, and poured the bath gel onto the mitt. It had a beautiful strawberry scent, just like the bubble bath. Reaching for the arm closest to her, she began to wash me gently. The fur-like material of the bath mitt felt wonderful as it glided over my skin. Up my arm, and over my chest... as she began to gently wash my breasts, I shivered with delight.

"You are beautiful Mistress," Susan whispered softly.

I looked down, blushing. I had never had a woman admire my body before. "Thank you," I said shyly.

Moving lower, Susan washes my tummy... again the soft fur-like material of the mitt sends a shiver through me.

"Lift your leg please Mistress," Susan says. I do so, and she gently washes my leg, down my calf, over my foot, and back up the inside of my leg.

She rinses the mitt in the bath water, then reaches down next to the tub and brings out a small plastic backrest. She positions it in the tub, about 6 inches in front of the water faucet.

"Turn around so that I may do your other side please Mistress," she requests softly.

I do so, and Susan repeats the process, washing my arm, across my chest, around and over my breasts, down over my stomach, and then up and down my leg. She then requests that I lean forward, so that she may wash my back. The softness of the mitt feels absolutely wonderful gliding over me. Susan then reaches up, and removes the hand-held shower massage from the holder, and turns on the water, adjusting it so that the temperature is perfect.

"Lean your head back please Mistress, so that I may wash your hair for you," she requests.

Thinking how wonderful this pampering is, I comply, closing my eyes. After she wets my hair thoroughly, she applies a strawberry scented shampoo, and begins to wash my hair, massaging my scalp gently. A soft sigh of appreciation escapes me.

Susan rinses the soap from my hair, and then requests, "Mistress, please kneel so that I may wash your pussy." I turn scarlet, and glance over at you. You nod at me to do as she instructed.

I rise to my knees. Susan reaches for the bath mitt again, squeezing more body gel onto it. "Spread your legs apart please Mistress," she requests gently. I comply, blushing furiously. She gently soaps my mound, down my right thigh, and up my left. I tense... waiting... as her hand approaches the lips of my pussy.

I reach down and stop the progress of her hand. "Please... I... I can do that myself." I say.

"ANN!" you say sharply. "You WILL allow Susan to continue. That is an order."

I gulp... knowing I have displeased you... distressed at doing so. "Yes my Master... I... I'm sorry," I whisper.

Susan resumes her task... the bath mitt sliding it's way closer and closer to the lips of my pussy. As she brushes the bath mitt over them, I gasp. The feeling is so soft... so wonderful. She reaches out with her left hand, spreading the lips of my pussy apart... and then strokes me softly with the bath mitt. I let out a soft moan... the fur-like material of the mitt is stroking me right over my clit. I clutch the side of the bathtub as she continues to stroke me... knowing that if she continues as she is doing, she will make me cum.

You know me well... watching my face as I near my orgasm. "Ann," you say.

"Yes my Master?"

"You may not cum yet."

I gasp... dismayed. "Please my Master," I beg. "Please allow me to cum for you."

"I said no... not yet."

I groan aloud... I am so very close to cumming. I struggle to hold back as you order... but Susan is continuing to stroke my clit. God!! I don't think I can hold back!

"Susan," you say. "That is enough."

"Yes Master Michael," she replies.

I drop back into the water... my legs trembling too much to hold me any more in my kneeling position. Susan allows me to stay in the water for a few moments... to regain my composure.

"Please stand now Mistress, so that I may rinse the soap off of you," she requests.

I do so... my legs still trembling. I feel the warm water cascading over me... rinsing all of the soap from my body.

"Step from the tub so that I may dry you now please Mistress."

I step out of the tub... your gaze holding mine. I glance down, and see that your cock is hard... you are enjoying watching Susan bathe me. I look back up into your eyes... your gaze holds mine. She finishes drying me... I hadn't even noticed that she was doing so.

"Come to the bedroom now please Mistress," she requests softly.

I reach for my black silk robe... to cover myself, but you stop me. "No," you say. "Follow Susan just the way you are."

I sigh softly... but obey your orders. As I enter the bedroom, I hear music playing softly, and see two strawberry scented candles burning on the dresser. Looking over at the bed, I see a towel folded in half, laying in the center. I am nervous... wondering what is going to happen next. It is not long before I find out.

"Lay down please Mistress, Master Michael wants me to shave your pussy now," Susan requests.

I gasp, and my eyes fly to yours... begging.

"Do it my Little One," you say. You sit down in the chair that has been placed at the side of the bed.

As I lay down on the bed, Susan disappears for a few moments, and returns carrying a tray containing a bowl of hot water, some shaving gel, a razor, a washcloth, and a towel. She places the tray on the bed next to my hips, and sits down on the bed next to me.

"I will not hurt you Mistress," she says. "I have been very well trained by my Mistress in how to shave a woman's pussy."

She picks up the shaving gel, and applies some directly to my mound, then spreads it over my mound with her fingers. Picking up the razor, she dips it in the hot water, and begins to shave me with gentle strokes. Since I keep myself shaves for you, there is not much hair there to remove, and finishes shaving my mound quickly.

"Master Michael?" she asks. "Do you wish me to shave Mistress' pussy lips also Sir?"

"Yes," you reply.

Susan lifts the tray. "Spread your legs please Mistress, with your knees bent."

I comply, and she applies gel to her hand, and gently smoothes it over my pussy lips. I am blushing again... not used to being touched there by any woman other than my doctor. She rinses her hand, wipes it dry on the towel, and picks up the razor. Stretching my pussy lips tight with her left hand, she begins to shave me there with short swift strokes. After she is finished, she takes the washcloth, dips it in the water, and gently washes away any remaining traces of the shaving gel. After drying me, she returns the supplies to the bathroom.

I look over at you... hoping that I am pleasing you.

"I love you my Little One," you say softly.

"I love you my Master... with all my heart," I reply.

Susan returns, and I tense... wondering what is going to happen now.

"Master Michael has instructed me to give you a massage now Mistress," Susan says. "Please turn over onto your stomach."

A massage...I think to myself... that's not so bad. I roll over onto my tummy, and cradle my head in my arms.

I feel something warm, trickling over my shoulder blades, and realize that Susan is pouring oil... strawberry scented oil... on my back. Susan starts to massage, firmly but gently. I sigh... feeling the tension from the work week drain from me as she works her way down my back... across my ass, and down the backs of my thighs. As she works, I allow myself to drift off... floating... relaxing.

"Please turn over now Mistress, so that I may massage the front of your body."

My eyes fly open in shock. NO!! But I know that if I say that word aloud, you will punish me. I roll over onto my back slowly, and gaze over at you. You get up from the chair, and sit down on the side of the bed next to me. Leaning over, you kiss me passionately. Pulling you to me, I return the kiss.

You end the kiss... reluctantly I think.

"Not yet my Little One. I am going to take you... but not yet." In saying that, you reach out, and put my blindfold over my eyes. I feel you get up from the bed, and hear you sit back down in the chair.

I begin trembling... unsure of what is going to happen, but having a feeling that I might not like it.

Once more I feel warm scented oil trickling over my body... this time in a line from my neck, down through the valley between my breasts, over my stomach, and down to my pussy. I feel Susan's hands once again begin to massage the oil in... first down my arms, and back up. Now I feel her fingers spreading the oil out over my breasts... around the fullness... working in circles that grow smaller and smaller inward towards my nipples. I realize that they are getting hard as her touch nears them... that I am becoming aroused by her touch. My mind curses my traitorous body... not wanting to become aroused by a woman's touch... wanting only the touch of my love... my Master.

Her fingers are at my nipples now... twisting them into hard peaks. Unable to help myself, I let out a soft moan of pleasure. As I do so, her fingers begin to work in circles again... this time growing larger, until again they are going around the fullness of my breasts. Her hands cup them... hold them up... suddenly I feel lips... her lips... close around the hardened nipple of my right breast. Her tongue begins to tease the nipple, coaxing it into ever ripening hardness. Leaving my right breast, she begins to do the same to my left... coaxing that nipple into a fuller hardness.

Her hand lets go of my right breast, and moves down my body, spreading the oil as she goes. I realize that her hand is heading unerringly towards my pussy... and that my pussy is becoming wet again. I moan softly, and try to move away from her hand.

"Ann," you command. "You will allow Susan to continue."

I whimper... I do not want this... do not want the touch of another woman... do not want to be aroused by another woman. But I want to please you my beloved Master... to make you proud of me. My body stills... no longer attempting to evade her questing fingers.

With her hand, she opens my legs. Her mouth and tongue are still teasing my left nipple... keep it hard. Her fingers spread some of the oil from my mound, down into my slit... over my outer pussy lips... then over the inner lips... sliding upward... OH GOD!!!... over and around my clit. I am fiercely aroused now... my clit hard and full. She dips one finger inside my hot pussy... then returns to my clit... teasing it... going in circles around it, then back and forth across it.

I am moaning... my orgasm approaching swiftly.

Your voice... once again... says, "No Ann... you may not cum yet."

I cry out... gasping... "Please my Master... please... allow me to cum for you.. I beg of you!"

"I said NO! You may NOT cum yet! Do you understand me?"

I struggle to hold back... to obey you. The effort is almost too much...

"Stop Susan," you say.

To my relief she does... I know I would not have been able to hold back for more than another few seconds.

After a brief pause.. I hear a sound... a sound I know well. Susan now has a vibrator... a vibrator she must be going to use on me!

She presses it gently against my neck... moving it slowly down... over and around the nipples she was so recently sucking. Then further down my body... over my tummy... down... and runs it teasingly around my clit. I groan... thrusting my body toward the vibrator... wanting it on my clit... wanting to cum. Susan rests it against my clit for an all to brief moment... allowing my body to once more surge toward orgasm. She then slides it into me... little by little... going deeper... deeper.

I suddenly realize she is no longer sitting along side me... but is between my legs! I feel her fingers... spreading the lips of my pussy wide... and then... OH GOD NO!!!!!! I feel a tongue... HER tongue... begin to lick my clit... at first teasing it... going in circles around it. I can't help myself... I push my hips upward... wanting her to lick my clit... wanting to cum... desperately wanting to cum!

Susan begins to move the vibrator in and out of my pussy... the pussy that is hot now... so very hot. I feel her tongue begin to lick my clit... not teasing it any longer.. but licking it. Fiercely. Faster and faster. As she is licking, she is fucking me with the vibrator.


"Yes my slave... you may cum now... cum for ME... your Master!"

My body explodes... convulses... wave upon wave of orgasm rushing over me. Finally, I lay there spent... unable to move... to speak... to even think. I am in a daze... unaware that Susan is no longer licking me, and has removed the vibrator from my pussy. I hear... as if from a distance, you telling her that she has done well, and that her Mistress has a slave she can be proud of. I vaguely hear her whispered thanks, and then sound of the door closing.

I hear the sound of you removing your clothes, and the feel you lay down on the bed next to me. You take me in your arms, holding me. I feel that you are erect... your cock hard against my body. You slide the blindfold from my eyes, and I look into yours... hoping to see that I have pleased you. Your eyes are blazing with passion.

"Your Master is going to take you now Little One," you tell me. You roll over on top of me and enter me with one long sure thrust. I gasp at your entry... you are so hard... so big. You begin moving in and out... thrusting harder... faster... and once again my body surges towards a shattering climax. I cry out... almost there... almost ready to cum again...

"WAIT Little One... you will wait for your Master," you command.

I struggle to hold back... to wait as you have ordered. But to no avail. My orgasm breaks over me... my body arching in ecstasy. Only seconds later, your climax sweeps over you... you groan as you empty your hot cum into my waiting pussy. You collapse on top of me... both of us breathing fast.

You roll off me, pulling me into your arms. I cuddle close, my head on your chest, my eyes closing sleepily.

You sense that I am dozing off... and tilt my chin up so that I can look into your eyes.

"I love you my Little One," you say. "You did please me today with regard to your training, so I am not going to punish you for cumming when I told you to wait." Kissing my lips softly, you allow me to drift off into sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Very sensual

I loved the story and I could really feel myself in the situation

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