Transformations Ch. 02


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"I don't know. I never really wanted to, but, I guess things are different now. Just a little bit."

"Sure sweetie. Just a little foundation, you won't need much, your skin is so good. Then a little blush to bring out your cheekbones, some lip gloss to give you pouty lips. But I'm mainly going to work on your eyes, I'm going to make them really pop!"

Joey sat still for his mother as she expertly crafted her magic. When his mother handed him the mirror, he couldn't believe his eyes. He was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He hadfuck me written all over him.

"Right then, shoes are going to be the problem, you have such tiny feet, so I think we'll just stuff the ones you wore earlier with some toilet paper."

"Joey my love," his Gran spoke. "I want you to have these too." She had in her hand some jewellery. A silver necklace with an amber jewel and a pair of clip on earrings. "Come here while I help you."

A moment later, Joey looked once more in the mirror. He had spent more time looking in one today than he probably had all month. By now, his mother too, had dressed and was sitting down to put on her makeup. Joey watched intently at what his mother was doing and she kept gazing out of the corner of her eye at him, smiling every time his gaze met her own.

When the three of them were ready, they posed for a photo, Mrs. Aames setting the camera down on top of a set of drawers to use the self-timer.


Marks and Spencer.

How he hated the place -- as a boy. As a girl, it was paradise. There were so many tactile pleasures to be had, walking around there as if for the first time, putting his hands on everything to touch and caress the materials.


"Sweetie, I've explained to the lady that you need a bra fitting, so just go into the cubicle and undress and she'll be along in a minute to measure you up."

Joey looked at the lady. God, it was Jenny Thomas. He went to school with her. She was two years above him, so would be twenty now. She was a real fox in school, all the boys fancied her and she had lost none of her allure.

Joey closed the curtain behind him and slipped out of his dress. He folded it once in half and placed it on the seat. The curtain opened and in walked Jenny. She had a tape measure around her neck.

"Hi, I'm Jenny."

"I know."

"You do?"

"Oh um, yeah, I went to school with you. I was a few years further down."

"What's your name?"

"J...Zoe. Zoe Aames."

She shook her head as she tried to remember. "Nope. I remember a Joey Aames. He had a bit of a crush on me. You're not related are you?"

"He's my brother. Big brother. He's an idiot!"

"Really? I always thought he was kind of cute. I kept hoping he'd come and talk to me. But he never did."

"You think Joey's cute?"

"I did. What's he doing nowadays?"

"Oh, he's a, he works in a bar."

"Which one? Maybe I'll pop in sometime."

"The Three Feathers. It's on Bridge Street."

"I know it. So, this is your first bra fitting, yes?"


Joey was unsure of his feelings. This girl had been the pinnacle in his mind, but seeing her, standing there in that cubicle in just his underwear, which was see-through at that, in close proximity to her, she wasn't really doing it for him anymore. If Joey with the dick had been in there, he'd be in hog heaven. Maybe Joey with the kitty wasn't into girls. He sure wasn't into those lesbians in the video.

"Okay, can you remove your bra for me please?"

Joey again struggled behind his back with the clasp.

"Would you like some help?"


Jenny unsnapped Joey's bra and lifted it off his front, setting it down on top of his dress. "Okay, I'm just going to take a few measurements then." She held her hands to her mouth and blew hot air onto them both and gave them a quick rub. "Hands are a bit cold, this morning."

Joey smiled and Jenny wrapped the tape around his body, measuring under his bust first, around his ribcage. "Okey-dokey." She then measured around the fullest part of his boobs, chatting about his general requirements for a bra. "36C it is then. But I'll bring you in a few different sizes to try on, see which has the best fit."


Joey looked down at his new body. It was so strange not to see his penis. Now he couldn't even see that far down his body because his boobs were in the way. And his nipples had gone soft again and were lying almost flat to his chest. He gave one a quick tickle and it popped out again.

Then the curtain opened and Jenny walked in, four bras in hand. "Okay, the 36C first, see how the fit is on that and we'll go from there." She stepped out while Joey tried it on.

"Um, Jenny," Joey called through the curtain. "Could you give me a hand please? I'm having a little bit of trouble?"

Jenny stepped in and helped Joey to hook the bra. She felt around Joey's breasts and checked the straps.

"Mm, I'm not sure that's what we want."

"It's not?" Joey had no clue. All he knew was that this bra fit better than either of the two he had already tried on -- his mother's and his grandmother's.

"No, the underwire is pressing against your breast tissue, when it really should be pressing against bone. Would you like me to stay and help?"


"Okay, this is a 38B. I think it will be a bit big for you, but it's important to get the band size just right. Most of the support you get from a bra comes from the band. Only a small amount of a correctly fitting bra comes from the cups or the straps. Hmn? Yeah. I can get my whole hand in under the strap at the back. That's no good. Ideally, it should be just two fingers. Let's try the 34D."

Joey just stood as his old school crush went to work on him. He watched her intently in the mirror as she felt him up, but remained strangely unbothered by sexual thoughts.

"Ah, now this is much better. The band is just right. The underwire is in a much better place. Cups?" She gave his breasts another squeeze. "Yeah, pretty good. I'll just adjust the straps a little. There we go. How does that feel?"

"That feels really nice, really comfortable. What is it? A 34D? Am I a D cup?"

"No, bra sizes can be a little all over the place. It's important not to rigidly stick to a certain size, but just use it as a guide. Eighty percent of the women are walking around wearing the wrong size bra for them anyway. It's just so important to have a fitting. And have them often. Because you know, your body changes and you have to keep up with those changes."

No shit, sister!

It turned out that the next 36C he tried on was also a good fit, so he ended up with two of each. Jenny had nipped out to hand one to his mother so she could go and pay for it and then bring it back for Joey to wear out of the store.

"Well, thanks Jenny, thanks very much."

"You're welcome Zoe. Have a nice day. And say hi to Joey for me."

"I will!"

While he had been in having his fitting, his mother and grandmother had been loading up the basket with knickers and stockings.

"Shoes sweetie. You need shoes. Just something simple for now."

Joey tried on shoes for twenty minutes and settled on just the one pair. None of them had been particularly comfortable and his grandmother said she had the same trouble with M&S shoes. They'd have to go into town next week and spend an entire day just shoe shopping.

He put his mother's shoes in the bag and wore his new ones, stumbling on his third step, into the arms of a man.

"Oops. I'm so sorry," Joey said.

"Not at all. My fault entirely," the man said.

Joey had his hands on the man's shoulders as the man held onto Joey's waist and elbow. "Are you okay?"

"I just got new shoes."

"They are very pretty. The perfect complement to the person wearing them."

Joey's heart skipped a beat.

"Malcolm! Come here. God, what's got into you?" A woman about two racks back glared at Joey.

"I was just helping her, she nearly tripped."

"Helping yourself more like. Did you cop a good feel, while you were at it? I hope so, because you won't be feeling anything else tonight, except your own hand."

Wow, she was catty. Poor guy. Such a hunk, stuck with a shrew. Joey's mother ushered her away, but she couldn't help looking over her shoulder at him as they headed towards the cafe.

A coffee and a cake and plenty of small talk about things they'd seen in store for Joey to try on. Then they set about finding him some clothes to buy. It was a never ending fashion show. Joey tried on dresses, skirts, shirts, T-shirts, blouses, jackets, jumpers, cardys, trousers, jeans, shorts. And a swimsuit.

When they left the store two hours later, they had spent nearly £500. And it was just a start.

Returning home, Mrs. Aames prepared a light lunch while Joey tried on all his clothes again, in different combinations and also mixed up some of his outfits with items from his mother's wardrobe.

"Joey sweetie, lunch is ready!" she called up the stairs.

Then Joey made his entrance. He had decided to wear a plain white blouse, with the top four buttons open, bringing his cleavage and a hint of brassiere into view. He chose also a charcoal skirt and a black waistcoat that hadn't been buttoned.

"Wow Joey, you look super, sweetheart."

"Thanks Mum. And thanks Gran, for buying me all this awesome stuff."

"My pleasure beautiful. I just love seeing you so happy."

"Oh, I am. I am so very happy. I love you both so much."

He went and gave his grandmother a kiss on her cheek and hugged her tight to his body, turning his face to give her another kiss. "I love you Gran."

Next he kissed his mother, hugging her tightly. "I love you Mum."

"Oh baby. My little girl. I so hope you'll stay like this. Stay my little girl."

"I'm thinking about it Mum. It's 60-40 at the moment. Maybe 70-30."

"Which way?"

He looked at his mother and smiled. "Girl of course! Girls are awesome. I mean, look at all these clothes. And stockings. Now that I've sampled their delights, I could never stop wearing these. Or panties. It's so much more comfortable walking around without something with a life of its own in them, you know? Well, Gran will know! I mean, I'm going to have to figure out a few things, but, it's looking good to me, being a girl."

"Oh, I'm so glad baby. I'm so glad. It's been so nice having you around the house today. It's like all my worries went away overnight. I worry about, him Joey. I don't worry about you. I'm always worried he's going to end up in some ditch, or in with a bad crowd, or on drugs, or in some kind of trouble. But you, you have your head screwed on so much better than him, my darling. And I just couldn't bear to lose you now, not after getting to know you."

Joey looked at his mother and smiled. He said just one thing. "Eighty-twenty."

An hour after lunch, the three women were at the local leisure centre. Joey was trying out his new bathing costume. Gosh, it felt so strange to be wearing it in front of other people. It really left nothing to the imagination. As a boy, his swimming trunks came down to his knees and were baggy and multicoloured so as to not betray his equipment to anybody, but as a girl, the stretchy nylon clung to his shapely breasts. He was sure that the moment they felt the cold water on them, his nipples would make their presence clear for everyone to see. There'd be no hiding them, not then. And the cut of the crotch area. It was so close. If he hadn't shaved, he'd never have been able to pull it off. Even as it stood, he had a camel toe and walking out of the ladies changing area into the pool area, with so many men and women, he was sure all eyes were on his mound. He felt practically naked.

And what about his bottom back there? It was so much bigger now. Juicy. It moved with every step, up, down, round and round. And so did his boobs. He was a jiggler. He was permanently in a state of motion with each step he took. As a boy, he was taut and hard. But as a girl, ever so soft. And there just wasn't a muscle he could clench to keep it all in check.

And the water was cold, very cold. He could feel his nipples pressing on the blue and white costume. And it brought a whole new meaning to breaststroke. He'd thought they'd be like floats keeping him aloft in the water, but really, there was a lot of drag and he felt himself sinking more. And the breaststroke kick, wide open to the side like a frog -- it was filling up his pussy with cold water, the seal had been broken. Brr, it was cold inside and just made him want to pee.

"Is it always like this Mum?"

"Is what like what, babe?"

"The water. Does it always get inside?"

His mother smiled. "Only when aroused, babe!"

"Mum! I'm not!"

She nodded. "I think you are. I saw you looking at that guy over there in the tight speedo."

"Mum! Did not!"

"Did too."

"Well, he is sexy. Isn't he?"

She nodded, biting her lip. "And hung."

"How can you tell?"

"That guy is soft. He's just got out of cold water. And it's easily six inches. If he's a grower, he's packing some serious meat."

"Mum! You never talked like this around me before."

"Well that's because this is girl talk. And before, you weren't a girl."

A short while later, the three women were back in the ladies changing room. They'd opened up their lockers to retrieve their shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and towels. Then Joey watched as his mother slipped the straps of her swimming costume off her shoulders and peeled it down her body, exposing her breasts and their pointed nipples to her son. Slipping it down to her ankles, she stood up and Joey looked at his mother's brown fur, all wet between her legs. There was a piece of string dangling from there too.Was she on her period? He hadn't caught it earlier.

He turned and saw his grandmother, already naked, her hairless pussy glistening with beads of water. Her boobs were massive, but her dark red nipples stuck out maybe an inch and were pointing down at Joey's feet.

"Come on sweetie, get your kit off, I don't know what it's like in the men's changing room, but girls always shower naked!"

Well, he couldn't argue with that. He pulled one arm out and then the other. He thought he could pull the swimsuit off his body by the crotch, sliding it down, neatly, the right way out. How wrong he was. It clung to his every curve and after a moment's giggling from his Mum and Gran, he just did what they had done and rolled it down to his ankles.

He locked his locker and headed into the shower with his towel over his shoulder and the bottle in hand.

Oh my God! He couldn't believe it. Miss Weatherly. His old form teacher from middle school. Baps out. Hairless. Oh goodness.


"Hi Alice. You remember my mother?"

"Of course. How are you?"

"Oh fine, such a beautiful day, don't you think?"

"Isn't it! And who's this?"

"Uh..." His mother didn't think fast enough.

"Zoe. I'm Zoe. This is my Aunt Sandy."

"Oh, nice to meet you Zoe. So you're um, Joey's cousin."

"That's right."

"I had Joey in my class for a few years. I was his teacher."

"Really? Oh wow! So you've got all the dirt to dish on him? Anything you could tell me to use against him?"

She smiled. "No, I liked Joey. He didn't always apply himself, but he had a good heart. And a nice ass!" She immediately raised her hand to hide the oops shape her mouth was making.

It was strange seeing his form teacher naked. But in a good way. Seeing people he knew in a different light and doing so in what effectively amounted to the most ingenious disguise, brought with it such an incredible thrill. While he may not be able to make much use of that image now, in his present 'not into girls' state, he did have that image, filed away in his head. And at some point in the future, he was going to have a dick between his legs again. And when he did, naked Miss Weatherly was going to be the unwitting star of a few carefully crafted fantasies.

Joey felt so relaxed. Standing there naked in front of all these other naked women, not a care in the world, not being ogled or objectified, just natural, normal. It was bliss. In one day, he'd accepted it. And now he didn't ever want to go back. This was the new normal, the new Joey. Or Zoe perhaps? Maybe he would change his name, even though Joey was fairly gender neutral, maybe a clean break was what he, or she, needed.

But all of a sudden, he was beginning to feel strange. Almost like moving whilst standing on the spot. Like that camera effect, where the lens zooms in as the camera pans back, distorting life around its centre of focus. His breasts, they were shrinking. But there was more. He could feel it. He knew that feeling. It was that first twitch, that awakening. Erection imminent. He turned quickly, grabbing his towel. He scurried back to his locker, pulling all his clothes out at once and made his way into one of the cubicles, where shy women got changed on their own, away from the communal area.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." He was back. Joey. Proper Joey. He was back and he was sat in the dark cubicle, his big man feet on the hard tile floor. His boobs gone, his big hands back, his beautiful hair gone. And through the crack in the door, he could still see Miss Weatherly chatting to his mother.

His dick in his hand, he rubbed. God, she was beautiful. Maybe a couple years younger than his Mum, not a lot, just a few. But she had boobs that were -- as nice as his own. Oh God. He rubbed, beating off fiercely in the women's locker room to the actual image of his naked school teacher. Added to the nonstarter event of that morning, after he had shaved, he had some pent up sex that wanted out. And out it came.

As his grandmother pushed open the cubicle's door, he came, all over her tummy. He didn't know who was the more shocked, his Gran, with her grandson's spunk running down into her hairless snatch, or him, Joey, the boy, exposed with his softening hard on, thick ropes of cum hanging in midair like spider's webs, joining his genitals to his grandmother's.

Oh God, he was done for. He just had to change back. How else was he going to get out of there?


I will keep writing, but please vote anyway. Thank you, Zoe.

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 2 years ago

Okay, didn't see that coming. Let's see what's next!

BertaCDBertaCDover 9 years ago
The Ultimate Transformation

Have now read both Chapters 1 and 2 and enjoyed them completely. As a closeted crossdresser I'd love to have Joey's capability to make a complete gender transformation. I'm sure many others like us who read this would feel the same way.

Most definitely the ultimate transformation!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
A great read!

I didn't expect the ending, but I have to wonder if the grandmother did. Maybe not so soon, but why go swimming at a public place? I love the story so far, and I, honestly, haven't missed reading forced (from a literary perspective, but it applies sexually as well) sex!

I wonder about the author's thoughts, but after reading several comments, I felt compelled to share with everyone.

I was unsure at first, but I actually think that this story has appeal to transvestites, transgenders, and their fans. I'm a heterosexual male who considers himself a transwomen fan, and it feels completely natural to me that I find transwomen attractive, but I have no interest in transvestites (I'm sorry: that was not intended to offend in any way). As much as I love women, I never wanted to be or dress as a woman; but I definitely could accept and fully explore a transwoman. I realize that there is some taboo appeal for me, and I will probably have a full sexual experience to satisfy the fantasy, but I will almost certainly only have relationships with genetic women. I'm happy with that, but I deeply sympathize with transwomen (transmen to a much smaller degree) who search for love and acceptance. I don't believe that gender is defined by genitalia; but attractive (to me) transwomen are very rare, hard to find, and hard to identify (passability is part of what I find attractive). I'm generally considered attractive, but there's no guarantee that anyone will find me so (let alone develop a relationship). Relationships are difficult for everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
What a great story !

Your writing talent is amazing.

I can't wait for the actual sex to begin... Should be hot !

catgirl5000catgirl5000about 10 years ago

This is the first TG story I've ever read that doesn't have the main character bumbling about in the lingerie store with unhelpful saleswomen wondering why she doesn't know her own bra size. It seems like most authors don't know that stores like Victoria's Secret are happy to do fittings because bust sizes change and many women wear the wrong size bra. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This is a fun story and I'm enjoying reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

this was just amazing. thank you! as TG who is just scared to tell almost anyone, this is pretty much my ultimate fantasy! and i love it! i hope you keep writing. i came here horny, but i was so engrossed in your story, i didnt even masturbate to it, just read it frantically. im sure when we get to the good parts *wink wink* ill have plenty to masturbate to.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Good story; well written

I'm "straight", married, kids - the whole thing. I think more than a few of us wonder about how life would be as the other gender. Thanks for sharing this with us. Look forward to reading future chapters.

And to those of you out there trying to make it your reality, best wishes!

zoejoeyzoejoeyabout 10 years agoAuthor
To Rebecca

Stay strong and be brave, lovely. Sometimes real life doesn't live up to the hopes and dreams we have for it. And unfortunately there is no magic fix. Sometimes it just takes time, sometimes it takes perseverance and sometimes nothing short of a miracle will do. Here's hoping you get your miracle, babe. Take care. Zoe.

zoejoeyzoejoeyabout 10 years agoAuthor
To the previous commenter

Ah, you must be clairvoyant! Not until part 4 though! Thanks for reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I have been enjoying your good writing and idea of transformation. I was thinking about if two transformers met, that would be a interesting story. Keep up the good work and don't let the trolls get you down. I am waiting for the next chapter.

RebeccaCherieRebeccaCherieabout 10 years ago
Love it

Gorgeous. Such a dream of mine. As an "Out" TG , I wish my mother had have been so supportive and to this day am waiting for my father to get his head around that fact that he now has another daughter. ;-) Not holding my breath. Xxxxx Rebecca

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I've only just read your first chapter a short while ago, but I'm a fast reader and normally read things a couple times. I'm going to go read them both again in a few days.

This is another great read. And I can almost imagine it happening in real life. Now there's a thought worm.

Somebody wrote that it was too emasculating for him. Nah (and it's way more positive than that Kafka book about Gregor, too).

I enjoyed reading both chapters immensely, and have only one suggestion for you: Keep Writing!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

As a transgendered girl yet to come out I find the feelings Joey is experiencing as Zoe for the first time to be much like my own feelings. A wonderful story and a wonderful awakening for Zoe. Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I find the ...

...whole atmosphere in this tale a bit too emasculating to my taste.

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