Treacherous Devotion Ch. 03


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"Now, Connor. Do it now." Julia reached down and pulled his hand from her, and then ran her fingers down to his thick cock. "Come to me, baby."

Connor needed no further coercion and helped her guide him toward her awaiting entrance. After lining himself up, he leaned down and passionately kissed her. Julia knew he was trying to distract her, but this time it wasn't going to work. As she threw her arms over his shoulders, she felt every movement he made. The wide head of his cock began its attempt to push its way into her virgin hole. Julia winced as it stretched her.

Connor did his best to inch his way in, and the process was slow going. He'd press forward slightly, and then allow her to acclimate before backing off and repeating. But it still hurt. It still felt like her vagina was facing a siege, and Connor held the battering ram. With only a couple inches inside of her, Julia was starting to get discouraged. She refused to be like her sister. This was her and Connor after all. This was supposed to be perfect. A single tear fell from her eye, running down into her curly hair.

"I'll stop. I know I'm hurting you, but I refuse to make you cry, Julia. I couldn't stand it," Connor said, after noticing the wet trail from her eye. "We can try again later. We'll work up to it."

Connor's perfect response only caused her to cry harder. There he was, being all kind and understanding. She knew it wasn't her fault, but she was not giving up on this. "No, we're doing this. I can take it. Just…just do it. All the way, okay. Don't stop."

It was obvious for the sweat on his brow and the tension he carried in his arms that Connor was using all his strength to keep from plunging himself inside her like his wolf demanded. To be given free rein to do so caused him is grunt and groan at the same time.

"Julia…" She stop him by placing a finger against his mouth, knowing that he was about to say no.

"Connor, please. We both want this. You can't tell me you don't. Just let me hold on to you, and I'll be fine." Connor took a large breath and then pressed himself even closer to her so that she could snake her arms under his and grasp his shoulders.

"I love you Julia." He tucked his head into the nape of her neck, pulled his hips back slightly, and then plunged his entire length inside her. Pain. That's all Julia could register for many seconds before her cloudy brain began to comprehend that she was screaming. She instantly stopped. She knew that probably freaked Connor out, and she was proven right when she looked into his eyes.

"I'm alright, Connor. Just give me a second to get used to you." He nodded, but seemed to still hold judgment on whether or not he believed her. "Do you know how big you are? Like seriously, you're huge. I can feel every inch of you inside me. It's amazing." The only response she got from his was a groan because her inner walls were contracting around him, as if investigating this new intruder.

"God you're tight, Jules. You're like a vice. I really warm, really soft, really fucking awesome vice." Julia laughed, which not only sent vibrations through her body, but caused her pelvis to move against him.

This time the both moaned, and Julia was pleasantly surprised. While she had been expecting another round of searing pain, what she felt was actually…nice. She experimented with rolling her hips, which caused Connor to tense up,

"Christ, Julia you have no idea what you're doing to me. I'm not going to be able to hold still much longer if you keep doing that." Julia passed her hands down his back and then firmly took hold of his toned ass before speaking.

"I don't want you to hold still. I want you to fuck me." Connor's eyes narrowed on her to be sure he heard correctly and then all hell broke loose. It took Connor all of one second to start thrusting hard and deep inside of her.

It was fantastic. He filled her so completely, and every inch he touched felt like it was on fire. She was overcome with pleasure. Connor tugged on her hips, causing her to move closer to him and lifted her legs into the air. Her swung them up on his shoulders and then doubled the ferocity with which he pistoned into her. Moans, groans and all kinds of pleasurable noises filled the air around them, along with the mingled scent of sweat and sex. It was the most intoxicating smell. It was all natural, all them.

Julia's entire body started to shake, but Connor's firm grasp on her thighs held her in place as he continued his relentless thrusting. It was almost too much for her system to handle. The bombardment of sensation had alerted every nerve in her body. One hand involuntarily fisted and pulled into her chest, while the other pushed through her own hair. She was overloading, she was dying, she was…she was coming harder than she'd ever come in her entire life. She was sure no other woman had ever come as hard as she was. It was like every cell in her body was having their own orgasm.

Her completion quickly triggered Connor's, who growled fiercely as he pumped his seed inside of her. A few more quick jerks of his pelvis, and Connor was satiated. He collapsed down on his forearms, and brushed sweaty locks of hair off of Julia's forehead.

"That… that was fucking insane," he said while trying to catch his breath. Julia had to agree.

"Aren't you glad we didn't stop?" Julia was trying to joke with him but concern quickly filled his eyes.

"Oh god, how are you feeling? Once we started it was like I completely forgot about anything else. All I knew was that if I stopped I'd die."

"I'm fine Connor. I won't be riding a bike for a few days, but what just happened was well worth a few aches. Like I said, we just had to get past it. Like ripping off a Band-Aid." Connor frowned.

"Did you just compare us having sex for the first time to ripping off a Band-Aid?" If Julia's words didn't assure Connor that she was going to be fine, her giggles did. Her laughter brought to both of their attentions that he was still nestled inside of her, so Connor quickly slipped out and positioned them so that she was cradled into his side. He then grabbed the edge of the blanket and swung it over them both. "Well now that we've 'ripped the band-aid', I plan on doing that as often as possible. I'll give you half a day to get over the trauma, then I except full access."

After seeing his smirk and confirming he was kidding, Julia slapped him in the chest, and then snuggled back down into his embrace before admitting, "I guess that's fair, since I plan on making you my slave until you can't get it up anymore."

He chuckled, and pulled her closer. "I am at your service, my lady." Connor then kissed on her on the forehead, and they both feel into a blissful doze.


Present Day

Julia awoke groggily from the deepest sleep she'd ever had, and instantly wanted to go back. She'd dreamed of the night she first slept with Connor. To her, that night was when her life truly began. From then on each meeting was a passion-filled event that had her questioning whether this was really her life. Was she truly this lucky, to have found an incredibly attractive man, who loved her just as much as she loved him and could fuck like a wild stallion.

As her body started to catch up with her awakened mind she instantly knew something was off. The smell. It was wrong, all wrong. Whatever room she was in, it wasn't on Dirus property. The room smelled like overgrown mold and dirt. It was also dank and cold, and all she had covering her was a scratching wool blanket that wasn't long enough to cover her toes. She pulled her feet up and curled into a ball. That's when she felt her lack of clothing. At most she could only have been wearing panties and camisole. She went to reach across herself to flip the blanket back but her hand was snapped back by handcuffs that were secured to a length of chain. She was allowed limited movement, but nothing past arm's length.

Shocked, Julia's eyes snapped open and took in her surroundings. She was in a small grey room. A cot like the one she was lying on was pushed up against the opposite wall and was covered with a pile of blankets. Beside it were a small white table and a wooden chest.

"What the hell," Julia asked out loud. "What is this?" She quickly sat up, and tugged as hard as she could on the chains that were hooked into the wall behind her. They wouldn't budge. Suddenly, it all came back to her. Last night she had mated with Connor, they belonged to each other now. But her evil, vindictive father had given her to the foulest man Julia could think of. Darian Signatus. He was a power hungry bastard, who wanted to use her to amuse his troops. Troops he planned on using to overtake the area, and announce the lycanthrope presence to humans.

"They have cameras in here ya know. If they know you're awake they won't wait 'til a decent hour to come get you. I'd shut up and go back to sleep if I were you." Julia jumped at the sound of the voice, and it took her a few moments to realize that it was coming from beneath the piles of blankets on the other cot.

"Who are you? Where am I," Julia asked. An obviously annoyed female voice replied,

"My name is Jadyn, and you are in hell. Now go back to sleep." Silence followed.

"Are you handcuffed to your bed as well," Julia inquired.

"Oh for crying out loud. No, I'm not. The locked door is sufficient enough to keep me in here. You are handcuffed cuz you were thrashing around when they brought you in here. Now, please if they know we're awake we'll have to start working, and I'd rather not wash uniforms quite yet.

"Wash uniforms?" That wasn't what she thought her work was going to entail. She'd do laundry until the cows came home if it meant she wasn't raped. With an audible sigh the girl turned over and sat up in bed. Jadyn was rail thin, but she showed signs of once having been quite athletic. Her blonde hair was cropped short, and her blue eyes seemed to sparkle with defiance.

"You'll be on floor cleaning and food prep. I've been 'promoted' since you're here now." Julia was shocked, in a good way. That was not what she had been led to believe she would be doing with her time here.

"Wh-What about. You know? I was told…" Julia couldn't seem to find the phrase she was looking for. How did one usually go about asking if she was going to be used as a sex slave by hundreds of men?

"You mean sex," Jadyn asked. "You'll do that too. But only when the troops do well. Luckily for us they have a lousy haul this time. They can't change into their hybrid fighting form worth shit. They suck at tactical maneuvers, and if you ask one to use a compass, he'll stick it up his ass. I'd say you have at least a couple months before the generals will reward a trainee with sex. And all the upper level guys were just moved out on some mission southeast of here. Something about some secret Alliance locale that they found out about yesterday"

The ease that Julia had felt over the knowledge that her vagina was her own for at least a few more weeks, was immediately replaced by angst. Unless there were a lot of secret Alliance locales around, Jadyn could've been talking about where she was supposed to meet up with Connor. But how did they find out? An ache like horrendous heartburn filled her chest at the thought of him hurt. She fell back on her cot, and pressed her hand to her chest.

"When did they leave? Do you know," Julia asked.

"Real early this morning, around three or four. You'd think they'd learn to be quite in the halls, but the jackasses just can't seem to keep from bragging about how many Alliance guys they're gonna kill. "

The pain in Julia's chest worsened, and she felt faint. She needed fresh air. She'd needed to get out of here. She needed Connor. Here she was stuck in a Signatus cell, while Connor was most likely fighting for his life. She couldn't stand not knowing if he was going to be ok.

"Are you all right? You look pale. I know that being held prisoner is hard to get used to. It takes some time. You just have to show them that you aren't afraid of them. Especially with the newbies, they think they're hotshit. But the generals will skin them alive if they touch you before they're given permission. So don't let them try to intimidate you."

"It's not that," Julia replied. "I-" Julia tried to say it was that she wasn't feeling well, but a searing pain ripped through her heart stalling her every thought. She was certain it was a heart attack. Heartburn couldn't hurt this much. Another wave of horrendous suffering hit her, and then blessedly, she passed out.


"Explain to me what happened today, son? Why do I have three dead fighters and fifty fewer acres of territory?" Randolph Wulfric was upset. An outsider would not have been able to pick up on the subtle change in the tenor of his voice or see how he battled for control over the rate of his breathing. They would however, realize that his pacing and massaging of his temples were signs of agitation. Connor was well aware of his father's moods, and this was one of the only times he'd ever come close to losing his cool. His father ruled their pack with a just but firm hand, and in Connor's adult life, he'd never seen him have to assert his authority over anyone. It was just a given.

"We were ambushed at the Burrow. A little after nine this morning the compound was surrounded by Derrator wolves. We were outnumbered three to one, but luckily we weren't out skilled. The Dirus and Signatus packs seemed to be less worried about having good fighters than having a lot of them. We were able to divide the original fighters into multiple groups and push them into defensive positions. We took them out in less than an hour. Unfortunately, the Derrators had a second string and we made the decision to retreat rather than lose more men." After relaying this morning's events to his father Connor stood silently waiting for his reply, his hands clasped behind his back.

"That's what the report said that I read this afternoon. But what I want to know is one, how they knew the location of the Burrow, and two, why you were there in the first place. You are no longer a soldier Connor. We had that discussion two months ago. I pulled you from the ranks because I'm ready to retire. Your mother insists on staying with her sister, and frankly I want to join her. After losing Jaydn like that Aunt Nora has been particularly fragile, and I'm sick of sleeping in an empty bed. But I can't leave the pack until I know you can handle this burden on your own." Randolph motioned for his son to sit in the chair in front of his report-covered desk. Connor accepted the offer, and thought about how best to phrase this.

"I was betrayed by someone I thought I could trust with my life. I made a mistake and it'll never happen again. This person reported back to the Dirus pack what I had confided…" Before Connor could go on, his father cut him off with a wave of his hand.

"This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the young lady you've been running off to see every other day does it? Because if you tell me you told some stupid girl about top secret pack intelligence I will castrate you myself." Connor bowed his head in shame, resting his forearms on his thighs. He reply was barely a whisper.

"I thought she was more than just some stupid girl. I thought…" Connor lifted his head to look up at his father. "Well, I guess she still is my mate, at least halfway. The stench of battle covered the scent up a little, but I'm sure you've noticed that I smell different. I smell like her. And at eight o'clock this morning I was the happiest man on earth." Randolph nodded his understanding, and leaned back in his tall leather chair.

"So what happened? You mated this girl last night, and then somewhere over the next six hours she betrayed you?" Connor fished the cruel letter out of his back pocket and pushed it towards his father. Randolph quickly unfolded it. After taking a brief minute to read it, he placed it back onto his desk.

"Hmmm, I see. I take it she did not give you this letter herself?"

"No, a maid, an Elda Brighton, came on her behalf." Randolph was quiet for a moment, contemplating something.

"I think there is more to this than meets the eye. I cannot yet be sure if your Julia is guilty or not, but I assure you I plan to find out." The heavy weight that had been sitting around his heart all day constricted.

"She is not my Julia. Not anymore."

"Nonsense. You bonded with the girl. One of you will have to die before that's broken." Just then an impatient knocking came from the large double doors of Randolph's office. "Come in, but make it quick." Randolph commanded.

A young male gamma entered the room and hurried across it to stand in front of his alpha. He bowed sharply to both Randolph and Connor before making his report.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you sirs, but there has been a development. They've found her sir, your niece, Jadyn. She has been located at a Signatus training camp in the northwest corner of their territory. That's why it took us six months to find her. We didn't even know that compound existed."

Both Connor and Randolph jumped to their feet as they learned the whereabouts of the family member they thought to be dead. Adrenaline pumped through Connor, making him temporarily forget about his own woes. His father moved from behind his desk with determined purpose, speaking as he headed for the door.

"We'll finish this conversation later," he directed to his son. To the gamma he said, "Gather the pack. We're going to get her."

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magevmagevalmost 10 years ago
More, please?

This story is so good, won't you please continue it and bring it to a satisfying finish?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

please finish this story i really want to know what happens

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Please Please Please finish this I cant wait to find out what happens this is such a good story very well written...

katgoddesskatgoddessalmost 14 years ago
Another great start!

Will true love conquer all? Please write more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

loved this story one of my top ten

and was hoping youd write more soon.

keep it up. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

i hope to see more. i loved it!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

I love your stories and ya I know its been 7ish months but please please update it would be horrible if I didn't get to know what happens between julia and connor next :)

victoriabucklevictoriabuckleover 15 years ago

Can't wait to reed more.... Very well told and thought out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Loved it! Update again soon

omgomgomgomgomgomgover 15 years ago
More Please! Much More!

I love how this is unfolding. Please update soon!

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